[VB.Net] DirectDraw or Similar - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey Guys!
Iam searching for a possiblity to draw on the screen with DirectDraw, Sprites or similar, fast drawing operations(with transperant and so on). Someone knows how it works?
I also want to block the camera and other Hardware keys to use them exclusivly for my programm

Direct Draw
I Really Want It Too But Microsoft Didn't Build Any Directdraw Library For Vb.net & It Only Supports C++

Is there another API you can use?


Midlet programming and the XDA2 Camera

Has anyone had any luck with writing Midlets for the XDA2? I'm trying to write one use the camera as a webcam (Yes, I know, a bit ambitious for my secomd midlet!)
I'm using this line:
Player vPlayer = Manager.createPlayer("capture://video");
I get a MediaException, meaning '...a Player cannot be created for the given locator.' (quoted from MMAPI JavaDoc).
Also, calling the Manager.getSupportedProtocols() method for 'mpeg/video' returns an empty list, as does calling Manager.getSupportedContentTypes() for 'capture://video'.
Has anyone else managed to access the XDA2 camera from a Midlet? If so, what is the trick?!!
I don't think anybody's managed to get access to it from native eVC++ let alone midlets, and IA style aren't revealing anything about how their app does it, so I wouldn't hold your breath for a solution... Bloody closed APIs.
Knackers!! :evil:
Cheers anyway! I'll keep poking and see what happens....
i suspect that their applications take pretty much control direct without using the winCE api
because when i start the cam my clock which it still display stop being 24h and turn to the AM/PM confusement

WMP plug-in

Hi all,
This is my first post in this forum and I hope that I will find some help here :wink:
I am a c++, c# and vb programmer, and I am very good in VC++, DLLs, ..., you know that stuff..
I want to develop a plugin for pocket windows media player but I dont know where to start!!
can anybody shade some light please :wink: , any references , articles ,examples, tutorials, anything you might find useful is welcome :lol:
Thank you,
Mohammad Gdeisat
mohgdeisat said:
Hi all,
This is my first post in this forum and I hope that I will find some help here :wink:
I am a c++, c# and vb programmer, and I am very good in VC++, DLLs, ..., you know that stuff..
I want to develop a plugin for pocket windows media player but I dont know where to start!!
can anybody shade some light please :wink: , any references , articles ,examples, tutorials, anything you might find useful is welcome :lol:
Thank you,
Mohammad Gdeisat
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Salam Brother,
I am not interested in the WMP plug-in but I can give you a suggestion.
Why not develop a Plug-in behind the plug-in...?
Hmmmm.... what is that.
What is that...!
Hmmm. There it is...
Develop a Clock Plug-in but instead of ordinary today plugin... This plug-in is displayed behind the other today Plug-in...
See my attached image for some idea......
rmercado: that would be quite difficult, because the Windows API has a built in routine to make today plugins "transparent", which basically paints the today wallpaper through onto the plugin.
In order to do what you say, I think you'd have to subclass every today plugin and intercept its WM_PAINT, monitor screen draws and then squirt in your background plugin at the end of the screen draw. But this would still not account for different screen draws by the various plugins, so you would also have to force a syncronised refresh every so often, otherwise bits of the background would be out of sync.
There are much easier ways to achieve what you want, basically by writing a replacement for the today screen with today plugin emulation.
mohgdeisat: download the sdk. There are good examples in there.
Also check out PocketPCDN, and I recommend the book, “Programming Windows CE.NET” by D. Boling.
Thanx alot friends for ur replys,
Actually, I think I might have been missunderstood, I am not planning to write a "today plugin" to be displayed on the today screen, I am planning to write a plug-in for the WMP application, for example an equalizer for WMP.
I need to get the sound data that are being played, adjust them based on equalizer settings, then play the new data.
I dont know if Pocket WMP is designed to support such "functionalty extensions", and I really have no idea where to start my work, I can work with .NET or with C++, and I think I can learn it fast..
Any light can be shaded here?? waiting for your help guys :wink:
What would be really awesome would be to use the microphone of the phone to get ambient background noise, and then with some clever signal processing superimpose the negative waveform of the background noise over the audio output of WMP - effectively, a noise cancelling plugin that uses the microphone on the phone.
Not sure if the Wizard could handle it though, especially if it's streaming bluetooth audio!
Afraid I can't help on where to start writing a plugin...
Thanx Oily,
It would be really a great idea, but I think that ourbeloved wizards cant perform heavy sound processing, maybe this would be more feasible on XDA Atom which has a faster processor.
Thanks for ur idea, but where should I start???????????? :wink:
Try the media player SDK.
thanx vigay,
I am taking a look on MSDN WMP sdk, seems to have good information, but still needs time to be understood well.
Just a note guys, I dont like to duplicate others work, so are there any plug-ins available for Pocket WMP, and what kind of plug-ins are out there?
Hi friends,
I really wonder what is the best approach with regard to performance when processing and displaying images:
1. is it DDBs??
2. DIBs?
3. OpenGL?
4. DirectX?
or maybe other??
plz provide me with ur advice.
Thank you,
mohgdeisat: you might want to open another thread in the development section for this question.
AFAIK - Microsoft is pushing DirectX, but it's WM5 only for now, not WM2003. Otherwise, depends on what you're working with. OpenGL is unlikely to be great, due to lack of good hardware acceleration.
I do not know if you have looked at this but it might help you.
I do not know if you have looked at this but it might help you.
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Yes its great, and I will study.
I'm sure this has been mentioned but i thought id post a link to the media player 10 SDK
Some useful info on plugins.

Managed API for Special HTC Buttons

Hi Guys
Does anybody have a way how to stop Hardware Buttons doing the Job they have to do by OS settings from their Compact Framweork Applications?
e.g. I would like to use the Volume Controller on Wizard/Magican within my Application - an no Popping up?
Anybody done this? - I know it is possible on C++ Apps (like Screenshot Applications) - nevertheless I would like to use it in C# - yes I can Pinvoke so if anybody points out the DLL's it should be ok for me

mini-s screen orientation change

I've recently been handed a project that requires forms based data capture (on a xda mini-s). I dont want to limit users to having to use either landscape or portrait mode when completing the forms.
Is there a way to detect the screen orientation and/or get an event when it changes?
what language ?
yes good point
.net CF v2
Sorted now - it actually generates a form.resize event
i was just over complicating the task

finger friendly API

Hi guys. I see a lot of "finger friendly" contact managers apps theese days.
Which API are you using ? I'm planning to work on it for sms reading and any help would be great.
Personally, for contact manager, I'm working on ... my own framework, but that's mostly to allow decent performance and animation effects.
Basically it's a composite pattern, every control is based on LightControl base class which provide basic interraction and drawing.
The drawback of this approach is that text input control are rather complex to do, the big advantage is that layout, drawing are free are control aren't tight in a specific shape.
What are your requirements?
Hi, I'm working on .NET 2005 (usually VB but I also have knowledges of C) and I'm developing for a Prophet and a Trinity
yes.. but what are your requirement regarding the framework? what do you want to do that classic winforms won't provide you?

