WM6 Working ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Does WM6 work on Qtek 9100 ?
I would like to test it but i don't want to kill my ppc lol...

read the WIZARD UPGRADING forum, there you will read all about WM6 and WIZARD, and its working, for me its working like the OS should... few minor bugs, but nothing i complain about for now..

ok thanks, where i can found it ?

second one is for upgrade ?

sorry im french, my english is a litlle bad. lol
i would like to upgrade it

is there a real rom oh WM6 ?

thedarkreaper said:
is there a real rom oh WM6 ?
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You got the answer already!


QTEK 9000

Anyone here have the QTEK 9000?
Does it have the same bugs as the I-Mate Jasjar?
Does QTEK gives better support than I-Mate?
I have a Qtek 9000, im very satisfied, it runs much faster than my old Qtek 9090, it is very stable, i think i have only had to do a couple of softreset since i got it (2 weeks ago) i havent missed one call yet (my qtek 9090 i missed alotof calls) never used Qteks support thouh
Hi abp,
What color is the QTEK 9000?
I saw on different sites some pictures of it, but with 2 different colors. Gray-white and black like the EXEC. What color do you have?
Thanks for responding.
Mine is black with a metal plate on top....
Hi abp,
May I ask what are the programs installed on your QTEK 9000?
cktlcmd said:
Anyone here have the QTEK 9000?
Does it have the same bugs as the I-Mate Jasjar?
Does QTEK gives better support than I-Mate?
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Which bugs are you talking about ?
I think the Qtek 9000 comes pretty basic, its sounds like there are alot more software on those imate and tmobil branded devices...
Cyberon voice dail
Clearvou PDF
SPB GPRSMonitor (on cd)
besides that i have installed:
Tomtom 5
Flexwallet 2005
PHM Regedit
PocketZenphone 5.5 (not working correctly)
hrb said:
Which bugs are you talking about ?
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I read on this site about the SMS bug on the Jasjar.
English ROM Updates - where to get?
Does anyone knows (if any)?
cktlcmd said:
hrb said:
Which bugs are you talking about ?
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I read on this site about the SMS bug on the Jasjar.
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OK, you just READ about it but have not experienced it.
Tell you: I have a JJ and NO SMS BUG !
You should refrain from posting just hearsay
hrb said:
cktlcmd said:
hrb said:
Which bugs are you talking about ?
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I read on this site about the SMS bug on the Jasjar.
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OK, you just READ about it but have not experienced it.
Tell you: I have a JJ and NO SMS BUG !
You should refrain from posting just hearsay
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No need to be rude, I was just asking, but you can not dispute that others have the SMS bug in their Jasjar.
Check out this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=32957&highlight=sms+bugs

win mobile 6 on herald?

many roms of wm6 are around on known sites for specific models.is anything for our herald too?ive read that there is going to be an official update to wm6 of this model so there must be something around, even beta.
Mhhm, i couldnĀ“t find anything by now....
Lets wait a little, i think HTC is going to release something for us, soon
No one cooking any roms for the Herald tho?
doesn't look like it, i looked into porting one of the wizard roms but i didnt get very far! its definately possible to flash your own roms though. Also its worth remembering that HTC have promised us wm6 roms before June. I would much rather have that than a pre-release wm6 rom as the ones that are avaliable for the wizard, hermes etc.
As far as i know, everyone is content with AKU 3.2
meisterlampe2000 said:
As far as i know, everyone is content with AKU 3.2
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well i have used crossbow on my wizard and the only difference i see are pretty icons and html mail. i dont really care about either, and more importantly my herald is very stable, cant remember the last time i had to soft reset never mind hard reset. so thats why i can wait until htc do their thang!
I hear one handed uses on WM6 is way better and that windows update feature looks very promissing.
O2 may be releasing an HTC Herald as O2 XDA Terra, with WM6 on it.
HTC Herald (aka Tmo Wing)
I bought a T-Mobile Wing 2 days ago (obviously it has WM6 on it) Where-as it is stable - I am rather disappointed that they removed the native VoIP support - thus I am waiting for someone to cook a ROM and put it back in so I can do the Hybrid Cell/VoIP thing that I was Previously doing on my Wizard (MDA) - I still have my Wizard which I use strictly for VoIP at home.
WarezAppz said:
I bought a T-Mobile Wing 2 days ago (obviously it has WM6 on it) Where-as it is stable - I am rather disappointed that they removed the native VoIP support - thus I am waiting for someone to cook a ROM and put it back in so I can do the Hybrid Cell/VoIP thing that I was Previously doing on my Wizard (MDA) - I still have my Wizard which I use strictly for VoIP at home.
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No problem - try this:
For me it is working.
Just install and install the xml settings via cab you have created or use config tool.
papamopps said:
No problem - try this:
For me it is working.
Just install and install the xml settings via cab you have created or use config tool.
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Sorry I haven't responded sooner, was bored at work today and just noticed your response.
This worked. Thanks so much for your help!
WarezAppz said:
Sorry I haven't responded sooner, was bored at work today and just noticed your response.
This worked. Thanks so much for your help!
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Great to hear. Thanks

Some keyboard skins..

Found these...enjoy!
I believe they are english only....
yep and they dont work with Hermes.
Doesn't work on Artemis.
Sorry guys!
I only tried them on my wizard. I didn't make em and I can't remember where I got them either....oh well.
You did do a reset after installing them didn't you?
yup, these used to work on wm03 i had them on my magician
its work my HTC touch

Windows Mobile 6.0?

Hello all,
is it possible to upgrade to WM6?
apparently no WM6 ROM and i doubt there ever will be one. There isnt a WM5 for it anywayz so how could there be a WM6 ?!?!
I rather buy a proper WM6 HTC device than waiting for someone to get a wm6 rom for it.
Well... there was WM5 for the XDA.
Anyways, I'm happy with my phone, but I would like them big graphics from WM6 .
Well, if any body hears of anything, please give us a shout.
no there was never a real wm5 for wallaby
Alan Chan said:
apparently no WM6 ROM and i doubt there ever will be one. There isnt a WM5 for it anywayz so how could there be a WM6 ?!?!
I rather buy a proper WM6 HTC device than waiting for someone to get a wm6 rom for it.
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be aware my friend... ... look my signature... and still hope ... i think its come very soon
You are right there was never a WM5 for the Alpine. I had downloaded and installed WM5 on my Hymalya (at that time). My bad.
And of course, I trust that there are people out there working on a compatible WM6 version (right Indra?) and I would be happy to try it if it becomes a reality.
i dont want to have WM6.0,but lookforward to WM5.0 haha,
Well, did anyone managed to get WM5 working?
HTC P6300 is similar to Alpine and it has WM5. Anybody has the HTC P6300 software to try out. I've been lookin' but no luck so far...
Alright, forget the above question, I should be reading the other discussions...
"HTC P6300 is similar to Alpine and it has WM5"
well looking alot like it will not make them that similar
it all comes down to cpu and the whole hardware setup
indra9110 said:
be aware my friend... ... look my signature... and still hope ... i think its come very soon
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I just read the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=326077. It seems Helmi was able to create a WM6 for the Himalaya (QTEK 2020). It also seems to be quite stable, so let's hope that this guy will help us Alpine users too...
I for one would be eternally grateful!!!!
I have been waiting for it to be WM6.0 till i sold off and get atom
I wish someone would do WM5 for my Alpine

WM6 on magician on YouTube (looks fake)

Looks fishy, smells fishy...
It's problably a charmer...
*_* sorry for my poor english
Maybe That was a video????
and he just moves his finger????
He Cheating>>>
Hi twolf,
That's possible? WM6 in Magician?
Why do you think that's fake?
I believe its a charmer and not a magician, so I said it was fake only the part that he points out that it IS a magician...
Its my 1st post on xda, but, sadly I have bad news for the ones that thought that it was a magician running wm6.
I've manage to talk with gyurobenjamin (the guy on youtube), and after a while we told me that it is a charmer not a magician, the only thing that we did was updating his rom.
Sadly for the magician users, he thought that qtek s100 was the correct name for his tmobile compact II.
Well, we can only hope that someone, someday, is willing to cook a very slim rom for us.
as you see on video the device on it is working so slooow. no like as our magicians. also it has windows and OK buttons. magician had calendar and contacts icon on buttons.
its charmer.
No Magician this trick
****, WM6.1 on a Magician would be simply a winner!
what software is this using?
twolf said:
Looks fishy, smells fishy...
It's problably a charmer...
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hi there.i followed the link you posted here for the video and i browse some of them(vids) as well and found this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8MyysjqlTk. could you tell me what software is being used?thanks a million!
krame03 said:
hi there.i followed the link you posted here for the video and i browse some of them(vids) as well and found this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8MyysjqlTk. could you tell me what software is being used?thanks a million!
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The software used is PointUI (http://pointui.com/)
It is available for WM5/6 AND WM2003
Works great on my Magician.
Just download the Beta, Unzip, copy to device and run.
madsurfer1 said:
Well, we can only hope that someone, someday, is willing to cook a very slim rom for us.
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A slim ROM would be easy to cook. The fact there is a WM6.1 Pro for the HTC Tornado is proof 64MB of ROM is enough.
Unfortunately, it's not the cooking that's a problem, it's the bootloader. And then after that, the kernel is a problem.
I wonder if anything can be used from the Apache? It uses a similar type of bootloader to the Magician. Perhaps someone very skilled in ARM assembly could use parts of the Apache bootloader on the Magician and possibly modify the kernel (nk.exe).

