Flex Mail 2007 vs standard windows mobile messaging system - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Can anyone compare the new Flex Mail 2007 to the standard Messaging system that Windows Mobile 5 uses for text messaging and emails?? Also does Flex Mail 2007 support MMS messaging??
here is a link to it...
I just wanted to here anyones experience that they have had with the program...

I've tested out flex mail and can say that it's pretty good. I think the only thing which really stood out to me was the ability to choose which account you wish to reply to an e-mail through.
Explained: You have your activesync account which you use to sync your outlook e-mails with your PPC. But when you are on the road and want to check your mail you have an additional mail account called "Work", which allows you to send and receive your e-mails while you are out and about.
Now in the morning you download all your e-mails on your computer and sync your PPC, and while on the train you realize that there is a really important e-mail you want to forward on to someone, or reply to. Unfortunately with WM5, you couldn't do this, you would have to copy and paste or do something else. With FlexMail you can get a txt and forward it to an e-mail address, use an e-mail you sync via outlook and forward it on when your on the road.
The interface is a bit better also. If i was you i would download it and give it a try, it doesn't change any of your settings and you can just uninstall it if you don't like it.
Rjp20 said:
Can anyone compare the new Flex Mail 2007 to the standard Messaging system that Windows Mobile 5 uses for text messaging and emails?? Also does Flex Mail 2007 support MMS messaging??
here is a link to it...
I just wanted to here anyones experience that they have had with the program...
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gaiden0000 said:
I've tested out flex mail and can say that it's pretty good. I think the only thing which really stood out to me was the ability to choose which account you wish to reply to an e-mail through.
Explained: You have your activesync account which you use to sync your outlook e-mails with your PPC. But when you are on the road and want to check your mail you have an additional mail account called "Work", which allows you to send and receive your e-mails while you are out and about.
Now in the morning you download all your e-mails on your computer and sync your PPC, and while on the train you realize that there is a really important e-mail you want to forward on to someone, or reply to. Unfortunately with WM5, you couldn't do this, you would have to copy and paste or do something else. With FlexMail you can get a txt and forward it to an e-mail address, use an e-mail you sync via outlook and forward it on when your on the road.
The interface is a bit better also. If i was you i would download it and give it a try, it doesn't change any of your settings and you can just uninstall it if you don't like it.
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Thanks! That is exactly what im looking for! please keep em coming!

when you use push mail, can you get flexmail to show emails in html format?


Sending attachments through web email

When I use pocket explorer to check and send email using my web-based email accounts such as yahoo or gmail, the button to attach files to the messages doesn't appear when I create email messages.
Is this a natural problem of pocket IE? Is there any way to attach files to messages using web-based email and pocket IE?
most likely this has to do with how much PIE supports scripts/java and other things. I'm not so informed of exactly what the problem is, but suffice it to say that it is not supported in PIE. You might want to try netfront.
sorry, you can use a webmail like gmail which supports pop3 and then you can simply load those settings onto the Magician and work from there, that's what I do and it's far more convenient. If you don't have a gmail account and want one, PM me your email address and I'll invite you.
aha, thanks for the info Xilicon! Thanks for the offer as well. I have a gmail account already, but I haven't set it up for pop3 yet. I'll do that soon as I can. Thanks again!

Best Realtime PUSH MAIL for WM3/WM5 available NOW -It Works!

Found this incredible realtime PUSH email solution for WM2003 and WM2005 devices. Works like vgsmail (IMAP IDLE Client being developed) but MUCH more stable, reliable, and faster (it's been around a while and they have big company partners)! It consists of a small syncing program that supports true push and links with the built in Messaging app, you just need to keep it minimized but running on your Pocket PC in the background (doesn't seem to slow down the device). Upon installation, the software also creates an account in the Messaging application where your mail is kept.
You just download the sync application, they give you 500mb of server space and a cool web mail interface (looks like Outlook) that also stores and syncs calender, contacts, and tasks. You can just use it for mail and continue using ActiveSync with Outlook for everything else, that's what I do. They also gives you a free utility to sync the email on your account with Outlook on your desktop so you stay up to date!
It's called office2go and it's from space2go:
I tried it on our WM5 WiFi device and it was rock solid! I signed up for a free 30 trial of office2go and downloaded the PUSH Email client. I just forward my ISP's POP3 mail to this account and within a few seconds, it shows up on my PPC in the Messaging app. It runs reliably, no crashes or lock ups yet. Outgoing mail is sent immediately, no need to hit SEND/RECEIVE anymore! Also deletes from server immediately and keeps sent mail in sync. The sync application has great downloading and scheduling options as well.
They deliver TRUE PUSH mail today, and for what you get, the easy setup, and reliability, I think it could be worth it.
Give it a try!
What is your daily GPRS traffic?
Full Body & Attachments
Many thanks for the info. How does it handle fully body of the emails and what about attachements? Thanks
handles full body, header, or user defined size. Handles attachments - no problem. Doesn't choke on large emails. Very reliable, I would give it a try. Free for 30 days. Works great!
More info on it here:
Re: Full Body & Attachments
college said:
Many thanks for the info. How does it handle fully body of the emails and what about attachements? Thanks
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Does look very good - but how much traffic is it using
I created an account but when I want to download the sync app it's asking me to pay. I thought it was 30 days free trial. When I registered for an account I chose the one with the included license.
I'm confused. Do I have to pay for the sync app or not?
Don't forget that the same service is offered by 4smartphone, hosted exchange so genuine WM5 push email plus it apparently has a WM2003 push component too (haven't tried that one out though). Decent free trial and some advanced options in there too if you opt for one of the premium packages
Ok so I thought I would give it a whirl. Signed up for the trial. The web service is nice. However, I downloaded the Sync software onto my computer and installed it. Tried to sync my contacts and it kept giving me login errors. I confirmed that I was entering in the correct username and passoword but still no go.
Also, why does it not sync mail? Does the program they offer not work as a mail redirector?
AlexL said:
I downloaded the Sync software onto my computer and installed it
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Where did you download the Sync app from? When I tried it asked me to pay €39. Isn't the app part of the free trial?
After you are logged in to your account, click on options and then downloads. The program I tried is the Space2go SyncWare. But like I said, it was never able to connect to their server and it doesn't give the option to sync mail.
Guys, trust me it works and it works well. Mail is pushed and everything else syncs wirelessly on a schedule. See this link on treocentral:
The above link has further set up instructions, manuals for the client and a download link for the Client2go. SyncWare links Outlook to their servers and SyncML is to sync wirelessly to other servers besides office2go. I don't have to pay for anything for 30 days.
4smartphone.net is an exchange hosting service and will only support push or DirectPush as MS calls it when the MSFP ROM update is released for WM5. Until then, this is the only game in town and it works well. Their mail servers also support IMAP and POP3 client access for your desktop.
Their web site is not great but their software works VERY well.
Let us know your feedback. good luck!
Could you please post the link to the desktop software I need to download or post the file here.
AlexL said:
Could you please post the link to the desktop software I need to download or post the file here.
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Manual for push/sync client:
Push/Sync client for PPC:
Application to sync Outlook with contacts, calender, tasks with your office2go account (mail is downloaded via IMAP from a desktop client)
IMAP and POP email access server info (in German)
Here you go! Please let me know how it works for you guys?
by the way, critical step, once the client is installed, you have to perform one manual sync for it to set up the account and link with the built in Messaging app.
check out the instructions listed on the treocentral link above!
Ok, so I did have the right files. I tried teh desktop software, and I get login errors when It tries to sync. I tried the pocket pc software and I got an access denied error.
Followed what they said at treocentral...Not sure if this is going to work.
Please read the treocentral link above:
user: [email protected] (you need the whole thing)
That's the problem.
I tried that and still doesn't work. Also after reading the postings at treo central, it seems that it doesn't redirect your e-mail. You need to attach either an IMAP or POP3 e-mail to the office2go account.
I need a way to redirect my corporate exchange e-mail so this isn't a solution for me.
AlexL said:
I tried that and still doesn't work. Also after reading the postings at treo central, it seems that it doesn't redirect your e-mail. You need to attach either an IMAP or POP3 e-mail to the office2go account.
I need a way to redirect my corporate exchange e-mail so this isn't a solution for me.
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its not a redirector, its a server that pushes mail. You need Intellisync or something like that.
anyone have success besides me?
OK, I have it working on my K-Jam. I have a question though. I have four different pop3 acounts I want to push to my k-jam. Do I have to set all of them to forward to my one single space2go account or can I keep them seperate? I don't really want all the e-mails mixed up.
Also, when replaying to an e-mail I want to 'from' to be my original account not the space2go account. I can't see where I can set this.

Mailbox Copy

I'm looking for a function that allows me to copy multiple mails from one mailbox to the other.
Specific: i like to copy my mails in my pocket-outlook inbox to the inbox of another account on my PPC device.
This would save me copy-pasting mails, as pocket-outlook dont allow me to send/receive when im out and have only wifi or gprs.
(i know the story on the exchange and imap mail servers, im using pop3, and this mailbox function would be a great help)
anyone know this function, or can build this function for Windows Mobile?
kind of solution
I came around a mail-program that claimed to support mail copy between p-outlook mailbox and another self-setup mail account on your pda
See http://www.pocketinformant.com/ under Forums, Public/Beta Builds
there you can find FlexMail beta-version.
This mail-program claimes to handle the mail copy.
unfortunately, its not working yet on the beta version as I write this reply
it supports the selection or te mail-account service when you reply, create or forward a mail.
This means you are able to send out a mail from your poutlook inbox via the mail-account you have setup. So no need to do a mail-copy to the other box.
For POP3 users that use activesync , this is a solution to handle pop3 email on you PPC when you are out. (as you cant send/receive the poutlook mail-account.
You only need to put yourself in bcc to get the send mails back to your PC-outlook.
good luck!

Outlook 2007 rules and sub folders

Hi all,
A quick question.
I just started syncing mail with my wm6 device.
Problem is i have rules forwarding mail to my pst. These mail messages do not get forwarded to my device, so i miss out on them until i come back to my pc with outlook.
I tried to move all the folders under inbox and it will sync mail but you dont get any notifications.
Is there an app that i dont know about? Has anyone doing anything differently or can you suggest something.
thanks in advance.
if all your mail arrives to both your desktop and your ppc you can mark an option to keep the mail on the server and delete them from the server only when they reach your PPC.. unless i missed your point..
I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but right at the moment I'm battling the issue of POutlook not being able to sync 'big' Outlook folders other than Inbox (so, no Sent Items, no custom folders, no Junk Mail ).
This is an inherent limitation (and a liability) of ActiveSync. You may have heard a few choice words on its subject... and believe me, they are all true. AS is just the barest bones, nothing but.
If you DO look for syncing Outlook folders other than just the Inbox, you'll have to shell out quite a few bucks. A moment ago I've finished testing Chapura's Pocket Mirror Professional, a piece of soft that acts a bit like an add-on (or possibly a gateway) to AS. Looks promising, works as advertised, and costs 50 USD. Sigh.
If you want to take a gander, HERE it is.
Best of luck.
To add a bit more info .. basically .. in outlook i have a personal folder (PST) and under that ill have employee1 .. employee2 etc ... so when i recieve a message from them the outlook rule moves it into the correct dub folder.
Now if a rule moves the message to the correct sub folder it doesnt send it as well to my HTC.
anything that doesnt have a rule .. ie just stays in my inbox .. will get forwarded on to my HTC.
So im looking for a way for it all to come to my HTC WM6 inbox.
test7875 said:
Hi all,
A quick question.
I just started syncing mail with my wm6 device.
Problem is i have rules forwarding mail to my pst. These mail messages do not get forwarded to my device, so i miss out on them until i come back to my pc with outlook.
I tried to move all the folders under inbox and it will sync mail but you dont get any notifications.
Is there an app that i dont know about? Has anyone doing anything differently or can you suggest something.
thanks in advance.
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I use an Exchange 2003 server at work and outlook 2007 on my laptop and WM6 on my PDA and they all sync just fine. If you use Exchange, here is what I did:
All rules created on my laptop (Outlook 2007) are server side. You have the option of making rules either client side or server if you did not know.
I use Emoze ( www.emoze.com ) to sync everything up since for some reason I can not get activesync to work properly (certificate problem).
Check it out, it is free and it works very well.
I have 18 sub-folders that sync perfectly!
you can get them to sync but no notification
to get the emails to the phone just go to outlook on the phone and go to tools then manage folders and there you can check which folder you would like to sync to the phone
but the phone will not notify you when you get a new msg in anything other then the indox folder
still cant figure that one out

I want to be alerted when subfolders receive mail.

My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
RedRamage said:
My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
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I would like the same.
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
tedet said:
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
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It is indeed an Outlook issue. It only sends alerts on mails in the inbox. On my exchange server, the emails are redirected on the server before Outlook ever sees that they touch the inbox and thus no alert.
The only solution is some sort of third-party app, that would be nice.
If you're using Groupwise as your mail server, what is the email client you run on your workplace computer? And your workplace computer OS?
If your accessing Groupwise mail through Outlook on your work computer, your rules can be setup as client side instead of server side rules. If Groupwise behaves like a MS Exchange then your client side rules would only process when you're logged into your Outlook client. So when you're not in front of your PC, you wouldn't move your mail from your Inbox. Thus making them invisible to Pocket Outlook.
Or you could setup some special notification or delayed move rules. Again assuming you're using Outlook. Ornic InboxRules can be used to create some complex rules if you go that route. I haven't personally used it, but I used the predecessor to it called CaTrap to parse the sender, subject, and parts of the body into a another email and forward that via SMS to my phone.
If you can manage to get stuff to your Pocket Outlook Inbox, there are a few good tools that will give you advanced notification options on your phone. See this thread for details. Hope this helps to get you started.
You can see on http://www.magica.ro/pda_pocket_checkmail.php an application which solves your problem; it works together with ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile in order to alert users about unread mails in Inbox and Subfolders.
You can test it by downloading the demo version.
We published version 2.0 of CheckMail application.
New features are:
- displays messages on "Today Screen";
- audio alert when new messages are received;
- audio reminder if the new messages where not read (the interval when these verifications are made is selectable by user);
- by taping on CheckMail application, user can open Messaging application (Outlook);
- user can select in CheckMail application not to check Inbox (only subfolders).
Visit http://www.software.magicashop.ro/pda_pocket_checkmail.asp to see details and demo application.

