Big problem how to change language on this Qtek1010 - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

First af all my compliment to all stuff for very good forum, now i have a question this Qtek 1010 have inside 3.17.03 ENG O2-Euro, so i want to change to 3.16.68 Italian becuase 3.17 don't exist in italian but when i try to downgrade show me "The rom is not compatible whit your Pocket Pc here are the difference etc..etc.."
So there is a system for downgrade?

From where so you got this ROM? You require a little tool Adaptrom.exe
If the ROM is of the FTP it should work already....

I download here

get it here


Upgrade Qtek 1010 to WM2003

Hello to all of you,
Please help me to upgrade my Qtek 1010 to WM2003
device information:
Model: PW10A1
ROM Version: 3.16.70 FRA
Radio 3.19.1
1 Is it possible to update to wm2003
2 What rom update to use ,
3 Where can I get it ,
4 Is it possible to cook a rom in French ?
Thank you all for your help .
florin said:
Hello to all of you,
Please help me to upgrade my Qtek 1010 to WM2003
device information:
Model: PW10A1
ROM Version: 3.16.70 FRA
Radio 3.19.1
1 Is it possible to update to wm2003
2 What rom update to use ,
3 Where can I get it ,
4 Is it possible to cook a rom in French ?
Thank you all for your help .
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Sorry for late reply. Dunno why nobody has replied to you yet.
I don't know if you can get a french version of ROM, but the one in English released by ATT for Siemens SX56 (A.30.09 ENG) works very good. I upgraded my Qtek 1010 from version 3.14 to wm2003 several versions cooked in Jeff's kitchen but I have so far found this to be the most stable and convenient. Not only that, many bugs in the earlier versions of wm2003 are fixed. (Multiple Reset Notification bug still exists but it can be handled by scarybear software available free at
You can get it if you follow this thread:
I discovered that the Activesync method to flash this ROM does not work. The Program A just does not run. I used SD card method. It works.
The ATT release comes with ROM upgrade and Radio Upgrade files. If you are not having any problems with your present radio, never attempt to upgrade the Radio Stack. You can find enough dead devices if you browse through this forum.
Somewhere I read in this forum that the NK.NBF file can be extracted from the downloaded file, however I could not figure out how. I ran the application and quit before it started to flash the device. You can find the NK.NBF file in c:\Program Files\SX56 Upgrade*\...\english\ folder.
You can get the .nbf file out by just opening the .exe file with winzip. At least that's how I did it
Perhaps it can be done with winzip. I use Ultimate Zip and it does not allow it
i just change the extention from exe to zip and the file acts like any other zip file

help plz i need sx56 orginal rom 2002 or 2003 plz

use the Special Edition ROM v1.2 and every thing ok
but i made one mistake i did't BACKUP the orginal rom aNd i need it
or i need upgrade to wm2003 my
orginal system information is:
ROM VER :3.13.11 ENG
Cook your new old ROM at:
Have fun in the Kitchen!

Need help in patching upgrade utility for Dopod p100

I attach the relevant files of the rom update utility for the HTC galaxy (Dopod p100). I appreciate help from those who already did work on "NO-ID" upgrades before... currently I would like to update a chinese machine with English rom. The attached brings the machine to bootloader but after few seconds stops and reports Invalid vendor...
I appreciate any help.
P.S. the complete image rom is in the FTP under upload/Dopod p100
Just received my Qtek G100, we need a new forum ;-)
I'm seeing some interesting stuff in the DopodP100 directory, including an ENG ROM, have you tried it ?
My ROM is ENG 1.00.06 ENG - no BT Headset profile :-(
Just received my Qtek G100, we need a new forum ;-)
I'm seeing some interesting stuff in the DopodP100 directory, including an ENG ROM, have you tried it ?
My ROM is ENG 1.00.06 ENG - no BT Headset profile :-(
Do u still have the english rom?? Can u upload to the FTP site again?
Same problem Here
Have a P100 with chinese rom and have been looking for an english version for some time now, was able to find a Qtek G100 english rom, but it would give me a invalid ID message. Please, this is becoming a common problem..

Qtek S200 Latest WWE ROM...

Can anyone please upload the latest Qtek S200 WWE ROM version?
Thank you!
ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]_2090724_20907106_020720_QtekWWE_Ship.exe
what's date ?
one question
can i upgrade my imate jamin with qtek rom or dopods rom ?
Am I able to use my previously backed up data (SpriteBackup) when I flash to the a different ROM? Or is the back up useless after a ROM upgrade?
Also, what different with this Qtek ROM?
My s200 runs very smoothly at the moment, dont know if I should upgrade at all.
Any thoughts?
garfi said:
one question
can i upgrade my imate jamin with qtek rom or dopods rom ?
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As far as i know, yes.
My Qtek was shipped with mentioned WWE ROM (2.9.7./ It was unstable and slow... After a week of use... Damn!
Now I am on Dopod's WWE, and feel good, no-more-stupid-soft-resets, feeling much faster and very stable.
If you have some good and stable ROM, I suggest not to change to this one...
i think the same !!!
the new Dopod ROM is the best
here the link :
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
if you need it ! here the NoVendorID crack fron Machinagod
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
make sure you CID unlocked your prophet or you can't flash it 100% back to anything else.
the dopod rom sucked for me (without the extended rom is was more stable than with the extended rom).
i prefer the jamin rom.
difference beetween ?
ship and shipnovendor ?
one question,can i update my qtek s200 form CHS test rom to this Rom?
yes you can
take rom novendor
Dear friend,
there is someone can tell me how upgrade my XDA neo (german rom)with the ultimate and better WWE rom?
Which is the better english rom?
Which program I have to use?
Someone can help me, please?
I got the same problem as cucchiarellid can someone reply us plz .. ill be very thankful ..
1. download the new Dopod ROM here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
2.extract with winrar or whatever the downloaded file and replace the original "romupdateutility" with This:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
3. and run it !!!
rodigezstyle said:
1. download the new Dopod ROM here:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Pr...2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship.exe
2.extract with winrar or whatever the downloaded file and replace the original "romupdateutility" with This:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/
3. and run it !!!
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Wrong... The second referencied file has all you need to upgrade, incluning images and NoVendor update utility on place. Just download, extract, run, follow the screens. And be patiend, there some stops during upgrade, looks like nothing happens and all hungs. Just be patient for 10-15 minutes.
Hi all;
Im agree with J-Walker
Just download the Novender and execute RomUpdateUtility
It works fine on my Qtek S200 but how can I change the language because Im French and English is not my speciality ?
Does it exist another ROM in FR?
blacriderv said:
Hi all;
Im agree with J-Walker
Just download the Novender and execute RomUpdateUtility
It works fine on my Qtek S200 but how can I change the language because Im French and English is not my speciality ?
Does it exist another ROM in FR?
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Oooops... The ROM is WWE, it means it support locales, but the interface is English only. To get French you need French ROM (it's downgrade, not so easy as go up) or some third-party interface localisation pack.
one question, if i upgrade the rom of my qtek s200 i will lose all my data and installed programs?
Thank you
If i upgrade my xda neo to dopod ROM, is there any way to go back to my original xda Neo ROM ? By applying patch from for instance ..

How to downgrade from national version to WWE on a Wizard?

Hi all, before posting I was try to unlock and uncid my Imate wizard for 4 hours but every time I try to run the WWE version that I would like to install I get the 296 error.
let me ask some pls:
1) where can I found the rom file described in Awizard ? when I try to upgrade to some other rom I have just the .EXE downloaded from the Imate of the .nbf file zipped in the exe itself ? is .nba just another extension?
2) may some post a procedure to downgrade my wizard from the ITA latest rom to the less numbered version in WWE ?
My Imate was bougth free and unlocked ..
thank all advanced

