Screen backlight turns off while typing - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Not sure if anyone has experienced the same problem. Sometimes whilst typing away on my V1605's (HTC640) keyboard the screen's backlight would suddenly turn off but will come back on when I press any key. The time between a key been pressed and the backlight going off is very short, less than a couple of second so can't be power saving mode kicking in.
So far I have only experienced this a few times but it's annoying and does make me think whether there is a problem with my unit. Will Vodafone UK inspect or even replace my unit bacause of this. Because if happens so rarely I can't even walk into a shop to show them the problem.

Yeh I have the same thing on my M3100. Probably some kind of hardware/software delay, given how slow my M3100 can be at times.

I also had this strange behaviour, in order to solve that I simply disabled the keyboard sensor. Now I have the backlight of the keyboard all the time which is far from being an issue for me.

I disabled the keyboard sensor from day one so that the backlight is on all the time. I'll try enabling it to see if it fixes the problem.


SPV M3100 phantom backlight?!

ok well during the day and everything its fine but now as I type this message and when I'm generally in landscape mode using the keyboard my hermes backlight has a life of its own it turns on and off randomly...
no its not power saving, I'm sim unlocked but I now run the 1.09 bootloader and latest HTC rom and I'm getting to wits end. sometimes it can be fine other times not.
some may think what is he on about but it is happening to me and I don't even think its a hardware fault either or at least I hope not as most of the time my backligt behaves! anhone got any bright ideas as to what could be causing the flicking?
I have had a problem where the keyboard, when slid out, does not light up. Is this what you mean?
If so, I went into the control panel, switched it off in the settings and then closed it all down. I then went back and enabled it, and did a soft reset when it had all calmed down. No problems since
I get a similar problem, when I have read a message and switch to landscape mode and start typing, the backlight turns off and as i continue to type it will switch itself back on.
its a pain in the arse and is one of the bugs im hoping to get rid of on a rom update.
The keyboard has a light sensor. It will only light up in dark conditions. Maybe yours is playing up, or the light conditions that your using your phone in may be the cause.
I turn my sensor off so the backlight is always on, Settings---->Buttons----->Backlight
Its the screen backlight that goes off, not the keyboard lights.

Capacitive Home Button held down by unseen hands.

I've had a look around the internet and it seems the problem I'm encountering isn't an isolated one.
Inconsistently, when I tap the Home Key on my phone it acts as if it's being held down, the LED home button backlight dims and the recent apps screen comes up. After 5 seconds or so the LED comes back on and it's all ok again. This can happen repeatedly (I had it happen 3/4 times from Gmail then the final time it functioned as it was supposed to.) but it's largely intermittent.
I've seen various solutions online from a factory reset to tightening some screws on the back of the phone to demanding a replacement handset. This is my second NS already and I'd rather not go for a third if possible.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
This happens to me as well, regardless of the ROM I'm on. Locking and unlocking the screen fixes it but it's more of a minor annoyance to me.
Since posting, it hasn't happened at all.
GPS has stopped working though.

Screen blank on power on

I've had a problem with my E900 since I got it with regards to the screen. I was hoping Mango might fix it but it doesn't seem to have.
Sometimes if I press the power button the screen backlight comes on (i.e. screen goes from off state to powered) but there is nothing on the screen. No amount of button pressing will cause the screen to show anything.
If this happens I have to turn the device off again (backlight then goes off) and try again. Sometimes it can take 2-3 times before it turns on successfully with the lock screen.
I also have this if an incoming call attempts to wake the phone and also alarms too.
Does anyone else have this issue?
I confirm this one popping sometimes. Not that often that it becomes annoying, but nevertheless.
Did you find a solution to this problem? I am experiencing it too and it is very annoying!
I've recently inherited one as well (E900 that is).
The one I have has been dropped, the backlight powers, but no drawing on the screen.
I've disassembled and re plugged everything (bugger stripping down!) but still no luck. I've done a VolUp+Down+Cam+power hard reset, and when I plug into PC Zune says setup needs completing (so it has reformatted) but still no luck.
I cant see anything fried, and no damaged ribbons as far as I can see, any ideas?
I sold the phone a while ago, and never solved the problem. I think it's a firmware issue.
PaulMdx said:
I've had a problem with my E900 since I got it with regards to the screen. I was hoping Mango might fix it but it doesn't seem to have.
Sometimes if I press the power button the screen backlight comes on (i.e. screen goes from off state to powered) but there is nothing on the screen. No amount of button pressing will cause the screen to show anything.
If this happens I have to turn the device off again (backlight then goes off) and try again. Sometimes it can take 2-3 times before it turns on successfully with the lock screen.
I also have this if an incoming call attempts to wake the phone and also alarms too.
Does anyone else have this issue?
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What do you mean "somethimes if I press power button"?
Is it pressed with purpose to lock the phone, press it to turn off phone (background slider shows to power off - on Mango and beyond version) or press it accidentally?
So, I did a phone reset. Unfortunately the issue is still present!
Sometimes when I press the power button to unlock the phone the screen is lit, but stays blank i.e. no lockscreen wallpaper, no nothing. The same happens sometimes when I get a phone call - the phone rings and vibrates, the screen is lit but stays blank.
When this happens I have to press the power button to put the phone into sleep mode and press it again to wake it up.
What I found is, when the issue occurs the screen is actually responsive. For example I can slid up and unlock the phone then I hear the unlock "pop" sound. It's just that nothing is drawn on it!
I was wondering if anyone else experienced the same behavior and found a resolution. Also I am not sure if this is a software or a hardware problem. If I could confirm it was a hardware problem I would call LG and have the phone repaired or replaced.
i have exactly the same issue as you, it gets really annoying.
i heard from someone online that the only way to resolve it is to replace the motherboard
billybrown said:
i have exactly the same issue as you, it gets really annoying.
i heard from someone online that the only way to resolve it is to replace the motherboard
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I am pretty certain this is a hardware issue. I am calling LG tomorrow and hopefully they'll take the phone for repair/replacement.
I sent my phone for repair. Today I got it back, and guess what?!
The issue is still present! It seems, they "couldn't reproduce" or something.
What should I do now?
EDIT: If anyone is interested, here is a video I just captured which clearly demonstrates the problem.
I'm sending the phone back for repair tomorrow with this video attached.
Hey, might not be an issue at all, but in the video, I saw that the two times you were able to get it to go blank you had your finger on or near the proximity sensor. I wonder if there is something that could be the trigger.
Just wondering if you can duplicated it or cause it only when you have the proximity sensor blocked, or if it truely is random.
You are right, it might has something to do with the proximity/light sensor.
On the other hand, this issue occurs even on incoming calls when the phone is placed on a table, screen up and nothing around the sensor.
Today, I visited my local carrier shop and left the phone for repair again. They told me, since this is a second claim they'll run it through the process faster, so I expect to get it back next week.
Will post an update.
UPDATE: My phone was replaced. Yesterday I got a brand new unit, yeah! It was stock wp 7.0. I plugged in my sim and used the phone the whole day, no sign of blank screen issues. Last nigh I installed all the updates (total 5 I think) up to OS 7.10.8107.79, FW Guess what?! Same issue!
I am crushed

Cannot unlocked ZUK Z1 after ending call with screen off

Hello all,
I've been using ZUK Z1 for just about a week now and everything was fine until a couple of days ago when I could not unlock the phone after a call - the power button and the home button turned the screen on for a split of a second and then the screen went off again without reacting to any taps. I had to restart the phone by pressing the power button + the volume down button. I tried to reproduce the issue, but did not succeed.
Yesterday, I had the same issue twice and then I finally got it how to reproduce the problem The main condition seems to be ending the call when the screen is off. That can be achieved by holding the phone close to your ear when the call it ended by the other party or ending the call by pressing the power button (you need to turn on that setting beforehand) again while holding the phone close to your ear.
Another guy on another forum wrote that had experienced the same issue once and yet another guy mentioned that there was such an issue with Cyanogen on OnePlusOne, but it was fixed in one of the updates.
I'm currently on 12.1-YOG4PAS3OH and I'm not sure whether it is a Cyanogen issue alone or an issue caused by interaction of Cyanogen and some of the applications installed. I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter, otherwise there would be a lot of people who ran into the issue.
This weekend, if time permits, I'm going to try uninstalling the applications one by one to find out whether any of them contribute the issue, but maybe some of you have already done some investigation or know how fix the issue. I would appreciate your input.
Hi there, i am facing the same issue since two days now
First i am unable to come up with the physical home button issue and now there is this new issue. The phone does not respond after a call and the screen remains off and does not respond to any touch (double tap) or even the power button and home button pressed. I had to take the mobile into the recovery mode via home buttons power button and volume rockers. Is there any possibility of this getting fixed. I think i made a huge mistake purchasing this phone.. Slowly getting into problems one by one.. First the physical home button issue then this screen off issue. Checking for updates daily but seems like ZUK officials and Cyanogen are sleeping! Highly disappointed!!!!
In the meantime, I uninstalled most of the applications and the issue was still there Then I tried to play with different settings and it seems I have nailed it. After disabling turning on the screen by double tap (I'm not sure how the setting reads in English, I'm using the Russian interface), I cannot longer reproduce the issue.
Sydarij, could you, please, check whether the setting is on in your case and, if it is, turn it off and try to reproduce the issue with the screen?
ingtrans said:
In the meantime, I uninstalled most of the applications and the issue was still there Then I tried to play with different settings and it seems I have nailed it. After disabling turning on the screen by double tap (I'm not sure how the setting reads in English, I'm using the Russian interface), I cannot longer reproduce the issue.
Sydarij, could you, please, check whether the setting is on in your case and, if it is, turn it off and try to reproduce the issue with the screen?
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Do you mean after turning off the tap to wake option on your ZUK, you are no longer facing such issue?
Sydarij said:
Do you mean after turning off the tap to wake option on your ZUK, you are no longer facing such issue?
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Yes, that's what it seems. With the option turned on I could reproduce the issue (just 1 or 2 tries were needed), while with the option turned off I could not reproduce the issue at all.
ingtrans said:
Yes, that's what it seems. With the option turned on I could reproduce the issue (just 1 or 2 tries were needed), while with the option turned off I could not reproduce the issue at all.
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After turning off this feature, the device unlocks by itself without me waking it up. Turning the feature off doesn't seem to help buddy!
Sydarij said:
After turning off this feature, the device unlocks by itself without me waking it up. Turning the feature off doesn't seem to help buddy!
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This seems to be a different problem. How the option for preventing accidental wake-up is set? (It's just below the double tap option. )
In any case, one owner on another forum complained about the accidental wake-up issue despite the setting was on, but he meddled with the firmware before that...
ingtrans said:
This seems to be a different problem. How the option for preventing accidental wake-up is set? (It's just below the double tap option. )
In any case, one owner on another forum complained about the accidental wake-up issue despite the setting was on, but he meddled with the firmware before that...
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Yes, the accidental wake up is set yet the issue cannot be resolved. Any other way you can resolve this and prevent the issue from reproducing? In my opinion, ZUK and Cyanogen officials are asleep after launching their new flagship. Dont see any updates coming from them since last 2 months. highly disappointed with this!
Sydarij said:
Any other way you can resolve this and prevent the issue from reproducing?
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No idea. The solution I found seems to work well for me, at least I have not had any issues since I applied it.
Please turn on adaptive brightness. Issue will be resolved
ingtrans said:
Hello all,
I've been using ZUK Z1 for just about a week now and everything was fine until a couple of days ago when I could not unlock the phone after a call - the power button and the home button turned the screen on for a split of a second and then the screen went off again without reacting to any taps. I had to restart the phone by pressing the power button + the volume down button. I tried to reproduce the issue, but did not succeed.
Yesterday, I had the same issue twice and then I finally got it how to reproduce the problem The main condition seems to be ending the call when the screen is off. That can be achieved by holding the phone close to your ear when the call it ended by the other party or ending the call by pressing the power button (you need to turn on that setting beforehand) again while holding the phone close to your ear.
Another guy on another forum wrote that had experienced the same issue once and yet another guy mentioned that there was such an issue with Cyanogen on OnePlusOne, but it was fixed in one of the updates.
I'm currently on 12.1-YOG4PAS3OH and I'm not sure whether it is a Cyanogen issue alone or an issue caused by interaction of Cyanogen and some of the applications installed. I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter, otherwise there would be a lot of people who ran into the issue.
This weekend, if time permits, I'm going to try uninstalling the applications one by one to find out whether any of them contribute the issue, but maybe some of you have already done some investigation or know how fix the issue. I would appreciate your input.
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Hi! I'm facing the same issue for the last 3 days. I felt everytime there is any moisture of sweat on the ear piece the phone hangs and doesn't get unlocked.
Will try shutting the double tap options. Hope it works! This is the first time I've brought anything in the launch sale without reading reviews. Hope I don't regret this.
sir when call come rintone accor but calling display doesn,t show
when i press phone icon in menu then it shows
phone is lenovo zuk z1
screen freezes during/after call !!
did you solve this problem?
i too have posted the same problem here ..
any sugesstions?
i am facing a black screen while calling and receiving calls on my zuk z1 .. any solution? and where do i find the proximity setting in my settings?

Hard Press Home issue

i have tome hassle with the hard press home thing.
Sometimes its working ok sometimes it does weird things.
for instance ... if i press the button hard it some times vibrates , when i let go it vibrates again and its unlocked... thats when i think its working correctly.
but sometimes it just vibrates two times although i didnt let go ...
sometimes on homescreen i swipe the homebutton slightly to clean it a bit... not hard pressing and its vibrating. sometimes one single time sometimes two times in a row .
anyone with the same issue ?
no one ?
Check what sensitivity you have the button set at. It could be too high or low.
I have mine set in the middle and never have an issue.
i tried severeal sensitivity settings ... sometimes it gets better and sometimes worse... but for me its not satisfying
i think i have to weit for an update or so ...
I had the exact same issue with my S8. Sometimes it just works, sometimes it doesn't detect it, sometimes it registers several hard presses even though I've barely touched it (sensitivity reduced as far as it goes).
This has been driving me crazy for the past week. The hard press function was unusable because of this.
At first I thought it's a software issue (something to do with calibration maybe?). I got an update which didn't fix it. I tried resetting it which didn't work either so I sent it back to Samsung yesterday. Waiting to see what they have to say about it.
The lack of complaints about this so far made me think it's just a weird issue with my unit.
I'm having exactly the same problem and it's driving me nuts for not knowing if it's a hardware or a software problem.
I've googled around and this is the only thread so far. Seems like there are very few people with this issue.
Let me know how the repair request went.
i sent it back also
new one is coming tomorrow ... lets see... will report
I have that issue too. Dont know what to do.
B-Man2005 said:
i sent it back also
new one is coming tomorrow ... lets see... will report
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Oh wow, that's really fast. I still haven't heard anything from them. Did they give any information about what's wrong (hardware/software)?
no ... i didnt sent it back to samsung.
i bought it from and ordered a replacement.
thats faster
it will arrive today then i can sent back my first one...
same here, having issues with the home press function .
I also send it back to the shop where I bought it
I´ve send mine back to the webshop also. My mate got his s8 2 days ago and his hard press was perfect and responded smoothly all the time. So i guess it must be a hardware problem.
Will share more info when i get feedback from the repair.
Same problem here, sometimes it works, sometimes (when the device is in standby) it works only after several tries and pressure in different spots.
Can someone who has got a new device or sent it to repair report if it is better now?
Hardware issue... my replacment Works fine now
Same problem
I have this issue also. Mostly it works, but sometimes it doesn't work and the phone hesitates to come back to life. If I press the power button after hard pressing the home button or just wait 5-10 seconds, the screen will come on. Oddly, when it doesn't work (and occasionally when it does), the small vibration thing happens. I have this turned off, but sometimes when hard pressing the home button, I get the vibration, but the screen won't come on. Other times, I get the vibration and the screen will come on. Mostly I don't get the vibration and the screen comes on. Annoying.
wmupchurch said:
I have this issue also. Mostly it works, but sometimes it doesn't work and the phone hesitates to come back to life. If I press the power button after hard pressing the home button or just wait 5-10 seconds, the screen will come on. Oddly, when it doesn't work (and occasionally when it does), the small vibration thing happens. I have this turned off, but sometimes when hard pressing the home button, I get the vibration, but the screen won't come on. Other times, I get the vibration and the screen will come on. Mostly I don't get the vibration and the screen comes on. Annoying.
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As i said ... it seems to be a Hardware issue. Get a replacement
Mine does this often, i personally could care less for the home button function so I set the sensitivity to max and yet at times if I barely touch the home button area it acts like I have hard pressed the button.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I have the same problem maybe even worse. To me it looks like it is accumulating presses, the more times I press the button the more times it vibrates. So at the end I sometimes get 4 or more vibrations for just one press. Sometimes after I lock the screen it vibrates by itself and turns on the screen.
Looks like I'll get mine replaced ASAP.
Got the same issue once in a while.. also have a faint red glow on the screen. Considering getting it replaced but dont want to wait for a replacement.

