qtek 9100or wizard need latest update - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

hello what is the latest update for qtek 9100 or wizard .if someone could post it in eng thanks.


looking for Latest ROM portuguese for qtek 9100

hi all i'm looking for Latest ROM portuguese pls for qtek 9100
JP...NAO HÁ.....

Experienced PPC user switches to Qtek 9100 and needs help

Hi everyone,
I have recently purchased a Qtek 9100 that's running ROM version.
I have browsed the site for a few days and decided I better post before doing any 'updating'
I want to install the latest and greatest image for the Qtek 9100 for the Qtek 9100 but I have no clue what version I need, how to get it and have no clue how to do it.
Looking for a pro that could post a basic how to on how to do this on my phone and tell me where to start :?
Sorry for starting a new thread but I'm confused :?

Cant update my qtek 9100

Hi I have a qtek 9100 I dont know what vendor I have but I tring to update it to a NOR aku2 rom but it says invalid vendor I have tried LOCKIwiz but no help
Thanx for all answers.

need latest french rom for qtek2020i

a freind of mine has a qtek 2020i with french WM2003 and wants to upgrade to WM2005 where can i find the latest French WM2005 ROM for qtek2020i ?
other question the upgrade steps for 2020i is it the same as qtek 9100 ?
There's no WM2005 for qtek2020i device! There's no WM2005 for HTC Alpine devices!
thanks for replay

QTEK 8010

i guys i wonder if some one can help me to find the qtek 8010 rom update the latest one my phone is a spv c500 and i can register to the qtek site to download the latests rom
thanks in advance

