Issue: Today Plugin Options - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I built a Today plugin (with a little help from folks on this forum) originally for WM5 devices (you can see it here). Everything works great.
Based on user requests, I re-targeted it to work on PPC 2003 SE devices also. Here's the problem: Now, the Options window won't open until the plugin is actually loaded. In other words:
1. After a fresh install, go to Today settings, highlight plugin, click options - nothing happens.
2. Check plugin, close Today settings, re-open Today settings - Options now work.
Any thoughts an why it behaves like this? I've compared the two versions ad nauseam, tweaked this and that to no avail. (this was built using VS 2005)

The options + the today item code are in the same dll and it dose not get loaded until after the items window is dismissed. This is normal behaviour and there is not much you can do about it. If you watch the task bar you will notice a flicker at this exact time (ie closing items window). I think a system-wide message is sent at that time to indicate a setting change. Find that message and you may have something to work with but there is no garantee that your item will get loaded even if you send that message during the installation.

OdeeanRDeathshead said:
The options + the today item code are in the same dll and it dose not get loaded until after the items window is dismissed. This is normal behaviour and there is not much you can do about it. If you watch the task bar you will notice a flicker at this exact time (ie closing items window). I think a system-wide message is sent at that time to indicate a setting change. Find that message and you may have something to work with but there is no garantee that your item will get loaded even if you send that message during the installation.
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Hey - thanks for the help! Similar to your suggestion, I implemented a post-installation step (another first for me) that executes SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0xF2, 0); This refreshes the Today screen, causing my plugin to load immediately.
Perhaps version 1 always did this and I just didn't notice...


Help in developing a today plugin

Hello everybody,
After searching without success a weather today plugin that meets my needs,
I decided to write a new application of my own, mainly because apart SPB Pocket weather (which shows very little information ie no moon data), no plugin allows to download data from a site of your choice.
I read all the documentation on MSND and from development forums, and I finally build the first version of the plugin, but I ran into a big problem.
Often the plugin disappear from today applet list, other times the plugin is not showed even if is active, and so on.
So, this is my help request: does anybody have a skeleton of a working today plugin? I really much appreciate some help!
Surely I will release my application on this forum, since I don't want to make money with it.
Thanks in advance!
There's a working today plugin in the sdk I think.
Also check here:
There could be many reasons why your plugin is disappearing:
You're not trying to set its height to 0 or less are you? I've found that causes itself and other plugins to bugger up if you do that.
It could be disappearing from the today plugin list because it's causing a crash on being parsed by the today options dialog. ensure you've implemented any options dialog correctly, or not at all.
How are you parsing the weather data? I've got to write my own plugin to do this at some point... Are you parsing xml or hardcoded html pages?
First of all, thanks vijay for your reply.
As for your questions:
1) yes, I initially set vertical height to zero, then on the first WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE or when I need to resize, I set the cyp member of TODAYLISTITEM to my desired height and return TRUE. Are you sure that this could be the cause? Every sample I found uses this technic.
2) I've implemented an options dialog, but not via the specific exported function, so in the registry I set the "Options" key to zero.
3) The idea behind the weather data is: I read an XML file with certain keywords, wich is created by an external exe that reads weather data from internet and create the XML file. I have written code that reads from, but everyone who has some programming experience can write his own and read from his favourite forecasts site. Basically you have to read an internet page and create an XML file with my specification, then the today plugin reads and show data.
Sounds like a good implementation.
1) is correct, that's how to set the size. I meant that if you try to fix the size to 0 at some point after first refresh, it causes it to screw up. But if you're always > 0 no problem.
2) If you've set the options registry to 0 it shouldn't be a problem. Presumably the options button is disabled in the today options settings?
3) Sounds good, looking forward to seeing it.
Hmmm. I know some of my plugins randomly used to disappear after changing the settings etc. I think it's really just some loose code somewhere, but they're hard to debug. If you get desperate you can send a copy over and I'll try to look over it, but I think if you just fill in the blanks around the today plugin in the sdk, hopefully you should have a working model.
Oh, one thing that does come to mind:
"Painting problems with a PocketPC Today Screen plugin"

Tip - How to Disable Clock

Hi folks,
You guys might already know about this but I just discovered how to do it after doing some heavy googling over the past couple of days. Many thanks to the guy at this link who made the discovery!
How to lock down the clock on Windows Mobile devices
I was reading through some of the messages on the microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework newsgroup when I came upon a real gem of a message.
The key piece of knowledge being, that there is a special registry key, that will disable GUI access for the clock on Windows Mobile devices.
Application State Registry Key for Windows Mobile Clock
If this is set to 0x11 the clock is enabled, as by default. If it is set to 0x30, or probably anything not 0x11, it is disabled and ignores any attempts to run.
If you are writting any kind of salesforce automation applications, or route management software, then you can see just how useful this feature is. You just add a special admin feature to enable and disable the ability to set the time, or handle it entirely from within your application.
Now I just need to find out why this key even exists, since I hate to find out the OS likes to change it under circumstance X.
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue [0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
// enable clock
System.Byte[] onValue = new byte[1];
onValue[0] = 0x11;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", value);
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And the link to the original source -
I was pulling my hair out over that one the last couple of days!
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
Hi levenum,
Thanks for the insights! I just tried it too and sadly that is the case ;-( Mmmh, I wonder if there is a way to hide 'Clock' from the Run\Clock thingy? or disable the Clock in some other way?
mmh, back to the drawing board...
Here's what you might try:
Create a cab that deploys an empty clock.exe to windows directory on the device.
Clock.exe is a ROM file, but a cab should be able to overwrite it (it won't work manually). This way no matter who calls it (menu or control panel) they will see the empty exe and nothing will happen.
Sounds like a good idea to me! I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Thanks for your continued help
Worked nice Thankyou!
btw, do you think that overwriting the Clock.exe would have any effect on the 'displaying' of the date in the Today Screen? By clicking the date we launch the Clock.exe program, but something else other than Clock.exe must control what shows the current date, right? I mean, the current date wouldnt just stay on the date on which we delete Clock.exe?
Cheers and thanks again,
Actually, if the exe was responsible for the date on the today screen, you wouldn't see anything once you overwritten it. Today date is just another plug-in. I think its clockdll.dll but I am not sure. Whatever the file name, it takes the date directly from the system clock.
As I understand it clock.exe is just a little GUI utility for setting system time, and alarms.
That sounds right and what i was thinking, always good to have a second opinion for confimration.
All the best,
seems like you guys might know what your doing, so do you know how to get the battery removed and the clock back on the today screen of WM5 latest rom releases....
levenum said:
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
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wow..thanx for this. worked like a charm on my wing (and 2 yrs after it was posted i might add =P). i thought my alarm clock was lost FOREVER!
I found the following code in this discussion thread:
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue[0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
It looks pretty useful to me but It has some OpenNETCF keyword.
Please suggest me what is OpenNETCF? Is it an additional third
party compact framework and how can I get this?
Also, if it is inbuild reference by Microsoft, from where to get it?
-Abhishek Maitrey
OpenNETCF is an extra SDK for WiMo devices. Search for it....
In this situation it's not needed.

GSPocketMagic++ configuration.

Hi, first off im new to the XDA EXEC so be gentle , I've already unlocked and updated the device and now I'm just getting use to customizing it.
I've installed GSPocketMagic and although i can get it running theres a few things im unsure of.
1. it seems to slow the boot up of the device considerably, don't know why or if that might be some remnance of O2 stuff kicking around on the device.
2. The icons don't seem to blend into the themes properly. For instance the close buttons seem to be of a different colour and you can easily see that. On the main today screen when no apps are running I have an obvious discoloured sqaure in the top right hand corner. I'm guessing this might have something to do with the bmp pallettes for the images? anyone done anything about this?
3. Skining the menu , on the download site is shows its possible but i've had no luck.
it looks like a good app but its just not reaching what i need any ideas on how to configure it properly as so far from what i've seen theres limited information on it and i've not found any translations etc.
Download the latest here:
Goto Start menu > Option > Setting... and and "play" with the settings of GSPocketMagic++
i've had a play with the settings already and could really find what I was looking for the most i've managed to do is change the startup menu button to an image but it didn't resolve the fact that the button images for say close are off colour (even if you install the VGA xscale version (as i stated before).
Also I can't see how you skin the menu so it'd look similar to that of the existing menu bar (just for continuity of the plug in). Then finally theres the fact on boot its terribly slow to start up with this addition (or so it seems). However its still a vanillia(ish) device so i could be som O2 crap kicking around that i haven't removed yet?
dunno..hence the thread.
Smallmenu and GSPocketMagic will take quite a while to generate the icon cache on first launch. Just let it do it. It doesn't do it again after the first launch unless you manually refresh. It takes about 30 seconds for me.
If you goto Goto Start menu > Option > Setting... and directly close de Setting page it wil refresh the cache again. You can time it how log it takes. I have about 30 shortcuts in the menu (which I pointed to \windows\start menu\programs and not the standard folder), also to the SD card, and it takes about 4 to 5 secs to refresh it.
installing GSPocketMagic
Hello downloaded it
How do I install it on the Exec
is there an update 2 this? where can i find skins?

[v1.53][23-Mar-08] ShantzTodayChanger - Timed Wallpaper\THEME Cycler\App Launcher

I've not been getting enough time to work on ShantzTodayChanger anymore (and couple that with the irritation of having to boot into windows just to work into this). The motivation levels are simply not there. I'm trying to see if there is someone willing to take up and continue development for this, so that I can release the source code. If anyone is interested, please drop me a word at the project's home page: Shantz Today Changer Home Page
For queries, bug reports, feature requests, updates and downloads, visit ShantzTodayChanger Home Page
If you like this program, then you can
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This small tool will cycle ur today background or theme after a set interval of time.
1. Make a folder on ur device (preferably not on storage card.) and extract all the files (mainly ShantzTodayChanger.exe, TdyChangerCfg.exe, gsgetfile.dll (might not be visible to u depending on ur explorer settings) and Readme.htm) to this folder.
2. IMP: Do not rename any files.
3. Run the TdyChangerCfg.exe.
4. Set options through the dialog that opens and press apply button (Pressing the native WM OK button will discard all your changes)
5. Options:
i)Choose image type (.gif\.jpg\.png) or theme(.tsk) to be cycled.
ii)If the input files (images or themes) are not in the folder where exes are kept, then you can check the box (underneath the .gif option) and give the "FULL and ABSOLUTE" path of where the files are kept. You can either input the path thru keyboard or choose it graphically by pressing the button (...) next to it.
iii)If you want to run a file after every cycle interval, check the corresponding box and provide the "FULL and ABSOLUTE" path of the file to be run. You can either input the path thru keyboard or choose it graphically by pressing the button (...) next to it.
iv) If you want some files to be avoided during cycling, put a file mask. The program will look for this mask to appear anywhere in the name of the files and will avoid it if found. (Wildcards are not supported. Choose time option has to be checked for this to work)
v) Choose the period for which mask option has to be used. If you choose a time period and leave mask as empty, then during that time no cycling will be done. If you want to avoid some files all the time, then time period should be chosen to cover all 24 hrs of the day.
vi)enter the desired interval between cycling of images\themes.
vii)If you choose a period for the mask, another check box (Consider mask period for exe also) will be enabled. Checking this box will mean that the specified exe will be run only if an image\theme is changed during that cycle. If you dont check this, then exe will be run after every cycle even if there is no change in the image\theme.
6. When you want to stop the cycling, press "STOP Cycling" button.
Additional Notes:
1. I've tested it only on my WM6 HTC Wizard and WM5 emulator. Might work with other devices/OS's but not sure...
2. Doesnt have to be running constantly. So saves resources when not active.
3. Survives soft resets as well.
4. Even takes care of the situation if your phone is off when the time to cycle is reached. Will cycle as soon as ur phone comes back on in this situation.
Planned Updates:
i) Suggestions invited. I have a lot of updates in mind but will incorporate those only which are requested by you.
Known Issues:
i) If the mask option is selected, then in a very particular situation, the app will miss a cycle.
This can be taken care of but not in my priority list because this can be fixed only by rewriting the complete cycling code which is quite a bit. So, will fix it if I get some time from my other projects.
ii) If after maknig the configuration, you see the screen flash for a second at the right times, but the backfround doesn't change, then do this:
- Go to :
- un-check "Use this picture as background"
- start the program using "startTodayChanger.lnk" or TdyChangerCfg (Apply button)
(Thnx to CWKJ for reporting this bug and fix, and to eric for reminding me about it)
End Note:
Like every software, this one is also bound to have bugs, please report it asap.
Though ShantzTodayChanger does not run continuously but sometimes some apps that close all processes automatically (like SPB backup) might clash in schedule with ShantzTodayChanger and close it when it starts to run. In such a case (which is quite unlikely), the app might not be able to set a notification for next cycle, so if u face this situation, then run the config again.
Version History:
1.53 - 23-March-08 -> RECOMMENDED UPDATE
i)Theme Color Detection has been improved a lot. Should work much more accurately now.
1.52 - 11-Aug-07 ->
i) Fixed another bug for the "time period" option.
ii) Made a little optimization in the code.
1.51 - 05-Aug-07 ->
i) Fixed a bug which prevented the "time period" option from working properly.
ii) Fixed a bug where wallpapers might not change if certain particular themes were installed before change cycle happens
iii) Fixed a bug where the time period option was not remembered properly by the GUI.
iv) Added option to allow user to choose whether to run the user specified file (exe\lnk) after every cycle interval only if there was a change in image\theme during that cycle.
v) Made a few small changes to the GUI to prevent users from making incorrect settings.
1.50 - 29-July-07 ->MAJOR UPDATE
i) Added option to specify a mask to avoid files having that mask
ii) Added option to specify the time period during which the mask has to be considered
iii) Added code to ensure that if mask is empty and a period is chosen, then no rotation is done during that period.
iv) Added option to run a user specified file after every cycle interval.
v) Fixed bug where the jpg and png options were not working earlier.
vi) Clicking help button now opens help in Pocket Internet Explorer.
vii) Fixed many more subtle bugs that manifest themselves and very peculiar situations.
viii) Optimized the code a bit at a few places.
ix) Also see "Known Issues" section above.
x) Removed the "append to previous info" box as now the app remembers old info correctly.
1.33 - 18-July-07 ->
i)Added code to select the input path graphically. It is a bit of workaround though. To select an input folder, just select any file inside it in the select folder dialog.
ii)TdyChgrCfg now shows you the previous settings.
1.32 - 21-Jun-07 ->
i) Fixed a bug where sometimes on cycling themes, colors change but images do not change.
ii) Added a measure to avoid running multiple instances (just as a precaution)
iii)Added code to avoid losing notifications if phone is reset too early after running the program
1.31 - 20-Jun-07 ->Fixed 2 bugs:
i) A notification bug where old notification is not deleted
ii) A bug where cycle interval value is not correctly read from the GUI
1.3 - 19-Jun-07 ->
i)Added option to make partial changes to previously entered information.
ii)Fine-Tuned the Theme Color support algo. Now, theme colors should be almost 95% same as calculated by windows mobile while applying theme.
iii)Did some code optimization
1.2 - 19-Jun-07 ->Major Update:
i)Added Theme Support. Changing of system colors as per theme is also supported (which is not done by any other program IIRC)
ii)Added option to keep input images\themes in a separate folder
iii)Provided a GUI Configuration module
iv)Provided option to choose between gif\jpg\png\tsk to be cycled.
1.11 - 12-Jun-07->Fixed another bug with notification queue
1.1 - 12-Jun-07 -> Fixed the bug that causes WM5/WM6 devices not to cycle wallpapers in certain conditions
1.0 - 10-Jun-07 -> Initial Release
daxliniere/wacky.banana -> For asking to make the tool and their inputs
SeanFromSoCal/200mpx -> For their inputs
If you like this program, then you can :: DONATE ::
Latest Downloads can now be found at
For queries, bug reports, feature requests, updates and downloads, visit ShantzTodayChanger Home Page
it may be interesting
nice release...will try it soon
Hey Shantz! thanks so much for this, unfortunatley it doesn't run on my Hermes!
And I don't know how to debug it so you can take a look at it.
Feature request: JPG or PNG support would be great. Also, a way to specify where the files reside, maybe command line? If argument is not present at command line, then default to install directory (program root)
Thanks Shantz!!
@dax: well, I'll add a config module soon for the image paths etc.
Will see if jpg/png support is feasible enuff...
About the hermes, i'll send you a debug build and try to run that. But first of all, tell me whether you can find a registry entry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ShantzTodayChanger" and if its there then can you tell me the objects present inside it along with their values...
shantzg001 said:
Just made this. This small tool will cycle ur today background / wallpaper after a set interval of time.
1. Make a folder on ur device (preferably not on storage card. Its just 8KB anyways) and extract the ShantzTodayChanger.exe to this folder.
2. Copy the image files that you want to set as ur today background to this folder.
[bold]IMP:The files should be gif and moreover, the size (widthxheight) of the images should be taken care of by you in advanced, otherwise they might be stretched or cropped[/bold]
3. Run the ShantzTodayChanger.exe.
4. This will create two shortcuts in ur folder. startTdyChngr.lnk and stopTdyChngr.lnk.
5. Now just run startTdyChngr.lnk. The default time gap between cycling is 600sec. You can modify the shortcut to choose ur own time (in sec).
6. When you want to stop the cycling, just run stopTdyChngr.lnk.
Additional Notes:
1. You can create your own shortcuts if you want. Basically the ShantzTodayChanger.exe works on following command line arguments (without the quotes):
i) "-g 600" - start cycling images. replace 600 by ur own time in seconds. Keep it more than 1 minute preferably.
ii) "-s" - stop cycling.
iii) "-c" - cycle immediately. DONT USE THIS OPTION. MIGHT CREATE PROBLEMS.
2. I've tested it only on my WM6 HTC Wizard and WM5 emulator. Might work with other devices/OS's but not sure...
3. It runs only when wallpaper has to be changed. So saves resources when not active.
4. Survives soft resets as well.
5. Even takes care of the situation if your phone is off when the time to cycle is reached. Will cycle as soon as ur phone comes back on in this situation.
Planned Updated:
i) Suggestions invited. I have a lot of updates in mind but will incorporate those only which are requested by you.
End Note:
Like every software, this one is also bound to have bugs, please report it asap.
Version History:
1.0 - 10-Jun-07 -> Initial Release
daxliniere/wacky.banana -> For asking to make the tool
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i was actually thinking of something like this...
feature request????
how about changing the entire theme....
(what i am planning here is having different themes during different times of the day)
along with it say can you make it check the time (say instead of 600s i would like to change it at 12, 3, 6 and 9...)
whole theme changer(tsk), which will change system solors would be WROBG
@fallenCzar: Whole Theme Changer isn't on the list right now...Maybe I can work on it when I get a few other things together first..
along with it say can you make it check the time (say instead of 600s i would like to change it at 12, 3, 6 and 9...)
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Do you mean, you want to change it at a specific time of the day? Hmmm, I may try to include an option to specify the "cycle start time" along with the gap, which should take care of this...
not working on my o2 XDA II mini win says not a valid pocket pc....
@Sathya: It works only on WM5 and WM6. I'll see if just a simple compilation for the WM2003 platform will work and let you know...
@ALL: Those who have tried it on their WM5/WM6 devices, please let me know if its working ok for you or not.
BTW, i've started working on a few updates, check in Post #1..I think I'll make two versions for this, a normal one and an extended one, so that those who want a smaller footprint can use the normal version...
Hey seem to be a nice work shantzg001, checking it out soon ...
Thnx Shailesh, did u get time to run it??
do not work on my Trinity
Just seen this. Many many thanks for your efforts here, most appreciated.
Not had chance to try it yet but most reports sem to be coming back that it doesn't seem to work on a Tytn/WM5 machine? What's your take on that?
Hmmm, it works perfectly on my WM6 HTC Wizard and the WM5 emulator as well...Not getting any time right now to look more..Will post a debug build tonight..But can someone please check the registry. I had said earlier also to check under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ShantzTodayChanger, to report back what all settings exist there, after you have completed all the process...
Found some problems with the code...Have removed the utility till further notice...
Found out part of the problem by inspecting a colleague's device...Its because of how some devices behave to background change if themes are installed..
Will make the change when i go back home tonight and also see if there is any other problem...
Fixed the bug...It should be ok now for all WM5/WM6 devices..
With 1.11 it now works fine!
Is it possible to make it work not only with gif files but with tsk too

[REQ] Today Plugin: SMS managment directly on Today Screen

hello, i'm searching for a today plugin which is similar to the default messaging plugin in wm6. but i want it to show me also the messages itself on screen (for example the last 3 sms or email), is there someting? thanks!
Only use "infinite Today" but the lan of software is chinese.
unfortunately no eng. version of infinitetoday yet.
but you could manage this by pocket breeze.eliminate the other tabs than sms and all icons of settings etc. it gives what you want .
mobile101 said:
Only use "infinite Today" but the lan of software is chinese.
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hmm could you give ma link to this thing? maybe hexedit or reshack is possible...
is this that app?
Hi there! Have you checked out wisbar advance desktop 2? The app itself does not contain this function, but in combination with mortscript its an easy setup. Wisbar desktop gives you full controll over your todayscreen as in your desktop pc.
If this is the solution you decide to go for, I can help you getting started ;-) If so, PM me
The app itself does not contain this function, but in combination with mortscript its an easy setup.
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tell me more, i am interested, what ms script can display sms content.
it would be easy to use this in hs++, freeware app then.
i was WAD user in 2005-2006.
here's few shots to prove it:
nothin said:
tell me more, i am interested, what ms script can display sms content.
it would be easy to use this in hs++, freeware app then.
i was WAD user in 2005-2006.
here's few shots to prove it:
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Sure m8! But for the ease of it I will just copy a post from The reason why I copy it over here is that this forum should contain it all. This is the work of a guy called allanlsmith and here it goes:
alanlsmith lakeridge forums said:
Script Updated 30 Jan 2009
With improved method of splitting lines, hopefully to stop the odd message disappearing off the right hand side of the screen.
The only script that has changed is 'ReadSMS.mscr' & it now puts all the lines of the message into one registry value, so you need to change your registry text in WAD to point to 'HKLM...\Messaging\SMS\Message' rather than Line1, Line2, etc.
As before you can adjust the length & number of lines by altering the appropriate values at the begining of the script.
__________________________________________________ _______________
An earlier question from Neodd70 prompted me to look into being able to preview message on a virtual page, I've come up with what seems to be a viable solution for SMS, I have used a component(s) from ThrottleLauncher which the author APBilbo has kindly allowed the use of as a standalone application.
As you can see from the screenshot I've ended up with it looking like a sort of copy of the message page from Manila 2D, I've included the images if you want to use them.
It allows a preview of the first 7 lines of a message & adds "..." at the end if the message is longer. the included shortcuts are 'SMS Next' which moves to the next newest message, 'SMS Previous' which moves to the next older message, 'SMS Details' which shows the whole message in a HTML window, 'SMS Refresh' which should be used as the page entry script, as this will display the most recent message on the page & 'SMS Reply' which, well, allows you to reply to the message sender.
The Registry entries that are created / updated when the shortcuts are run, are as follows, All under 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\My_Utilities\SMS' :
'Line1' to 'Line7' this splits the text into individual lines, 'Read' indicates if the current message is read or unread, 'Selected' is the number of the current message, 'Total' is the number of messages in the inbox & 'Sender' is the sender.
As neither the application or WAD do textwrapping the Mortscript 'ReadSMS.mscr' parses the message into lines, currently set to 25 chars long to suit my QVGA screen & the images I use, but if you change the value of 'linelength' at the begining of the 'ReadSMS.mscr. script then you can make them whatever length you want.
To actually use this, all that is needed is to copy the folder 'Message2Reg' (which contains the applications, DLLs & scripts) to '\Program Files\' & the 'Messages' folder (which contains the shortcuts) to '\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Then on your selected page assign 'SMS Refresh' as the page entry script & the Next, Previous, Details & Reply shortcuts to appropriate buttons to suit your chosen layout.
Oh, & if you don't want to use the HTML preview you can delete 'template.html & 'OpenNETCF.DLL' which will save about 220Kb.
Note: opening the message in the HTML preview will mark the message as read, whereas viewing in the 'envelope' will not.
It should all work reliably, but no guarantees.
Edit: Throttle Launcher does not need to be installed, but you do need to create the registry key 'HKLM/Software/ThrottleLauncher/Messaging' then the first time the program is run it will create the necessary subkeys below this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For all non english devices: You have to make a folder in your units root called "Storing Card" to make this work.
nothin said:
i was WAD user in 2005-2006
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Then you shold check out WAD2! I cannot imagine myself owning a WinMo without it! There is NOTHING developed here at XDA that can touch this. (No guys .. all your work are great! But this is the king of the hill..)
thedaniel said:
Then you shold check out WAD2!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well there are two crucial problems here(and few lesser ones):
- sipicon that pop ups on wm6.1 in bottom-center of screen, reported, but not solved.
- no tray at all, 1.x.x. had it.
Believe me, i do know, what WAD is...
here it goes:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks, thedaniel, gonna check this later.
You can make your own tray in WAD2
anyways: hope this gets you somwhere
I use SPB Diary. It's not free, but it's a very powerful program. You can view all of your emails and sms right on the today screen, as well as ALOT of other cool stuff. Check it out.
Point UI's Home 2 is just the ticket!
You can choose your sms as your today screen, its amazing!

