Cant update my qtek 9100 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi I have a qtek 9100 I dont know what vendor I have but I tring to update it to a NOR aku2 rom but it says invalid vendor I have tried LOCKIwiz but no help
Thanx for all answers.


Latest ROM for Qtek 8020

Anyone an link towards the latest ROM for Qtek 8020 ? I tried the Qtek.NU version however I get an country id error
Qtek Rom
There is a editor Tool for the header, see UPDATE Imate to SP3i i self have a version 2.x.x.x.x. Imate SP3i 8020 DUTCH
Qtek Rom
There is a editor Tool for the header, see UPDATE Imate to SP3i i self have a version 2.x.x.x.x. Imate SP3i 8020 DUTCH

qtek 9100or wizard need latest update

hello what is the latest update for qtek 9100 or wizard .if someone could post it in eng thanks.

Qtek S200 rom

Does anyone know where I can locate the new ROM for the qtek S200 ? I searched and I cant find it. I need the one for Qtek not Imate. Thanks
Have a look this this thread:

Qtek rom german, please help me!!!!!

hello. I've buyed a Qtek S200 and now I want update my Rom, but i've a problem because Qtek don't accepts my IMEI I can't log-in on or anywhere else...please can someone upload the new Qtek Rom in German?
latest ROM is available in die upload directory of :
ftp://xda:[email protected]_2090732_20907115_020720_QtekGER_Ship.exe
I actually had contact with the support of QTek germany. 2 days after a firmwareupdate request, they sent me a CD with RUU_Prophet_2090732_20907115_020720_QtekGER_Ship on it. Unfortunately, it's still an earlier version that eg the o2-neo ROM (
Maybe someone can tell me wether the NEO-ROM is in any way better / faster / more stable than the qtek ROM?

QTEK 8010

i guys i wonder if some one can help me to find the qtek 8010 rom update the latest one my phone is a spv c500 and i can register to the qtek site to download the latests rom
thanks in advance
