Having trouble with passthrough.. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've scoured the forums to no avail ...
My problem is this: I sync up at home and at work. When I'm at home, I've been able to connect to the net through passthrough until recently. I've determined the problem with why I can no longer sync at home is due to a local network issue (unavoidable). I've also been syncing up at work through a proxy. That is, up until the other day. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing is right. Basically, I have my "programs that connect to the internet" set to a blank profile, while my "programs that connect to a VPN" set up to "My Work Network" that has my company's proxy in it. I have my activesync at home set to connect to the internet, and my activesync at work set to connect to work. Why can't I connect at work any longer? I'm very confused by the whole thing (what does setting your computer's activesync to "work" change on your PPC, how does "work" know to use "my work network" ... that sort of stuff) and I would greatly appreciate the help.
I've resolved the issue but not logically.
Basically, I played around with it to figure out what settings it uses when it connects each time. At first I could connect when I applied my proxy settings to the profile I use for "programs that connect to the internet." This seemed to make sense because, after some research, I've found out that the work profile should only affect intranet addresses. After some tinkering, that stopped working, so I applied the proxy settings to both that and my work profile. After some more messing around (stopped working for a time), I ended up clearing the proxy out of both profiles, and putting it back into my work profile. It is now working. I'm glad but I'm still confused. Can anyone tell me what is going on? Isn't the work profile only supposed to affect internal addresses? If so, why am I now connecting through the proxy properly even though my internet profile (in this case, a profile named "blank") no longer has any proxy information?
In addition to all of this, I'm having a problem that, it seems, is very common and that is that I always get the "unable to get server-assigned IP address" dialog whenever I connect via activesync even when I'm able to passthrough.

bump for post edit.


Blue Angel Wi-Fi connection settings

I have the PDA2k and I'm having problems alternating between the GPRS connection and the Wi-Fi connection. I will try to explain the problem:
I live in Saudi Arabia and therefore, unfortunately, all connections to the Internet must go through a government proxy server. Each connection has a different proxy server address based on the service provider.
I have set up in my house a wireless Wi-Fi network that connects to the Internet. What I mentioned above entails that the proxy address used for my home connection is different from the proxy address used for my GPRS connection.
For this purpose I had to configure a different connection settings for each connection. I went to Start>>Settings>>Connections>>Connections>>Advanced and clicked on "Select Networks". For my GPRS connection there is a connection settings called "STC_Saudi_Arabia" that has the GPRS proxy address configured. I also entered the proxy address used for my Wi-Fi connection in the "My Workplace" connection settings.
Whenever my phone connects through GPRS it automatically selects the "STC_Saudi_Arabia" for the "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" option. This is congifured by my PDA2k provider.
Nevertheless, whenever I turn on my Wi-Fi the device automatically selects a connection setting called "My ISP". This is very inconvenient because the "My ISP" connection does not have a field to enter any proxy settings.
Thus, whenever I turn on my Wi-Fi (either because I was out of the house and connecting through GPRS or because my deviced turned off automatically and thus turned off the Wi-Fi adapter) I must go into connections and select the "My Workplace" settings rather than the "My ISP" one.
Is there anyway to associate the "My Workplace" connection with the Wi-Fi adapter? Or, can I configure my proxy address in my "My ISP" connection instead?
On another remotely related topic, why must the Wi-Fi adapter turn off whenever the device shuts off? Can't I choose to keep it on even when the device shuts off?
Thank you everybody... I really appreciate the help
You should be able to easily add your proxy settings to the MY ISP Connection.
imagine_einstein said:
You should be able to easily add your proxy settings to the MY ISP Connection.
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But see, that's impossible. When I edit the "My ISP" connection I only get the "General" and "Modem" tabs, no tab for proxy servers. I will attempt to attach an image capture of the edit screen for the "My ISP" connection which should depict the lack of a proxy tab.
If you would kindly guide me as to how edit the proxy settings for the "My ISP" connection I would be very grateful
Ok, for some reason the image I uploaded was replaced by some image that I have no idea where it came from. It is definately not a file that I uploaded and absolutely not an image capture of my device. I will attempt to upload the file again and see if this works...
That looks nothing like what I saw on my German ROM, the imate ROM or even the HP 6315 ROM
What did you use for the screen captures, I can capture some shots and see if you can find them on your phone.
I'd still like a link to the screen capture but here is the solution:
If your not connect to an Access point then you see "My network card connects to:" at the top, use the pull down to select WORK.
If your connected to an Access Point then select the Network adapters tab and then selec WORK from the pull down.
Let me know if this works
paulmc said:
That looks nothing like what I saw on my German ROM, the imate ROM or even the HP 6315 ROM
What did you use for the screen captures, I can capture some shots and see if you can find them on your phone.
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I do not understand what you mean by that :? My only guess is that I have caused some confusion by the posting of two images. If that's the case then allow me to explain:
the first image, the one with the "No Bluetooth device was foudn" message, is not a screen capture of mine. I'm guessing that it was attached to my post instead of the image that I uploaded because it had a similar file name to an image uploaded by another user in some other thread.
The screen capture that should depict the fact that I cannot edit any proxy settings on the "My ISP" connection is found in the following message.
Well, now that we've got that out of the way, I tried the solution that you have suggested but to no avail. Whether my selection was "Work" or "Internet" my device would automatically select "My ISP" whenever the Wi-Fi is turned off and turned on again.
Paulmc, I really appreciate that time you're taking to help me out here I owe you one :wink:
I'm not sure what to suggest now, Sorry.
Hey, thanks a lot of trying. I really appreciate it...
Is it only I that suffers from this problem? If anyone else connects to the Internet through different proxy servers then I would appreciate some feedback.
Thanks all
Try creating a new connection under MY WORK CONNECTIONS when you go into connections. You can add a modem connection there as well as set up proxy connections..
Then go into the preferred networks and use the my work connections as both internet and work..
I've noticed the same problem on my SX66. It seems that when the wi-fi card turns on, My ISP is always selected (even if the Wi-Fi card says that it's connected to Work which has a proxy server selected). The only way that I've found to work around this is to go to the network settings, make a selection change that will then trigger the proper connection to be selected.
This makes keeping my inbox up to date over Wi-Fi at work completely impossible.

WiFi connects but fails on "Locate"

I've just got a T-Mobile Vario. It connects fine on GPRS and PIE navigates to web pages.
I then try to connect to a free WiFi hotspot (I have no home wifi network to test on).
It *connects* fine. However, when I try to navigate to a web page it hangs on the "Locate" message, then times out.
I have searched the forum and read similar problems but with home networks not public hotspots- for example:
I tried the solutions suggested there but with no luck. Has anyone had similar problems?
I *really* need to get WiFi working (by the end of the weekend hopefully) as thats what I got the device for in the first place.
I am a WiFi virgin so any pointers will help.
ipl 1.06
spl 1.06
gsm 1.12.10
protocol version
Cingular 8125 WiFi fails
I have the same results. My router assigns my device an IP address with WiFi on, but I get the message "...the connection was lost." whenever I try to surf internet. If anyone understands how to set it up, we'd appreciate instruction that works (I'd like a Cingular user if possible) but I would also like to learn what the settings mean. Anyone have a link to network setup information? I have a WiFi network in my home which works for my wife's laptop and my old PDA. This 8125 is bugging me.
working now...
OK, as soon as I posted and went back to the PDA the WiFi connection now works - gremlins again... I didn't change anything or even soft reset - it just connected. I wonder if it was because the GPRS connection ended... I'll try turning off my automatic e-mail checking and post again. BTW, I am using the suggestion of the first Network being "work - no proxy" and the second being "MediaNet - proxy"
Your problem doesn't seem the same as mine.
I have no home network.
My vario, on a public hotspot, always "connects" but always fails on "locate".
you need to make sure the connection is not using a proxy server.
go into settings
then manage existing connections
untick the checkbox on the proxy settings tab that says this connection uses a proxy (or words to that effect)
now you should be able to connect to the network as long as their is no security in place to stop you.
good luck
I have no "manage existing connections"
under settings->connections.
I go into connections which gives <tasks> and <Advanced> tabs
Under Advanced> I have <select networks>
This screen "Network Management" has two drop downs
1 states "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
"T-Mobile Internet" is selected
If I edit and look at proxy settings it has:
"This network connects to the internet" ticked
the proxy server box is empty
If I edit the modem tab it has Cellular Line (GPRS) selected
Dropdown 2 has
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using:
the dropdown is filled with "My Work Network"
By default the "connects to the internet" box is empty. I have filled this in previously with no luck.
Modem is empty as are all the other entries.
I have swapped the order of the dropdowns, I have made both "My Work network" and both "T-Mobile Internet" with no luck.
I have tried the suggestions on the thread I referenced above - again with no luck.
To repeat I can get the "connection" up. When I select the network it states connection is "good" yet when I try to surf to a page it craps out on the "Locate" message.
Is it failing to find a DNS server on the wifi link?
I'm just guessing as I know v little about WiFi as I have never used it before
TIA for any further contributions
I just wanted to say I have this same problem and have not been able to solve it yet. I can't tell whether to use GPRS while using Internet, or whether I should have the connection set to "Work" or "Internet" or what.
I have tried with 3 unprotected wireless networks already and have gotten the same results with each. I suspect it may be due to DNS. Hopefully it is not the phone itself.
Hi mat,
Well it can't be that you *must* use GPRS whilst surfing - thats what WIFI is for!
I suspect (no real evidence)T-Mobile have somehow crippled the OS to make it difficult to work out how to get free hotspot access working properly. Looking at their site they say CS do not "support" WIFI access problems - how convenient!!!!!
Although I am a WIFI virgin/idiot, I am not a *total* idiot and would have been able to get it working if it was completely straightforward.
To add ammunition to this opinion, I do not have a T-Zone account (I should have but it hasn't been set up correctly). Anyway I tried to connect though a t-zone and it worked straightaway presenting me with the login page. I could also download data - the terms and conditions.
However, obviously I couldn't surf to totally check it out as I couldn't login.
I wish someone would provide a definitive solution as it is really irritating me now!!!!!
Why would it be hanging on "locate"? I imagine it must be because it cannot look up the IP address through the free WIFI link. I made the same suggestion as you did earlier something to do with the DNS setup.
Thats as far as I can get!!!!!

Internet via wifi only works if I select 'work'

I was finally able to go online using the wifi. Where it asks what the network connects to, I had to change it to 'Work' instead of 'The Internet.' The problem is now I can't connect to any internal ip's such as my router or other networked computers. A bubble pops up over the wifi icon on the taskbar telling me I need to change my connection settings. Any ideas how to fix this?
Hi bendog2784!
The internet profile is used together with vpn connection settings and the work is for direct internet connection. The difference is in encryption but access should be the same so perhaps your problem is because of incorrect ip settings.
I have since got it to work. I think a lot of it had to do with the tmobile proxy. Not entirely sure though.

Activesync passthrough not working..

New question posted in second post.
I've searched the forums and the internet extensively without any help so here I am, asking for the community's help.
I can activesync just fine (ActiveSync 4.2) and am able to connect to the internet just as well from my Wizard via WiFi however I am unable to access the internet from my Wizard via ActiveSync passthrough.
I have selected "This computer is connected to the internet" in ActiveSync and, when viewing my network connections, I see the ActiveSync connection is in working order (IP address:
I am unable to connect to the internet as well as my LAN because I tried pulling up my router's web interface in PIE only to receive this error:
"Unable to connect due to an unknown error [some crazy error number]."
I'm unable to connect to the internet with any application (tried sending email, updating pocket weather, egress, etc).
I've also uninstalled and reinstalled ActiveSync.
I haven't always had this problem and I can only think of two things I've done in the interim: I'm at a different house thus my desktop connects to a different network and I've installed (and subsiquently uninstalled) HitchHiker b.41.
Anyone have any ideas?
it is a network issue..
EDIT: I'm ridiculous.
After trying it out at work, I'm left to assume that the problem is a network issue (I'm able to connect at work).
This, however, brings me to a different question. I currently have four network connections set up: Blank, MEdia Net, My Work Network, My ISP. I have "Blank" set as the connection to use for both programs that connect automatically to the inernet as well as for those that connect automatically to my work network EDIT: this is my problem ... I had to set up "programs that connect to my work network ..." to use the work network connection (obvious?) I always assumed this meant programs that would only be accessing my work (I.E. a VPN client).. My question is that in order for me to connect to the internet from work, I have to add my proxy settings to the "Blank" connection. Adding them to the "My Work Network" connection does nothing. This leads me to believe that setting the "This computer connects to ..." dialog in ActiveSync accomplishes nothing. Can anyone help me with this? I'd like to connect using my work proxy while I'm at work and no proxy while I'm at home (is that too much to ask) but, apparently, selecting the appropriate value in the "This computer connects to" dialog in ActiveSync isn't enough.

Broken network stack? IE stuck at locating...

I tried to connect my tytn to my wifi network for the first time yesterday, and couldn't get any web pages to load.
I was connected to the router, and had an IP address assigned by DHCP, but whenever I tried to load any pages in IE, it sat at 'locating' for ages and then errored.
I thought nothing of it and thought I'd give it another try later. But since then, I get the same problem when I try to browse via activesync. The device syncs properly and is connected, but I can't load any web pages.
My first thought was a DNS problem so I've tried setting some static servers but I'm not getting anywhere. I tried 'Microsoft Network Analyzer' which gives me ticks in all the tests (even the one where it pings www.microsoft.com, when I can't browse to there).
I'm now thinking that when I'm connected via activesync it's still trying to use the wifi connection somehow (even though it's turned off). In the network adaptors, wifi is set to DHCP but has an ipv6 address in the box under static IP (odd, as my router doesnt use ipv6).
I'm pretty lost now. I could do a hard reset but I've got a feeling I'd end up in the same place when I next try to get wifi to connect at home.
Any ideas?
StarMonkee said:
I tried to connect my tytn to my wifi network for the first time yesterday, and couldn't get any web pages to load.
I was connected to the router, and had an IP address assigned by DHCP, but whenever I tried to load any pages in IE, it sat at 'locating' for ages and then errored.
I thought nothing of it and thought I'd give it another try later. But since then, I get the same problem when I try to browse via activesync. The device syncs properly and is connected, but I can't load any web pages.
My first thought was a DNS problem so I've tried setting some static servers but I'm not getting anywhere. I tried 'Microsoft Network Analyzer' which gives me ticks in all the tests (even the one where it pings www.microsoft.com, when I can't browse to there).
I'm now thinking that when I'm connected via activesync it's still trying to use the wifi connection somehow (even though it's turned off). In the network adaptors, wifi is set to DHCP but has an ipv6 address in the box under static IP (odd, as my router doesnt use ipv6).
I'm pretty lost now. I could do a hard reset but I've got a feeling I'd end up in the same place when I next try to get wifi to connect at home.
Any ideas?
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Check your connection settings. Some carriers have proxies enabled for your GPRS connection. If you have proxy active, you will not be able to connect through a router. AT&T does this, for example.
Yep, that was it!
My GPRS was set up under 'My Work Connection', and had a proxy server. I disabled the proxy and activesync started working.
So I completely cleared out the 'My Work Network' connection, and added a new one for my providers GPRS which made activesync work. I then set the preferred networks to Work first, then GPRS second, and everything works.

