SPV M3100 phantom backlight?! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

ok well during the day and everything its fine but now as I type this message and when I'm generally in landscape mode using the keyboard my hermes backlight has a life of its own it turns on and off randomly...
no its not power saving, I'm sim unlocked but I now run the 1.09 bootloader and latest HTC rom and I'm getting to wits end. sometimes it can be fine other times not.
some may think what is he on about but it is happening to me and I don't even think its a hardware fault either or at least I hope not as most of the time my backligt behaves! anhone got any bright ideas as to what could be causing the flicking?

I have had a problem where the keyboard, when slid out, does not light up. Is this what you mean?
If so, I went into the control panel, switched it off in the settings and then closed it all down. I then went back and enabled it, and did a soft reset when it had all calmed down. No problems since

I get a similar problem, when I have read a message and switch to landscape mode and start typing, the backlight turns off and as i continue to type it will switch itself back on.
its a pain in the arse and is one of the bugs im hoping to get rid of on a rom update.

The keyboard has a light sensor. It will only light up in dark conditions. Maybe yours is playing up, or the light conditions that your using your phone in may be the cause.
I turn my sensor off so the backlight is always on, Settings---->Buttons----->Backlight

Its the screen backlight that goes off, not the keyboard lights.


Backlight resetting to minimum when device switched on

For some reason my device has suddenly started switching to the minimum backlight setting whenever it's switched on. If I go to the backlight settings and then adjust the slider it will stay at the selected brightness until it switches off. When it switches back on again it's at minimum brightness and I can hardly see the screen!
This started happening after I installed and then removed PocketZenPhone.
I don't really want to hard-reset the device unless I absolutely have to - does anyone know what registry key sets the default switch-on brightness?
I dont have the solution but I have had the same problem intermittently. Can be really aggravating in the dark because it can be hard to get to the proper screen to increase the backlight. Hasnt happened in a while. Have not been able to figure out what triggers it. Have not installed PocketZenPHone. Curious if anyone has an explanation.
yah, i've noticed this to, sometimes i'll hit the power button to take it off standby and the backlight would be off. first couple of times it scared the hell out of me cuz i thought the screen had broke or burnt out.
also i noticed the version of spb pocket plus i'm using (3.04 build 4195) doesnt adjust the backlight brightness.
Now that you mention it. the SPB Pocket plus backlight does not work for me either. Strange...
Well I think I've managed to "fix" this by setting the following;
Backlight Settings:
On battery power, turn off backlight if device is not used for [5 min]
Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped
Power Settings
On battery power: Turn off device if not used for [3 minutes]
I think the key thing here is to have the device auto-switch-off BEFORE the backlight timer kicks in. Since setting the above three settings I have not had the same problem again.
Ill give it a try as well.
Hmm...maybe someone can help me. One day, my backlight timer settings when the PDA's not plugged in reset to 10 seconds (in the registry it has it as 7 seconds). I'll go in and change it to 2 minutes (the original setting I had it at), but the minute I turn it off, it resets back again to the 10 seconds setting. I even tried going into the registry and changing it, and it resets it back to 10 seconds. I suspect it may have something to do with an entry in the "scheduled tasks" but it looks like a complete mess. Is there some kind of scheduled tasks cleanup utility?
hello i have the same problem using phothet with WM6
I had the same problem often about 15 months ago - it happened often each day.
I posted herw but had no joy with a solution - but then found one on Modoco (i was looking about March/April 2006).
Even with that - it has still done if perhaps five or six times since - and basically makes the phone unusuable if it happens somewhere or time with poor light.
My KJam backlight keeps changing by itself to dark
Suddenly my KJam backlight always turns to low without me doing so, then I have to change it to high, barely can see what I’m doing as it is almost black. This is kept happening especially after I installed Pocketweather. I reinstalled the Rom, it worked fine then suddenly it is back again when I switch the screen off, or automatically it is switched off, the backlight slider I find it at the lowest end.
Why thus is happening, it’s driving me crazy, please help me

At times Backlight doesnt light up again - why?

Perhaps someone has an explanation why my backlight doesnt light up again when a button is pressed?
From time to time, the backlight goes dark and even though I am pressing buttons, screen, power button, etc, the backlight doesnt come back on. I have to search for the backlight adjuster (in the dark) in order to switch the light back on.
I have wisbar advanced and SpbPocketPlus installed - might that effect this somehow??
Thanks for any advice!
i have exactly the same problem and don´t know a solution. ;-(
Wisbar Advance is installed, SpbPocketPlus not.
I think it comes more often if i use the camera, but it is not reproduceable...
I've never had this problem before, I dont have wisbar installed.
You may be doing a press and hold function on your device. Quick press of the power turns it off, a long press turns off the backlight. the only way to turn it back on is to long press the power button.
also you have settings that turns the back light screen off, which may be affecting this.
This problem used to occur on the O2 XDA2i ALL THE TIME!
Just my 2 cents. Sorry, not very helpful, but defo a problem we've seen before. You hvae to go into settings to start the backlight back up.
Squuiid said:
This problem used to occur on the O2 XDA2i ALL THE TIME!
Just my 2 cents. Sorry, not very helpful, but defo a problem we've seen before. You hvae to go into settings to start the backlight back up.
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It hasnt happened lately (actually ever I posted this thread strangely enough) but its quite embarrassing when you have to find your way through a dark screen.
I put a large symbol of the brightness adjuster in one corner (using SpbPocketPlus), so I only have to find that symbol rather then start --> settings --> etc..... its not a cure but it makes it easier switching it back on.
If anyone has a remedy for this problem, please share...
Not sure why this happens, but I fixed it using...
This app - run on your prophet, and all is back to normal. Keep a copy on your SD card...
didn't help
I tried and still use the neo backlight fix. But this fix is only for forcing via startup a longer measured time for the light to stay on.
I too have suffered with the problem of the backlight not coming on every now and again after starting up the prophet. I've had this problem on numerous roms too which is interesting. What more interesting is that even in the days of my owning a Blue Angel (Orange M2000, MDA) I STILL remember having this intermittent problem with the light not always coming on. Only way I fixed it was to simply soft reset the device. Whenever I did that and when I do it now, it stops it happening for week or so at least.
I still use the neo back light fix too as my phone has the quick light turn off problem without it. Neo certainly created a good fix no mistaking.
All the best
i had the same problem...just put the same value to the standby and backlight ...( both 3 mins on mine)...and never happened again....i think it helps...
I have a strange backlight & power-off problem on my Qtek S200:
When the backlight is switched on and I press the Power button shortly to switch it to sleep mode, the screen gets blank but the backlight does not go off.
So now I wait first when the backlight timer goes off before switching the device to sleep mode manually.
Another problem:
When the power settings is set to switch the device off automatically, it reboots when the timer goes off. So my solution is to disable the auto power-off feature.
How to fix this to the original behaviour ?
I tried the neo_backlight_fix and set the backlight timeout to the same value as the standby timeout, but with no avail.
My Qtek S200 has still the original old ROM (G4 model) and Windows Mobile 5.0:
ROM version info:
IPL: 2.10.001
SPL: 2.10.001
GSM: 02.07.20
Please help me to solve the problem.
Maybe I messed up a lot and the only solution is to install a newer ROM which is available since some time at qtek.nl.
Thanks in advance.

Backlight always off on resume

weird thing here: Always when I awake the device after suspend, the backlight is off. I have PZP installed, but it's configured to do nothing to backlight or power, settings in backlight/power are to never switch off backlight, but suspend after 2 minutes.
Any ideas where else I could check?
after mr.clean update, my backlight auto set itself to turn off after 10sec no matter what i do
I tried to set the back light to never turn off, but it still will not work
all i have running on background is spb pocket plus
hm, also mr. clean here.. coincidence?
My out of the box MDA Vario did this too. I finally figured out that it only did it if I changed the brightness level from the default to max. If I left it at the default, it worked fine on resume...
before the mr. clean rom I had a standard vodafone one, and didn't have the problem. What is default level (steps from topmost) for testing?
TauTau said:
hm, also mr. clean here.. coincidence?
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ok, i THINK i solved it now
it is caused by a software called vito audio note
which will uses its power saving mode to turn off Wizard
I had the same problem. Rebooting the device didn't fix it. But when I actually SOFT-resetted the device, it came all back to normal.
Backlight off on resume, not hardware
Hello everyone,
I've got a very frustrating problem. Here's the summary:
My backlight doesn't come on when I resume from standby. However, when I soft-boot the backlight behaves as normal. After boot, if I continue pressing keys to prevent the backlight from turning off, then it operates as normal. However, if the backlight times-out, or if I put it in standby, the backlight refuses to come back on.
Any suggestions?
I bit the bullet
Well, i finally decided I couldn't live with the dark screen anymore and Hard Reset my 8125. It fixed the problem, but now I have to reload everything.
Oh well, now will be a good time to upgrade my ROM I guess...

Screen backlight turns off while typing

Not sure if anyone has experienced the same problem. Sometimes whilst typing away on my V1605's (HTC640) keyboard the screen's backlight would suddenly turn off but will come back on when I press any key. The time between a key been pressed and the backlight going off is very short, less than a couple of second so can't be power saving mode kicking in.
So far I have only experienced this a few times but it's annoying and does make me think whether there is a problem with my unit. Will Vodafone UK inspect or even replace my unit bacause of this. Because if happens so rarely I can't even walk into a shop to show them the problem.
Yeh I have the same thing on my M3100. Probably some kind of hardware/software delay, given how slow my M3100 can be at times.
I also had this strange behaviour, in order to solve that I simply disabled the keyboard sensor. Now I have the backlight of the keyboard all the time which is far from being an issue for me.
I disabled the keyboard sensor from day one so that the backlight is on all the time. I'll try enabling it to see if it fixes the problem.

Backlight dims, power button doesn't work properly...

I have had the Touch 3G for nearly a year now and for the last 3 months I have had this recurring problem which is fixed with a hard reset but will recur again after about 6 weeks. The symptoms are:
1. When turning on, the backlight dims just before the HTC flash screen and startup sound (when it says "Smart Mobility")
2. Touching the screen doesn't bring the backlight back on.
3. Pressing the power button doesn't turn the screen off from this dimmed state, but after pressing touching the screen will turn the backlight back on.
4. Pressing the power button again will now turn off the screen, but pressing it again won't turn the screen back on! If I call it from another phone, the vibrator goes on but it doesn't ring, the screen stays off and you can't answer the call. If you hang up on the other phone it keeps vibrating and you need to do a soft reset to stop it.
If I do a hard reset the symptoms are gone and reinstalling the exact same software doesn't cause the problems immediately but withing a month or so it happens again. All I did just prior to these problems was use TomTom a bit more than usual, but otherwise nothing different. I have used TaskManager to see if there is anything weird running in the background but it all looks fine. I have had a cursory look through the registry but also can't find anything?
Any advice would be appreciated.
pdiaz said:
I have had the Touch 3G for nearly a year now and for the last 3 months I have had this recurring problem which is fixed with a hard reset but will recur again after about 6 weeks. The symptoms are:
1. When turning on, the backlight dims just before the HTC flash screen and startup sound (when it says "Smart Mobility")
2. Touching the screen doesn't bring the backlight back on.
3. Pressing the power button doesn't turn the screen off from this dimmed state, but after pressing touching the screen will turn the backlight back on.
4. Pressing the power button again will now turn off the screen, but pressing it again won't turn the screen back on! If I call it from another phone, the vibrator goes on but it doesn't ring, the screen stays off and you can't answer the call. If you hang up on the other phone it keeps vibrating and you need to do a soft reset to stop it.
If I do a hard reset the symptoms are gone and reinstalling the exact same software doesn't cause the problems immediately but withing a month or so it happens again. All I did just prior to these problems was use TomTom a bit more than usual, but otherwise nothing different. I have used TaskManager to see if there is anything weird running in the background but it all looks fine. I have had a cursory look through the registry but also can't find anything?
Any advice would be appreciated.
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Sounds like it's going all haywire. If you've had it less than a year, I'd send it in real quick. Sounds more like a hardware problem.
I don't think it is hardware as a hard reset fixes it...it just recurs down the track. I have done a hardrest and reinstalled all my apps and it is working great again but I was wondering if I should be checking somewhere in the registry for an aberrant setting. I am u using a backup image program so at least when it happen again I an restore my system more simply.
But then again, all the symptoms you mentioned point to a hardware defect. You could try to find a tweak, but like all electronic devices, it's the luck of the draw. Try emailing HTC and see what they say.

