Orange SPV M3100 lacking BT SIM Access Profile - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have now had my M3100 for a week now and in some ways it is excellent in others frustrating.
There are some specific aspects I would love to change however the main one that is frustrating me today is that SIM Access Profile is described in the User Manual (the first one I have seen from Orange that has not been rewritten Orange stylee and so I presume is from HTC) but it is not accessible.
Full instructions are given for SAP and when you got to Programs the SAPSettings program is not there.
I presume Orange have removed this so that they can protect their Memory Mate revenues, in the same way MSN has been removed to protext SMS revenues.
Is it possible to restore SAPSettings to the phone - is it still on there but simply 'turned off'?
Assistance to someone not too technical would be appreciated.
Other questions include how to reorder my contact list by first name - Symbian does this but not WinMob as far as I can see.
Thanks in anticipation

I think Orange actually deletes them during their customisation. There's 4 files (well, 3 plus a link) called sapsettings which need to go into your windows folder on the M3100. I've posted them to the ftp server just now - I'll post a link once they're available for download or just keep checking - I called the file I've copied these onto my M3100 (from a friend's TyTn) and all works fine.
When I say works, I mean that they run fine. Actually, the SAP functionality in the current rom for the TyTn and the M3100 is pretty poor and doesn't work very well. They're updating it in a "forthcoming" rom - don't know when, but hopefully soon.

petes said:
I've posted them to the ftp server just now - I'll post a link once they're available for download or just keep checking - I called the file
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Moved to safe heaven, file is here.

Fantastic guys - thanks for your help

Sorry - I am back.
I have loaded all four files into the Windows folder and when I try and start the SAPSettings program get this message.
"The file 'SAPSettings' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file"
I have loaded all four files from the ZIP and they all transferred OK. Do I need to update the registry or am I just missing something really obvious.
TIA it is my first time 'under the covers' of a Windows mobile.

I have tried re-downloading and reinstalling these four files into the WINDOWS folder. Still get the same message.
Any help please guys and gals?
I don't get a program icon in the program window - I can only see the executable in when using File Explorer in the folder where I installed it.

SAP and Orange SPV M3100
This thread should solve your long as you dont have a Mercedes Bluetooth car kit!!


Can activate Microsoft Reader

I tried to activate Microsoft Reader and can't make it work. It keeps showing a message that said that I need a Pocket PC 2000 or higher. I have a Cingular 8125 with 2.25 ROM and Wolski Tweaks.
Can some one help me read my books on my Wizard?
You're missing a file on your PDA: OEMinfo.xml
This file should be in your /Windows directory.
It has something to do with OEM's. They have to provide this file, but they lack to place it on the device. (As it was missing on my i-Mate K-Jam)
If you're missing this file, you can contact MS reader in the US:
[email protected]
Mention your device, and they will send you the correct file.
(But you can also lend it from another device which has the file :wink: )
Thanks for the reply. I contacted MS and asked for a copy of this file but I don't know how fast are they going to answer. Can you send me a copy of this file?
Normally they are pretty fast, within 2 working days.
If they don't, contact me, and I will find one for you.
I am a little reluctant to send a file, because I don't know if that's your device id.
As you might know, you can only register the same device a few times, and if you start using my id...... I might fool myself in the long run. :?
Maybe this can help you temporarily. Convert you LIT, then no need for activaiton.

Installing TOMTOM6 on microSD card ?? Fix Today Launch Item ???

Since I don't have a lot of space in the internal memory from the phone, I am trying to install the TT6 on the storagecard.
But he always put it into the phone memory, now I can Move it onto the mSD card manually with the PC, but now the link in the TODAY screen doesn't work anymore, how can I fix that ??
TT6 works just fine if I launch it from FileExplorer ..
Go4it2win said:
Since I don't have a lot of space in the internal memory from the phone, I am trying to install the TT6 on the storagecard.
But he always put it into the phone memory, now I can Move it onto the mSD card manually with the PC, but now the link in the TODAY screen doesn't work anymore, how can I fix that ??
TT6 works just fine if I launch it from FileExplorer ..
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(Edit: I just re-read your post. The procedure below will fix the shortcut in the Programs screen. If you were talking about the TomTom Today plug-in, it won't help. I am not sure which of the two you were referring to.)
There is a cute trick to solve this problem:
- connect your device to your PC
- on the PC, open ActiveSync's "Browse" (note: I use a German Windows, so my translation of menu items may be incorrect. In that case, try whatever sounds similar )
- browse to the TomTom directory on your SD card.
- right-click on the TomTome executable, select "copy"
- browse to the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs directory
- delete the old, dysfunctional shortcut to TomTom
- right-click anywhere in that directory, and select "paste as shortcut".
Amazingly, ActiveSync has now created a proper Windows Mobile style .lnk file for you. Press F2 to rename it to whatever you want. Note that you do not need to specify the .lnk extension.
Hope that solves your problem!
I didn't want to start an entire new thread on this and I searched but couldn't find the exact answer:
I'm waiting for my 8525 next week that I ordered from Cingular and want to use my new TT Navigator 6 software on my 8125 in the meantime. Will I be able to use the TomTom product code a second time when i receive my 8525 after I've already activated it on my 8125? So really not trying to do anything illegal, just want to use it for my personal use on my current phone while I wait for my new one.
Will the product code only work once? Has anyone loaded the software on a device, only to get a new device and then activate with no issues the second time on a new device?
Thanks. THIS FORUM ROCKS. My 8125 is a great device from all the tweaks I picked up here at XDA (especially OMAPCLOCK) and I've bookmarked at least 15 Hermes tweaks for my soon-to-arrive 8525.
mbn said:
I didn't want to start an entire new thread on this and I searched but couldn't find the exact answer:
I'm waiting for my 8525 next week that I ordered from Cingular and want to use my new TT Navigator 6 software on my 8125 in the meantime. Will I be able to use the TomTom product code a second time when i receive my 8525 after I've already activated it on my 8125? So really not trying to do anything illegal, just want to use it for my personal use on my current phone while I wait for my new one.
Will the product code only work once? Has anyone loaded the software on a device, only to get a new device and then activate with no issues the second time on a new device?
Thanks. THIS FORUM ROCKS. My 8125 is a great device from all the tweaks I picked up here at XDA (especially OMAPCLOCK) and I've bookmarked at least 15 Hermes tweaks for my soon-to-arrive 8525.
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That'll be one to ask tomtom tech.

Wifi FoFum - HTC Cavalier

Hi Guys,
I've been lucky enough to get hold of a HTC 630 (or Cavalier i think its code named).
At present I want to utilise the Wifi as much as possible and have been hunting around for suitable Wifi programmes.
Wifi Fofum on aspecto looks a very good product. Can anyone give feedback on the software and its reliability? i.e. Can I expect regular crashes or loss of data etc etc.
Any feedback / suggestions will be greatly received as info on this device is pretty non-existant.
Many thanks.
Wififofum is good I use it quite often though on an HTC TyTn. Problem is that although it shows you either a list of networks around you or a nice radar screen - it is a bit limited beyond that. It's free and runs smoothly though. Another free one is Hitchhiker and this provides you with a chance to connect to networks/hotspots etc. Also takes some of the hassle out of setting up the connection. It's also free. It does need the .net framwork 2 installed but their site has a link to install that as well:
And for a variety of the more serious network tools I recommend the Cambridge Computer Corporation - e.g. Vxipconfig
see here:
Trouble downloading
Hi Mike,
You helped with a query on wifi and pointed me in the direction of hitchhiker whick looks excellent. However I can't get it to download. The installer goes on my PC fine but I can't do anything with the CAB files.
Am I right just going straight for ver 0.4 and none of the prev versions? I don't know if I'm doing it right by downloading the installer first.
My active sync tells me that the installer is primed to be transferred on next connection, and it does. Buts thats about as far as I get. The icon appears on the 630 but no data must be in there.
madrobo said:
Hi Mike,
You helped with a query on wifi and pointed me in the direction of hitchhiker whick looks excellent. However I can't get it to download. The installer goes on my PC fine but I can't do anything with the CAB files.
Am I right just going straight for ver 0.4 and none of the prev versions? I don't know if I'm doing it right by downloading the installer first.
My active sync tells me that the installer is primed to be transferred on next connection, and it does. Buts thats about as far as I get. The icon appears on the 630 but no data must be in there.
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Does Hitchhiker get listed in your programmes? And if sowhat happens when you open it?
With cab files you transfer them unopened/unextracted to your device and open them on the device.
Hi Mike,
Sorry for the delay in replying. the error message I get is as below. At present i've got windows mobile centre on vista home prem. The PC picks up on everything on the device and lets me just copy and paste the file over but the following message appears:
at microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAR()
Any assistance would be appreciated.
copy the cab to the phone and run it using file explorer. Dont try to open the cab or the exe on your pc.
hitchhiker download problem
yeah thats what ive been doing. cutting and pasting it straight onto the device after saving the cab to my docs on the pc. i've been saving it straight to the mem card and trying to open it in file manager.
just the same as games and stuff i've downloaded and they are fine, playing no probs.
The error message above is whats displayed on the device when i try and open it. i'm sure ive got the correct ver of the net framework on the device.
Any suggestions?
madrobo said:
yeah thats what ive been doing. cutting and pasting it straight onto the device after saving the cab to my docs on the pc. i've been saving it straight to the mem card and trying to open it in file manager.
just the same as games and stuff i've downloaded and they are fine, playing no probs.
The error message above is whats displayed on the device when i try and open it. i'm sure ive got the correct ver of the net framework on the device.
Any suggestions?
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Can't fathom out the problem. Some suggestions for what they are worth:
The Hitchiker site has different versions available - could try uninstalling and try another one.
The Hitchhiker site has a .netframework checker on a link near top of page - could install checker to ensure you have correct version.
Failing this you might need to contact Kasuei with the error message you get and see if they can help.

Excel Saving problem

I've searched but cannot find any info about this.
I recently upgraded to a 8125 (WM5)from a iPAQ 2215 (Pocket PC 4.20). Now when editing most (not all) of my Excel files I get a "unsupported content" when I try to save it. It give me the option of saving as another name, discard or cancel.
It doesn't matter what I edit, whether it is text or a number. The files do not have any macros, just simple equations.
My desktop is running WinXP with Office 2003.
Thanks in advance.
Excel file save error
Sledutah said:
I've searched but cannot find any info about this.
I recently upgraded to a 8125 (WM5)from a iPAQ 2215 (Pocket PC 4.20). Now when editing most (not all) of my Excel files I get a "unsupported content" when I try to save it. It give me the option of saving as another name, discard or cancel.
It doesn't matter what I edit, whether it is text or a number. The files do not have any macros, just simple equations.
My desktop is running WinXP with Office 2003.
Thanks in advance.
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I get something similar: "An error occurred saving 'filename'", and then the file closes with no modifications.
I have to do a File Save As... and give the file a new, slightly different name if I want to save new data. This doesn't happen with every file I use, but it has happened with files imported via ActiveSync as well as with files I have created on the 8125 itself
Hmmm, I never had any problems! Can one of you post one if this mysterious files? But take off your personal information and critical data first from that file! Would be interesting to see if it happens on mine too ...
When I get the error, I can save it as another name with no problem. It is a hassle, because I edit the files on the desktop PC and the 8125. I have not done any upgrades to the 8125, it is the way I got it from Cingular, except for a few programs that I installed which are the same ones I had on my older iPAQ.
I uploaded one of the files that I have the problem with. I cleared all the data and left the equations. I checked it after I did this and it still will not save without making me change the filename.
Works fine on mine! Had no problems adding contents and saving it! Maybe you had the file open twice? This happens if you do not close Excel properly or if you open it by clicking on the file. Excel might have been already open with that file in the background and therefore you only would be able to save it under a different name since the file still would be in use.
Thanks for giving it a try. The problem is not that it's already open. If I do a soft reset, then open the file, modify it and then close I get the message.
Post your PDA specs.
I have had this problem when saving to the Memory card. When it does this I just save to main memory and copy over via Resco, not ideal...but it beats carrying a laptop.
kegobeer said:
Post your PDA specs.
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Cingular 8215
WM5 OS 5.1.195
IPL 2/25
SPL 2/25
GSM 02.25.11
I haven't updated anything, just installed a few programs, the same ones I used on my iPAQ.
Files are on the PDA, not SD card. I even tried removing the card, no change.
Has this always happened?
kegobeer said:
Has this always happened?
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Yes, but I've only had it for about 3 weeks. The files are all the same that I've used with my iPAQ with no problems.
Yes it happens....
Check this,
It has to be a very good reason to have this company in business selling substitutes for pexcel and pword. According to what they advertise that reason is that pexcel and pword are not 100% compatible with the desktop versions, so whenever an xls or doc file made in desktop is modified and saved under the same name in a PPC is very likely that some formats, functions etc. will be affected or lost, so M$ PPC awares (probably not in the best way) the user that the files made in the desktop are going to change and will lost some features, formatting, etc.
I was having the same problem on an iPaq hx4700 running Windows Mobile 5. Some Excel Mobile files would only save changes when I used save as and gave them another name. I found the following link while trying to resolve the issue:
(g0lg0thaZA Feb 15, 2007 4:16 am)
I searched my device for Temp0FOO files and deleted them. After that I was able to make changes to spreadsheets and save them without changing the name.
Excel Mobile Save Fix!
XeonXeon said:
I was having the same problem on an iPaq hx4700 running Windows Mobile 5. Some Excel Mobile files would only save changes when I used save as and gave them another name. I found the following link while trying to resolve the issue:
(g0lg0thaZA Feb 15, 2007 4:16 am)
I searched my device for Temp0FOO files and deleted them. After that I was able to make changes to spreadsheets and save them without changing the name.
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Oh-my-gosh! This fixed my problem!
I read that link, I searched for that file, found 2 of them, deleted them, and now I can modify an Excel file, hit the X close button, and the file gets saved just like it shoulda!
A big note of thanks and sigh of relief for this fix!
I have tried to search for the mentioned file Temp0FOO but couldn't find it on my Omnia anyone can help me please

new guy

Can any else tell me how I can get free software for my SPV M3100.
Thank you a lot
Nocasjo said:
Can any else tell me how I can get free software for my SPV M3100.
Thank you a lot
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They are all over the place, just google wm freeware:
Look for downloads in CAB form and if asked to choose a platform choose ARM.
CAB files you move onto your SD card and then navigate to them in file explorer and tap to run them.
Sometimes a file is an EXE - normally these you run on the PC and next time you sync with your device it gets installed.
Very occasionally you get a Windows Mobile EXE that you run on the device.
If asked where to install the programme choose SD card rather than the device memory. (EXCEPT if it is an application that will run all the time on the today screen - like a special theme, weather application, email application etc.)
With the TyTn I would not load many applications into device memory - it hasn't got that much to begin with.
Always use a tool to properly close running applications. Just tapping the X does not close them, they continue running in the background gobbling up memory. HTC has an app. to do this but there are several Magicbutton etc etc.
There are links scattered across this site, but mainly (though not exclusively) for ROM upgrading.

