Wizard "QTEK 9100" questions - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello All,
I have a new QTEK 9100 and recently went through several issues which thankfully led me to this site. The guy who sold me the new QTEK told me I could get all my questions answered here, so im willing to give it a shot.
1) I installed the Windows Outlook but not the ActiveSync because I was told ActiveSync would have to be removed later for me to upload and use the TCMP program to watch movies. Is this true?
2) I tried to install the GPRS monitor disk afterwards and a window would appear saying for me to do a "Soft restart of my pda" for it to repair or modify the program. What is a soft restart? How do I install the GPRS programs and do I need ActiveSync to do it?
3) I read dutch well but would like to change the programs to english. I read from the user Casablanca's posts that I could use the "lokiwiz" program. Where can I aquire this program and is there step by step directions on how to install it on my QTEK? Or is there a better program and if so what is it and how do I install it?
Any and all assistance is appreciated.
Thanxxx Vinum

1 - no
2 - dont know exactly what gprs program u r trying to install, please more detail, at least the website or something...about the soft reset is the standard reset: use the stylus to push the button in the hole near the infrared in the right side of the qtek...about installations, if u r new to this the easier way is to actually use activesync to install anything...
3 - first of all...if u r not an advanced user i dont recomend to change the rom as any error can kill your device...if u anyway r going to try have in mind that u invalidate your warranty doing so...and some tips: lokiwiz, use last version...read the more u can about rom upgrading, i suggest at least 4 hours (do a search for wizard rom on this forum and read read read)...language change: only way i know is going to first rom version possible (1.05 i guess) and then to your language choice, have in mind that this means double risk as u change rom twice...
and last word: this forum is full of geniuses...just ask what u need be4 doing mistakes...

first of all,WELCOME NEWBIE!!!!
1>nope,not true,better install outlook 1st then AC then do set your email accnt 1st on outlook and then SYNC ur wizard
2>softreset =1. there's a small hole beside the IR just push or click it 2. or you can aquire softreset program here in XDA-DEV(use search pls).to install gprs prog,u do really need to sync it, if it is in .EXE file,but if it is in .CAB file just COPY and PASTE it on your wizard(PDA MUST BE SYNC 1ST)
3>i think for this one,you MUST 1st learn HOW TO's to update ur ROM. my only suggestion is that SPEND MORE TIME READING FORUM IN THE UPRGADING SECTION,IT WILL HELP,REALLY.

tygervinum said:
Hello All,
I have a new QTEK 9100 and recently went through several issues which thankfully led me to this site. The guy who sold me the new QTEK told me I could get all my questions answered here, so im willing to give it a shot.
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Looks to me that the guy is to lazy to answer your questions. Keep bothering him, just playing.
About soft reset, its harmless, its really helpful. I soft reset about 5 times a day, releases all ram and processes, makes your device operate a little faster.

new qtek9100 user
as i am a new user too, i like to provide some experience here, hehe, i started to be meber here yesterday, and i spedn about 12 hours on this forum, with about 30 browser windows open, reading and donwloading like hell, finally, after midnight, i got my SIM unlocked, thanks to lokiwiz 0.3a, and right now i am working on changing the rom, because i have a brasilian one and need a german or english one.
in some moments i htought its all over, and i messed it up, but i got lucky ( and PATIENT and disciplined, and all worked fine at the end. i just can REMIND what the other her said to YOU, THINK, and more than that ASK, i found , in just 12 hours, so many friendly and helpfull people here, its great!

Thanx for all the quick responses I really appreciate it!
I'm going to spend quite a bit of time reading before attepting any ROM changes.
As for the question about the GPRS disk. It came with the Wizard and its called a QTek 9100 Application CD "GPRS Monitor" it says "version A" dec. 2005 at the bottom along with 69H20042-18M.
I know its use is for mobile Enternet and other applications. I just wanted to know if I could install it without installing ActiveSync becuase i was told to take of ActiveSync later to install TCMP.
According to you guys i dont need to remove ActiveSync to install TCMP. SO I'm going to install it, but before I do i need clarity...one thing.
Active is one program and Sync is another, right?
ArtXT reccomended that i install outlook 1st. "done" Then i install the AC short for Active program, right? Then set up my email account. Finally install the Sync program.
Is all this correct? I work abot 10 - 12 hours a day, so I dont have much time to surf this site and have to plug all most or all my questions into one post. Beleive me when i say IT SUCKS! But hopefully it all pays off at the end of the year. In the meantime I'll ask what I dont know and read what I can learn when I can.
Thanxxx Again, Vinum



Hello one and all.
I have been looking at this forum for about 1 week and i'm still none the wiser. This may be because I have no idea what im doing and I am a little worried about making rom changes as I have no experinace of this.
I have a 02 exec. Which i am happy with but its a bit slower than I thought it would be. The phone seams to mess around when answering.
I have booted it up as normal on the basic setting.
A few questions that I have :-
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
Any advise would be good. If it could be given in a format my 2 year old could understand that would be good for me.
Thank you in advance
You'll find a wealth of information on each of your questions by browsing & searching the posts already on this forum.
thanks moandal that's why I posted.
1 post says basic setup another say corporate. 1 post says hack this that and the other. another says not to.
I'm new to pocket pc.
these forums do not make it clear what is best.
example radio version 1.06 or 1.08 at least 3 posts on here saying each one is better than the other. I have no idea.
all I was asking for is some guidance as to which set up has worked best for people.
@CRJL you've one up on me mate - I did not even know this thing had two modes!!!
BTW, why is that? Someone mentioned somewhere a corporate password - how to enter this & why would I want it.
BTW CRJL, I agree with you, these little devices are very confusing, espcially because the front end software (WM5) is soooooooo labourious!
when you hard reset the thing. after all the rom stuff loads up it gives you the choice of basic set up or corporate. it selects basic automatically after 20secs.
if you tell it corporate then you have to put the code 0506 in. this the uninstalls some stuff off the exec. you loose mms and all the gprs an 3g settings for conecting to the net. (i don't know what else it does) some of the people in the forums say it makes the exec faster. I could not really notice any difference.
you loose a few applications as well.
until I learn more I'm staying in basic.
I find these forums are for more advanced users so the simple questions tend to get missed. (im talking abot my first post) still not had a reply answering my questions
CRJL said:
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
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for this you should first make a hard reset (carefull, with hard reset you will loose all data!) by pressing both app buttons and reset at the same time.
When it starts up, after the installation countdown shows up you should make a reset to stop the automatic setup.
Now you have a machine, which is only basic setup. See how you like the things in there.
After you now enough about this, you can make same hard reset again and start the corporate setup. Then see, how you like this setup.
After this do same with basic setup.
In total you have then an idea, what you can have with the 3 different setups.
Now you can decide, which of the 3 setups you want to start with. After this, you should read the posts about Extended Rom, how to unlock it, which programs are in there etc. Then you get an idea for example how to install some software in the basic setup.
Also, you can add some programs from other Roms. For example I have an MDA Pro and I added the I-Mate Backgammon game to my setup.
Try out and see what customizations you want and need, which you do not want.
CRJL said:
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
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Basically, this does not really make difference. Forget about reg changes. Performance depends on running programs and setup - see above.
As far as I know, o2 installs some app in the basic setup, which makes the device slow. As I never tried o2 rom, I do not know, if this is true.
CRJL said:
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
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read here:
here also I recommend to try out the software and just keep the ones you like.
In total I would recommend you to create a directory on your PC where you put all the setup and cab files, which you want to have in your final setup. After trying out all, make a hard reset again and install the files from this directory. This prevents any junks to be left behind from your previous tries.
CRJL said:
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
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I think, you get more problems than it helps. Some programs appear too small on the screen. And when you make a Romupdate this does not work anymore.
I recommend not to install any VGA Patches. Instead just set the text size to more small and search in this forum for some registry hacks to change system font etc. and see if you like it, when the font is more small (this is good for Opera or PIE as you can view complete page!)
Nice reply, thanks mate!
what are the ><ahem, ahem>< "app buttons"
Andy (thicky wicky Blacky wacky Adder)
thank you. I will give the 3 setups a go. I did read that if you soft reset before the counter that video calling does not work.
will give it a go and see what happens I'm sure there will be a cab file on here to sort it out.
anyone wishing to add any pearls of wisdom fee free. I'm learning more and more all the time.
app buttons: the buttons on the keyboard, which have changing functions. these functions are shown at the bottom of the screen. These buttons can be found to the right and left of the red and green call buttons on the keyboard.
about video calling: yes, this feature is installed after you switch on first your device. it is activated with one cab file. If you can find out which cab file this is, you can install it manually in the basic setup.


ok, first i installed widcomm copied all the DLLS to windows directory wich overwrited 2 files, and i dont know wich ones.
second my audio screwed but i fixed that part
third i cant synchronise with activesync anymore
i ve posted the widcomm 1.50 ( so you can see wich 2 files you already have in your windows directory and you can send me both so i can reoverwrite them ) can someone with a dutch 2.18(or english 2.17) rom send me 2 files wich are in his/her windows directory so i can put them back.
and can someone PLZ send me a backup of Activesynd registry settings..
by helping me you help tons of other PPL who have the same problem on other forums too, i'm ready to hard-reset and spend 7 hours fixing my whole phone if i cant be helped let me know PLZZZZZ DAMN here is widomm 1.50 ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Widcom150AMD.zip PLZ xheck out for 2 files in widcomm wich you have in your windows directory too and POST THEM PLZZZZZZZZ aaaaaaa i dont wanna hrd-reset for the 100th time
im going to hard-reset again..... really the 20th time and spend 7 f* hours trying to fix the damn phone. last time im installing bull****
Did the hard-reset solve the issue?
Better thinking next time you gonna go install apps, I dont install just "everything" that looks cool to try
And one other thing....don't use CAPS in your titles, we all can see your topics even without CAPS on, and just use a normal font in your posts, it look likes **** those big red fonts
LOL ok, just thought i would have a better chance getting helped out :lol: i'll see what i can do i dont want to hard-reset . geuss its my last option
just wanted to get PAN network working
Already been to hard reset-ville over this one tonight. My wife told me if I break this thing, I'll be toting her Nokia 3310 for the rest of my life. Better just hard reset and not waste your time.

Help needed please! I just can't get my head around it...

Hey all!
So I've been scouring the forums for a while now, I truly have, and all I end up with is more questions and confusion.
I have a vario 2.
It has some annoying issues, like the x not actually closing, msn seems to refuse to stay ended, just loads itself back up all the time, windows media player always stops responding when trying to close etc. From what I've read, fairly common things. Oh and not being able to set custom sms tones.
Now I finally managed to work out that I needed some extra programs, like shell something or other? which I downloaded to the phone, not a pocketpc application was the response.
So I read, use activesync. But hey....Windows Vista doesn't have active sync. Which btw also keeps loading itself up on the bleeding phone.
Something I came accross tonight too, is that when hooked up as a usb modem it apparently doesn't charge as fast as it uses, cause it went flat on me tonight mid surf.
There's a ton of stuff that is meant to be do-able on the phone but I just can't figure out how to do it.
WM6 seems a likely move, but so many different pro's and con's, some people having issues etc, I wonder is 5 safer? Not that I would know how to install wm6 anyway.
Upgrading windows messenger, the live beta seems to have vanished, and any links I've downloaded it from don't work.
Please guys! help! Plain english cause the phone having about a million names doesn't help and the abbreviations I havna't worked out yet are just more nails in my already well sealed coffin
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
OK......wall of text
the x button was NOT designed to actually close the program, the idea is the system frees up memory when it is needed, its only recently that the x-button app (that ACTUALLY closes programs) has come about.
secondly assigning custom SMS tones only works if you have them in .wav format and save them in the windows directory.
VISTA can be configured to work with the RUUs we use on here (Rom Update Utilities), and the WMDC (windows mobile device centre) is the vista equivalent of Activesync. Activesync loads all the time on the device but it uses hardly any memory so leave it alone
WM6 may be the way to go for you because you can assign mp3s to alert tones (and not just ring tones as in WM5) however by reading your post it doesnt seem you are quite there yet (reading-wise) to upgrade confidently, your comments on sms tones and activesync show that you havent read enough as these points have been addressed MANY times.
feel free to use my WM6 upgrade guides however do read through the various threads if you have ANY questions you feel have not been answered. As always read the wiki
Hello again, thanks for your reply
Oh I have read many posts regarding sms for instance, but so many different answers.
You can't do it, go away.
You need a 3rd party program, like xxx (which I found didn't do what I needed)
You can only use .wav
Its do-able, but you need wm6
List goes on
I followed your guide to Vista, followed by flashing HardSPL to the letter, I honestly have done (yeah i'm impatient and like to get in the at the deep end)
It doesn't appear to be working however.
Bootloader originaly says:
I load up HardSPL and follow your instuctions, however as soon as I hit yes on my device to run the program, it instantly restarts into the Bootloader but this time it says:
After hardspl then times out trying verify the information I do a soft restart to get it all working again.
Now if I put it back into the Bootloader, its back to its original settings?
Any ideas?
your using vista correct? make sure you use the Vista guide and load the driver from a post about upgrading with vista!!! also make sure you uncheck allow USB connections in the Vista WMDC sync setting and before you do any flashing put your phone manually into bootloader. I know vista flashing is a pain at first but you will learn the biggest key is to make sure you uncheck the box in WMDC sync settings and put your phone in bootload before trying to flash
Thanks for the reply austin
Yup using Vista, and did follow the guide.
Although the guide indicates re-enabling the usb sync and leaving the phone in normal running before trying to updated HardSPL
So annoying ;(
as another thought....t-mobile phones are locked to certain settings...
this wouldn't affect it though right?

Coming from Symbian - already frustrated

Hi guys (and ladies).
Just spent half a day with the phone and have bunch of questions:
1. Do I need to install DH2 ROM? What are the benefits? (I did a lot of hacks on symbian, but it looks like tutorials on this forum meant for hackers or professionals. is there a ROM for dummies tutorials some place here?
The other is more simple questions:
2. Imported contacts have "w" for waiting before extension numbers. Phone seams to ignore them. How to dial with extensions?
3. How to lock phone while talking on BT headset
4 I saw a lot of tips involving registry changes. What editor to use for that?
5. I downloaded ActiveSync 4.5 from MS. it looks like not support BT sync. Am I doing something wrong or software needs to be used?
supplier_new said:
Hi guys (and ladies).
Just spent half a day with the phone and have bunch of questions:
1. Do I need to install DH2 ROM? What are the benefits? (I did a lot of hacks on symbian, but it looks like tutorials on this forum meant for hackers or professionals. is there a ROM for dummies tutorials some place here?
The other is more simple questions:
2. Imported contacts have "w" for waiting before extension numbers. Phone seams to ignore them. How to dial with extensions?
3. How to lock phone while talking on BT headset
4 I saw a lot of tips involving registry changes. What editor to use for that?
5. I downloaded ActiveSync 4.5 from MS. it looks like not support BT sync. Am I doing something wrong or software needs to be used?
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As for the first question - I dont know what you mean by DH2 ROM.
and I would guess most of the people on this forum do have at least some development experience (not necessarily for WinMo devices, but still), and would probably not bother to explain things that seem to them as basic/elementary, but would try explaining if asked.
2 - try replacing the "w" with a "," (comma), or replacing the "w" with a "p"
( http://pocketnow.com/tech-news/using-the-pause-feature-to-dial-extensions-in-windows-mobile )
3 - dont know, never tried
4 - I use totalcommander for windows mobile, it's free - search for it on google
when starting it - click on the [\] (top right), double click \\plugins, double click registry - and you're there
5 - dont know, never tried
supplier_new said:
5. I downloaded ActiveSync 4.5 from MS. it looks like not support BT sync. Am I doing something wrong or software needs to be used?
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Have a look at "Connection Settings" in AS on PC and "Connect via Bluetooth" in AS at the phone.
supplier_new said:
Hi guys (and ladies).
4 I saw a lot of tips involving registry changes. What editor to use for that?
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CeRegEditor works on the pc when activesynced.
Much less laborious than pocket pc reg editors.
You can also bookmark reg's, compare registries to isolate and locate reg's, and backup reg's.
To isolate a reg entry, you save the reg, then make a change, then compare before & after reg's to find keys.
Som30ne said:
As for the first question - I dont know what you mean by DH2 ROM.
and I would guess most of the people on this forum do have at least some development experience (not necessarily for WinMo devices, but still), and would probably not bother to explain things that seem to them as basic/elementary, but would try explaining if asked.
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Thanks for the replies. It’s a start for me.
1. My wife's HD2 froze on her when she was playing with her. I did soft reset for her, but she will not do it on her own. I'm afraid if it will happen again the phone goes back to store. Not to complaint, but this was the reason I switch to symbian and never had a problem – NEVER!!!!
But never the less, what we can do to minimize this? (Any program that restarts HD2 with one click?) Or anything else like can close all programs with one click? My wife will not go to task manager until it’s too late.
2. One more question. do i need TC for ARM, x86 or anything else?
3. As for Som30ne remark, I’m not trying to be sarcastic but here what the tutorial says and do not understand it. I need laterally ROM upgrade for dummies like what is HSPL or SPL or what tools to use or where to start. Most of you somehow got to that point.
“DarkForces Team HardSPL by bepe and Cotulla
Please read carefully before installing!
1) To install this HSPL there must be SPL 1.42.0000 on your device.
Otherwise the installation will fail!
To check your SPL version, hold the Volume Down button and do a reset.
It is possible to downgrade to this SPL, by just flashing to an Official ROM
with this SPL version.”
what i miss THE MOST is the voice dialing in E71.... i just had my phone language set to romanian and this was it... just press and speak the name...

Can someone help me pleeze?

Ok so i just bought my new HD2 Just arrived last week, And Yah its freezing like most are, I have heard numerous fixes to this I guess flashing Roms or installing apps. I dont know if this thread is in the right category, but can someone help me fix the phone so it doesnt freeze everyday when i use texts and run smoother overall? I dont know how to flash roms or tweak any of these replies can someone help me please? I tried Custom window home tabs app but it got rid of the home screen so i took it out.. please someone help me .... i have yahoo, aim and msn messenger email or just reply on here ? thanks guys
try HR-hard reset.
1.turn your phone off
2.press and hold volume up&down buttons same time and turn your phone on
it will reset and restore it to the factory settings
This should help
I was in the same position 4 months ago... it's a steep learning curve!
In no particular order:
1. Get your phone and PC hooked up with activesync.
2. Learn how '.cab' files work - you basically just transfer them to your phone (I use activesync) and run them to install various things.
3. Get Resco Registry - this is a registry explorer which I find very intuitive and useful for changing registry values.
4. Have a look around this site, notably the tweaks threads, and see what you like.
5. When you are comfortable with the handset, look into upgrading your ROM. I started on Vodafone 1.43 ROM, but have since upgraded to Vodafone 1.66 ROM. It is very easy to upgrade to official ROMs (at least it was for Vodafone) - I image the manufacturers will give you a step-by-step guide.
6. Get Cookie's Home Tab!
Can you tell what ROM/Radio/Manila version you are currently on?
(Go to settings/about phone/software information)
aeagleboi22 said:
Ok so i just bought my new HD2 Just arrived last week, And Yah its freezing like most are, I have heard numerous fixes to this I guess flashing Roms or installing apps. I dont know if this thread is in the right category, but can someone help me fix the phone so it doesnt freeze everyday when i use texts and run smoother overall? I dont know how to flash roms or tweak any of these replies can someone help me please? I tried Custom window home tabs app but it got rid of the home screen so i took it out.. please someone help me .... i have yahoo, aim and msn messenger email or just reply on here ? thanks guys
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I don't know where you got the idea that most phones are freezing, because if that was the issue this phone would not be nearly as popular as it is.
* If you got the phone from your provider go to them.
* Try a hard reset, make no changes (tweaks, software installs) and see if the problem is gone. If so then something you did is causing the problem.
* Find a stable ROM in the development forum and learn to flash, it's very easy.

