Please Help For Upgrading i-mate JASJAR - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi Guys .
I Want To Upgrade My Jasjar To Windows Mobile 6.0
My Device Info Is :
ROM Version : 1.3.82 WWE
ROM Date : 02/22/06
Radio Version : 1.09.00
Protocol Version : 42.42.P8
ExtROM : 1.30.171 WWE
Please Help Me How To Upgrade My Device (Please Step By Step)
So Thanks.

Search the forums for a copy of the ROM.
The last time I looked there were at least 3 separate builds available here
Pay attention to the good advice being given by the moderators here with regards to installiing this ROM
I'm not clear as to whether these Crossbow ROMS have been made available legally
Look here for instructions on how to do a ROM upgrade: On How To Upgrade with Bootloader method

Thanks Mr.AcapulcoRolf

Friends That Upgraded To WM 6.0 , Do You Have Problem With It ?



I have the following version installed in my i-Mate JasJar :
- ROM Version : 1.13.53 WWE
- ROM Date : 09/23/05
- Radio Version : 1.04.02
- Protocol Version : 42.37.P8
- ExtROM Version : 1.13.137 WWE
There is a NEWER ROM for Update ?, I have tried some of them, but I always get an ERROR message, please any advice, also if there is a ROM please the instructions how to do the Upgrade, thanks
Hello Mr. Double-poster.
No, there isn't a newer imate ROM for the JASJAR as yet. You have the newest.
Of course, when you have errors, it'd be nice if you tell us what the error said.

canot find the most update ROM for my TyTN

Sorry for the question that i guess that asked few times before...
But i jast canot find canot find the most update ROM for my TyTN
Whare can i find it ?
Shold i do the ROM update ?
is it recommended ?
My ROM detail is :
ROM Version :
ROM Date : 07/22/06
Radio version :
Protocol version 32.34.7010.01H
ExtROM version :
no new rom is out yet, check the faq for existing roms from other manufacturers although I'd advise you to stay with your tytn rom till a new official tytn one comes out.
Shipped rom upgrades:
Upgrading FAQs:
Iwill do that.
Thank you darky
Thank you pof

help updating rom?

i am new to this site and new to this mobile (o2 xda mini its htc made), i got this from my brother who rarely uses it.
the specs are
rom version: ENU
rom date: 9/29/05
rom version: 01.12.10
protol version:
extrom version:
i know that are postings regarding new rom and upgrades, but i dont understand all this tech stuff, it will be helpfull if someone just give me the link from where to download the latest rom in english. that works well
thanx and waiting for a reply
I just used Molski's excellent 30MB-free G3 ROM which I got from
ftp://xda:[email protected]_226102_22610105_022511_WWE-30MB.exe
i had read alot in this forum and had found this ROM
Xda® Mini S Upgrade
ROM version
Radio version 02.07.10
dated april 2006, its 50 mb filw in size. i am downloading it.
but before installation could any one tell me whether this is the latest and worh to download or something else(newer or better) is there which i can download and use.
I have a tmobile mda and i downloaded the new radio rom 2.47 and it tells me i cant use that udate utility. Help anyone. thanx
Just got off the phone with tmo and their going to email me the unlock code and instructions on how to do it for my mda( 24-72 hours) after i unlock I'll ask more questions . I been reading around and it seems your phone has to be unlocked for most of these roms to work. So I'll be back in a few days!!

HTC P3300 upgrade to WM6

Hi everybody
please help me ..
i want to upgrade my htc p3300 to WM6. i have searched the whole forum but couldnt find it.
ARTE 100
Rom : 1.12.415.1 WWE
Rom Date :9/12/06
Radio : 02.67.90
Protocol :
Ext Rom :1.12.415.103
Middle East region
Currently running Windows mobile 5 .
You didn't search fullstop. Follow the instructions here:
HTC official site
This site has a step by step guide to update to the official WM6 ROM
xplayerku said:
Hi everybody
please help me ..
i want to upgrade my htc p3300 to WM6. i have searched the whole forum but couldnt find it.
ARTE 100
Rom : 1.12.415.1 WWE
Rom Date :9/12/06
Radio : 02.67.90
Protocol :
Ext Rom :1.12.415.103
Middle East region
Currently running Windows mobile 5 .
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Hi, I have the same
ARTE 100
Rom : 1.12.415.1 WWE
Rom Date :9/12/06
Radio : 02.67.90
Protocol :
Ext Rom :1.12.415.103
Middle East region
Currently running Windows mobile 5 .
I tried with The below link , The USPL is not getting updated, and it is giving an error that the ROM image is corrupted
You didn't search fullstop. Follow the instructions here:
Any one can Help???

[Q] Android/Gingerbread for HTC HD2 ...........Please advise

Hi, (I AM NEW TO THIS) i have HTC HD2 UK version & wish to install latest android my devise info is:
Windows 6.5
OS version 5.2.21913 ( Build 219135.0.94 )
Manila version 2.5.20181527.0
ROM 3.14.405.2 - 04666 WWE - Date: 29/09/2010
Radio version
Protocol version
My device is on original software & rom,s , only updating official
Really? Not to offend you, but there are thousands of FAQs all of the internet, with youtube video's telling you what to do. And you decide to ask it...really dude, just follow the steps in this faq. Next time either use the Search tool, or use google.
As i said I AM NEW TO THIS, searching gave plenty of results that are confusing to me, if you are helping thanks a lot otherwise !!!!!!
Berzang Kapow! Only a few posts below this one...As for which version or rom. Well that's entirely up to you. My only advice...keep it basic and simple first time out
sro66 said:
Hi, (I AM NEW TO THIS) i have HTC HD2 UK version & wish to install latest android my devise info is:
Windows 6.5
OS version 5.2.21913 ( Build 219135.0.94 )
Manila version 2.5.20181527.0
ROM 3.14.405.2 - 04666 WWE - Date: 29/09/2010
Radio version
Protocol version
My device is on original software & rom,s , only updating official
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If you are still having problem after going through all tutorials then feel free to PM me.
