Registry edits get reverted after reset - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Does anybody know why this happens:
Whenever I change registry (for example HKCU\Control Panel\SIP\..), after reboot it gets reverted to original value.
I used Total Commnader. Roms I tried: 2.17 (qtek) and 2.24 (cingular).
Help appreciated.

after changing your registry, be sure to save the changes by a soft reset. To do this, do NOT poke the reset hole with your stylus, but rather shut the device down with the on/off button. Hold it for 5 secs untill the warning pops up. By resetting this way, your device uses the 5 secs untill the screen pops-up to write the registry to the ROM. If you soft reset immediately with your stylus after chaning the registry, the device has not enough time to write the changes to the ROM. Therefore, after a quick soft reset with your stylus changes might not be saved and the registry remains unchanged.

Problems with Registry settings
I also have problems with Registry settings. For instance some values seems to change back after a turn off/on (power button). Does anyone have a good doc/link that explains which Registry settings that actually can be changed by CAB-files and stay changed ?
Just to mention - on an SP5 (sorry for this in Wizard/K-JAM) I had a CAB-file that changed the Contacts soft-button into starting a 3rd party application. This only changed when an incomming call/phone application was started..a little confused about that


Disabling Auto-Power off

The application I'm developing needs the device to always remain on, even until the battery runs out, so I need to disable the auto power off feature if it has been enabled.
I've tried using
but it just doesn't work. Returns success but nothing changes, not even the registry keys where the values are held. I found the registry settings in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeouts, and played around with setting them, but they aren't picked up until a soft reset occurs which isn't a viable solution.
So the first thing I need to know is what the difference between the reg keys
They both seem to contain the same value, and similar names.
The second thing I need to know is what needs to be done to notify the system that the idle timeout has changed, and to reload the value from the registry. I tried an HWND_BROADCAST of WM_SETTINGCHANGED but to no avail. How does the system dialog where you can change the idle timeouts inform the system those values have changed??

Help: vibrating pad registry keys

I'd like very much to add a vibration to
the phone pad number of my Wizard.
I've tried the registry keys for winmobile 2003 but they don't work.
I've also tried Ezdial but nothing...
Does anyone know the windows mobile 2005 registry keys?
hmm, my registry edits from my magician worked on my wizard! I'll attach a rar archive with two cabs inside. try vibrate cab file, it makes the changes for you. If you want the tones back, install the other one and the registry will be set back to your current values. remeber: After you make a reg edit, don't softreset or the changes will be lost. Better is to manually exit the regeditor by e.g. file-exit and not with the x in the upper corner. then soft reset or switch off and on by holding the power button 5 secs. Soft resetting directly after a regedit results in the edits not being saved in the ROM, hence no effect is seen.
wow! it works!
thanks very much.
Thanks ! this registry edits work on my magician but I dont't that it was working on Wizard... Great !
Works great, thanks mate!
Is it possible to modify the cab-file so that you still get the vibrating number pad, but not the annoying beep when you press the red phone button?

<Q> How to change "protected" registry value?

Does anybody know how to change "protected" registry value?
I have Treo 750v and I want to change the registry values in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Palm\Varnish\Messaging\MMS]
- MMSProxy
I tried to change the registry values in this key using PHM regedit and TRE. I can change the values with both of softwares, but after soft reset (software / stylus), the values go back to the original one.
I tried the following, but no success...
- Overwrite *.rgu file
- Overwrite default.hv
- Rename [HKLM\System\ObjectStore\RegistryUpdate]
I had TyTN and had the same issue as all TyTN knows. This problem on Treo 750v looks like the problem on TyTN of changing clear type setting on landscape. But there was a solution for TyTN, which is TwkCL.
I would like to know how to change this kind of "protected" registry values.
I appreciate all feedbacks.
Thanks in advance.
not sure if they are protected. But WM5 has a delay write on their memory. You might want to change the value, then wait for (say) 5 minutes, switch it on and off (suspend/sleep) a couple of time before you do a soft reset.
Else, there may be software usign the registry?
It is my understanding software reset have the same function as your method (on/off + stylus).
I would like to keep my registry setting after software reset or stylus reset.

Registry changes not sticking...

Hi guys, I've tried editing my registry with regards to the A2DP issue with several softwares. Unfortunately, after rebooting the Trin (reset @ bottom of device), all changes I make seem to have disappeared.
I've used both Total commander and PHM as registry editor on the device itself and MobileRegistryEditor as a remote registry editor.
With the onboard reg editors I can make keys and add values but after reboot the entries have gone.
With the remote reg editor I can browse the reg without problems but get an access denied message when I attempt to edit anything...
For some reason or other I was able to add a MinSupportedBitPool setting one time. Don't know what was different that time around though.
Deleting keys also works as they stay gone once deleted.
It's just adding the keys that is making me go mad!!!
See this thread
Thx ww2250, I didn't know this...
I had discovered meanwhile that if I used the reset option in the Trinityhacks app, I could make the changes stick, so this soft reset would be similar to holding down the power button apparantly.
Thx again
Yes indeed if you are doing a software reset, it will stick - the OS will flush the registry before restarting.

HD2 crashes at soft reset after registry tweak has been done.

It happens every time I did a soft reset after applied some sweet (didn't get the chance to feel...) Tips and Tricks on registry tools (Resco Registry Editor btw...).
one huge question, DO I Really need to "UNHIDE" every files on my HD2 before perform any Registry Editing?
HOpe for speedy reply!
more detail..
"it crashes".... how? does it hang at boot, freeze on home screen, what? we arent psychic
why would you need to unhide files to edit the registry? how are you applying the tweak?
samsamuel said:
more detail..
"it crashes".... how? does it hang at boot, freeze on home screen, what? we arent psychic
why would you need to unhide files to edit the registry? how are you applying the tweak?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
alright. After did the tweaks with Resco Registry Editor. You have to soft reset them in order to take effect right? I did just that and just right after phone trying to load HTC sense, it doesn't make it through. the only button I can press was contact, phone, battery icon, signal icon. that's it. Not even the START button works. Message appeared on the screen was "Unable to locate "poutlook"...."
Oh one more thing. Do we need to wait for several minutes after we've done the registry tweaks before soft reset, ? will this prevent from

