Bt Stack a2dp issue - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

ok i asked this question before but i didnt get any reply so i am posting this here
ok here is the problem
i have a linksys usbbt100 v1 dongle. which supports a2dp
i have installed the bsch bluetooth stack avaliable here for my o2 mini . all goes well .
now when i add my device to my bluetooth dongle it doesnt show up as a device supporting a2dp..
now i tried the Bluesoleil drivers for xp and even after that i am unable to get the a2dp profile to work with my phone..
is this normal ??
any help would be grealy appreciated..
i have the latest firmware
with the latest radio firmware 1.13

damn so many viewed this but no reply any wayz..
if there is a topic on the forums some one can point me to it would also help ..


Widcom BT Stack 1.5

I hv downloaded & successfully installed the BT stack.Every thing is fine.I can also get DUN profile,but it doesn't dial the Number.I get modem error.FTP is working fine.I shall check Audio and Handsfree 2morow &-post here the results.
Can anyone comment on above.I am using I-mate with WM2003 SE
hmmm, thats interesting, i installed the same package and i can use the DUN profile just fine with my Sony Ericsson T610 so dunno, i followed the directions that wereposted and it works just dandy for me
hi buddy.
Thanks but I am asking a different thing...How 2 use I-mate as a bluetooth modem with my Notebook?
Hi Hdubli!
Can you post here where you got the 3500 files and instructions on how you were able to run it in your device.
Thanks in advance!

enable bluetooth modem + activesync via bluetooth?

I have been searching this forum and couldn't really find a definite answer for this, so I apologize if this is a repeat question.
I have Cingular 8125 that has been unlocked and flashed with xelencin's T-mobile 2.17 ROM. I have been trying to use the device as bluetooh modem and also activesync via bluetooth, but unable to do so. I have tried for hours and this has been a very frustrating experience!
Could somebody help me with a step-by-step guide on how to get this thing to work? I am using Windows XP Pro with service pack 2, ActiveSync 4.1, and widcomm
Thanks in advance for your help!


I want to connect this, but I can't!
There is no connect between this.
MDA can "see" NOKIA (its a GPS) in BT window, but cant connect.
Maybe its something with incorrect COM ports?
Someone in other forum told me to install somekind of driver, but I dont know what exactly.
Please, help me!
I want to connect this, but I can't!
There is no connect between this.
MDA can "see" NOKIA (its a GPS) in BT window, but cant connect.
Maybe its something with incorrect COM ports?
Someone in other forum told me to install somekind of driver, but I dont know what exactly.
Please, help me!
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You are patially right because MDA COMPACT has some problem with LD-3W, but try to install the following blue stack patch... I has a MDA compact and an LD-3W, of course, they can work much better together now...BTW, if problem are still going on, try to update your Radio version to 1.13.
more information about the blue stack please visit:
I have installed blue stack patch, and still nothing.
Tell me please, where I can find Radio ver. 1.13?
It's possible, that my WM 20003 second edition can't work with LD-3W?
I have installed blue stack patch, and still nothing.
Tell me please, where I can find Radio ver. 1.13?
It's possible, that my WM 20003 second edition can't work with LD-3W?
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find Radio 1.13 Rom here ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Radio/
please backup your PPC first...
It works !!!!!!!! Thanks a lot !!!!!!!
You are welcome. I have same PPC and GPS module (LD-3W) with you, pf course I tried many times to get them work together, finally, they work together now.

tattoo bluetooth

hi everyone,
i've gotten a problems with my tattoo: i can't trasfer file with it (i'm using basic firmware 1.6). Can you tell my how to slove it? i 've heard about bluetooth stack. what is it ??
I've got problems with a tattoo bluetooth as well. Maybe I need wrist drivers...
Android 1.6 can only send files via bluetooth through the Bluetooth filestransfer app and then only with other phones with the same software. This is fixed in 2.x though.

[Q] Bluetooth version : help needed

Hai guys,
I need some help. I searched and red allot, but I can't find the answer.
I'm on a HTC HD2 with Android version 2.3.4
I have a Parrot car kit (CK3000) that is not working with my current BT version with is V2.3.4 (No I can't update the firmware of the car kit. For that I need a cable and is expensive.)
When I install an old version of Android, like 2.1, my car kit is working just fine with my HD2 but as you all now earlier versions of Android have robot voices and other (minor) bugs.
So basically this is what I ask:
I need an APK or another way to downgrade the current BT version to for e.g. V2.1 or 2.2
Can somebody help?
Kind Regards, Diq
I have a Typhoon v3.3.9 (GB2.3.4 build) ROM and it works fine with my CK3100. You surely must update the parrot firmware. You don´t nee any cable. I update it with a bluetooth connection on a notebook.
As I said, I have a CK3000 and not the CK3100 like you.
The CK3000 is not upgradeable by Bluetooth like your CK3100.
I know for sure, not only because it's been written on the original Parrot website, but I also have tried it! And I'm not going to order a cable cause it's worth more than my old CK3000...
My question was about downgrading the BT version of my phone, not about the upgrade for my CK3000......

