<Q> How to change "protected" registry value? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Does anybody know how to change "protected" registry value?
I have Treo 750v and I want to change the registry values in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Palm\Varnish\Messaging\MMS]
- MMSProxy
I tried to change the registry values in this key using PHM regedit and TRE. I can change the values with both of softwares, but after soft reset (software / stylus), the values go back to the original one.
I tried the following, but no success...
- Overwrite *.rgu file
- Overwrite default.hv
- Rename [HKLM\System\ObjectStore\RegistryUpdate]
I had TyTN and had the same issue as all TyTN knows. This problem on Treo 750v looks like the problem on TyTN of changing clear type setting on landscape. But there was a solution for TyTN, which is TwkCL.
I would like to know how to change this kind of "protected" registry values.
I appreciate all feedbacks.
Thanks in advance.

not sure if they are protected. But WM5 has a delay write on their memory. You might want to change the value, then wait for (say) 5 minutes, switch it on and off (suspend/sleep) a couple of time before you do a soft reset.
Else, there may be software usign the registry?

It is my understanding software reset have the same function as your method (on/off + stylus).
I would like to keep my registry setting after software reset or stylus reset.


Hidden controlpanel items

I got my mda pro some weeks ago. Now i had a strage issue as I hard reseted the device: it showed some items in the controlpanel menu, that were not there before like: GPS settings, Contrast...
On the next reset they were gone again.
Does anybody know, how i can unhide them again? Is there a registry entry? a key combination?
thanks in advance
(please excuse my desastrous english)
just as an experiment i found the Contrast key in the reg, up in the list from the gps fix one
i added dword Group with dec value of 1, logiclly thinking that would make 2nd tab in ctrl panel disply the contrast key
removed the redirect value there,
powered off, waited 10 seconds, held power and hit reset,
Wow, now i got a contrast option in the system page of settings!!!
only thing is tho, moving the slider has bog all difference, think i'll undo that change and remove a useless applet
Carnivore, what registry edit software do you use for PPC
Hi Carnivore
what registry edit software do you use for PPC
im using resco 2003, it looks a bit iffy on the screen but it edits registry fine.
I got Contrast options, but it not remembers value and change it has no effect
Carnivor said:
i added dword Group with dec value of 1, logiclly thinking that would make 2nd tab in ctrl panel disply the contrast key
removed the redirect value there,
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you explain exactly what you typed please??
Removing icon from setting folder
does anyone known how to tremove an icon that is in the setting folder.
I've use total commander go to windows>Start Menu>Settings
but there are no icons they it looks like they are hidden.
Is the a reg hack that I could use to delete the icon.
The icon I what to delete was left behind after unistalling a software that I did not like.
Please Help.

How do I remap the PocketIE button on Exec/Jasjar

Got my new XDA Exec today. Keyboard has a button with the Internet Explorer icon on. When I press it I'm taken to http://pda.o2.co.uk/ which is about as much use as tits on a kipper.
Is there any way to reprogram this key to something more useful? Like Google or something? It doesn't appear in the list of programmable buttons in the control panel Buttons applet.
Perhaps it's a registry entry. If so, can anybody suggest a (free) WM2005-compatible registry editor?
Not sure about the Exec, but this was the registry edit for the JasJar:
Change hardware PIE behavior:
Go to - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\OEM\Keybd
Change the string called PieHomePage to the website address of your choice.
If you don't want it to do anything but go back to the spot in IE you left off -
Just edit the dword so that it is blank.
Bonza! That looks about right. Thanks for the info, galt. I'll check it out when I get into the registry.
Now, I just need a registry editor for WM2005. Can anybody suggest one?
Tre. It's freeware.
Nice one! Thank you galt and lautunno: I've installed Tre and fixed that registry value and it's sorted! Thanks for your help.

MDA Vario - registry changes go back to default after reset

Hi All,
I am trying to make some registry changes to my MDA Vario using the Resco Registry editor:
I make the change in the registry, verify that the change is there, quit the registry editor, reset the device and...
The registry changes are no longer there...
What am I doing wrong?

Registry edits get reverted after reset

Does anybody know why this happens:
Whenever I change registry (for example HKCU\Control Panel\SIP\..), after reboot it gets reverted to original value.
I used Total Commnader. Roms I tried: 2.17 (qtek) and 2.24 (cingular).
Help appreciated.
after changing your registry, be sure to save the changes by a soft reset. To do this, do NOT poke the reset hole with your stylus, but rather shut the device down with the on/off button. Hold it for 5 secs untill the warning pops up. By resetting this way, your device uses the 5 secs untill the screen pops-up to write the registry to the ROM. If you soft reset immediately with your stylus after chaning the registry, the device has not enough time to write the changes to the ROM. Therefore, after a quick soft reset with your stylus changes might not be saved and the registry remains unchanged.
Problems with Registry settings
I also have problems with Registry settings. For instance some values seems to change back after a turn off/on (power button). Does anyone have a good doc/link that explains which Registry settings that actually can be changed by CAB-files and stay changed ?
Just to mention - on an SP5 (sorry for this in Wizard/K-JAM) I had a CAB-file that changed the Contacts soft-button into starting a 3rd party application. This only changed when an incomming call/phone application was started..a little confused about that

Registry changes not sticking...

Hi guys, I've tried editing my registry with regards to the A2DP issue with several softwares. Unfortunately, after rebooting the Trin (reset @ bottom of device), all changes I make seem to have disappeared.
I've used both Total commander and PHM as registry editor on the device itself and MobileRegistryEditor as a remote registry editor.
With the onboard reg editors I can make keys and add values but after reboot the entries have gone.
With the remote reg editor I can browse the reg without problems but get an access denied message when I attempt to edit anything...
For some reason or other I was able to add a MinSupportedBitPool setting one time. Don't know what was different that time around though.
Deleting keys also works as they stay gone once deleted.
It's just adding the keys that is making me go mad!!!
See this thread
Thx ww2250, I didn't know this...
I had discovered meanwhile that if I used the reset option in the Trinityhacks app, I could make the changes stick, so this soft reset would be similar to holding down the power button apparantly.
Thx again
Yes indeed if you are doing a software reset, it will stick - the OS will flush the registry before restarting.

