I am trying to access HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. I have installed (regeditstg.exe) but am having diffilculties. Please could someone advise. I am trying to load the GPS onto the S200. I am trying to do the following;
1. Delete the DWORD marked Hide (if present)
2. Delete the DWORD marked Redirect (if present)
3. Add a DWORD called Group and give it a value of 2
4. Soft reset the device.
The GPS icon should then be available.
Thanks in advance.
You need a registry editor. Check
I recommend the free PHM Registry editor.
Note, that before soft resetting you must put the device in standby for 5 secs than back on to insure the changes are saved.
Thank-you for your help. I have downloaded the regester edit. I have managed to access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings past as above. But cannot find the DWORDS and added the Group. I am having real difficulties adding the GPS to my S200 (Jamin), please feed this link to u/s more. I have tomtom and am not able to use it!!!!! How exasperating!
I have had my PDA b4 stolen, and now working off a new one. Couldn't get the last one working either!
Does anyone have any ideas on this? I am looking for a way to have my custom ROM boot with the radio off (until I turn it on would do the trick also). My reason ... I turn off the radio, run backups, flash ROM (phone turns on), I get a text message (no contacts yet, so I don't know who its from) and I loose the message once I do a restore.
I will be attempting to write some software to auto-restore the backups also ... This would make flashing a painless process. When you are developing a custom ROM, there is a LOT of flashing.
Don't select "Delete messages from database" in PIMbackup while restoring.
That is my work-around ... I use SPB Backup on a schedule to backup every day. My work-around is to backup the "missed" messages with PIM Backup, restore my SPB backup, then restore just the "missed" messages with the "Delete messages from database" option selected ... The restore appears to hang, but it does complete if you give it enough time. I prefer SPB Backup because the restore is a LOT faster ... I have about 4500 SMS messages in my phone, and PIM Backup restores them quickly, but takes about 1 second for each one to load in the Messaging app.
Thank you for the feedback.
Try areas like
I think I had these in a provxml and the phone would not start until I went into CommManager and restarted it.
There are flags under this key in subkeys like coldreboot, on and reboot. I am not sure what they need to be set to, if at all, but maybe this will head you in the right direction.
RoryB - Thank you ... I'll give that a try later tonight. I think I tried just setting phone to 0 already ... I'll play around with it and see if I can pull it off.
PS - I added a signature.
Ok ... I tried setting these two values manually in a running ROM using a registry editor ... This did not disable the radio. I am going to export my registry to a file with the radio on, and again with the radio off ... I'll compare these files and find the keys/values I need to set. When I find them, I'll post em here in case anyone else wants this functionality.
Start your device without SIM card after flashing. Do your restore and insert SIM.
OK, I've made a small exe for you, place it in UC script of
your ROM or execute anytime you want. It should disable phone
radio using TAPI interface, just like Comm Manager do (I think)...
the_ozyrys ...
It didn't work ... I mean ... The program turned off the radio, but the text message was already received by the phone. I think I have to remove the carrier settings from the ROM, then install via a CAB after the radio has been turned off.
Klael said:
Start your device without SIM card after flashing. Do your restore and insert SIM.
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or: lock the sim by a PIN code....after first boot, you have to enter the PIN for the SIM, if you don't, you do not get any service
dj13241 said:
The program turned off the radio, but the text message was already received by the phone.
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So place it somewhere in registry startup (for example HKCU\Software\HTC\Bootlauncher\Apps) and add a PROVXML entry to delete this value during customization...
This sounds interesting. Would I need to change order of any apps in bootlauncher reg? I'll give it a try. Have a problem sometime with connection setup fighting with UC for screen.
Not sure if you "remove the SIM card" guys realize this ... This is a CDMA phone ... There is no SIM card.
On my device, the Apps key doesn't exist ... Just Services. Can I just create the Apps key? I was thinking something similar to this in the HKLM\init key "Launch##" values. Not sure which number to put it as.
Here is a list of the values in my HKLM\init
Removed - Duplicate post
MODS, can someone delete this post?
this is a part of my autorun rgu... if I change the turnradioflag key to 1 it shuts it off and keeps it off until I turn it back on
Use the above one if you use Autorun, if you use RunCC then use the below.
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Change Turnoffradio to 1, then it wont turn radio on, until you turn it on manually!
lllboredlll said:
if I change the turnradioflag key to 1 it shuts it off and keeps it off until I turn it back on
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I did this, when the phone first boots it gives a cprog is not a valid wm program error message. I went to CommManager and system was in flight mode I selected phone to start. It shows selected, but never connects to service. I checked key and it was set back to 0. Tried reset and still no good. Taking it back to origninal.
Nevermind: there was a corupted setup so cprog did not work. Fixed that. These settings did not stop the radio in my phone.
I changed the TurnRadioFlag value to 1, and the "LOCK:Enabled" line in SDConfig.txt turns the radio off. The problem is, the radio is still turned on before this point, so by the time the radio is turned off, any pending text messages are already received. I even tried setting the ...
Something a little different.
Try cooking ROM with cprog.exe called _cprog.exe and use something to rename it after you get started.
accidentially read through this 3d..
i suggest applying these lines in a rgu or app.reg if you use new bepe kitchen:
"Radio Ready State"=dword:00000000
in order to sort the icons in the program tab (pressing the windows symbol under manila) i deleted a few of the icons, eg. 'settings'. now i can not add them anymore since they are not shown if i choose add..
how can this be done?
gr8 said:
in order to sort the icons in the program tab (pressing the windows symbol under manila) i deleted a few of the icons, eg. 'settings'. now i can not add them anymore since they are not shown if i choose add..
how can this be done?
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Click to collapse a hard reset..
Re-install the missing programs.
both answers are wrong.
i found the solution, just install the following cab and the start-program display is set back to standard!
does this cab do anything else but repairing the start-display? I don't want to mess up any other settings of my system which is a (49069) GER Vodafone
gr8 said:
both answers are wrong.
i found the solution, just install the following cab and the start-program display is set back to standard!
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i was searching for a key to solve a bug in my hd: device does not charge when plug in external power if non set the option 'do non charge when connect to pc' ....seems like hd does not recognise ac power from pc connection...
so i was searching key to modify...
for an unwanted error i changed the description of a key in localmachine\system\....control\power....
is possible to have list of keys in that path?
Please give the full path so I can help you.
Import the file I have attached
your file cannot be imported: error message tells it is not registry script.
the key i lost is in this path:
local_machine---system---current control set---control---power---timeouts
the name of the key i modify starts with 'AC'
Use PHM registry editor.That's what I used to export the keys you need. I have included the cab in the attachment and I have also included the registry keys of the "timeout" you need.
Take a look here:
Use the "import" registry function.
If that doesn't work,then I'll have to take a screenshot and post it.
ucarcamagno said:
i was searching for a key to solve a bug in my hd: device does not charge when plug in external power if non set the option 'do non charge when connect to pc' ....seems like hd does not recognise ac power from pc connection...
so i was searching key to modify...
for an unwanted error i changed the description of a key in localmachine\system\....control\power....
is possible to have list of keys in that path?
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have you tried hard resetting? this should reload all the default registry into your system.
Moved to general discussion forum as not related to rom development
thanks for your kind help.
regedit you provide has import function disabled... i don't know why, but import is not available. with my regedit, import returns error i told yesterday.
thanks again. maybe the screenshot should be the finale solution.
Here you are:
thanks a lot for screenshot.
my reg keys are different..... i dont know why.... maibe it depends on rom version (i am using dutty 3.9).... i have less keys then you....
i think i cross my finger, hoping nothing wrong will happen..... and next flash everything should be fixed
thanks again
ok, so we only have about 30 shortcuts on our programs tab right? well i added more, so now i have up to 51 shortcuts on my programs tab. i click on the extra ones added and everything goes well until after selecting a primary program to add, it doesnt add.
this is what i did.. maybe i missed a step!
Open Regedit and i went to the following root
i created new folders 31-51 and inside each folder i created the following strings and dword:
String Values Name: Command
String Values Name: DispName
String Values Name: IconPath
String Values Name: Path
DWORD Value Name: IsReadOnly
Data : 0
Then i went to the following root:
*HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\totalIte mCount.
and i changed the DWORD Data to 51.
i Restarted my phone and i stopped there.
Please advice cause this would be pretty badass if we can keep adding to our programs tab
If you search there is a cab that will set this up correctly, not sure where you've gone wrong, but the cab might fix it!
i searched for said cab and couldnt find it... id love to be able to add more programs, esp ones that arent in the default program group.
As I've started to recover from the distress of the touch screen on my TP2 breaking and am in a slightly better mood! I thought I'd find the link is what you're looking for.
I tried this cab and it doesn't fully work...
I see the 20 new spots in the program tab, but I can't add any programs on those new spots either. I select a program but it is not added
vakbrain said:
I tried this cab and it doesn't fully work...
I see the 20 new spots in the program tab, but I can't add any programs on those new spots either. I select a program but it is not added
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thats the same problem that i have. everytime i select a program to the selected shortcut it goes back to the begining and it wont add it.
hey thanks for the support i appreciate it..
GordonTGopher said:
As I've started to recover from the distress of the touch screen on my TP2 breaking and am in a slightly better mood! I thought I'd find the link is what you're looking for.
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thanks for your time. ok so i took a look at the link and i havent tried the cab due to the fact that i spend a while manually adding the files in my registry but i did read there post and they did say you have to manually add the program through the registry.. so im going to try it and i will get back to you guys!
Example from the link:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLaun cher\30]
"DispName"="Total commander"
"Path"="\program files\tcmd\totalcommander.LNK"
so what im going to do that way you guys can try it if you want is the items in green are the items we will need to add manually.
kano69 said:
thanks for your time. ok so i took a look at the link and i havent tried the cab due to the fact that i spend a while manually adding the files in my registry but i did read there post and they did say you have to manually add the program through the registry.. so im going to try it and i will get back to you guys!
Example from the link:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLaun cher\30]
"DispName"="Total commander"
"Path"="\program files\tcmd\totalcommander.LNK"
so what im going to do that way you guys can try it if you want is the items in green are the items we will need to add manually.
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Ok i Just tried it and it was successfull.. after you manually add the program on to the shortcut "Add" on your registry then due a quick restart and programs will show.
It sucks that you need to spend time on it doh..
I found the way to make the cab fully working... It missed a key to be modified.
Here's what I did :
1- Install the cab (
2- Modify this key using a registry editor (ex.: task manager) :
"totalItemCount" (hex value) = "50" (it was 20)
3- soft reset ... that's it
With this simple modification, the + button are now fully working !
vakbrain said:
I found the way to make the cab fully working... It missed a key to be modified.
Here's what I did :
1- Install the cab (
2- Modify this key using a registry editor (ex.: task manager) :
"totalItemCount" (hex value) = "50" (it was 20)
3- soft reset ... that's it
With this simple modification, the + button are now fully working !
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i dont think is works for the t-mobile version. cause its doing the same thing to me. i havent tried it until now, everytime i click the + button and select a program for it. it takes me back to the top of the page and does not add.
not working for me too,i have 50 shcts on display but a cant add programs even after soft reset,sorry,can you maket work .thanks