Activesync Pass Through on network using a cache - Networking

Looking for some help please. At home all of this works fine so no issues there. However at work when connected via USB I cannot use the internet pass through on Activesync. I think its because we use a cache for all IE activity, e.g http://cache'domainname'
Strangely I can collect email through the device, its all activity such as pocket IE, RSS readers, SPPB Weather that wont connect.
Anyone any ideas on how I can get round this? I use a HTC Wizard, WM5

so do your isp
and all routers from you to the site you access to some degree

Sounds like your corporate network uses QoS and packet filtering to feed off all traffic on port 80 through their cacheing proxy server.
I was going to say, try going onto your device, into the Network Connections options, and set up the proxy server settings (if you know them) in the appropriate section of the Work connection... Then, when you next connect, make sure your connection connects to 'Work', not 'Internet'.
However, as you're connecting via USB, you'll have to set up your computer as a proxy server in its own right to funnel the traffic to your device through the cacheing proxy... Which you might not be able to do. Tricky one, this.
As I've never used my device on the Internet via USB, I couldn't honestly say... I'll do some reading up into it though and if I uncover anything I'll add it onto here, I hope you get it to work though.

cheers, got it working mostly. It seems a bit tempremental, some programs just wont work but the majority do so i'm happy. Thanks for the help though


Internet via bluetooth?

Hi all
Firstly apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere. Searching bluetooth returns ... too many results to sift through.
OK, I have this setup. I connect my laptop to the net using either the router OR network cable. My laptop is equipped with BT.
Is there any way to browse the net from my PDA, by establishing a BT connection from XDA2 to the Laptop?
I know it would be a doddle (I hope) if I were to purchase a wifi SD card, but if I can avoid the expense it would be great.
Thanks in advance.
One way would be through BlueTooth ActiveSync. As when in the cradle, when your PPC is connected to your PC through ActiveSync, internet connectivity is through the PC. I use it whenever I am in proximity to my BT laptop. Works well!
If you go to Options in ActiveSync, click the Rules tab, check Open ActiveSync when my mobile device connects. and have the Connection set to The Internet or Work depending how your network is set up. Then establish an ActiveSync connection (USB, serial, Bluetooth or IrDA) and it will allow you use Internet programs like PocketIE, Pocket Outlook, etc.[/b]
I thank you both for your very very quick response.
Yes, both methods work. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I am one happy bunny.
Going insane bluetooth activesync internet
I wish I could be so happy. Let me give a brief overview of the last 6 hours:
Installed bluetooth dongle on the work PC - eventually got it connecting to the XDA2.
I have now managed to get a connection with activesync which seems to be quite robust and synchronises ok.
I am now trying to get on the internet via my active sync bluetooth connection (and tearing my hair out)
My network management is now set to a new connection I have created call 'My Work' no modem set up with the proxy settings set to those required on my work LAN. No VPN set up.
Have set the pass through on the PC to work, internet and open activesync to enable and disable but can't get ti to connect. Please help!!!!!
Going insane bluetooth activesync internet
I wish I could be so happy. Let me give a brief overview of the last 6 hours:
Installed bluetooth dongle on the work PC - eventually got it connecting to the XDA2.
I have now managed to get a connection with activesync which seems to be quite robust and synchronises ok.
I am now trying to get on the internet via my active sync bluetooth connection (and tearing my hair out)
My network management is now set to a new connection I have created call 'My Work' no modem set up with the proxy settings set to those required on my work LAN. No VPN set up.
Have set the pass through on the PC to work, internet and open activesync to enable and disable but can't get ti to connect. Please help!!!!!
maybe it's a firewall issue
try messing around with the ping program
on your pocketpc and see if you can ping the ip of your computer
and on it's gateway and dns
also make sure your dns settings on your pocketpc is set to the same as your pc
pocket ping
Thanks for the advice. Bit stumped really:
My PC has a static IP address ( I run pocket ping on the XDA and it says it's IP address is the network is DHCP enabled. Neither of them can ping the other one (so there is no way I can connect to the proxy from my XDA2). Any ideas why my IP address isn't in our LAN range.
Just out of interest I can use a Dell X3i and connect to the network wirelessly no problem at all.
Further to baffle everyone - If i disconnect bluetooth and cradle it. I get the same Ip address but can connect to the internet no problem! So this would lead me to believe that all the connection and activesync settings are correct.
not sure here are some guides
Thanks for the help but the guides didn't fix the problem.
I eventually got it working (and a better bluetooth connection in the process) by downloading the slightly newer version of the XTND Blue Manager software
I can now suft the internet on the XDA over activesync and syncrhonise files ok. Slightly slow but this I expect with what is basically a glorified serial port!
The only slight niggle I have now is that ActiveSync always reverts back to COM1 as the default port when I reboot my machine. Is there any way to stick it to com3?
it's blazing away at 700K/sec at least so the specs says

Can my jasjar and Centrino communicate?

G'day all,
Well I got my jasjar today, and essentially I was originally under the impression that with this I would be able to use the wireless technologies of my laptop and jasjar to sync outlook, and browse the fiels on the notebook etc.
Then reality hit me.
You cannot sync via wireless. Then as it turns out I have no clue on how to setup a wireless network..
So im just wondering if anyone can inform me, is it possible for my jasjar and centrino notebook to communicate with each other wirelessly? If so what do I need to do in order to do that.
Thanks in advance
a very confused wireless enthusiast.
ActiveSync will not work on wi-fi, but you can setup a device-to-device network and use files on a share on your computer. If your Centrino has Bluetooth, you can use ActiveSync with that.
i have AS over bluetooth fine, and allows me to browse the internet etc
i have WIFI configured at home and work which allows me to browse shared folders with passwords and permission, run terminal server to my XP and our Terminal Server, and allows me to run Terminal Server over wireless over the internet direct to my remote work servers.
so it really depends on what you want to achieve, it will more than likely be a combination solution.
WIFI = Internet and Shares and Terminal Server
WIFI = Streaming music and videos
Bluetooth = AS
Bluetooth = Internet
Bluetooth <> Shares and Terminal Server
Well my laptop doesnt have bluetooth so that is no good to me.
Yeah I just want to access the laptops music, video or documents wirelessly. Im a little or completely lost as how to do this, I do not have broadband, and I have no networking experience really.
All I have is a Centrino laptop armed with the latest wifi components, and a jasjar.
I managed to make a device-to-device connection as someone suggested, and the devices appeared to connect, but I couldnt seem to do anything with them as such.
Try Resco Explorer ( It allows you to map network drives (once you have your device-to-device connection sorted)
Wiz - Off topic but can you share how you got your O2 Exec Blackberry Enabled? I'd like to do the same. Ta - philg
Got resco explorer, gotta say thats a handy lil feature packed app. But to my problem at hand....does anyone have or can anyone give me a run down of how to get a device-to-device networking happenng.
I can get the two devices to connect as such via wifi, both jasjar says connected as does XP, however when I go to map a network drive, in Resco or XP fo rthat matter, I just an a message saying no computer is connected or availbe. This despite the fact that it is right there!!
Any suggestions, tutorial recommendations?
r u using xp pro or home?
what sort of antivirus r u running?
firewall? ms or other
any other security settings imposed?
generally, go to pc, find folder u want to connect to, RMC, properties, sharing, enable with a name you like, apply security with password (nb sharinmg over wifi will allow others to access without security).
goto pda, resco, map drive, type in \\computername\sharename, enter your username to log onto pc and password (assuming these were the same pemissions you applied when setting up)
I had this working using a wifi access point via a local router, but norton screwed it up and been unable to fix....
Yes XP Pro
Default Network Security really, like I said ive never really used them or accessed the features so usually keep em closed.
and running NIS 2005. But yeah look im not a total noob, ie I disabled NIS at one point to see if that was hampering the connections, and even enabled it and enabled full access and that did nothing either.
what you suggested I pretty much did.
however, when ive set up the device to device connection it gives me security options ie WEP WPA etc, done these restrict other networks from using the shared folder?
I ask because there are a fare few wireless networks around me, wouldnt want to give any of them access to my stuff, even if it is only my music and some documents.
If you start your WIFI on your PPC and PC, does the WIFI icon on the PPC create the connection, ie the antennae and two arrows that remain still.
If so, then you have got the connection to the PC, we just then need to get the folders and access to each other. If not, then we cant get any further till we resolve this issue.
RMC My Computer or go to control panel system. Far right Tab allow remote connections, tick the box to allow. This should allow a Terminal Server connection from your PPC to your PC. So find out the IP of your PC, then open TSC and enter the same IP address and see if it connects. If it starts to get create a connection via GPRS/3G cancel it. This will be due to the "My Work" and "Internet" settings which we will have to come back to.
If it you can open a TSC then you have established the WIFI and can create and authenticate a connection, so it means we have a problem with the foler sharing.
So in summary, doing the above will:
1. Estabish that the WIFI connection using WEP is working
2. That you are connecting over the same common network using TSC to connect and control your PC from your PPC
3. THat the problems are folder sharing related
Let me know how you go.
I wont be able to try these suggestions until tomorrow but im pretty confident one of these will work, thanks for taking the time, I will definitely try em tomorrow.
But just for what information I have ATM, yes the wifi icon you described is there, so like I said the PPC is definitely connecting, just when its connected I dont seem to be able to do much.
Will let you know how I go
THanks again
I have resolved the problem that I have been having with connecting to a network share, when I could before and cant now....
The answer was simple, and I cant believe how simple.
The answer was found here, and posted by DUTCH
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."
If your not sure where this is let me know, but it provided and immediate fix for me. ...
Well, actually, I did two things simultaneously, so not sure which actually worked. I also went into the specific connectsion > Network Cards on the PPC, Network Adapter set to work, then Wireless tab, found the specific network opened this and changed this from internet to work.
So the combineation of the IP settings and the change from internet to work allows my ppc to connect to my computers folder shares.
well, i tested it furter.
If i left the work setting on my network, then when I used the internet, it opened and connected a gprs connection to open the web site.
so i changed the network connect back to "the internet", and was able to use the network card to connect to the internet and access the web.
I was also STILL able to access a network share whilst the network connected to "the internet", so the solution for me was
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."

VPN driving me mad!

Over the last year I have tried many times to set up my Windows Mobile devices to connect over VPN and then use RDP to manage my clients' sites. To date I have never managed to get it to work. My config is as follows :-
Within Start \ Settings \Connections \ Advanced \ Select Networks
Programs that automatically connect to the Internet use MY ISP
Programs that automatically connect to a private network "My Work Network"
a VPN is configured under "My work network" and the device can connect to this and using vxutil I can ping the server I wish to RDP to -
Supposedly the important bit is to add the exception under "Work URL exceptions", I have added in here.
Once the VPN is established if I enter within IE or Terminal Services CLient the VPN connection is still dropped.
If I enter this IP address without connecting the VPN first then the device will not connect the VPN automatically.
If I enter a non qualified domain name such as ids-vs then the VPN is connected but the name is never resolved.
Can anyone shed any light on this, if I could use a local lmhosts file on the device as with XP then I may be able to work around the above. It appears to me though as though the exceptions list is never processed. I did a hard reset last night just in case, but this has made no difference.
I cannot believe that the above can be so complex.
I am using a HTC Tytn and using t-Mobile in the UK.
Any help greatly appreciated since it is driving me totally mad!
I would love to figure that out.
I was trying to connect to my pc at home like this and suffered from all the same symptoms your having. In the end I gave up, mainly 'cause someone told me that I needed another type of data plan to have vpn (at the time I had the $29.99USD plan) in other words it might be your plan, or something to do with the proxies or something, I hope someone would find out what you need to do in order to get this to work.
It's strange, looking around the web there are loads of people that struggle with the setup, but most seem happy once they are told to add the server name or IP address in the exceptions list.
I have ruled out the data plan since I can establish the VPN connection and can see it authenticate on the other end, as well as being able to ping the server on the work network from the phone.
I have just opened a support call with Microsoft as well, but I am not holding out much hope since I think they will point me at HTC. Assuming HTC ever responded they will just point me back at Microsoft!
Well it would be cool if they could help you, I tried everything myself and zilch. I could also establish a connection but as soon as I would try to access a file on my pc it would disconnect. I would try to help you out experimenting on my side again, but I changed my router to a cheap piece of $h.. and now I can't access my pc via vpn..... I really need to get a decent router
This may sound stupid, but I could swear someone told me something about the speed of the connection. If the connection speed is too low then DNS would fail, although that wouldn't explain why we are able to establish a connection, but not access anything else.
OK, I have made quite a bit of progress :-
1) I was using a cab file to configure T Mobile settings on the phone. This was somehow configuring the exceptions list to be ignored. Hard resetting the phone, installing this CAB the problem remained. Hard Resetting the phone and setting up GPRS manually - everything worked.
2) There is a fault with Windows CE 5 routing over VPN - the subnet information is ignored. Hence for example, if your GPRS provider give you a NAT 10.x.x.x ip address and your corporate network uses 10.x.x.x then you can never route to your corporate network.
And what cab file is that? do you know if it's on the extended roms for the t-mo roms? Glad to see your making progress, keep it up.
It was a Cab file for the Tmobile settings. It either came from these forums or over at modaco, can't remember which.
I was able to successfully use the Movian VPN to connect to my work using my XDA2.Worked fine for 2 years. Apologies, but I can't help with the settings and my work migrated to an M-notes server so I was able to connect without a VPN.

Simple VPN requirement on WM5 - can anyone help?

I've got my O2 XDA Exec set up just how I want it with regard to connection to the internet, and my LAN via Wifi and GPRS - that's all great. It simply uses the connection that's available at the time, and accesses stuff just fine. I haven't had to mess about with "My ISP", or "Work" connections etc - I just have an "Internet" connection, and it seems to do the job, just like I would on a regular laptop.
However, on a regular laptop, I can set up a VPN connection that I dial at will that will connect me to either my home network when I'm out and about, or to a Windows 2003 Server I have co-located. The only problem is, I can't seem to get my Exec to be able to do the same. I can set up the VPN details under "Connections", no problem, and I can even tell it to connect, but looking at the syslog on the router I can tell that no traffic ever comes close.
I've tried a couple of 3rd Party VPN clients (Bluefire really screws up your machine if you try and install to SD Card!), but these seem to be geared up to more complex VPN setups, and don't seem to handle my setup which, I think I'm right in saying, uses PPTP - they all seem to want to use IPSec, but at least I did see them trying to access the VPN on the router.
Can anybody offer any solution?
Hi Steve,
I'm currently trialing Bluefire and using it successfully to log into my work network. As you say it is for more complex VPN configuration but I must admit I know little about this. Having used Movian before in WM 2003, it is usual that loading the software to an SD card is not supported, it must be installed to the device memory. I have also trialed AnthaVPN but this screws up my Wireless/GPRS connections.
Yes, I tried Antha too, and screwed stuff up, so I've had to restore from a backup.
The annoying thing is, the built in VPN client should work, I think, I just can't get it to work.
Any suggestions?

[Q] Proxy for all apps

I've got a unique situation, and I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else has been able to deal with this situation.
I've got an unlocked MyTouch 3G working on a network in South America. I am presently behind a proxy, and running a wireless router in my home. I can't afford a 3G connection, but of course I want to download apps from the Market, etc.
So far, I've been able to set up a transparent proxy on my desktop (cntlm) to receive traffic and redirect it to the proxy (to avoid the authentication pop-ups), so the browser is fine. Also, Gmail and GTalk work fine, since they transmit on different ports. But the rest of the apps hit a brick wall. Market, Maps, Mapdroyd, etc all zilch.
Since I've been able to do something similar with my *iPod* (yes, I know that's a curse word here), I wonder if there is a way to somehow redirect all web traffic to my desktop, so that it can authenticate with the proxy.
My phone is rooted, running Cyanogenmod-5, with the proxy settings directed to my desktop. But only the browser recognizes the settings. Can other apps be persuaded to use it as well?
Just to add to the previous post...
I did a little more digging, and it seems that the Android Market connects on port 5228. Unfortunately, I don't have control over which ports can be opened in my situation. However, since my *ahem* iPod *ahem* also has Google Maps, I tied connecting and it works fine. I can only assume that it is using the proxy setting, whereas the MT3G is ignoring it.
This is a linux system, and there has to be a way to force it to use the proxy, am I right?
Should the wireless router not take care of the proxy???
The router should take care of all wan-side communication...
So the lan-side devices just connects to the router and have internet!!!
If your router cannot handle this, you could buy some rather cheap wireless network adapter... and in linux you could set it up as hotspot... making sure that all devices just connects to it and have internet while you take care of the proxy problem!!!!
I'm sorry for the confusion, I should have explained my situation better. I actually live in a complex that provides internet by means of a proxy. I have no control over the proxy, and all I have to connect to it is a LAN connection. I have my cheap wireless router hooked up to it, and my computers are configured to direct traffic to it. (I understand that this is similar to many business-like setups.) What this means is that my MT3G can communicate through to the proxy by means of the transparent proxy, but it seems that not all apps are designed to apply the system-wide proxy setting.
If you are able to help, I would gladly provide more details...

