XDA Exec No Sign of Power - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

New to this forum so apolgies in advance if not following correct protocol.
Bought O2 Xda Exec on ebay and put a O2 SIM pay as you go card in (also bought on ebay).
Made the apparent mistake of going on My Xda ebsite and downloading ClearVue pdf reader from site. O2 asked for IEME no and mobile phoine no which io made the mistake of giving them. On download XDA stopped working complete no power to screen at all. I have tried soft boot and hard boot and the bootlegger boot I found on XDA Developers site. Guess I've made all the mistakes in one easy go! I have a disc with Window Mobile 5 but cannot find software to down load.
Anyone know how I get this thing working again. Also I'd like to get this XDA working well away from the restrictions that O2 obviously try to impose and would like to put a vodafone SIM (pay montly in) possible?
All help very much appreciated


XDA unlock works only partially

I have successfully unlocked my german XDA and can use the D2 SIM card instead the O2 card.
However, when turning off the phone part (eg. before boarding an airplane) I cannot turn it on again. I have to connect the XDA to power, then it works. Any ideas what that might be?
Phone problems
I don't know what that is, but it sure hasn't anything to do with unlocking.
I myself and a college of me had the same problem, and we both had a original locked dutch O2 XDA

Thanks from a new user.

Hi Guys I am a new user of XDA, I have been using Palm OS for about 5 years mainly with Sony Clie machines, but I wanted to get away from carrying a PDA and a Mobile Phone I run a small taxi business and use the Internet quite a lot for flight arrivals etc so I bit the bullet and bought a S/H XDA to try with the view of getting the XDA2 shortly. As the phone was locked to o2 my first job was to download and run the great rom from XDA Developers (thanks to Jeff). My next job was to setup the GPRS connection for Vodaphone UK this is where the fun really started as my phone supplier and Vodaphone had never heard of the XDA on Vodaphone so could not help with setting for GPRS, this is where I must thank BadKev posted 10 June for his settings list I had to change area code but everything else worked Many thanks BadKev. I still have some problems with software I always used a freeware prog for logging my fuel useage and mileage that I cannot find for XDA OS but I will get round this somehow, anyway keep up the good work and the great forum.
Just look for pocket pc freeware, I am sure there is something similar.

Everything looks like it should be right, but it isn't -GPRS

Hi all,
I've spent the last 3 weeks searching through everything so as not to waste anyones time with a simple question but to no avail.
I've been given an XDA II from a family member as they have upgraded to the Exec and I have been using it as a PDA only. Well I see that Orange have some good deals on the go and so decide to use it as a phone/Internet enabled PDA.
I've unlocked it (many times now) got 2003SE on it and have put the correct MMS and GPRS settings in (The ones from Shadamehr). I've checked with Orange and GPRS is enabled on my account with them (PAYG at the mo) but for some reason the same thing that was happening when I first got it pops up
"Cannot connect
There is no modem at the above number..."
So best my small mind can figure is that somehow the 'phone part' of the PDA isn't working. I've tried other sims in it and they don't work either (o2 and Three - but I think Three is funny anyways). Is there something wrong with the actual phone bit?
It's a legit XDA with the M1000 ROM upgrade from the orange site which has made it 2003SE
Does anyone have any knowledge about how I can get my PDA to be a phone? It was once before (but with O2)
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
No modem at above number
Thanks for the link, but believe me I've tried this. I retried it to be sure just now.
"No modem at above number" is what I get after the XDA II tries to connect.
I have no phone reception whatsoever, no internet and no SMS.
My XDA II just works as a PDA with no communication possiblities apart from USB cradle.
Again, thanks in advance for any and all help with this.
If there's no phone reception, and no GPRS, how do you expect to connect to one?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
Not to be mean or anything, but aren't your hopes of connecting a little farfetched if all the systems you're trying to use are down?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Your not being mean, believe me after a month of searching through here and SPV developers anything that wuld resolve this issue would be appreciated.
Why would the phone element of my XDA just stop working? I can only imagine some sort of Hardware fault but I'm a thorough bunny and would like to make sure of this. A diagnostic app or some way of reading the phone element like a device driver would be handy.
So in brief, why has my phone part of my XDA II stopped working and how do I switch it back on again (if this is at all possible)?
Thank you for your replies thusfar Cynagen, I shall start to ask these questions in the Himalaya forum also now since it seems model specific and not network related.
Any and all further assistance is much appreciated.

Phone element in XDA II - Not there?!?!

Hi all,
I've spent the last month searching through everything so as not to waste anyones time with a simple question but to no avail and so here I am.
I've been given an XDA II from a family member as they have upgraded to the Exec and I have been using it as a PDA only. Well I see that Orange have some good deals on the go and so decide to use it as a phone/Internet enabled PDA as well.
I've unlocked it (many times now) got 2003SE on it and have put the correct MMS and GPRS settings in (The ones from Shadamehr). I've checked with Orange and GPRS is enabled on my account with them (PAYG at the mo) but for some reason the same thing that was happening when I first got it pops up
"Cannot connect
There is no modem at the above number..."
So best my small mind can figure is that somehow the 'phone part' of the PDA isn't working. I've tried other sims in it and they don't work either (o2 and Three - but I think Three is funny anyways). Is there something wrong with the actual phone bit?
It's a legit XDA with the M1000 ROM upgrade from the orange site which has made it 2003SE
Does anyone have any knowledge about how I can get my PDA to be a phone? It was once before (but with O2)
I asked this question over in Networking but they seem to think it's something specific to the phone.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Help! My XDA Mini S is dying!!!!

For some reason after 3 years of valiant service my XDA is giving me problems. It was fine until I lost it, reported it stolen and had it barred and then someone handed it in. I contacted O2 who unbarred the phone but ever since then it's been intermittently not getting a phone signal.
I wanted to try re-flashing it with the original ROMs but it appears O2 have deleted them from their website and, using the Wiki here, none of the links work.
I really love this phone, if anyone has any clue why it may be doing this (tried 3 different SIMs) or if you have a copy of the O2 Mini S XDA WM5 AKU2 ROM, please get in touch!

