Just got my exchanged v1605 from Vodafone - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Having had the first v1605 from Vodafone (an HT626), I was promised I could have an exchange at any point up until 14 Dec - the idea was I'd wait until I had evidence that all the problems had been resolved before requesting the exchange be actioned.
I have just done that and taken delivery of an HT648 which is a suitably late serial number.
It has the 1300mAh battery.
I have put my writeshield on it. Alignment is fine at the moment (only 8 hours). I never had the alignment issue with my last one so I hope it doesn't happen now. Anyone got good ideas of how to encourage it quickly ?
I restore from my Sprite Full backup. The self extracting backup wouldn't open (common and very irritating Sprite issue) so I installed Sprite in main, restored the backup and then just deleted the Sprite folders in main. Everything ran fine except CPL6 which I removed, re-installed and re-activated. Surprisingly simple really.
Differences ?
Rom is
Date is 08/02/06 (August I guess)
Protocol Ver 32.34.7010.01W
Same version of WM5.
Keyboard works fine ... as does keyboard light.
Screen is pixel perfect
Stylus is positive but not stiff.
To be honest ... the biggest difference is the buttons. In particular the power and camera are far more positive than before. With the old one it was always a struggle to find and activate these. Now they are great.
Just have to wait and see if it lasts.

You will need to run the upgrade mode restore if you change your device. Here is the link.

i have the HT648 and after one month using it i am having problems with the screen - the upper right corner of the screen is tapping on itself and it is driving me crazy.
Do you have this problem?

Mine is also a vodafone s/n HT648. I've had it over a month now and had no problems with it so far (except keeping up with thw WM6 releases). Screen alignment is fine and all other hardware behaves itself normally.

TyTN status
Hi guys
All TyTNs have a tendancy to confuse screen presses - particularly when using something large like a finger. Most of mine would occasionally bring up the iLauncher meter selection (top couple of pixels of the screen) when using your finger on the phone pad. One was worse that the others I had and that was the reason it went back.
I'm about to exchange my 7th v1605 for something else. I had none of the original issues (screen alignment, failing or sticking keys on the keyboard etc) but I did have a large gap between the keyboard and screen, a failed stylus silo - which will eventually happen on all TyTNs, corruption with SD (early models) and a few other oddities. Vodafone would good at exchanging but having messed about for nearly 9 months (I had the first TyTN in the UK - through Vodafone) I finally got agreement with Vodafone it was never going to be right ...
Have a look at my new thread if you're interested in what I did next.


Align Screen problem in qtek9100

I bought this phone just for a month ago.but now it often has touch panel proplem,sometimes i can't point the right place which i want ,it has 1-1.5 cm's error.And if i align screen from setting again,it becomes normal.
This problem has 2-4 times one day.
What can i do?
the same problem:
Touch-screen alignment problem
Has anyone else experienced the following problem:
After using the k-Jam for a while (often after a lot of opening/closing the keyboard), my screen alignment gets out of whack. Basically the touch-screen alignment moves by about an icon's (e.g. the close application icon) width to the right.
If I do a soft reset, most of the time this fixes the alignment (though sometimes I need to run through a screen alignment Wizard again to correct it).
Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what might be happening?
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9 posts since Feb '06
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 09:49
Happens to me but I don't do a soft reset. I have seen this many times before in the past with other devices from different companies. What is happening is that the flexi-lead from the display to the keyboard is moving as they normally add lubicant to the flexi-cable port. What I have found that works and is quicker than a soft rest or align the screen is to simply open and close the keyboard fully.
this seems to be happening to me now. I have the WIZA200. it's weird and to me it only affects the right part of the screen (like 25%).
i have the same problem on my cingular 8125. the open/close keyboard trick works, but is kinda annoying to have to do all the time.
seems like i only started to have this problem after i flashed my 8125 with the qtek (stock) 2.17 rom.
i have been looking for the dopod 2.2x wwe rom to re-flash (to see if it fixes the problem), but it is no longer on the ftp
if anyone that has the dopod rom could upload it to the ftp, i would appreciate it 8)
Same problem...
note i reflashed with the new aku2.2 cingular rom and the alignment problem is still there...
Hi guys!
I have the same problem with HTC Wizard Cingular 8125 (putting in all names in case someone else searches for this thread!)
It's a total pain in the butt. I created a shortcut to the screen alignment setting on my today page. Sometimes i have to fix it once a day, sometimes every ten minutes.
I plan to reflash the ROM to the new 2.25 (or whatever is next from Summiter).
I have a feeling it won't fix it.
I will send this back to Cingular.
I'll keep you posted. Share your stories!
I do have the same annoying problem. for now is the second 9100 I have. tomorrow I will speak with some expert in technical stuff to know why is happening. so i'll post something about it. i'm using the rom from cingular posted by summiter (i guess this is the one i'm using...). the problem persists so... will post more. this is funny because I just had this problem again when I changed my rom from o2 to cingular.
this was happening to me awhile back with my tmo mda. its not the rom that's causing it. I finally got a replacment and hbavent had a problem since
Guys, i think the source of the problems is the case that comes with the device.
Do you all use it?
The magnets that has make the screen behave that way.
Post your feedback!
Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know that his has happened across 2.17 and 2.3 ROMS, and I don't use the case.
I am 99.9% sure that indeed it is hardware related, but not the case.
I am still waiting for my seller to help me exchange the unit....
It would be great if there is a fix!
Possible explanation / solution
Hi folks, My wizard started doing this last night and i found the only way to actually use the "X" close icon was to gently squeeze my wizard from the sides.
Anyway, as I was trying to video a lightning storm, and it was 4am, I decided I would leave it for today.
I came to the conclusion that by squeezing the sides of the phone, I was gently, and ever so slightly raising the edges of the frame upward.
By doing this, any trapped dirt / grit, would not be pressing on the screen.
I have just tried this:
Take a small piece of paper, fold it tightly once and run the corner gently around the edge of the screen and under the frame.
Worked for me and could just be a simple if only temporary solution.
Try it,its free.
PS: Think about using the phone against a sweaty ear and all the crap that builds up.
I have this problem on my Prophet based Jamin - same generation, but no keyboard as you guys.
Here's a thought - if this is realted to the screen squeeze mentioned above, do you all keep yours in your front pockets or in a case or what? I wonder if the unit is getting squeezed?
I keep mine in my front pants pocket all day. Not only is it warm all day but getting squeezed when I'm sitting.
Gonna try keeping it in a case for a week to see what happens. Please chime in - this is making me HATE this f'in thing.
Me too
I have this problem, US T-Mobile MDA, no case, but I do use a protector. My theory is soft resets cause it. At least, when I have several, it seems more likely; I have to align the screen about every third day.
For me, everything is shoved over to the right relative to where it appears.
I put a link to "align screen" on the start menu; create a file (e.g. by copying an existing link with ActiveSync explorer to your pc desktop, renaming it and editing it, then dropping it back with the new name) named something like Screen.lnk in Windows/Start Menu/Programs with this content:
22#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,7?\Windows\deviceinfo.exe,-103
and then select it for the Start menu (Settings/Menus).
Thanks preston - I like your ingenuity although it probably doesn't need to be said... this shouldn't be happening.
The rat bastages at HTC told me it's because I didn't install my extended ROM files. Could someone PLEASE explain how skipping Backgammon, Antivirus and PDF reader will fix this? (rhetorical).
Which Extended Rom File
I only installed a small portion of my extended rom files, but it started when I had the full contingent from the original. But if there is a program that is supposed to be helpful, it would be nice to know it. Perhaps hidden in bubble breaker is the cure!
vatk said:
Guys, i think the source of the problems is the case that comes with the device. Do you all use it? The magnets that has make the screen behave that way. Post your feedback!
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Happens to me, and I've never used the case it came with.
This happens to me also, but i have to say that i thought that it was the magnet in the case it came with that is causing the problem, it's been 6 weeks i stoped using the case and now i barely have this problem, i used to have it 2 or 3 times a day.
Hope someone will have a solution for this, if not can we get another phone instead?
An idea, but would need help
I spent some time reading about this. (Is there some way to search for phrases? What makes search painful is "search for all words" turns up too many unrelated items.) First thing, every HTC device seems to have this problem. Most threads believe it is a hardware problem created by either sliding the keyboard out or inserting the stylus.
One thread noted that
contains data on screen alignment. So I aligned my screen five times and observed the data:
2078,1898 3212,650 3195,3216 839,3234 805,640
1989,1944 3255,666 3233,3235 792,3228 793,621
1987,1944 3218,663 3233,3247 783,3241 777,635
2000,1940 3238,671 3209,3249 797,3237 790,661
1965,1932 3215,640 3198,3248 754,3228 759,637
I tried changing the values to the average of the middle three values (remove the outliers component by component then average) and it worked fine, in the sense that the screen aligned. These values are
1992,1939 3224,660 3213,3243 791,3233 787,637
I of course have not been able to get the screen misalignment to appear, so I don't know for sure that this key is changed when the screen is misaligned; I will of course check if it happens to me.
If so, my idea is to create a program that edits this registry key and inserts the desired values. This program would run automatically with a soft reset, and be available on the start menu as well. That way, we could simulate an alignment without actually going through the process.
I know some people know how to create a program that edits a registry key, but I don't personally know how to do this. What is the easiest way to edit one specific key?
add me to the list, my wizard is doing the same thing now.
just as someone else mentioned, it happens on the right side of the screen for me as well.
not sure why this is happening but I believe it has started ever since I've upgraded from 2.24 rom to 2.26 rom. either its the roms fault or maybe my wizard has wore down and its happening coincidently at the same time.
All ROMs
I've had it with all the ROMs, whatever the first (1.08?) that it came with, although not right away, but with 2.24 and 2.26. It is either less with 2.26 or the same.

has xda exec been re-design/design update?

i got a new exec 3 days ago after my first one packed up and have noticed that the new exec is different, it feels lighter, the battery seems to last longer and there are more grooves and holes. under the screen there are 2 holes to stop the screen from spinning to far. Does anyone else have these or am i the only one the have a new design exec?
i also noticed a hole under the sim card that wasnt there before, does anyone know what its for? its on the left of the red clip that holds the battery and on the left of the clip that holds the back case on
sry for the bad quality
daven said:
i got a new exec 3 days ago after my first one packed up and have noticed that the new exec is different, it feels lighter, the battery seems to last longer and there are more grooves and holes. under the screen there are 2 holes to stop the screen from spinning to far. Does anyone else have these or am i the only one the have a new design exec?
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lol i thought it was just mine.
i got mine about a week ago (old one got a crack screen, thank you insurance! ) anyhow the screen rotation is alot tighter and more of a robust feel to it. I also seem to have more program memory after a soft reset (possibly the new ROM update) either way i think my screen breaking (broke by itself might i add) has turned out to be for the better. 8)
oh and I'm sure the spring metal clip thingy under the back case (your second pic) wasn't there before.
the case comes off so much easier/quicker than before! (not that it needs to come too often lol)
Thanks for the reply.
Im glad im not the only one, but these changes are definately for the better.
Keyboard backlight
I have also just received a new Exec and I note:
* O2's UI crap doesn't run by default and I was able to easily remove it.
* There is no obvious keybaord backlight. Has it been removed?
* The backlight switch on the front edge doesn't do anything. Have I missed something?
* Before I removed the O2 software, there was a Task Manager application. Now that I have removed the O2 stuff, it has disappeared. Is it part of the O2 suite?
* I have installed GPRS Monitor from the CD. It seems to record traffic via Wi-Fi as well GPRS. Can anyone confirm this?
The keyboard backlight uses a light sensor so it only comes on when its dark, you can disable the sensor if you go into start>settings>buttons>backlight and un-tick 'enable keyboard backlight auto sensor.
As for the backlight button, mine never worked, not on the new one or the old one unless i installed a hack to enable it.
I dont know about the gprs monitor as i dont use it.
About the task manager, i dont know about that either as i use spb pocket plus.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the information.
the new redesigned exec
Guys, Now you have owned these redesigned execs for a while , how are they holding up? do they still suffer from wearing shing spots on the housing and keyboard? or are there new problems now...lol??
everything seems to be ok, i use a silicone case so i dont know if the spots still happen. Although the screen seems to be tighter, its not as loose as my old one which became very loose after the first few months. Other than that everything seems to be perfect
New Execs
After checking with my son who has an Exec for many months, I conclude that there have been no noticeable changes. Everything I though was odd about mine such as:
non-working camera
no keyboard backlight
backlight button not working
turn out to be respectively:
firmware problems (reloaded ROM & the camera worked fine)
it really needs to be very dark before the keyboard backlight comes on - which it does
the backlight button doesn't work on older Execs either[/list]
Hmm, I must have an in-between model. The hole and the clip are present, but not the bits under the screen.
And I thought I was the only one getting shiny spots on the casing. Can they be removed?

TyTN : Frustration of LCD Screen Disalignment Problem

I brought CHT9000 at July 2006 and O2 Trion at August 2006. Both have disalignment problem. At first I thought it is ROM problem and happened for certain model and S/N only.
I try 4 ROMs : I-Mate, Dopod ENG ROM, TyTN and New CHT (Taiwan) ROM.
I installed these ROMs and without installed 3rd parties software. Also I proceed all necessory method to prevent this problem happen such as set a false exchange server for activesync and unclick USB to PC (Check my post).
However, all of them have this fuxking disalignment problem. :twisted:
It is hardware problem and I have 2 possible methods to produce this disalignment happen to your TyTN:
1. Body Heat. i.e. Charging, Surf internet and Long talk.
2. Apply very little pressure on LCD. i.e. Cleaning your LCD Panel.
You will find this fxcking disalignment happen again. If you encounter this problem, don't realign the screen manually. Wait few mintues and you will found that it will re-align again. Now you can re-align the screen manually this time.
I already sold my device and not recommend anyone to buy it. It seems that HTC cannot solve this problem and perhaps they don't know the causes.
If you want to buy it, please wait. :wink:
If you brought it, good luck and godspeed.
i have sent mine back because of it
This is the HTC official answer to my request:
Good Afternoon,
There are now procedures in place for fixing the screen alignment issue with the TyTN devices. This is a hardware issue that we have identified and we are offering a replacement to owners of affected devices with two conditions.
1: The device must be returned with all accompanying accessories.
Everything that was in the box when you bought the device must be in the box when you return it.
2: The device must be a Genuine HTC Badged device. This means that the device cannot be a Vodafone v1605, an O2 XDA Trion, a T-Mobile Vario II or any other device based on the TyTN, but that is not actually a TyTN. For these devices, you must contact the Network/Reseller for further advice on this issue.
If you meet these two provisions, you may contact your nearest repair centre to arrange the swap. Please place everything back into the original box and arrange to have the device picked up. It will then be tested to confirm that it has the problem, and then it will be swapped for a replacement unit.
If you are unable to return everything, you will be eligible for a repair under the warranty. For this also, you can contact your nearest repair centre to arrange this.
Mine goes back Tuesday hopefully the replacement unit will not have the same issue.
There are people who fixed their issue by ROM Upgrade. There are people who just bought their Hermes got this problem. Some has SN HT63XXX. There also some people who been swap their units, and the issue came back.
Well, as I see it, HTC does not know how to fix this issue 100% since it is also happening on some Dopod 838, 8125 (models with sliding keyboard).
I will upgrade my Trion this weekend, and if this issue persists... I will sell this baby and reactivate my trusty Universal.
A colleague was able to fix the problem by untightening the two screws on the back of the display and retightening them (not quite as tight as before). His device works without screen alignment problems ever since.
It seems that the screws are too tight which causes tension on the LCD resulting in screen alignment problems.
Magnet Theory
A friend of mine with CHT Dopod 9000, did this and fix his alignment issue.
"When Slide the keyboard, there's a magnet that activates the landscape mode. It's in the back of the screen when you slide it. ( I tried to put it near a magnet and the lanscape activates!)
Then I put a tape at the back of the small protruding (hunchback) just enough to be able to slide it close. This will decrease the magnetism receive from the main body when is close. Then for a week, it's good than before that I need to align 5x a day."
I know this true, since I met him and check his device. I even tried to massage his display, or run it hot.
I will try it myself... let u posted...
The problem only started for me after I installed a screen protector (Martin Fields, an excellent choice!), and since then I've had to re-align the screen every day. This morning I tried the screw trick, so I'll report back if it works for me.
Also I should point out that I have an MDA Vario II, so it looks like those of us who waited are no better off.
The next problem I have to deal with is an unresponsive 'C' key on my keyboard... :wink:
alignment issue is SW or HW or Both...
But unresponsive key(s) is really a HW, my first one has the "L" and backspace.. and it always like that, try to press it fast and it will not register all unlike the rest.
goodluck to all of us!!
Anyone that has sent their TyTN back in for repair/replacement for the screen crapalignment, please report back when you get your TyTN back. I want to know if it's worth making the effort to get mine replaced, seeing as I live in Australia and I don't exactly have HTC repair centres, mainly on account of that they don't sell this here. BUT if it's worth getting it repaired/replaced, i'll try to make arrangements with my ebay seller and/or some overseas repairing people.
Cheers guys,
~Louis x_.
Re: Magnet Theory
sectorlord said:
A friend of mine with CHT Dopod 9000, did this and fix his alignment issue.
"When Slide the keyboard, there's a magnet that activates the landscape mode. It's in the back of the screen when you slide it. ( I tried to put it near a magnet and the lanscape activates!)
Then I put a tape at the back of the small protruding (hunchback) just enough to be able to slide it close. This will decrease the magnetism receive from the main body when is close. Then for a week, it's good than before that I need to align 5x a day."
I know this true, since I met him and check his device. I even tried to massage his display, or run it hot.
I will try it myself... let u posted...
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really ? I will try. Thanks
Tried, fermin's method seems to work!Thanks!

8525 Touchscreen Has Gone Crazy

Ok so my Cingular 8525 is basically unusable due to the touchscreen thinking it's getting taps in the upper right corner (upper left in landscape mode). This has the nice effect of closing programs down to the today screen in portrait mode or constantly popping up the start menu in landscape mode (about three times a second). Any ideas?
I tried soft resetting and also removing the battery for several minutes. Haven't tried a hard reset as I don't want to go through that except for a last resort. Tried wiping the screen with a soft cloth. There are no weird programs on the device except what everyone here uses.
I still have 5 days before the end of my 30 days return period with Cingular. If I bring it back will they just give me another one?
aroundlsu said:
Ok so my Cingular 8525 is basically unusable due to the touchscreen thinking it's getting taps in the upper right corner (upper left in landscape mode). This has the nice effect of closing programs down to the today screen in portrait mode or constantly popping up the start menu in landscape mode (about three times a second). Any ideas?
I tried soft resetting and also removing the battery for several minutes. Haven't tried a hard reset as I don't want to go through that except for a last resort. Tried wiping the screen with a soft cloth. There are no weird programs on the device except what everyone here uses.
I still have 5 days before the end of my 30 days return period with Cingular. If I bring it back will they just give me another one?
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on your touchscreen problem.. i have seen this occur by someone improperly putting on a screen protector or maybe there is some dirt up there.. and if you take it back to the store they may give you a new one or make you call the warranty by mail line and get a replacement that way
..... or your OK button could be stuck down
I took a bottle of lens cleaner from my camera bag and thoroughly cleaned the screen. I ran my fingernails under the edge of the screen and really made sure no dirt was under there. Lo and behold, it seems to be working fine now. I browsed some RSS headlines for about 10 minutes with no problems.
Weird though, I have used an Ipaq 4705 WM5 pocket pc for two years now and really ran it through the ringer. It looks like it's been to war and back (which it has in a since) and never experienced errant screen taps. Oh well, still enjoying the 8525 (last phone was 2125).
Thanks so much!
kevino said:
..... or your OK button could be stuck down
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good point, i had that problem once also, forgot all about it
aroundlsu said:
I took a bottle of lens cleaner from my camera bag and thoroughly cleaned the screen. I ran my fingernails under the edge of the screen and really made sure no dirt was under there. Lo and behold, it seems to be working fine now. I browsed some RSS headlines for about 10 minutes with no problems.
Weird though, I have used an Ipaq 4705 WM5 pocket pc for two years now and really ran it through the ringer. It looks like it's been to war and back (which it has in a since) and never experienced errant screen taps. Oh well, still enjoying the 8525 (last phone was 2125).
Thanks so much!
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Just a note of caution!!! This is related to the screen alignment issue i.e. the touch sensitive area of the screen continuing beneath the bezel and causing unwanted touches whether through dust or the sticky gasket in there.
May not return, or will be cured again by the "business card" fix / or as you did a firm clean to release the screen from touching the bezel.
But, it's a question for you, if you only have 5 days left under warranty. Most people with the SA problem find the first signs appear in the first couple of weeks. I would certainly put it through it's paces, open up a few applications leave wifi on so it heats up, surf web over wifi etc etc as the added bit of heat generated internally was a known factor in exacerbating the problem. If all stays well over next couple of days maybe it'll be OK.
Would be good to get urgent feedback from anyone with a newer Hermes who's had this issue and what happened.
Argh, it's back. OK, I'm certain it's a touchscreen problem and not a button sticking as holding down OK will not cause the start menu to pop up while an application is up and holding the windows key will not close an app. Also the problem is delayed if I hold the stylus down on the screen. It's just the upper right (portrait mode) of the screen that is getting the errant screen tap (about three or four times a second).
I've ran a business card through the edges and it doesn't help. I'm not going to take this thing apart. I did that several times with the 2125 to fix unresponsive keys and joystick but the problems always reappear. My one year old 2125 is barely functional now. My g/f would rather keep her crap LG flip phone then inhieret the 2125 after watching me battle it. That's pretty sad.
I'm going to try a hard reset (second one in three weeks) and if that doesn't help I'm returning it to Cingular and getting my money back. Then I'll either buy another one or a blackjack. I like the 3g and love this device. It's my third Windows Mobile 5.0 product. I don't like the sub-par build quality on my second HTC product now. I paid $599 plus tax for this phone at a local Cingular store (despite the web store saying $550).
My advice for what it's worth is take it back. This screen business has a habit of coming and going and it's entirely possible you hard reset and everything is fine and two weeks later it's back. Also would be better to return with the issue present (not that they wouldn't believe you -would they?)
On the whole though this problem is much more rare than it was, so if you do get the same device again hopefully you will be luckier. If you get directly from shop though check the firmness of the key board clicking into place that seems to still be fairly common problem.
Not the best start to the new year!!
Well I got desperate and hard reset... I could barely get past the screen alignment startup so needless to say that didn't fix things. Having gone this far and thoroughly pissed at having to reinstall everything I decided to loosen those screws on the back and run a card around the edges.
So far, it's working! I'm not content settling on this hack though so I'm bringing it back Tuesday and will update on my experience at the retail store (not looking forward to that).
Happy new year and thanks for all the super fast responses guys!
I was browsing the www the other day and saw a korean/ japanese site showing the inside of these precious devices, and (as pointed out above) how the seal/ gasket underneath the bezel is the root cause of our anguish.
There were some detailed pics of how you can DIY, and remove the gasket, but it's no where near me basic level of competency.
Why would they design a touch-screen to big for the device I wonder???
there is also the business card trick about sliding it underneath the edges to loosen the gasket... there is a whole thread on this screen alignment issue
what site shows how to fix the gasket?
There is a post about someone seeing a site showing how to fix the gasket proplem on the touch screen. Could I please get the URL??
johniz1967 said:
There is a post about someone seeing a site showing how to fix the gasket proplem on the touch screen. Could I please get the URL??
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Look down this page. Keep in mind non of the theoretical solutions is guaranteed/
Just got back in from my local Cingular store and actually had a pleasant, hassle-free experience exchanging my 8525 for a brand new one. I explained to the CSR the issue and she immediately understood the problem (must not be the first guy walking in there about this).
Unfortunately, she didn't have any in stock but merrily called around and found six others in stock at nearby stores. So off I went to the next store and had the old 8525 exchanged for a new one in less then ten minutes. The CSR didn't even bother to look at the old phone or check the accessories I returned with it.
The new 8525 is syncing up as I write this and immediately I notice some things are different. First of all, written on the side of the box is 12/26. So we know this phone is probably brand new. The keyboard does indeed click in and out more firmly then my old one. The USB cable plugs in tighter (a good thing, I was always getting USB connection problems), and lo and behold Windows Vista installed HTC sync drivers then Media Player automatically recognized the device (never did any of that on the old one).
I'm using the Windows Mobile Device Center Beta on Vista RTM and it just finished syncing without any problems. Moral of this story is if your 8525 is experiencing any problems at all and you are within 30 days, return it for a hassle free refund.
Good news and you're absolutely right about getting it back within warranty if there's a fault.
Great stuff!
aroundlsu said:
Just got back in from my local Cingular store and actually had a pleasant, hassle-free experience exchanging my 8525 for a brand new one. I explained to the CSR the issue and she immediately understood the problem (must not be the first guy walking in there about this).
Unfortunately, she didn't have any in stock but merrily called around and found six others in stock at nearby stores. So off I went to the next store and had the old 8525 exchanged for a new one in less then ten minutes. The CSR didn't even bother to look at the old phone or check the accessories I returned with it.
The new 8525 is syncing up as I write this and immediately I notice some things are different. First of all, written on the side of the box is 12/26. So we know this phone is probably brand new. The keyboard does indeed click in and out more firmly then my old one. The USB cable plugs in tighter (a good thing, I was always getting USB connection problems), and lo and behold Windows Vista installed HTC sync drivers then Media Player automatically recognized the device (never did any of that on the old one).
I'm using the Windows Mobile Device Center Beta on Vista RTM and it just finished syncing without any problems. Moral of this story is if your 8525 is experiencing any problems at all and you are within 30 days, return it for a hassle free refund.
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since your appears to be new from 12/26.. i am curious what firmware is on that phone.. details please
Cingular 8525 touch screen no working
I am having a problem with the touch screen on my 8525. My phone was working fine then the then the screen stopped responding. I was able to navigate via keyboard but that was it. I did a soft reset and it did not help. I then did a hard reset and the screen went to the setup and wants to align the screen which obviously I cannot do.
The changes I have made the same day prior to it not working are as follows:
-Unlocked with Hermes SIM Unlock
-Installed latest Cingular ROM
-Installed fit4cat Hermes Tweaker v1.1a
The phone worked fine for about 12 hrs before the touch screen stopped working.
Any suggestions?
Hey there, I have had the problem before (about 3.5 weeks ago). I had to send it in for service (since I am not a Cingular customer anymore but use the 8525 with T-mobile).Good luck.
wedgesurfer said:
I am having a problem with the touch screen on my 8525. My phone was working fine then the then the screen stopped responding. I was able to navigate via keyboard but that was it. I did a soft reset and it did not help. I then did a hard reset and the screen went to the setup and wants to align the screen which obviously I cannot do.
The changes I have made the same day prior to it not working are as follows:
-Unlocked with Hermes SIM Unlock
-Installed latest Cingular ROM
-Installed fit4cat Hermes Tweaker v1.1a
The phone worked fine for about 12 hrs before the touch screen stopped working.
Any suggestions?
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Different manifestation of Screen Alignment issue

Hi, going through the emails on this list was indeed very useful. I bought an iMate JASJAM in January 2007 and it started giving me a weird problem with the screen.
The phone was working perfectly OK till Mid Feb when I started noticing that any application I opened (including phone or contacts) got closed automatically within a second. I observed carefully and saw that the 'X' on the top left corner of the screen was probably getting clicked on its own. I suspected it is most probably a screen problem and took it to the iMate service center. They promptly replaced the screen in 2 days.
It worked fine for 15 days before I am seeing the problem again. Could someone help me please. I am seriously dependent on email through my phone for my work. Would appreciate any sort of guidance, even if it seems obvious.
My JASJAM is 647XX s/n based
Thanks a ton,
Aditya Deshoande
If indeed the X is getting phantom taps, this is not a screen problem as such. In other words, you could replace the screen time and again and it would recur. The issue is that the screen gets pressre/pressed by the bezel around the screen. The screen is rather stupidly sensitive to touches even below the bezel. Pressure can arise from a slight twist in bezel, from heat expansion and from dust trapped between bezel and screen. You might try the "business card solution" - though it is not guaranteed.
I would also take a backup and do a hard reset. Try the problem apps without restoring the backup. This will identify whether it's software or the SA related problem.
f the problem is still there, I would demand a replacement not a fix, because if something is out of line it's not going to be fixed by swapping screens.
Thank you
Thank you for posting a reply so quickly. I suspected it is not just a screen alignment issue the moment it appeared again. None of the fixes mentioned for the SA issue work. I just wanted to check if anyone has any suggestions to try something. There are no applications installed by me and I have tried hard reset. In fact the crosshair in the align screen application keeps moving without me touching the screen.
The problem is that this problem makes the phone useless because I cannot open the dialer. We need to be extremely careful of what iMate and HTC seem to be shipping out. This is a damn expensive phone to have such problems.
I will request for a replacement but would not be surprised if I am refused and told that it will be repaired since it is warranty.
Let us see if I need to drag them to consumer forum. I will, if the need arises.
Good luck Adi - I hope it works out. Yes that jumping around of the cross hairs does prove there is pressure being put on somewhere. Indeed HTC did appear to have largely resolved the SA and SA related problems - but I'm still seeing quite a few.
Heats up during charging
Hi Mike,
Perhaps the problem is compounded by the fact that it really heats up if you charge the phone while it is still in the cover. The one with a belt clip that comes in the box
My screen does not respond to any taps anymore. Which in a way is good because I am at least able to call as well as send/receive emails.
Same problem here!
So my Hermes, which just got replaced by Cingular after the "red light..not charging problem" (Thanks for the pointers on that Mike!). But my new unit is also having phantom clicks on the x or in landscape the Start menu kept getting clicks. And I too got the moving crosshairs during screen alignment setup. Now the whole screen is whacked, not repsonding to any clicks.
Cingular are sending out another unit. I love my hermes, but seriously getting worried about the reliability of these units. I really can;t be without my unti working for too long, I'm stcuk having to go back to my SE P900 (with a flaky battery) or my SE S700 which sux.
It is a worry and very frustrating. However, when you get a good one it is well worth it. A hassle I know, but some folks here say they've been through 3/4 before being happy. This is the secret I think, put up with no physical defect and get an immediate replacement. Use a cheap mobile while you wait for the replacement. Most of the 'pain' comes from trying this and that and the other to get the device working and perhaps 6 out of ten times you fail. Use the warranty without hesitation. There ARE good ones out there!
My thought for today!!
