HTC Wizard MDA Has freeze time coming out of sleep. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've turned off the section under battery "Turn off if not used for X minutes." This just started recently happening as well, I don't have too much software, and the ram looks fine. Every time it comes out of sleep there is a 3-5 second freeze that will not allow me to do anything, including dialing numbers, going to any screens, closing anything, etc.
I need to know how to fix this incase anyone is running into the same issue. The only recent software i've installed is the AIM 2.0 hacked, and I don't leave it running. This leads me to my next question, is there a way to get the phone to continue to stay connected once the screen goes out, it seems that is whats causing it to sleep, and cuts off my aim. (This isn't what is causing the freeze however, the app is completely closed, as are all others.)
I could desperately use some help, at this point its causing me to miss phonecalls as I press the pick up button, it doesn't register and by the time it does, they've already been forwarded to voicemail.

sometime i have the same problem...

So it definitely is about 18-30 seconds, not 5 like I had assumed. I'm awful with time, my apologies. I could desperately use a remedy


How many random failures do you get a day?

I think I have a fairly unmodded phone...
Its still not unlocked, no rom changes, etc.
I just have programs like: PocketWeather, iLauncher and TomTom with a few simple additions like the new program that auto disconnects data after a preset time.
Well it seems very random, but when I fire off things like TOMTOM it just hangs, but not every time.
Not many. Generally speaking, when I'm having issues, it's my fault. But I do have issues with my OK button periodically disappearing, and sometimes non-responsiveness of some apps.
But, it's very rare. I usually do a soft reset every couple of days when something even remotely starts to act up.
Same with mine. I use the latest i-mate WWE ROM and find it stable.
my OK button periodically disappearing
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Do you use Magic Button?
Nope. That's what's weird about it. I'll push the OK button on the front, but the app will still be up, and the OK button will disappear on the screen. I can usually get back to the Today screen by pushing the end call button though.
mine is now very stable. There is another thread that lists the "best" things to do to stop the periodic freezing. My 2c worth is on that thread also
I use Mortsaver to lock and close the device when i'm not using it. I think this results in a very stable device. It will wake up for SMS alerts and calls but for the rest of the time it's asleep - except when you are actively using it of course.
I also use SPB Backup at 05:00 in the morning which performs a soft reset after the backup. This keeps it clean too.
Defragging the Storage card and keeping as many apps as you can off the storage card also helps.
btw I use Magic Button
I only asked about Magic Button since I've noticed that the close button disappears sometimes in "Program Manager". It comes back again with a simple tap on the window background.
See thats the odd thing.... someone else told me to try and keep my unit's memory as clear as possible to avoid possible lockups.
Is the general consensus that its the other way around?
I have the vast majority of my applications saved on my storage card, granted I have tons of space on it.
I do experience frequent annoyances when using mine.
- screen alignment sometimes acting up (will send it back, but I'm waiting for the firmware update to be released, so they can do it together)
- mediaplayer occasionally loses the storage card (solved by deleting MSMETADATA on the card)
- occasional refusal to use an existing gprs/umts (have to disconnect and reconnect)
- vpn shutting down too fast when using it with wifi (after 30s)
- activesync sometimes doesn't recognize the device, forcing me to rename it and perform a whole new sync
- occasional difficulty in connecting to the correct wifi network (e.g. when there are 4 available, it pops up a couple of times that it has a network, but the one I always connect to is the last one to be found)
I have been using it for about a month now (was already sent back twice for keyboard and screen issues), and had to perform 3 hard resets as the behaviour got worse. I really like the device, but I wish there were less issues.
After seeing the specs of the Hermes, I wanted it immediately.
Last week I finally bit the bullet, sold my Wizard (Cingular 8125) and got the Hermes.
For the most part, they are the same device, with the addition of 3G and a supposedly faster processor in the Hermes.
The Wizard was about as stable as a Windows Mobile device could be, at least in my opinion. I really didn't do much outrageous with it. I had a couple of games, TomTom 6, a dialer skin, and Good Mobile Messaging installed. I'd have to reset it maybe once a week or so, sometimes less than that because TomTom would lose connection to the GPS and nothing would get it back save for a reboot.
I took my Cingular 8525 (Hermes) out of the box, and I was really impressed by the device. The keyboard is far superior even though it's only a little different. I like the styling of the Hermes better, as well as the nice gunmetal finish. Download speeds are incredible (almost 900K in my house), and setting up Good Mobile Messaging OTA only took about 5 minutes vs. 20 on the Wizard.
The only problem is the instability. Sometimes I click on the "Start" button and it will make the click noise and light up, but it doesn't drop the menu down, requiring a reset. Sometimes the phone will shut off the display and trying to turn the power back on does nothing and requires a reset. Sometimes the phone will show remnants of windows that were recently closed and that will require either opening up other programs to clear them, or a reset. Then there's the just plain ol' freeze. Not to mention that plugging in my car charger barely ever activates the charging circuit on the phone
I've had this phone for about 6 days now and I have to reboot it AT LEAST twice a day, sometimes three or four. AT LEAST. This is wholly unacceptable. If we weren't on the cusp of a firmware upgrade that is rumored to rectify most of the problems above, I'd be selling this and maybe getting a Treo 750 or a BlackJack.
I've had so many little issues like this with my Tytn, using both standard and latest roms, that I've simply decided to sell it. Its just not a great phone or a pda, although it has all the features you could ever dream of, it just never seems like its fast enough and the software just doesn't seem all that polished.
2-3 on a good day. It usully is in the range of 5-6 for different reasons. Keyboard doesn't respond, stuck on caps, no volume, random freezes, screen won't turn on. Gets annoying after a while.
i835 chirp said:
2-3 on a good day. It usully is in the range of 5-6 for different reasons. Keyboard doesn't respond, stuck on caps, no volume, random freezes, screen won't turn on. Gets annoying after a while.
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Regarding the stuck on caps problem: if you select caps using the onscreen keyboard, then the physical keyboard is also put into caps. It is however not possible to turn this caps-lock off in using the physical keyboard. The solution is to open the onscreen keyboard, and turn it off there.
8125 versus Hermes
I agree with you that the 8125 Wizard was more stable than the Hermes. I had one as well, and it would go weeks without resets or freezes.
You said:
" The only problem is the instability. Sometimes I click on the "Start" button and it will make the click noise and light up, but it doesn't drop the menu down, requiring a reset."
I believe this is due to the external storage becoming lost. Since WM5 doesn't expect storage to ever go away, it just freezes waiting on the storage to come back. In the case of the start menu, I think it's waiting so it can get the icons of recently used programs. Just a theory.
To fight this problem, I've loaded weather programs and the like into main memory so that external storage is only accessed when I'm playing with the phone. That's made my hermes a lot more reliable, down to a failure or freeze every few days. Not as good as the Wizard, but tolerable.
I'm having a TON of problems...
I have my Cingular 8525 HTC
ROM Version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
I am having horrible problems with it randomly locking up, and I have to soft-reset. This usually happens when I have it on the charger overnight, and someone text messages me while it's on the charger... and of course when I soft-reset I lose all the messages! What's even worse is when it boots back up it'll vibrate, and beep for a long time like it's getting messages and I have to just ignore it and put it on silent... but there are no messages! Is there a way to fix this? What do I do?! I'm starting to get very frustrated with the phone - the only thing I use repeatedly on here is the MS ActiveSync over the air...
Do you think this could also be something to do with the variant?
I have Vario II from T-mobile, with all their stuff still on it, and I have installed/uninstalled goodness knows how much stuff, and don't really have this problem at all (touches wood). I can go for 3 or 4 days without soft reset, and then that is usually after a backup, when you have to.
I have all today screen and any software which is in startup, installed to main memory.
Also, could password screen have something to do with this? If on charge, and password protected, maybe they interfere with each other on receipt of text message. You could try removing password for overnight.
Have you tried leaving messaging running minimised overnight?
Also, have you moved any databases to storage card?
marisa4755 said:
Do you think this could also be something to do with the variant?
I have Vario II from T-mobile, with all their stuff still on it, and I have installed/uninstalled goodness knows how much stuff, and don't really have this problem at all (touches wood). I can go for 3 or 4 days without soft reset, and then that is usually after a backup, when you have to.
I have all today screen and any software which is in startup, installed to main memory.
Also, could password screen have something to do with this? If on charge, and password protected, maybe they interfere with each other on receipt of text message. You could try removing password for overnight.
Have you tried leaving messaging running minimised overnight?
Also, have you moved any databases to storage card?
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This is an interesting idea. I will leave the messaging minimized overnight tonight. The password screen is there as a matter of policy - through my work - since the company owns the device and they push policy to it which requires a password PIN to be entered after 15min of inactivity... I'll try that?
Anyone else having that weird sound problem with it repeatedly "pretending to get messages" after a soft reboot?
i835 chirp said:
2-3 on a good day. It usully is in the range of 5-6 for different reasons. Keyboard doesn't respond, stuck on caps, no volume, random freezes, screen won't turn on. Gets annoying after a while.
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when i have this issue i click the ok button on the side and then it startss to work again without soft-reset.
rx8volution said:
Anyone else having that weird sound problem with it repeatedly "pretending to get messages" after a soft reboot?
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Are you sure that the sounds are messages rather than notifications?
It could be that your notifications queue is gummed up with lots of stuff. Suggest you get Memmaid or similar, download the trial and run the notifications queue duplicates remover. Then look at any of the entries marked Calendar and check to see if any of these are in the past. If they are remove them. LEAVE ALONE any notifications that are not Calendar with a description of one of your appointments or reminders.
Worth a try.
I also had some troubles. It freezes anywhere between 2 and 20 times per day. I just did a hard reset few days ago and tried to determine if any of my programs installed causes it.
It runs quiet well with nothing installed. Most freezes i get after installing SBSH WeatherMonitor.
About the sudden loss of external memory, i cannot complain. I install everything system related into the main memory. But weather and flexmail are on the card. I even take the card out having the phone running.
Not probs there.
Generally my Blue Angel is a far better phone, although bulky like my grand mother and not useful in Japan.
Thanks for the replies. After reading through this thread it seems I am not the only one with problems. Nearly every 8525 problem I've had can be solved, they just keep coming back. Like 8525 not recognizing Storage Card music. The worst for me ( happens a lot ) is that when I put the phone on the charger, then the screen shuts off to save power, but when I take the charger out the screen cannot be turned back on and needs a soft reset.

Phone goes to sleep and won't wake up.

It all started when I upgraded to a new rom. So the first thing I did was ditch the rom and install a new rom. I was running Black 3.0.1 and now updated to Black Satin.
The time it takes to lock up seems to very. I have had times where I could leave it for 4hrs and then hit the power button and it comes to life, other times I can have it sit for 30mins and hit the power button only to find it won't wake up. When it is in its locked up state, it won't even receive calls. It just sits there with the top right led blinking green. Its really getting frustrating.
In order to get it to come back I have to push the reset button on the bottom of the phone with my stylus.
I have been reading as many "lock up" threads as I can on the forum and so far it seems that most are to do with Push Mail. Which I don't use.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
I dont know if its a ROM issue as my does this sometimes (dont know about incoming calls as i dont get that many anyway) I am on the stock T-Mobile rom
I dont use push mail either
doesn't happen much to me (now i said i bet it does it all the time )
I think it seems to do it when i havnt soft restarted it for a while, so it could be that the lock up is due to memory or something and it just needs a soft reset to clear it down
I also have this problem, only a soft reset makes the phone respond. This happens sometimes when the phone has only been reset an hour previously.
It also happened once during the night and caused my alarm to not go off, so I only made it to the office for 10:30!!
Did you guys find a solution or did the problem just go away?
got the same problem.
For me the problem went away only after I installed a new radio and new rom. I honestly don't know what was causing the problem. But it went away and I am happy. There might have been an issue with an installed app, but I never did find any app that directly caused the issue.

G1 Doesnt Always Wake Up

Does anyone elses G1 not wake up when Menu is pressed? Sometimes I have to press it like 6 times before the phone wakes up, does anyone know why?
Mine does this as well. I just thought it was learning from it's owner (I take more than 5-6 pokes to wake me up too).
My only guess is that something is running in the background in order to slow it down and the number of presses has little to do with it.
momentarylapseofreason said:
Mine does this as well. I just thought it was learning from it's owner (I take more than 5-6 pokes to wake me up too).
My only guess is that something is running in the background in order to slow it down and the number of presses has little to do with it.
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Yea, i was thinkin the same, i should try runnin a ton of apps and find out if [email protected] the problem
mine does the same things sometimes. gets annoying at times. usually i just open and close the keyboard
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
brooklynite said:
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
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Shop Savvy?
I also started having the wake up problem and quicker then normal battery drain. I have an ADP1 phone which I updated to 1.1 a few days before noticing issue
I think that the theory of something sucking clock cycles is a good one. I noticed my CPU Usage (when nothing was running other then System Monitor) went from 0-40% to 20-70%.
I couldn't be bothered with the finer points of troubleshooting, so I took the thermo-nuclear approach and did a factory wipe.
Just before the mystery CPU cycle and wake up issue, I hadn't installed any new apps, BUT I did update a bunch of existing apps. After the factory wipe, I left off installing the following list:
Barcode Scanner
SlovoEd Classic English Dictionary
Things are fine now.
both of my g1's do this, and have done this out of the box, anyone turn off there screen with the keyboard out, and then close the screen and the screen comes back on with the lock screen up and then having to turn the screen back off? annoying
try the swapper app?
or turn phone off and back on, it might becuase you are usingahome or openhome or dxtop or sweeterhome, these app may slow down the interface a bit, try downloading droid sans tweak lite and fool around with that..
goodluck i also get this sometimes
brooklynite said:
Mine recently started this, it must be something we downloaded, plus I have the following problems too, they all started at the same time:
1) When someone calls, the screen stay blank for a while so the phone rings but the screen is off so I dont see whos calling
2) The background keeps changing back to the original blue picture thing
3) The WiFi keeps turning off and drians the battery, nothing I do stops it from turning on. I have all sorts of software running, I even ask Locale to turn it off if its between 12.01am to 11pm and still WiFi keeps poping up.
4) Battery drains FAST lately.
I uninstalled a long list of software and problem is not solved.
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I'm having same issue as the OP and issued #1, 3 and 4 from the above post.
Hmm, im not experiencing any of the above posted issues, it may be a particular app that u have installed. I only have the wakeup issue sometimes, most likely when the phone is running slow from the browser or another memory draining app, but no app in particular.
Hmm, when mine fails to wake up, I never waited long enough for it to come back, just reseated the battery for a reboot.
Of the other problems, I have the "screen-black-for-a-few-before-caller-picture-shows-up" issue.
JayBachatero said:
I'm having same issue as the OP and issued #1, 3 and 4 from the above post.
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what firmware do you have?
btw, dont count on Locale to turn off your stuff all the time, its not very accurate imo, at times its great, but thanks to the crappy g1 battery, they have a choice, constantly check time/location/.ect and drain the battery in a hour flat, or periodically check it and reduce battery drain, do you have any wifi programs that keep wifi on when phone sleeps (such as wifi lock and so on)? if so use the program on the market that writes up a log of its actions and see if its acting up
as for #1 (sorry im unorganized) my phone does that too, i believe its because i have 2 programs that run when the phone rings, let alone im sure locale is checking to see who is coming since thats a condition, which would make 3, and then i have a mp3 that plays when the phone rings, and i have a class 4 sd card (i know, i know), the way that programs work is that it has to go line by line of the code, if it is slowed down, or it has to execute other items before continuing that are slow to execute, than everything has a delay, but yeah from time to time i have this issue, phoneplus was a program that made me miss a few calls (1/4th of the time)
i think 3 and 4 are directly related, could be wrong
I was having the same problem right after I installed the app "Contact Owner"
No amount of reboots fixed the problem. Uninstalled and everything was back to normal.
@wootroot - I have stock RC30. Haven't rooted yet.
JayBachatero said:
@wootroot - I have stock RC30. Haven't rooted yet.
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consider upgrading to the rc33 ota update yet? i had better battery life (and my battery didnt get as hot) when i used rc33
also, if youve had your phone since it first came out (rc19 i believe) and your battery used to get very hot, you might of damaged some of the cells (especially of the battery has expanded), if this is the case simply call tmobile and tell them that your noticing even after wiping the phone that your battery life is lasting shorter and shorted, even with out any programs installed from the market, i even went as far as to say that i made sure wifi was off, only 2g was on, gps was off, screen was dimmed, timeout set at 30 secs, and im still only getting a hour of life (none of which is true but it got through all the "well how about trying this and calling back if you still have a problem" bs, with the ota rc33 and the new battery, i noticed a pretty good difference
I have a modified version of this "doesnt always wake up". The phone is less than 24 hours old, it was a refurb they sent me for the last one that went dead. I used it with the rc33 it came with and found the problem, then figured it was hosed so i rooted and installed 3 of the versions of cupcake (The Dude, JF, and Haykuro) to see if they all had the issue- they do. Here is a video, hope you can see the attempted keypresses. There will be lines that appear, like the screen is broke..then, they will go away. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes to get the phone to turn on, however if I leave it on (never goes to sleep) it works flawlessly.
I get this all the time also...
Uninstalling dxTop doesn't change anything for still acts the same...
I also get the problem that when someone calls me the screen stays blank for about 5 seconds and I can't tell who calling...
wake up issue
I am experiencing the same problem, with a brand new warranty replaced G1, what happens is when the phone goes to sleep it completely locks up, when I try to wake it up via menu, it does not wake. Plugging the phone in and trying ddms or adb does not work, ddms shows the phone as offline, also the device seems to get really hot when this happens, sometimes Call + Menu + Power resets it, and sometimes I have to pull the battery.
I think this may have to do with wifi turned on. Because when the screen goes off your phone switches wifi off and goes to 3G as default setting.
I think we should try leaving wifi on all the time and see if that solves the issue, im about to try that now.
It seems this is a known issue over at tmo forums
A couple questions:
When this happens to you guys is wifi enabled and connected when the phone is shut off?
What Rom, SPL, and Radio is installed?
I noticed this didnt happen to me until I enabled wifi, maybe I didnt wait long enough because its completely random, please send back your results

Issues since updating my Bravo

I would like to start this out by saying that I have had my Bravo since January 16, and have loved every minute of it. This has been my first Android (Came over from my iPhone 3G). I was extremely excited to finally get the upgrade to 2.2, even though I decided to wait to officially download it OTA.
Since I got my phone, I had no more than three to five apps force close on my using the stock launcher. I rarely noticed much of any lag while working with my phone, and I never once had any issues with the phone rebooting itself on me.
Since I updated my phone on Saturday I've been plagued with all of these issues. Immediately after updating, I noticed my phone was running very hot, and my battery drained to 50% within an hour or two without me even running anything stressful on it. I restarted it twice and since then I haven't noticed any significant issues with my battery, or the phone seeming to run it's processor excessively.
But, I have constant lag, making tasks that were extremely quick and easy before the weekend be significantly more difficult and frustrating. Today I've even noticed that the lag is so bad that I am not even able to use Swype because the phone takes so long to register any touch's it doesn't register anything other than the first and last letter I swyped across. In addition, my phone has rebooted itself 3 times within the last three days I've been using it, an issue that has not happened once in the three months before this weekend.
I will regularly be trying to do things on my phone and it will lag, causing the phone to freeze for 20-30 seconds at a time, and then trying to perform every touch it received in those 20-30 seconds in a scant second after it recovers.
I have noticed some issues not regarding lag, but sometimes it has been difficult for my phone to initiate calls. I have tried to call my wife, and it took 5 times before the call would finally go through, it was immediately ending the call right after I pressed the call button.
I love my phone and the capabilities of the Android system. Until now I haven't had any problems at all with it. Can you help me try to figure out what's happening, and if there are any ways to fix my phone? I haven't gotten around to rooting my phone since I've gotten it, but have been planning on it.
roadkizzle said:
I would like to start this out by saying that I have had my Bravo since January 16, and have loved every minute of it. This has been my first Android (Came over from my iPhone 3G). I was extremely excited to finally get the upgrade to 2.2, even though I decided to wait to officially download it OTA.
Since I got my phone, I had no more than three to five apps force close on my using the stock launcher. I rarely noticed much of any lag while working with my phone, and I never once had any issues with the phone rebooting itself on me.
Since I updated my phone on Saturday I've been plagued with all of these issues. Immediately after updating, I noticed my phone was running very hot, and my battery drained to 50% within an hour or two without me even running anything stressful on it. I restarted it twice and since then I haven't noticed any significant issues with my battery, or the phone seeming to run it's processor excessively.
But, I have constant lag, making tasks that were extremely quick and easy before the weekend be significantly more difficult and frustrating. Today I've even noticed that the lag is so bad that I am not even able to use Swype because the phone takes so long to register any touch's it doesn't register anything other than the first and last letter I swyped across. In addition, my phone has rebooted itself 3 times within the last three days I've been using it, an issue that has not happened once in the three months before this weekend.
I will regularly be trying to do things on my phone and it will lag, causing the phone to freeze for 20-30 seconds at a time, and then trying to perform every touch it received in those 20-30 seconds in a scant second after it recovers.
I have noticed some issues not regarding lag, but sometimes it has been difficult for my phone to initiate calls. I have tried to call my wife, and it took 5 times before the call would finally go through, it was immediately ending the call right after I pressed the call button.
I love my phone and the capabilities of the Android system. Until now I haven't had any problems at all with it. Can you help me try to figure out what's happening, and if there are any ways to fix my phone? I haven't gotten around to rooting my phone since I've gotten it, but have been planning on it.
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Something probably is messed up in the upgrade process.
Simple solution, flash the 2.2 sbf and you should be good.
roadkizzle, Something doesn't sound right at all with your update. I would try to remove the battery for a minute and reboot. If you still have issues I would try a factory data reset. If that doesn't cure your ills then flashing the 2.2sbf as bandroidx suggested may be in order.
Alright, I flashed the SBF file to the phone through RSDLite, and from what I can see it went through correctly. My only question now is do you think I'll need to try to re-install the full update? Or is that similar to what I did?
roadkizzle said:
Alright, I flashed the SBF file to the phone through RSDLite, and from what I can see it went through correctly. My only question now is do you think I'll need to try to re-install the full update? Or is that similar to what I did?
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flashing the sbf already updated your phone to 2.2. You don't need to do anything else
I hope reflashing did the trick for you. That experience sounds nasty...
Sent from my MB520 using XDA App
Well, after a couple of hours of playing with my phone it's seeming better. I have been playing a few games of Worms, and my normal surfing the internet and so far I haven't noticed any real lag. The test will be my day through tomorrow.
I was just really confused because I was following the instructions from the Flashing SPRecovery SBF to a Motorola Droid youtube video, and his SBF file really seemed to only change the recovery screen. It looked like he still had to go through the actual process to make the actual updates to his phone.
Alright it's official, flashing the sbf did not fix the lag issues. My phone hasn't had a critical malfunction and reboot itself yet today, but the lag is unbearable.
roadkizzle, It sounds like you are still having issues. If you look at the system version in "about phone" in settings menu does it say version 37.4.0.MB520??
Yes, it says Version.37.4.0.MB520.ATT.en.US
roadkizzle said:
Alright it's official, flashing the sbf did not fix the lag issues. My phone hasn't had a critical malfunction and reboot itself yet today, but the lag is unbearable.
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what apps do you have installed?
look in task master and get rid of any auto-ends and reboot and see if that makes a difference
Well, immediately after removing the AT&T apps from the auto-end list and rebooting, I thought I noticed some lag initially, but I've let it run for a few days now doing everything I was before and I've not been having any of those issues recently.
I'm not sure what it was. I wasn't very aggressive adding apps to my auto-end list, really just Maps and the AT&T apps. I added maps after a while because when I would use it once it would stay open and I'd notice later on that it would have been a major consumer of my battery, and I couldn't figure out how to close it fully.
Glad to hear things are going better. I had some issues totally unrelated to the apps I had in auto-end but pulling all of them off of auto-end got rid of the issues. Froyo is supposed to minimise the need for having to add apps to auto-end in task manager. Regards
(SIA for the long post)
roadkizzle - my situation sounds very similar to yours and I wanted see if you are also seeing a couple of other symptoms I've seen beyond what you have indicated. This has been an issue from early on for me. At first it seemed to be associated to when the battery was low, but it is now ever increasingly interrupting my use of the phone. I was hoping 2.2 might resolve some of this, but it hasn't.
Background: Purchased/activated phone early Jan 2011; recently upgraded to the 2.2 sys and used the official channels; all apps I've added are lightweight stuff (ex: notepad-type stuff, weather widget) and I have pushed most unused stuff to the auto-end list.
Similar symptoms: I see the same power drain and high CPU usage when using maps/navigator (really evident on a recent trip). Still monitoring if some of that can be attributed to use of the GPS.
I'm getting a similar lag though I wish it was only for the short period you are seeing. I've only rarely been able to just put the phone down and have it responsive when I get back to it. Maps/Navigator were especially susceptible to this problem, and it seemed consistent with the 90%+ CPU usage often seen when they are running.
I don't use swipe, but the keypad is most often what is being used when the lag kicks in... the entire phone just goes completely unresponsive, including any and all other input such as the hardware home/back keys, etc.
In addition: Better than half the time that the qwerty touchpad becomes unresponsive, I see sporadically entered random keystrokes to my messages... everything from initiating the voice input to entering several dozen spaces or just simple random characters. This happens at a random, often changing rate and I see the keys lighting up and the haptic responses happen as if I were touching the keys, but they are not from any delay in the input. Once ruling out an exorcism, this has started me thinking I might have a hardware issue with the touchpad. The phone has not been dropped or roughed up in any way, so if it is HDWR, it's a manuf issue.
Luckily.... in 99% of the cases where this happens, using the HDWR power button to cycle the screen through a sleep and back resolves the issue. Not a big deal unless you have to do it 3 times to send one text/mail. This has me constantly thinking about items on the auto-end list but I have not unearthed anything to support that.
The other 1% of the time I have had to reboot the phone, but in those cases I can't rule out 'user issues' due to just pure frustration. Task Manager has become my most freq used app, but often I see everything at 0% CPU and/or not running.
I'm wondering if any of these additional symptoms sound familiar...
humanque said:
(SIA for the long post)
roadkizzle - my situation sounds very similar to yours and I wanted see if you are also seeing a couple of other symptoms I've seen beyond what you have indicated. This has been an issue from early on for me. At first it seemed to be associated to when the battery was low, but it is now ever increasingly interrupting my use of the phone. I was hoping 2.2 might resolve some of this, but it hasn't.
Background: Purchased/activated phone early Jan 2011; recently upgraded to the 2.2 sys and used the official channels; all apps I've added are lightweight stuff (ex: notepad-type stuff, weather widget) and I have pushed most unused stuff to the auto-end list.
Similar symptoms: I see the same power drain and high CPU usage when using maps/navigator (really evident on a recent trip). Still monitoring if some of that can be attributed to use of the GPS.
I'm getting a similar lag though I wish it was only for the short period you are seeing. I've only rarely been able to just put the phone down and have it responsive when I get back to it. Maps/Navigator were especially susceptible to this problem, and it seemed consistent with the 90%+ CPU usage often seen when they are running.
I don't use swipe, but the keypad is most often what is being used when the lag kicks in... the entire phone just goes completely unresponsive, including any and all other input such as the hardware home/back keys, etc.
In addition: Better than half the time that the qwerty touchpad becomes unresponsive, I see sporadically entered random keystrokes to my messages... everything from initiating the voice input to entering several dozen spaces or just simple random characters. This happens at a random, often changing rate and I see the keys lighting up and the haptic responses happen as if I were touching the keys, but they are not from any delay in the input. Once ruling out an exorcism, this has started me thinking I might have a hardware issue with the touchpad. The phone has not been dropped or roughed up in any way, so if it is HDWR, it's a manuf issue.
Luckily.... in 99% of the cases where this happens, using the HDWR power button to cycle the screen through a sleep and back resolves the issue. Not a big deal unless you have to do it 3 times to send one text/mail. This has me constantly thinking about items on the auto-end list but I have not unearthed anything to support that.
The other 1% of the time I have had to reboot the phone, but in those cases I can't rule out 'user issues' due to just pure frustration. Task Manager has become my most freq used app, but often I see everything at 0% CPU and/or not running.
I'm wondering if any of these additional symptoms sound familiar...
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Try taking things off of the auto-end list. You shouldn't need the task killer because android manages apps on its own (it's supposed to manage apps better in froyo than in 2.1)
I've also had lag, especially when opening maps (the first time I open maps it often force closes).
Can anyone get the "lock pattern" screen without the slide to unlock? It seems like a common "Motorola 2.2" issue, but I can't figure out if it gets resolved through an update or not
kyngnothing said:
I've also had lag, especially when opening maps (the first time I open maps it often force closes).
Can anyone get the "lock pattern" screen without the slide to unlock? It seems like a common "Motorola 2.2" issue, but I can't figure out if it gets resolved through an update or not
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it can be fixed through the settings.db in the, but i dont remember what to edit inside.
or you can download No Lock from the Market
jorgonv said:
it can be fixed through the settings.db in the, but i dont remember what to edit inside.
or you can download No Lock from the Market
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NoLlock just seems to turn the lock screen on and off altogether?
I can get the screen lock on and off, I just can't get the pattern lock without the side-to-side swipe lock at the same time
This is messing with
PS . If you can't get your screen to stop locking all the time with froyo 2.2.1dissable it in the same location ID # 61 screen_lock set to 0. ),
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and the settings menus.
There are several other seemingly lock-related database settings, but I'm worried about locking myself out
kyngnothing said:
NoLlock just seems to turn the lock screen on and off altogether?
I can get the screen lock on and off, I just can't get the pattern lock without the side-to-side swipe lock at the same time
This is messing with
and the settings menus.
There are several other seemingly lock-related database settings, but I'm worried about locking myself out
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You can always sbf if you get locked out. your data will also be kept

Lockups and lag?

Over the past couple of months my 6t has gotten progressively laggy and periodically locks up for a period of a few seconds. The main offenders look to be Chrome and Microsoft Outlook. Chrome will occasionally just hang up and stop responding to touch, keyboard typing, etc. Sometimes is resumes responding in a few seconds, but at other times I have to kill all apps to get things going again. Microsoft Outlook, which I must unfortunately use for work, will not load and display individual messages 80% of the time. The title loads but the body does nothing. Sometimes if I let it sit there for 10-15s the message will load, but most of the TIME I need to go back one screen and reload 3-4 times.
I have not installed anything new on the phone other than OP updates. Was wondering if there is a new setting or functionality that may be causing this. Not looking to wipe the phone and start all over for this. Ifnai am going to spend a few hours reinstalling everything I might as well buy a new phone.
GroovyGeek said:
Over the past couple of months my 6t has gotten progressively laggy and periodically locks up for a period of a few seconds. The main offenders look to be Chrome and Microsoft Outlook. Chrome will occasionally just hang up and stop responding to touch, keyboard typing, etc. Sometimes is resumes responding in a few seconds, but at other times I have to kill all apps to get things going again. Microsoft Outlook, which I must unfortunately use for work, will not load and display individual messages 80% of the time. The title loads but the body does nothing. Sometimes if I let it sit there for 10-15s the message will load, but most of the TIME I need to go back one screen and reload 3-4 times.
I have not installed anything new on the phone other than OP updates. Was wondering if there is a new setting or functionality that may be causing this. Not looking to wipe the phone and start all over for this. Ifnai am going to spend a few hours reinstalling everything I might as well buy a new phone.
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Sounds like a kernel issue. Oneplus 6t stock kernel sucks which is why most of us with this phone root and, find another kernel. I have not had any issues since being rooted and, using the omega kernel along with nolimits xXx.
