Rotate screen button - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

The Universal had a tiny "PDA" icon on the Today screen toolbar at the bottom of the screen, which rotated the screen in three ways (portrait, landscape left handed, landscape right handed).
Now, while using the WM6 ROM that neat button disappeared.
I'm using the Qtek 9000 in a horizontal, landscape car holder, which holds the Qtek in landscape mode, with the keyboard folded away.
Using an assigned hardware button to rotate the screen only rotates to right handed landscape, which results in having my screen displayed upsidedown in the holder. So what I need is the left handed landscape rotation.
Ofcourse, I can always go to "Start - Settings - System - Screen" manually, but is there a way to have that icon back, or some other "only a few actions to rotate" solution?

A questionable solution was recently posted I think in the Hermes section.
However, for a neater solution, I suggest using PHM Tray tools [makes tray icon] with PHM KeyTools [will provide you with a shortcut to rotation]
Easy solution from a great coder, PHM.


Registry Key for "AutoRotate" setting?

Can someone please help me tweak the setting which makes the screen rotate from landscape to portrait when the screen gets slid back over the keyboard.
I have a hardware button mapped to rotate the screen. I often use the unit in landscape and when doing so I occasionally want access to the keyboard. So I slide the screen up, type whatever I want to type, then slide it back. It's very annoying that doing so forces the screen back to portrait.
The behaviour I want is this:
[When in portrait] sliding open causes rotation to landscape.
[When in landscape] sliding open changes nothing.
[When in landscape] sliding closed changes nothing (currently it causes rotation to portrait).
1 & 2 are the default behaviours. Is it possible to keep them and add 3?
I think I have stumbled accross a solution to your problem.
I use VJOkButt from mapped to the top right hardware button. This closes rather than minimses the currnet app when pressed. Anyway to achieve your option 3 all I do is Press the camera hardware button, this switches you to Landscape. If you click on the X to close the camera app the screen returns to portrait but if you press the hardware button mapped to VJOkButt the camera closes but the screen remains in landscape. Best of all opening or closing the keyboard does not change screen orientation. You can still manually change orientation back to Portrait from Settings>Screen. Soft reset will return to original functionality e.g. slide the keyboard to change orientation.
Hope this works for you.
>cough< >cough<
Guys, anyone using VJOkButt should upgrade to this version, v0.73:
I introduced a memory leak in 0.72 and tracked it down this lunch time. I haven't cabbed this up yet, because I'm still testing, but it should be more reliable (long term) then 0.72 which is available on my site at the moment.
Also one bug - I've made the window closing slightly too severe, so occassionally it will close a small dialog AND it's parent. This is only in isolated circumstances, but I'll fix this ASAP.
Sorry mate I'm having a typo day today it is.
Thanks for your hard work.
I appreciate the effort you you put in to improving life for the PDAphone community. Programming is a dark art to me but I would love to learn. I used to break out in a sweat just with simple dos scripts.

Landscape View without opening keyboard

Is there any way to switch my Wizard to landscape mode withouth having to open the keyboard?
Thespus2002 said:
Is there any way to switch my Wizard to landscape mode withouth having to open the keyboard?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You could re-map one of your buttons.
To do this try Start - Settings - Personal - Buttons
Choose which button you don't mind changing then from the drop down list at the bottom select rotate screen (7th from the top)
Hope this helps
Lefthanded mode
Could some one please advice me how i can map the ;Lefthanded mode; screen to the hardware buttons cause by default it goes on the right handed mode.
Lefthanded mode
Could some one please advice me how i can map the ;Lefthanded mode; screen to the hardware buttons cause by default it goes on the right handed mode.
The default orientation-change can be set in...
Start > Settings > |System| > Screen*
(o) Landscape (left-handed)
Then if you open/close the keyboard or use a button mapped to the <rotate screen> option (not an external application*), it should switch between the orientation set there and Portrait mode.
* for external applications, just be sure you downloaded the right one. Some turn by 90 degrees, others by 270 degrees.
External application
Thanks ZeBoxx
I have Vito Button mapper and when i press the hard key assigned to screen rotate,it goes to the right haqnded mode.Any suggestions??
I guess it might be using its own built-in rotation utility, which rotates it the wrong way around? Download one of the screen rotation utilities, I think you need the 270-degrees one
Is there a way to get the screen to rotate without assigning it to a button... ideally I'd like something in the start menu that rotates the screen - if anyone has any ideas if such a program/function exists!
Re: External application
arvind09 said:
Thanks ZeBoxx
I have Vito Button mapper and when i press the hard key assigned to screen rotate,it goes to the right haqnded mode.Any suggestions??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this:
"LandScapeMode"=dword:00000004 or 1
Now press that button
"LandScapeMode"=dword:00000004 = Left Handed
"LandScapeMode"=dword:00000001 = Right Handed
thanks Tweaksradje that fixed my problem now it turns o the left handed mode without a hitch. Also thanks to Zeboxx
Re: External application
tweakradje said:
Try this:
"LandScapeMode"=dword:00000004 = Left Handed
"LandScapeMode"=dword:00000001 = Right Handed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Funny how that's exactly what Start > Settings > |System| > Screen, etc. changes.
tweakradje said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What exactly does that one do, though?
The few references found have no clear description, and one page even says it supposedly doesn't work in WM5 -_-
Ah, it seems to remove the left-handed/right-handed option in Start > Settings > |System| > Screen, and replaces it with just Portrait and Landscape.
/me sets it back to 0 real quicklike
so will the reg hack [HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation] always keep the screen rotated without using a button?
no.. applications can still change the screen orientation to Landscape/Portrait and back. In addition, the Wizard specifically has a keyboard driver which always puts the orientation into left-handed landscape when slid out, and back to portrait hen slid back in. So you won't be able to always keep it in a single orientation with this hack. A TSR program monitoring the orientation would have to be written which changes it back - or intercepts and nulls all orientation calls.
Landscape mode
Quick question
I have occasionally noticed that when i have picked up my wizard and about to start using it , that the screen is in landscape mode when it should be in portrait mode. (with the default being portrait and the keyboard not slid out)
The wizard then very quickly reverts to portrait mode without me doing anything.
Is this a bug in the software??
Is there anything i can do to fix it so it does not happen again??
Landscape mode
Quick question
I have occasionally noticed that when i have picked up my wizard and about to start using it , that the screen is in landscape mode when it should be in portrait mode. (with the default being portrait and the keyboard not slid out)
The wizard then very quickly reverts to portrait mode without me doing anything.
Is this a bug in the software??
Is there anything i can do to fix it so it does not happen again??
smccaldin said:
Is there a way to get the screen to rotate without assigning it to a button... ideally I'd like something in the start menu that rotates the screen - if anyone has any ideas if such a program/function exists!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I would also be interested in that. Haven't found which applet does that in order to make a shortcut.
Are you using the standard case with your wizzard? I read somewhere that the magnets which keep the case closed affect the method of detecting if the keyboard is open. I know that when I was using VJokbutton if I closed the camera app using this program the screen remained in landscape mode irrespective of keyboard in/out status. Default behaviour returns after a soft reset.
Hope this helps.

Shortcut or plugin for widescreen?

Does anyone know of a today plug-in or some way of making a shortcut to easily access the widescreen feature on the Prophet, as this would be a major convience when surfing webpages?
Do you mean landscape mode (when the screen is horizontal)?
I map screen rotation to the OK hardware button (lower right corner) from settings->buttons.
This way I don't have to leave IE to change orientation and no need for extra software. There is an action button in the middle so who needs extra 'OK' any way?
I posted a CAB File from the Orange Extended ROM that places an icon on the Today Screen for screen rotation. Just tap it and it rotates the screen from portrait to landscape.
It was supplied by Orange but it has worked for others, try it and see.
Those are both good idea's thanks guys i appricate that !

Rotate screen with gestures? Is it possible?

Is there a way (program or tool) to rotate the device screen with gestures?
I think any application that would do this would have a hard time telling between normal stylus use and a guesture.
But, its even easier to assign screen rotation to a button.
it is possible. you could install FTouch and assign the rotate.exe (somewhere in the /windows folder i think) to something like left -> right.
wktask has a gesture feature that can be mapped to screen rotate by moving left/down from the top right corner.
how complex a gesture??
You can certainly move one of your basic swipes in Touch Flo - but I have always thought that the way it is set up in HTCAlbum was quite cute. The idea that you draw a "c" on the screen and it rotates the album in that direction (or a backwards c rotating it the other way).
There was some work on more complex gesture regognition a few months back which might be able to be used to identify "rotate if I draw a C" type behaviour:
The idea that you draw a "c" on the screen and it rotates the album in that direction (or a backwards c rotating it the other way).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I think this will be the best way to rotate the screen. Gestures like left-right, right-left will be useless, because there is many other programs, with them. For example SPB Mobile shell, S2V, etc.
It might be just one gesture symbol that rotates the screen with 90 degrees more every time when it is drawed. Then will be possibility to use more complex symbols like 8 or Z.
try mortbuttons....i think for your purposes you will need to now the path of the rotate app, make a lnk file and ensure that the shortcut works and using VJbrisk you will be have an upward swipe gesture and be able to rotate the rotate back again im not too sure about..
Hope this helps
Wisbar Advanced Desktop will allow you to do that. The final was just released yesterday. You can map that as a script to an up, down, left, and right finger swipe.

Reverse landscape mode - shortcut button

I would like to assign the long press on "Call button" to the Rotate screen option but I would like the landscape to be reverse (to the right) as I am right-handed and I would like the earphones plug to be the opposite way.
1) I created a shortcut with SKtools for a rotation of 270°.
--> the problem is that I needed another shortcut to put it back to portrait mode.
2) I then tried to use the SPB PocketPlus button mapping to "Rotate screen" which works really good as the same shortcut can toggle between portrait and landscape but only rotate screen to default landscape.
I look for a registry edit (maybe in HKLM/system/GDI/Rotation...) or other trick to change the default landscape to reverse landscape so that I can keep the Pocket+ button mapping
I know that AEBPlus is able to do that but I would like to save some RAM and also some money (AEBPlus is shareware)
Thank you for your help.
Try to use "Gyrator 2"... Work perfect on Touch HD. I supose that is fix your problem with screen orientation.
EDIT : rotate manually
Thank you for your advice.
I tried Gyrator2 (which is a really good software). I also tried MagicMobile and ChangeScreen applications but none of them enable me to rotate manually by pressing/holding a button (the call button for example).
My problem with the automatic rotation apps is when I want to answer a phone call (with the phone in my pocket) with the slide to answer of TF3D, the screen rotation mess up with my action...
It makes it difficult for me to answer as the slide area changes place...
The only reason I want to rotate my screen is in the "Programs Explorer" before launching iGO for it to be in landscape mode...
I liked that Tomtom could handle the rotation once the program is on.
It seems that with iGO, we have to rotate before launching the software or it will stay in portrait mode.
AEB+ will do this in its "free" non-registered mode.
I have it on the OK/back button with rotate 90 and then toggle back. It has a full range of rotate angles.
Try it - it is shareware but works almost 100% in "free" mode.
You are right. AEB+ solves my problem (and is a great aplication even the "free" part)
Thank you Cheesy Dave !

