Proactive maintenance to help avoid Reminder failures - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

meschle said:
I have not heard any problems with omapclockplus interfering with the notification queue - i keep my queue in order with check notifications and delete any duplicates etc.. when they arise. I have no problems with alarms etc.. because i keep the queue healthy.
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The quote above came from the overclocking thread but I didn't want risk getting far off topic, especially when failures to remind is so common to many of us.
meschle if you find this topic, can you tell us what you use to "check notifications"? When I first started troubleshooting my 8125's failure to remind me I used SK Tools to look at the notification queue and duplicate reminders but neither check found anything. I ended up using WakeupTweak to fix things, at least temporarily. But if I can avoid the problem entirely by doing the "right" maintenance proactively I would much prefer to do so. Any pointers you can provide in order to help the rest of us keep our own queues healthy would be appreciated.
Similar tips from anyone else would also be most welcome.

The program you want is Check Notifications by ScaryBear Software. Be carefull only to delete duplicates until you know what you are doing

Thanks for the link.
I went out to ScaryBear Software and read about the two utilities. They offer a bit of an explanation about the need for the software and how to use it, but there is not a lot of detail about what should and should not be cleaned. Like you, it warned users to only remove duplicates until one knows what one is doing. Without documentation it is hard for one to learn what to delete and what not to, without experimentation and risk. I believe my overzealous use of the SK Tools "Notification Queue" utility led to my recent need to hard reset my device. This topic could help restore and maintain the basic functionality to a lot of PDAs that a good number of us primarily bought them for in the first place.
So far I've learned of the following utilities
SK Tools
WakeupTweak (aka pTravelAlarm_WakeupTweak)
Check Notifications
Notifications Clear Fix
Be good to know, does WakeupTweak do the same thing as Check Notification? While the former also has a function to prevent the device from prematurely returning to Suspend mode upon awakening, it also has functions to Run Clock and Calendar Cleanups. Questions are, do those latter two parallel some of the functionality of Check Notifications? Or are they unique?
What might be especially useful to know are examples of what notifications should not be removed, ie things removed that directly created a need to do a hard reset.

Tref said:
The quote above came from the overclocking thread but I didn't want risk getting far off topic, especially when failures to remind is so common to many of us.
meschle if you find this topic, can you tell us what you use to "check notifications"? When I first started troubleshooting my 8125's failure to remind me I used SK Tools to look at the notification queue and duplicate reminders but neither check found anything. I ended up using WakeupTweak to fix things, at least temporarily. But if I can avoid the problem entirely by doing the "right" maintenance proactively I would much prefer to do so. Any pointers you can provide in order to help the rest of us keep our own queues healthy would be appreciated.
Similar tips from anyone else would also be most welcome.
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Task manager v2.3 from,27,15027,page=1 allows you to delete duplicate notifications. And it's free!

Tref said:
The quote above came from the overclocking thread but I didn't want risk getting far off topic, especially when failures to remind is so common to many of us.
meschle if you find this topic, can you tell us what you use to "check notifications"? When I first started troubleshooting my 8125's failure to remind me I used SK Tools to look at the notification queue and duplicate reminders but neither check found anything. I ended up using WakeupTweak to fix things, at least temporarily. But if I can avoid the problem entirely by doing the "right" maintenance proactively I would much prefer to do so. Any pointers you can provide in order to help the rest of us keep our own queues healthy would be appreciated.
Similar tips from anyone else would also be most welcome.
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Hi tref i use mostly check notifications by scary bear software, i also have sktools and task manager by dotfred that decknologist mentions.
I check the queue every couple of days, and i limit the no of notifications in the calendar - only those that are v important. I can see all the other agenda items on my today screen anyhow so only need a notification if i turn blind. My mxip_notify.vol (where the notification queue is) in the root directory is only 32kb.
I have not found removing duplicate notifications a problem but would be wary of removing other notifications - except those mentioned below.
This is a quote from another post of mine on a recurring alarm problem
'The problem will be a notification in the notify queue that should not be there. For a calendar reminder it will be a calendar.exe notification. Use the attached program to check the notification queue - find the one and delete. For the alarm notification - turn off alarm and check the queue and delete any clock.exe notifications which is the one for alarms. Also goto options/settings and tick both boxes and check for duplicate notifications which will be marked in red - delete those. Do not delete the other notifications they are needed for the normal running of the device.'
Attached is check notifications - unzip, activesync device run exe from pc

Thanks decknologist, another bow for the quiver.
meschle said:
Hi tref i use most check notifications by scary bear software, i also have sktools and task manager by dotfred that decknologist mentions.
I check the queue every couple of days, and i limit the no of notifications in the calendar - only those that are v important.
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I've taken to limiting my use of the calendar somewhat as well. Sad considering the cost and usefulness of these devices, when they work as advertised.
meschle said:
My mxip_notify.vol (where the notification queue is) in the root directory is only 32kb.
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I don't have a lot in my calendar, as I said, but it's still 132Kb. I'll have to stay on top of this as I learn these tools better.
I didn't know where the alarms (which I don't use), and the calendar notifications were stored. Thanks for that!
Should those be backed up along with pim.vol to restore contact and calendar info should the need arise?
Do you habitually delete old appointments once they've come and gone?
meschle said:
This is a quote from another post of mine on a recurring alarm problem
'The problem will be a notification in the notify queue that should not be there. For a calendar reminder it will be a calendar.exe notification. Use the attached program to check the notification queue - find the one and delete. For the alarm notification - turn off alarm and check the queue and delete any clock.exe notifications which is the one for alarms. Also goto options/settings and tick both boxes and check for duplicate notifications which will be marked in red - delete those. Do not delete the other notifications they are needed for the normal running of the device.'
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Strangely I have no items in red. I have a lot of items that appear to be the same but not marked in red. I think though that where I went wrong last week was in removing the similar looking items with SK Tools, even though I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I'll rely on WakeupTweak and Check Notifications (CN), to find and remove them for me from this point on. But I'm running WakeupTweak first and regularly. As you know it just does what it does (when cleaning), without showing any detail so it may be that if I run if first and then use CN to look I may never see any dups in CN.
I hope all this info is as helpful to others as it has been to me.

Yep i delete most old appts unless i need to know when an appt was. This keeps pim.vol smaller as well and finally i forgot to include tasks.exe - which when seen in the notification queue is the notification for any tasks due. Duh, sorry guys if I am teaching any of you to suck eggs!


SMS security

is it possible to lock the SMS inbox to prevent unauthorised access at all?
Thoughts and solutions as always welcome.
suppose it could be possible with 3th party software
but why not just put a password on the whole pda ?
it's already supported and would protect your data much more
should anybody steal the pda
hear hear
password protecting the Inbox would be very useful - and other folders for that matter.
The scenario in my case is not resolved by password protecting the whole PDA since you may wish to give someone access to the PDA - to play a game for instance. If there is no way of protecting your data beyond that then there's nothing stopping them having a nose around or doing damage (accidental or mallicous) whilst 'playing'.
I'd be interested to hear more on this. I'll have a look for 3rd party stuff in the meantime.
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
SMS Security
I've been looking for this kind of topic for a long time. I share similar sentiments and problem with you guys. any updates on this? I'm still searching for answers....
go here
This is a must have 3rd party tools but still have some bug and errors
getting it to work
this is brilliant!! ...but it doesn't work.
Has anyone been able to get this program working?
I've installed the two files into: \Windows on my phone
I then run the .exe file and the program starts. I've been able to set up a password.
I've set up a new Category for contacts: Hide
and set the contact's category (whose messages are to be hidden) to: Hide
I then go to SMSHide 1.0 and select "Hide Messages" from the Messages menu and a msgbox reports that "0 messages hided succussfully".
For what it's worth, a test to see if any of my messages have been protected goes to show that they haven't. No password is required, the messages can just be accessed as normal.
Also when I turn Autohide ON, the program interface becomes inaccesible - it just shows "SMSHide v.10 " in the title bar.
You kind of worry that, being this buggy, it'll go and lock all your messages and they'll be locked out for good!!
Pity cos we really need something like this.
anyway I've posted these comments to the developer and wait on them or anyone else here who's had success getting back to me.
me either.. its not working.
Hope somebody out there who can help our predicament. this is a very important utility and I know most of PDA users are needing this. In this way we can share our PDA to our friends without fear of letting them snoop in our small secrets...
possible solution
hi there:
have you seen the following thread:
somebody else started it up and I found at least one answer to the problems I mentioned. have a look
You guys must be doing some serious adultry!!! I just have another fone for the ladies! Seriously, finding sms messages from other women seems to be no 1 reason for relationship breakdown these days!
I'd like a whole seperate hidden area of files and sms on my xda, away from prying eyes?
that site was already posted. I tried it and it seems to work. The problem is, if you happen not to hear the message tone, you will not know that you have a message so you have to hide and unhide all the time for checking. You also have to set all your contacts to private and hide category.
Maybe in the future, there will be a new software that will just hide the whole things easily.

Check Notifications and duplicate Cal and CALENDAR.EXE

Hey Gang,
I use Xpress Mail to sync my calendar with my Cingular 8125. Now I also have Check Notifications application installed. Idon't know why it does, but it always ends up with about 15+ copies of "Cal" that are marked with red and a few "CALENDAR.EXE" (not marked with red)
When I click Clear, it doesnt clear these duplicates. Is there anyway to:
1 - stop these duplicates
2 - clear them with one click instead of 30+ deletes
You may have done this but if you go to Options => Settings, there will be two checkboxes which allow you to tell the program what you want deleted. Hopefully this helps.
I would like to know how to stop the duplicate and other useless notifications that always pile up in my wizard. I don't know why one should have to even bother with a program like this. Shouldn't these types of event notifications clear themselves up?
I do have that checked but for some reason, even though it marks them as duplicates (red lettering) it doesnt clear them.
Goto the end of the notification - scroll right and you will probably see they are not duplicate notifications but different appts etc.... You will also see this if you set the alarm for the week - its a bug in check notifications. You can try sktools or memaid and that will probably prove the point.
Yes, for the CALENDAR.EXE they are different but the Cal they are all exaclty the same in all columns. Under the "Arguments" column they have a long string of alpha-numeric characters.
What is calling this "Cal" item? I thought it might be my Xpress Mail which syncs my email and calendar items.
I ran MemMaid but it didnt clear them.
I'll have to find SKtools and try that.
mikeysweet said:
Yes, for the CALENDAR.EXE they are different but the Cal they are all exaclty the same in all columns. Under the "Arguments" column they have a long string of alpha-numeric characters.
What is calling this "Cal" item? I thought it might be my Xpress Mail which syncs my email and calendar items.
I ran MemMaid but it didnt clear them.
I'll have to find SKtools and try that.
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Are the alpha-numeric numbers identical? If not they may indicate calendar items. I use check notifications frequently and never seen a cal notification so i guess it is from your xpress mail program - and it usually from the reminder that goes with the calendar item not the item itself. I only use reminders when i need too and my queue is therefore small.
Yiu can download sktools here
Yep they have identical alpha-numeric values.
The main reason I want to get rid of them is if they take up any resources. Space is very valuable on these machines - memory or ram.
mikeysweet said:
Yep they have identical alpha-numeric values.
The main reason I want to get rid of them is if they take up any resources. Space is very valuable on these machines - memory or ram.
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I would try sktools and see if that works - if they are proper duplicate notifications it will delete them all with one click. Do they recur if you delete them say manually? This may be a problem with your software - you could do a hard reset and reinstall everything in case a bug has developed.
After the duplicates are deleted? how do the effects take place? i made a log and it saved the log file but what do i need to do next? whenever i do a soft reset or it freezes and i have to do a soft reset, it brings back the deleted notifications.


Reminders (most, not all) have stopped working on my Advantage. They show correctly in the calendar and sync with the desktop where the reminders pop up but for most of them nothing happens on Adavantage.
The odd one still works as normal but for most of them although the agenda shows the appointment about to happen no pop up, sound or even notice of a reminder having been missed appears.
I seem to remember a slightly similar thing happening with WM2003 after I had changed the time zone, and had to delete and then reinstate each appointment to get the reminders up again. But in this case neither has the time zone changed nor does deleting and reinstalling (nor before you ask soft-resetting) the device makes any difference.
Any ideas anybody?
I had some recurring reminders which were set to go off at 1 minute before and some at 0 minutes.
When I set all of these to at least 5 minutes before everything returned to normal.
Strange unless there is some time issue in the device or OS somewhere - anyway, just in case someone else gets this problem.
It may sound funny but change time zones, have it change the time zone. Then hold the power button until it asks are you sure you want to reboot. Let it reboot then change the time zone back. Sometimes that helps cuz it will rebuild the alarm database.
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
I've benn through this for YEARS and that's the only way I've had 100% success.
hammermedia said:
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
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I agree with everything hammermedia says bar one - I find Scarybear sometimes doesn't too well on WM5. Dinarsoft Memmaid does the trick
on the notification queue for me.
Snooze options
While we are on the subject the thing I HATE about WM5 compared to PPC2003 is the fewer snooze options.
Got quite excited over mention of memmaid to look at queue as I totally rely on these notifications but often need to set the snooze to x hours but having had a brief look I see that one can delete but not amend.
Don't want to try scarybear if there are reports of probs on WM5
On my old universal I spent ages trying to to get PocketMax Alarmtoday working to give me more flexibility. I will try again on Advantage now.
Any way of hacking the reminder snooze options? or Other programs people like?
still not snoozing
Just a brief update have got alarmtoday working fine which does have helpful options - regulates the sounds for how long and really like the 'mute all sound for a flexible period' - how many times does one forgot to turn the sound back on!
Alas it still uses the WM5 options for handling the reminder when it pops up so I can't tell it to remind me 8 hours

Here's what to do when reminders stop working

Suddenly the tasks did not remind me anymore. The device turned on at the scheduled time but there was no notification popup or sound.
What I did was delete every task from the device, delete all the notifications related to TASKS.EXE with the tool found on this thread, sync with Outlook and move the deleted tasks from the Deleted items folder to the main Tasks folder so they're back, and that's it. It's working again!
Hope the tip helps someone!
And we pray hard, that the error doesn't repeat itself in the future?
Can't belive, that my PDA doesn't function as a PDA. Remindres is a basic feature isn't it?
(I have the same problem. I wil try this, thank you!)
Thank you Marton!
I removed some notification with the tool you suggested, and my reminders are back
There were lot of notifications with date before today. I just delete the first one or two, reset my device and the earlyer reminders are displayed, and I colud dissimiss.
I'm glad this worked for you as well, Sallala!
For me the problem was gone and I did not have to repeat the procedure, fortunately.
The reminders stopped working on a busy day when I added 8 tasks, and they started reminding and I postponed some of them, and an incoming call stopped me from discard some, so it crashed somehow and I had no more reminders.
I searched all over the forums and people suggested Memmaid to clean the notifications. I tried it but had no luck. I tried other tools as well (I remember one from Scarybear) but still no luck, so I manually did what I described on the first post and voilĂ 

[Q] Repeat Notifications box grayed out

On my Phone -Voice Mail setting in Sounds and Notifications the Repeat checkbox is grayed out. Anyone know why?
are you using visual voicemail?
It comes that way by default,
If you want to activate it look around for a CAB called:/Regedit Enable Repeating Notifications/.
install, reset than go to Notifications Settings and mark the Checkboxes from the start.
Just one piece of warning,even in case you answered your missed call,SMS or Email for exapmle it will still keep on repeating for another few minutes,however to undo it simply Uncheck the Repeat box.
I'm not using Sense so I doubt I'm using Visual Email, at least that I know of.
I surely don't want to trade this problem for a larger one, such as by having to put up with unwanted repeated warnings after I've dismissed the notification.
I found Control Panel/Notifications/Repeat in the Registry and changed it to a 1, then did a soft reset but it didn't make any difference.
Given that Events seem to have individual different default values I'm thinking that the problem is likely in how the event itself is defined in the Registry as opposed to a global setting there.
This CAB i maked yesterday will help.
FRANQ_23_PL said:
This CAB i maked yesterday will help.
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Can you tell me what Registry entries your cab modifies? Is your cab uninstallable? With notifications being the primary purpose of my PDA functionality I'd like to make sure I know what it is that I'm modifying. At any rate, thank you!!!
This CAB is uninstalable and modify one value in registry:
if i good remember. C'mon mate i don't wanna hurt your device wanna help.

