Screen Moisture? - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

I got my Atom last night...updated it to the Atom Exec ROM 20060614 and it is absolutely FANTASTIC! I love the speed, the brilliant camera (when outdoors), the audio quality and volume and the really bright, sharp screen.
Only problem is that I woke up today and noticed that the screen has a *very* slight blemish that looks like moisture (looks like oil on glass). When you tap around it, it spread VERY quickly around that point but disappears once u let go. It is not visible when the screen is on but is visible once screen is off. It is very hard to see but better safe then sorry.
I have a screen protector but I have confirmed that it is not from the screen protector (removed it and looked)... any ideas? Should I send it back for repair/replacement now? or wait and see if it gets any worse? It doesn't affect the touchscreen at all.

better return.

It is not moisture. It is oil leakage :twisted: Of course it is not due to the ROM update
Had it on my original Atom after one month. It was replaced when I took it for servicing. You better race to the service centre :twisted: :twisted:

Oh man that sucks. Theres a service center in Australia but its a loong way away from here. I'm gonna send it back to the shop and get it replaced. Is this a repeat thing?
Has it happened to u since? Any idea how it occurs?

Never happened again since.
Before you send it back to the shop remember to put back the Atom ROM otherwise they will have a nice excuse not to replace it :twisted:
In my case I thought I might have applied too much pressure when fitting the screen protector (that is the only thing I could think of then) and so I have not put one on the replacement Atom (which thinks it is an Atom Exec :roll: ) :lol:

Yeah ill put the old rom back on. It wouldn't have been from too much force when putting on the screen protector coz i was real gentle putting it on...but I may have leaned on it while sleeping.
Just want to know how long u have had ur Atom since it was fixed/replaced?

Just want to know how long u have had ur Atom since it was fixed/replaced?
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Almost 3 months (next week)

screen moisture
well i had this same issue.. about 1x1 inch hollow...and its mainly caused if the screen is pressed or rubbed too hard.. i tried to move it by pressing gently from its sides but in vein.
eventually after some days, to my surprise, i gently tried to move it from top to bottom of the screen and kept on forcing it downward, it squeezed its size to a tiny 1 mm bubble and moved its way automatically to the bottom and vanished.
So, things do happen i must say keep it with u for another 1 week and try my trick... hopefully it will do.

I have that problem on my Atom Exec for more than a week, where should I send it to get it repaired? I also have a high pitch noise comming from the screen.

Same problem
I bought mine in HKG and after 2 weeks got the same problem, i was sure its moister falke but already 1 month passed and nothing, its stay on the same place and same size.
I am pissed off paying so much money and have this **** problem.

I bought it from Hong Kong also, where should we send it to get it fixed?

There is a Working Solution
I have tried the suggested solution that was offered by farrukhmustafa and belive it or not it WORKED !!! The blemish big 1" i had over my ATOM EXEC was amazingly dissapeared totaly.
I just did what was wrote in the thread from farrukhmustafa, i gently pressed the screen moving the mouister down lower left side and it complety dissapeared.
Look at the attached picture how it was before i tried this magic, and after it was totaly dissapred.
Try it - Things are do working.


Screen Alignment Problem Fixed 100% Working (WithOut Voiding ur Warranty!!!!)

Hello There everybody....
I have been using htc tytn sn ht628 from the begining of the september and the sa probs started to occure after 2 week or generelly occure when the device got hot due to recharge or using for some time and also when i try to clean the screen with a soft i tried all the methods discribed here like flashing particular rom or keeping 20 mb free on phone!!! or loosing the two screw on the back of keyboard...but nothing helped me...the sa probs do get back again and again due to hotness or pressure on screen when cleaning the screen....
then i tried the business card method.....and removed the fomes that was glued with the screen and casing....but alas it lasted for some hours only....i have to do the same thing again and finally i got frustated and sold my tytn to one of my friend...(i could not go for warrenty easily as i brought it from usa and i live in south asia..) and then i brought a dopod 828pro with serial sn ht639 3 weeks ago when i was returning from malaysia after a business visit....
but the sa probs get back to that new device too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just after 2 days...but i have left malaysia within that time so i am unable to claim for warrenty now....
from my frustation i had been almost decided to open the set completely and use the method described in two japanise site where they mentioned to remove the foam and use some small sized foam...but that also instied me as it will void the warrenty and im not that of expert on opening set so anything might happen...
so finally i decided to apply my own method (actually not my own method but the combination of all the existing method...) and walla... i got wonderfull success now i have two perfectly working hermes (tytn and dopod 838pro) which where used to have sa they dont show any sa probs even due to excessive hotness of 3-4 hour use and charging not even for hard pressure on screen due to cleaning or so...i am using both set extencievely (one me and one my friend) for more then 13 days now after fixing it and they are working like angel.....i was thinking to share the methods here as you all helped me on many things over long time...i waited those ten days to make sure everythings working ok and sa probs dont came back....and for 100% confarmation....
now here goes the steps that i used to fix the two set.....
1)open the two (2) small screw located on the back of the keyboard...
2)Use a hard and sharp business card (i used prepaid scratch card i got when i do refill my mobile) to clean the foam and loose the screen from the will see a noticiable empty space between screen and casing if all the foam is will be needed to do this step a number of time to make sure everything is actually need to do this thing in both side of the screen (left and right)
3)Now the actual thing that i used from my own thoughts...i cut two piece of that business card i used in step two (in my case the prepaid plastic scratch card which is thin and hard ) and pushed them in the empty space of both side of the screen (left-right) that been created in step two....the size of the piece is small enough to get inside of the hole and hide its presence when you look straight to the screen you can only see its pressence when you will look from one side....also make sure the length is not two long mine size is like 10/1 size of the whole screen length and the wideness it also importent make sure to push it as far as it go to the end of the that its presence is unoticed...also make sure the tickness is not two much so that the screen and casong doesnt get two much presure....
4)now put those two screw again you can tight it up but dont tight too much...
This two piece stoped the screen from getting in touch of the casing body and as a result the sa probs is gone permenantly for good....i can assure you that this will work 10000% for sure i tested it in both of the hermes verient....
now if you got any more question then you can ask me or if you like me two take a picture of the procedure or the plastic piece i used then i will post it here...
I'd say: Show me the pictures ...
I've got a Vario 2 HTC635 and only had SA problem after i cleaned the screen to apply the screenprotector. After a reset/reallignment the problem was gone since so I think you're right about pressure to the screen.
Also i've done the business card trick just to be sure it wont happen in future.
I wonder how this does not void your warranty?
Just for opening up the device does that (tho no-one can tell if you had done it), but surely, if you remove foam or anything else from the phone.
I'd think that any kind of modification to the phone, will catch the eye of service guys and after they have done the repair, they will send a bill.
On the other hand, if the phone works without any issues during the warranty time with that modification, hell with the warranty.
picture please.
Well, you don't need to remove any of the tamper tags with this method so unless the device gets close scrutiny beyond that, the chances are that it'll go under the radar, especially if you remove the shims prior to sending it back.
If I understand this procedure correctly this is what you're saying.
1. Remove the screws.
2. Take a thin rigid card-like material and push it between the cover and screen on both the left and right sides of the Hermes screen (when held upright) to dislodge the adhesive.
3. Afterward, wedge a screen length piece of the thin card-like material between the screen and cover on both the left and right sides of the screen to prevent the screen from touching the case in the future causing the SA problem to come back.
If I have this correct I may try it this afternoon.
some pictures would be nice
what is the length of the card pieces that you placed between the screen and the body before tightening the screw? was it one tenth of the length of the screen?
as I said please post some pictures, it would help
yes the length is like 1 tenth of the screen size...i will post a picture of the plastic lateron that i used...
I've had serious SA issues, I just tried this.
Of course, I also lost one of the screws *grrr*
I'll let you know how it works, though!
edit: found the screw on the floor with the help of the tytn's camera LED .
Sounds true...
Actually I had the screen alignment issue and after applying a screen protection and therefore "pushing a bit" the display it is gone (hold thumbs)
Just thought I'd report that my screen has been fine (after doing this) for the past 24 hrs, a new record .
hey pkx glad to hear that my hack worked for now on 15th day and im not having even a slight screen mis allignment after the hack even giving hard pressure on right side of the screen is not making any its now safe to say that god freed me from the sa problem curse....
I woke up this morning and my screen was misaligned .
So it's not a permanent problem for me, but it helped considerably.
1) what do you use to loosen the screws? mine looks like a 6-pointed star
2) pictures!
The screws in mine are Phillip yours are Torx based on your description. My guess would be a size thats between T-4 and T-6. I haven't done it yet so no pics.
ah torx! i knew it! i thought you only use torx on screws with messed up heads.
now where to get that screw
please,send me the pictures...
vampirello said:
please,send me the pictures...
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ok i am going to post a picture tomorroaw as my camera is not at my hand right now..
and to clearify one thing more u need to use a bit of fatty card to resist the screen to get in touch of the casing..mine is like 2 time thick then of the thickness of a standard sim card...i thing it will help..
Sajib: thanx a lot for trying to help us with this annoying problem. I removed the two screws that appear under the screen when I slide out the keyboard. But I couldn´t loose the screen from the casing since apparently there are two more screws hidden between the keyboard and the screen. I don´t understand how you did it. Can you please explain me with more details???? I am aligning the screen at least 6 times a day!!! Thanx!
I need some help..
If i understand correct, just relax the screws, put the plastic to the both sides (left and right) between the screen and the front panel(WITHOUT disassembling the whole case) and then tight the screws back to the original state.Is that correct?
Also i deleted some files to get more than 10mb free space and that helped me alot
But when i clean the screen there is small change in the screen position so i still may need to do the hax.
Thansks in advice and sry for my bad english

Touch Screen Malfunction, need HELP!

Good evening... Well recently, i bought a Screen Protector from ShieldZone for my hermes. Well I applied it to the screen and so forth to the rest of my device, then i realized the touch screen doesnt work. I take out the battery for a few minutes, and it starts to work, but after a few seconds, it stops working again. Any suggestions?
This happened when i put my first screen protector on too.. What happened is you put the sticker on to tight; there is an equal pressure over the entire screen , so the processor cannot distinguish your pen touch from the rest of the matrix. All you have to do is take the protector off and reapply it with less force and it should work. (It took a few tries on mine to get it right, did the same thing on my wife's Treo 750.)
well,sounds strange,did you align the screen properly??
Im using a not so costly screen-protector on my hermes without a problem.
Probably u may remove the shieldscreen and make sure dat its not a hardware issue,good luck
yeah i took off the screen protector and still i have the same problem. Anyway i can change the pressure settings?
well,Im not sure about pressure settings but you may try re-aligning the screen (in settings) ,it shud help mostly,hope u have warranty which is not void...
I had the phone unlocked, and I put in the latest Cingular OS, even though i am on the TMOBILE Service.
I have the wierdest thing happen this morning!!! I woke up and turned on my phone, and there is a little smudge in the center of it. Almost like there was a air pocket between the protector and the screen, so i took the protector off, and it was still there!!!!!!!!!!!! So, i pressed down on the little spot and it moves around just like an air bubble would. I turned on my phone to see fi there would be any problems and for some ODD reason, everytime i tap the screen it smushes in that spot. It looks like when you press on the lcd screen of your computer and the pixles kinda move around a little!
Was wondering, I have a Cingular 8525 and would this warrant a repair? Meaning, Could I call them up and tell them what happned and they would send me a replacement?
This is really getting frustrating... I had this phone for only 8 days and its already giving me a headache.

White screen - is my Wizard dead.

my first for ages.
I recently purchased a wizard which looks to be virtually brand new.
now the other day I updated it the the o2 uk latest rom as it was running a really old rom.
and it has been running perfectly, i have not looked into running any other rom or performance upgrades etc.
now I was using the device in landscape and after closing the unit my screen went bright white and my pride and joy is now not usable.
I can still acept calls, the touch screen still works but the screen is pure white.
Ive contact a few places and they all say the screen has died and needs replacing
Does this sound right.
its a £80 fix if this is right. im so gutted.
any advice is great before i pack it up and send it off.
anyone please....
Can you put it into bootloader mode? If not i would say you have a loose connection on the screen to the mainboard i had the same problem with my old phone the screen disconnected for the main board so no display! If you cant get it replaced take it apart and carefully check the connections if still doesnt work i would try another screen or buy one.
even when i reset it, it stays whits so cant see anyhting on screen,
ive had someone take it apart and re-seat the cables and still just a white screen
so im off to purchase another one in hope this is all thats gone
as your phone is booting up press and hold the camera button, is the screen still white?
cant tell now. ive sent if off for repair.
Im gutted.
bleep said:
cant tell now. ive sent if off for repair.
Im gutted.
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I had a similar issue, the keyboard sliding in and out must have worn out the switch that detects when it is open/closed. I had had my wizard a year and the screen started flickering, i dealt with it for a while, then the scree was stuck blank white unless if i pressed on the area of the phone that had the contact.
I had to send it back and got a refurb.
sounds like thats what happened to you too. Hopefully when you get it back it will be good as new
ive sent mine for a screen replacement tho not a repair.
now im worrying that its gonna come back in the same state.
got my wizard back after having the screen replaced.
2 days later when ever i touch the bottom of the screen with pen, finger or even breath on it.
the screen goes off and the phone locks up and dies.
I have to take battery out and restart it and it then works great till i touch the bottom again.
Sound like a dodgy screen or something else.
Seems like a flexi strip(The one conecying the display to the mother board) sometimes if the strip develops a tear or is not properly connected this issue usually happens.
the shop doing the repair have said there is the following issues
1- padding issue on the screen (either too much or not enough)
2- Problems with the main board. (something on there is failling, hardware wise)
How the hell could this be happening on a device that was working perfectly
apart from the screen had died.
have they done more damage attempting the repair... I think so .!
I had the white screen 6 months ago. Luckily still under warranty period so got it repaired. It was the flexo-cable. since the fix no problem so far despites using the phone (also in landscape mode) daily.
when i got it back after the screen was replaced my xda worked great but as stated as soon as some preasure was applied to the bottom of the screen it would just die there and then.
I would have to take the battery out and then it would power on as normal
but again if i put presure on the bottom of the screen.. bang DEAD !
so sent it back to them and they told me what I stated above !
now waiting 2wks to hear what they are gonna do about it
not a happy bunny
still nothing back from the company thats doing the repair.
i dont know why they do this.
Im now thinking of getting my Xda back, selling it either on here or ebay and purchasing a new one.
Should i quit now or wait out for the miracle that they fix it completly.
Anyone in the uk reconmend a good repair company please im pulling my hair out.
theres your answer

Broken Screen Because of Heat?

Hi guys
I had a weird problem with the screen of my P3600...
I was using it as a gps with tomtom in a friends car, and that moment i had it screen down and was just supporting it with my hand on my leg. I was holding it gently and had no pressure on it!
I had turned of the screen and since we were on a highway i was just waiting for the exit witch was still a bit far. Around 5-10 minutes latter i turn around the phone and to my surprise the screen had 2 horizontal cracks all the way from one side to the other... The screen is still 100% visible and there were no liquid crystals spill, but 80% of the screen has no touch sensibility.
Resons why this happened? I would assume heat, since it was connected to the car lighter, and was on my leg, and also it was arround 35ºC... But then again, it wasn't unbearably hot, only warm... If it was because of this, i believe it has to be a factory fault. The screen has to be able to sustain more heat than this.
I've send it to RMA, but I'm afraid they just deny it saying it was because of a drop. There are no marks on the phone as it never dropped on the ground!
Anyway... Can you guys point me out to some site that sells spare screens for my P3600? I want to check out the prices so i have a better idea if they decide to charge for the repair, if they are charging too much, and if it's worth doing it myself.
Thanks in advance for any help!
(Sorry about my English )
im really desapointed about it, generally screens cost pretty much, i dont suggest buying new, asumming you have never drop the pda, you have to put press on them to change the screen with the warranty, go to other service poits and ask, they have to change the screen tell them to check everything inseide the phone first ( they can see if enything else is moved ( that means there was a drop) if not, they cant refuse to change the screen)
fixing it by your self seems to be hard.. ... i dont know... try harder making them change it free of charge...
similar problem
Last week when playing a game suddenly the screen went black and a couple of large cracks appeared on the screen. sound and phone were working but no picture.
I got the pda from my company and got it replaced right away, was told it was a known problem(in my company with a couple of hundred P3600 users)
Sorry for OT but I have to say it must be a cool company...

Xperia screen doesn't work...

I'm so pissed now because I dropped my three days old xperia and not only it left some scratches, screen does not turn on.
It worked when I turned it back on after the drop but now it doesn't anymore.
Screen does change from black to very dark blue when powered on but that's it.
I tried hard reset it by pressing the two silver buttons and power button(soft reset button) but it doesn't change anything. All I see is four purple lights blinking at each corner...
Is there anything else I can try?
btw, I'm using the X1i in USA...any good repair shop in austin tx?
Xperia Screec doesn't work ...
I have exactly the same prolem as you. Dropped my Xperia and the creen doesn't work - aside froma dim, dark blue colour. I am so annoyed because I love this phone.
I was curious to know whether you had sorted the problem out and if so, exactly what you did.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I am in the UK
I had the same problem a week ago. I dropped the phone (it was in a case) and the screen stopped working. Gave it to SE and they returend it to me today. I never told them I dropped the phone, i just said the screen stopped working. They got it replaced for me free of cost in the Warranty. Though the drop has caused the rear housing to crack a little and i am having problem removing and inserting the stylus. Its a bit hard than before. Also the Memory card refuses to come out. They said i would need a new rear housing which would cost be around US$ 40 for a new one. That will also get rid of my cracks under the volume button and all.
dropped mine once, screen went funny like yours, reset it, then all was fine.
I dropped mine, it took a really bad bounce on concrete, phone seems to still work but now there is a really nasty dent in the foil silver trim along the outside on one of the corners. Anyone have a guess as to how much it would cost if I were to send it in for repair to Sony?
Any1 with any info about the TS problem? Im having the same trouble.
Ok. So I figured I'd flash back to genericROM and stock SPL. However w/o any screen its kinda hard to figure out if I did everything right..
So my question is: Can you tell somehow what SPL your device has? in RUU perhaps?

