Managed API for Special HTC Buttons - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi Guys
Does anybody have a way how to stop Hardware Buttons doing the Job they have to do by OS settings from their Compact Framweork Applications?
e.g. I would like to use the Volume Controller on Wizard/Magican within my Application - an no Popping up?
Anybody done this? - I know it is possible on C++ Apps (like Screenshot Applications) - nevertheless I would like to use it in C# - yes I can Pinvoke so if anybody points out the DLL's it should be ok for me


Midlet programming and the XDA2 Camera

Has anyone had any luck with writing Midlets for the XDA2? I'm trying to write one use the camera as a webcam (Yes, I know, a bit ambitious for my secomd midlet!)
I'm using this line:
Player vPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video");
I get a MediaException, meaning '...a Player cannot be created for the given locator.' (quoted from MMAPI JavaDoc).
Also, calling the Manager.getSupportedProtocols() method for 'mpeg/video' returns an empty list, as does calling Manager.getSupportedContentTypes() for 'capture://video'.
Has anyone else managed to access the XDA2 camera from a Midlet? If so, what is the trick?!!
I don't think anybody's managed to get access to it from native eVC++ let alone midlets, and IA style aren't revealing anything about how their app does it, so I wouldn't hold your breath for a solution... Bloody closed APIs.
Knackers!! :evil:
Cheers anyway! I'll keep poking and see what happens....
i suspect that their applications take pretty much control direct without using the winCE api
because when i start the cam my clock which it still display stop being 24h and turn to the AM/PM confusement

[VB.Net] DirectDraw or Similar

Hey Guys!
Iam searching for a possiblity to draw on the screen with DirectDraw, Sprites or similar, fast drawing operations(with transperant and so on). Someone knows how it works?
I also want to block the camera and other Hardware keys to use them exclusivly for my programm
Direct Draw
I Really Want It Too But Microsoft Didn't Build Any Directdraw Library For & It Only Supports C++
Is there another API you can use?

locking down hardware buttons

Hi Guys
Wondered if anyone knew of a way of locking down all the hardware buttons with a registry change on WM5?
Or at least specific ones?
Reason being I'm developing a flash lite data driven app for a device specific service with issued handsets to users during a corporate event - they need to be "locked down" to stop the user activating the phone using the "make call" buttons etc.
Although I can make the Flash app run "full screen" I can't stop the other buttons switching to other apps.
2 suggestions.
1 if you are trying to gain lock out control A_C's S2U2 program accomplashes this. If you need something other than his program I recommend that you PM him and asked him out he accomplished it with his lock.
2 you may want to try a program like hbutton. It would allow you to assign controls of the buttons to certain actions. One of the action options could be to do nothing. You could set them all to that.
Try using GXOpenInput();
it will redirect all input screen/keys to your app and then you can ignore then if you want.
I've just googled that command and found this page...
Seems like a good solution - only problem is, I'm not a .Net developer, so how would I pass this into the Flash Lite App as a .swf is loaded on the handset?
is there a way of passing this system variable in almost like a command-line before the app is opened?
Or would I need an executable on the PocketPC to somehow pass that in opening flashlite and the .swf in one go?
Thanks for all the useful suggestions, I'm now following them up - cheers guys!

Adding to the dialer/phone interface menu?

Hi, I am writing an app for Windows Mobile 6 that is somewhat of a port of one I did for Blackberry:
As you can see in that picture, I would like to add the features shown there on the menu while in the dialer and in midcall on the WM6 platform.
Is there a way to programatically add items to the dialer or phone interface menu using C# .NETCF on windows mobile 6? If so, can someone link me some API's I can use or tutorials on how to get it done? If not, is there ANY way to add menu items in the phone dialer/midcall interface? As you may have read before in my previous posts, I am inexperienced with both WM and C#(I now have a good... 2 weeks worth of experience since Hello World) so any help would be appreciated.
Oh I am currently working on an HTC TYTNII but would like to get it working on other phones as well.
Bump... Anyone?
I noticed that there were a couple people doing this on WM5 with registry edits. I was wondering if there was any tutorials on what keys to change and what values to set? Or where to look for guides on how to get this done?
last bump.

.Net CF development dummy question

I'm starting on building mobile apps using VS2005 and .Net CF.
However it appears the generated UI is very 'windows' looking (obviously)
buttons etc.
I was wondering if anyone know how awesome software like PointUI, HTC Homes are built? They look really nice and don't look like anything conventional!
Any pointers?
Most are not done using .NET, they are written in c++ and use custom widget sets.
But it is possible to write more "interesting" UI elements in .NET -- you have to use owner-drawn controls. Basically you override the OnPaint event and use GDI+ commands to draw the control the way you want using primitive graphics commands like FillRectangle() and DrawString(). Or just load bitmaps into memory and place them on the screen where needed.

