Help removing balance message (o2) - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Ive got an o2 xda mini on pay and go. When you send a txt or complete a call it pops up saying how much credit you have. It ALWAYS plays the message tone, regardless if its in silent/vibrate etc.
I HAVE done the hack to remove the msg sent item and that has worked, however i still get this second seperate notification after sending a text.
I HAVE also done done the hack to remove notifications that still doesnt work i still always get the message notification
anybody got any ideas? Thanks

You can always do a hard reset, and soft reset once your mda begins to install customizations. Then from there can manually install the cabs you need.
Most likely the balance notification was a cab customization. I don't use o2, so I wouldn't know the name of it, maybe someone else does.

Is there any way to locate and uninstall the software without doing a hard reset. Ive only just got my xda setup with all the programs/settigns etc i want.

I dont think the service credit popup messages are anything to do with the installed software because i did a hard reset and then did not install the o2 software but it still gave me the annoying message every time.

Nope, it's a "Flash SMS" (google it!). I had this problem too, the only solution I found was to put my thumb over the speaker, and clamp the thing between my legs!

No its nothing to do with the software on the phone. it's a network operation so only O2 can turn it off.
Apparently if you ring them up they can turn it off no problem. See here

I spent quite some time trying to figure out how to at least turn off the sound and I just now figured out a way...
I used ActiveSync to explore to \windows under 'My Device' and copied notify.wav to my desktop. I then used an audio editor to make it silent and copied it back.
Now when I get the notifications it still plays the notify.wav but it is silent. You could change it to any sound you wanted but at least it doesn't make the notify.wav even with the phone on mute.
Hope that helps someone...


jingle when sending SMS ?

Hi chaps
please read this and put me out of my pain, its really driving me up the wall now.
i want the wizard to vibrate when a text message comes in, no sound just vibrate. this onlt seems to work when 'notifications (alarms, reminders)' is also ticked, is this right? seems like one setting should affect the other ?
but how do i stop the phone from going 'jinga-alinga-jing' when i have just sent a message, i am on payandgo and it tells me my balance everytime i sent a message and i can see no setting to stop it.
even putting the phone into silent mode from the volume control will stop this jingle ITS PURE MADNESS.
anyone else found this? i can't be the only one on payandgo can i?
if you're on O2 PAYG you can call/email them and they will disable the credit notifications. This is the only solution I could find as I did not manage to turn off the actual sound, someone else perhaps?
i am indeed on O2 didn't know they could turn them off.
i'm moving over to orange very soon though, if it still does it then guess orange can turn them off, cheers you have saved my sanity.
pretty odd that there is no way of stopping it in the phone though
I'm not an Payandgo but did you try in Parameters > Sounds and notifications > Notification (tab)
In the combo, you choose : "Message : New SMS"
And for this particular event, you can remove the sound and choose vibrate ...
Is that what you need ?
YES! i'm having the same stupid thing as well! My phone is a wizard badged as an O2 and i am on a O2 PAYG sim. I have CID unlocked mine and installed the K-JAM rom instead but still have the same issue when the phone is on silent.
Pulling out my hair!!
thanks for your replies guys
YvonLeFou - its not the sound to say that one has come in ie 'new sms' it happens when you send one. you send a message and O2 remind you what your balance is. dunno how this is done but it ignores EVERY attempt at stopping the xda to play a jingle. even if you put the phone on silent it still does it.
Latz - looks like Marc83 has the answer, call o2 and ask them to disable credit notifications, please let us know how you get on. i'm not bothering asking o2 as i'll be on orange soon. expect i will need to ask orange the same.
Marc83 - cheers
Did you try to deasable the notification message using the tweaks in the registry you can find somewhere on this forum ?
ive got hte same problem. Ive tried that and it still wont go away. its So So irritating :evil:
If this is their standard "SMS Sent Notification" you can suppress it by:
Edit your registry, HKCU\control panel\notifications\default\options (DWORD)
Set the value to 4. You will get a momentary Icon on your task bar (top) but I will go away on its own.
this isnt the jingle from the sms sent notification. This is the jingle after it that says "balance: £0.90" etc. It only happens on pay and go phones and it does it after calls and sms no matter what volume setting the phone is on.
I spent quite some time trying to do this and I just now figured out a way...
I used ActiveSync to explore to \windows under 'My Device' and copied notify.wav to my desktop. I then used an audio editor to make it silent and copied it back.
Now when I get the notifications it still plays the notify.wav but it is silent. You could change it to any sound you wanted.
Hope that helps someone...
jalex9 said:
I spent quite some time trying to do this and I just now figured out a way...
I used ActiveSync to explore to \windows under 'My Device' and copied notify.wav to my desktop. I then used an audio editor to make it silent and copied it back.
Now when I get the notifications it still plays the notify.wav but it is silent. You could change it to any sound you wanted.
Hope that helps someone...
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very good idea, i just wanted to point that out lol
My nodify.wav file is locked by windows... cannot edit it to make it silent. Does anyone have other ideas? It seems a registry tweak might be the best option, but I dont know which one to change in order to stop having the annoying balance notification after each call... thanks
I'm not sure what you mean by locked. When I copied the notify.wav to my windows desktop it was read-only. I had to go into the file properties and uncheck that before I could edit it. Is that the problem your having?
I used Sound Forge to edit the audio file. You could use something like Audacity that is free.
Then I just copied it from my desktop back to the same folder. It asked if I wanted to replace the file and I said yes.
Hope that helps...
I also unchecked read-only in notify.wav, but then I still cannot delete it. The read-only check dissapears when you uncheck it, but when you return to the file properties its still there. It must be protected by the OS. I also tried to modify it using a wav editor, but no luck. Of course, I can copy it on my desktop and edit it there. Its when I want to replace the original that problems occur.
Im both desperate and annoyed by that sound after a call. I also tried deleting almost every Reg key that has something to do with it, but no luck. Thank god HP has a good backup software...
Hopefuly somebody will post a workaround... thanks anyway
well, I wasn't expecting to post a work-around myself.
I went back to XP rather than Vista, and the XP explorer allowed me to change the notify.wav file. Now I have a silent file instead of the original and it works perfectly.
I guess Vista is less permissive than XP.
Interesting that Vista turned out to be the difference...
For those without access to XP, I wrote an installer cab to do the replace.
It should replace the notify.wav with a silent one then ask you to reboot the device. I tested it out on my HTC Wizard and it works. Really the only work it is doing is copying one file so it should just work but you never know...
What a fantastic idea, wish I had thought of that - worked like a charm, cheers buddy!
Notification Sound Changes
All I do with my notifications is find where the .wav files are located by exploring "My Mobile Device" - should be in the "Windows" folder.
Then I get the sound I want i.e. for new SMS messages I have Austin Powers saying "You got mail, baby!!"
I convert the audio format of the file I want to a 16bit, 11kHz sample rate and mono (single channel) .wav file. If it is not this format as a .wav file, it will not play. There are various free audio convertors out there that can do this resampling.
I then copy this amended sample over to the Windows folder in the mobile device, just by copying and pasting in Windows Explorer on the PC
After doing this you can look in the Sounds & Notifications > Notifications Tab. In the drop down box you will find the additional .wav files you have added.

O2 Notifications

I have a t-mobile mda (touch dual) but have it unlocked with an O2 sim in. Every time I send a text or make a call I get this annoying pay and go balance sent to my phone. Is there any way I can stop the notification or atleast prevent it from making a noise? I have tried turning of all sounds but it doesnt work .
Thanks in advance for any help
you could try search for an O2 named .exe file in \Windows\ or a .lnk in \Windows\Start Up\ and delete (or rename to be safe) them.
but you could also Hard-Reset your device (Hold both call/hangup buttons while device on and press reset with stylus).
or even HardSPL your device and install a clean ROM
NOTE: Use PIM Backup before Hard Reset/ROM change, to save all your sms, email, contacts, etc. !!!
thanks for the quick reply. I want to install niki project rom v2 but apparently it still has a few bugs that need to be ironed out. Do you knoow how I can hard reset? Im a bit of a newbie with the nike - just trying it out before I properly switch from my ancient tornado loll.
Also I know this is kind of off topic but is it just me or is the internet slower on the nike? Could it just be my radio rom?
Thanks again!
This is something that happens on all o2 pay as you go sims, its not the phone.
thanks for the reply
I know its an o2 thing but is there any way to stop the phone from alerting with a noise everytime I get one - I have tried going through all the notification settings and it still happens if I turn all notifications off - so I end up with no alert for calls / texts but an alert for credit! lol
i'd like to know this too, its pretty annoying!
I cant seem to find anyway to change it :s. On my tornado and prophet the message shows up doesnt make any noise but I cant find options for disabled that tone in the nike rom :s
i found this post that gets rid of the noise, ive yet to try it though
First download totalcmd (another file browser)
Create a blank wav file.. call it notify.wav (sometimes notify.wma)
Use totalcmd to replace the one in the windows directory with the one you created..
It works with some versions of wm5 though, so good luck..
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doesnt work, tried that a year ago!
My advice would be to move to a different PAYG provider - T-Mob or Three would be my first choices Get a PAC code, take your number elsewhere
Failing that, ask O2 if they can switch it off?
jaymit said:
I have a t-mobile mda (touch dual) but have it unlocked with an O2 sim in. Every time I send a text or make a call I get this annoying pay and go balance sent to my phone. Is there any way I can stop the notification or atleast prevent it from making a noise? I have tried turning of all sounds but it doesnt work .
Thanks in advance for any help
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O2 have that as a feature phone them up and tell them you dont ant notifications
This is def the notify.wav. We can never get rid of the message from o2 as that is a network feature as previously mentioned.
Replace notify.wav with a blank wav sound. This will make it less annoying.
thread closed after request by thread starter.

Touch HD keeps redialing in a loop

Hi guys,
I am facing very annoying problem. Every time I dial somebody's number and cancel the call by tapping on red button, after short while the phone redials the number again. I cancel it again and after a while phone redials the number again. This is repeating until a) I reset the phone or b) the person I am calling to answers the phone call.
I do remember I saw some settings related to redialing when playing with phone, but I went thru all config dialogs and cannot find anything. Maybe a change somewhere in registry could help?
Also I did not find anywhere how to disable the notification after you receive a new text message or got a missed phone call. Woman voice is keeping saying: "you got a new message" or "you got a missed call". This is anoying as well especially when you sleep and you receive a new msg and even your ring tone is set to something very polite to keep you sleeping, that woman's voice is trying to wake you up telling you - hey "you got a new msg", wake up!
My ROM ver is 1.14.401.3 WWE, I did some changes with Advanced Config and I am using tools like AEButton, SecondToday and some other tweaks, but I don't think this has something to do with the above described issues.
Thanks for your advices!
I have just found out that it is caused by REDIAL.EXE application which is stored in \Windows directory so I am not able to rename it or delete it. Is there any way how to get rid of this file? Thanks!
I have finally found out what caused the issue. It was application HTCExtFun and I forgot that there are such settings. I use it for switching different keyboard layouts when stylus is in or out.
So to disable automatic redial, I needed to edit [HKCU\Software\HTCExtFun] registry and sent RedialTime to zero.
Also in the same registry you can disable that sound notifications for incomming text message or missed call.
jospo said:
I have just found out that it is caused by REDIAL.EXE application which is stored in \Windows directory so I am not able to rename it or delete it. Is there any way how to get rid of this file? Thanks!
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You can rename any WM aplication to "REDIAL.EXE" and then copy this renamed redial.exe to \windows, it will take the place of the rom redial.exe.
Posted here:
Thx for this thread. Now my HD doesn't redial anymore.
well, this might bea bit out of the subject but.. isn't there any registry fix that prolongs the default vibration time of the HTC Touch HD when the call is connected?
i feel it is very short and often passes unnoticed.
I understand that the "Redial" application does so but i'm very obssessive about battery life and background programs so i much prefer to have a registry fix if possible.
any help?

Bluetooth not receiving files, wont receive anything!

I can send files but not receive with bluetooth. I am paired up with my mates phone, he can see me, ive ticked the receive incoming files box, ive tried with and without the 'authentication passkey required' box ticked. I installed something 'obex inbox' but that did squat all. any ideas??
I had the same issue pal, in the "obex inbox settings" make sure that the default download directory points to an ACTUALLY EXISTING directory. If it doesn't then type in an existing path (i.e. "\Storage Card\[a folder of your choosing that actually exists]). Browsing did not work for me, i had to manually insert the path. I guess it is probably a localisation's issue, but after this little trick everything came back to normal and i could send/receive files without any problems. Hope this works for you
Hi mate! This also happened to me after installing an application that i think is not compatible with xperia and i just hard reset my phone to fix it.
Can you explain in details what you did to correct the problem? I would really appreciate it and thanks in advance.
<error in post, removed>
Where can i find the "obex inbox settings"?
Yes i have the same problem. I am not sure if i had installed a programm that isn't compatible with xperia. I hav installed some games and some progs. Can i solve the problem by unistalling the progs or have i also to do a hard reset??
PS: Sorry for my bad englisch.
it won't do you any good as that is what i have done also. let just wait for MacCarron to further explain what he did or if you can't wait just hard reset your phone but be sure to backup of your contacts first.
When im in Setting>Connections>Obex Inbox, I cannot find 'Settings'. The two soft keys at the bottom just display whatever program is running 'benneath' it. When i press on the three dots '...' next to the 'File store path' text box nothing happens. In this text box there is already the path '\Storage Card\FTP' and I have manually created a folder 'FTP' in my storage cards root directory. Did you guys have this same problem?
I still cannot receive bluetooth files!
Why can´t I find this menu "Setting>Connections>Obex Inbox" ??
You need to download it and install it:
It sounded really odd to us when we tried the Bluetooth, but the magic word is Beam, you need to go to Setting -> Connection ->Beam -> and tick the box "Receive all incoming beams.
No installs or downloads anything else needed for me. I think it's the same for the HTC handset, maybe for all Windows Mobile phones, correct me if I am wrong, would be interesting to find out.
I have ticked the box, but nothing happens. I still can't receive anything.
I also have tried Obex Inbox. I changed the settings, but that doens't help.
Is here somebody that has another idea instead of a hard reset? Probably unistalling all programms that aren't compatibele with Xperia.
Does anyone know how i can find out which programm is compatible and which isn't??
Please help.
php?do=register said:
I have ticked the box, but nothing happens. I still can't receive anything.
I also have tried Obex Inbox. I changed the settings, but that doens't help.
Is here somebody that has another idea instead of a hard reset? Probably unistalling all programms that aren't compatibele with Xperia.
Does anyone know how i can find out which programm is compatible and which isn't??
Please help.
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as i've told you before uninstalling apps will not make any difference mate because i've tried it before until i came to the point that all that was left was the original apps in my xperia. anyway maybe others can share their experience too including a solution. as for now after the hard reset i am more careful with the apps i'm installing as reading every comments of all users and being sure that it is really compatible with wm 6.1 and xperia
php?do=register said:
I have ticked the box, but nothing happens. I still can't receive anything.
I also have tried Obex Inbox. I changed the settings, but that doens't help.
Is here somebody that has another idea instead of a hard reset? Probably unistalling all programms that aren't compatibele with Xperia.
Does anyone know how i can find out which programm is compatible and which isn't??
Please help.
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Have you tried "revisiting the box"? It has a habit of unticking itself, it si on mine anyway.
I have been using the OBEX Inbox cab...
I love it!! No problems with on my X1i generic UK ROM!
On the OBEX file transfer problem here is a little insight from a problem I had!!
I installed PocketMax Phone Alarm. And I started to have the exact same Problem!! But I still could active sync too!!
What I found out, it was messing with the the OBEX Service Mask Setting!!
So to allow OBEX File transfers to work correctly.
You must make sure these setting are correct in the registry!!
:IsEnabled- 0x1(1)
:ObexServiceMask- 0x3(3)
Possible Solution! (If your using Phonealarm)
I've had the same problem with not being able to receive bluetooth files on my xperia.
Turns out its PhoneAlarm thats blocking them.
Under Profiles, make sure the setting "Activate IR" is on.
yes, there's no need to install anything just to receive and/or send files over bluetooth.
when you attempt to receive, do you see any pop up message prompting if you want to receive (if you have previously click yes, then it'll be default for subsequent receiving from the same device)
if your device is receiving but you ended up seeing no files in your folder, it could be that your device is running out of storage.

no SMS notification sound

although I defined all alert sounds (sms, email. missed calls etc.) to give an alert still when I receive any of the above the phone is silent. need to mention that I chose a different alert than the default (different sound)
any ideas?
I have had the same problem after I updated to the next available rom provided by HTC.
I have tried several things and experimented with the different sound formats.
I noticed that I still got a sound alert in standby mode for my mail account and wondered why I didn't get the same for my sms.
Like you I customized my sounds with soundfiles from the internet (like effects and stuff that I copied directly to the \windows\rings directory .) And I noticed a big difference between the sound I used for sms (WAV) and the sound I used for mail (mp3).
So just for the fun of it I tried converting my WAV file to Mp3 because I couldn't find the same sound file in that format.
And what do you know... problem solved...
I yet again recieve sound notification in standby mode for sms.
I don't know if this is something that occures due to the upgraded rom but it works for me.
Maybe it's an idea you'd like to try. I was very frustrated by this problem and spent an entire evening on trying to fix it. So I have invested a lot of time.
Maybe it helps you to.
solved by upgrading rom
the opposite happened to me when i upgraded the rom and now the defualt sounds are playing for everything.
so what I do is just leave the default sound and won't choose other sounds since i dont know if itll remain ok or itll go mute again and I don't fell like hard reseting again...
thanks anyway for your help - I'll remember your offer if ill need it
and by the way, mp3 ringtones that i added are working fine..
check out the new update on HTC's site it is specifically for this problem!

