**** KEYBOARD DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY **** - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

If anyone can help me. I would thank you 1million times. Ive searched and searched and searched and couldnt find the answer. Heres the problem:
When i hit buttons on the slideout keyboard, the letters come out wrong.
For example
When I press "i" it shows ".i"
When I press "q" it shows "zq"
When I press "e" it shows "ce"
When I press "g" it shows "lg"
When I press "l" it shows "lg"
When I press "z" it shows "zq"
When I press "c" it shows "ce"
Pleaseee help me!. Ive tried everything. Im using ROM 2.17, it had the same problem even with the original ROM.

did you check your registry yet? Go to
\HKCU(HK Current User)\ControlPanel\Keybd
And see if you have a key named "Locale". If you do what number does is have. For english keyboard it should be 0809. if you don´t see anything in that folder calles locale create a new String named "Locale" and set the value to 0809. then power your device down with the off button and switch it back on again. If that didn´t help.i have no idea.

i have the key "locale" already set with hex 0809. I guess thats not it. Im still trying to fix this thing. i really wished i knew what caused this to happen. it sucks not being able to use the slide out keyboard.

has it been like this from the beginning or when did it start?
try changing it to let´s say german settings and see if it still happens. change the value to 0407. you can always chang it back.

that didnt work either. I cant remember exactly when it happened. Im pretty sure I didnt buy it like this. Even after the ROM upgrade they keyboard problem still exists..
Would you or anyone else give me the settings from their HTC Wizard phone at HKCU/Control panel/Keybd ?
Mine look like this:
DefaultKeyLock 1 (0X000001)
EnableIndicator 1 (0x000001)
InitialDelay 375 (0x000177)
Locale 0407 (was just changed, but i will change it back)
MuteSwitch 1 (0x000001)
repeatrate 8 (0x000008)
ShowWangingMsg 1 (0x000001)

the settings are the same as in my registry. did you do a hard reset bevore you flashed the new rom on your device. that should have reset your regestry also. and if that was the case then i don´t believe that it´s a registry problem. Do you have any thirdparty software on that might conflict with the keyboard? maybe some SIP program or something?
just to make suer. check under
CalVKey 0
ContLessVKey 0
ContMoreVKey 0
DriverName keybddr.dll
TaskmanVKey 35
just wondering what you have there.

hmm... If i do a hard reset now, would could go wrong? Do i lose any settings? does it revert back to factory defaults?
How do you do a hard reset anyway?
Do you think I should try that ?
This is whats listed in "Remove Programs" under system settings:
PC Counselor Tweaks2k2.NET
XDA Developers Registry Wizard
PHM Registry Editor
Zoki A2DP
Cingular Get Xpress Mail
FdcSoft PPCContactsMgr
ammar Wireless Today Plugin

yes a hard reset delets everything of your phone and then reinstalls the rom. so you loose any data that you have on your phone and it puts all settings back to factory default. and you have to install everything from scratch.
for a hard reset you need to hold the comm and voic dial button on the sides of the phone pressed and push the reset button with your stylus.
But that should only be the last option.

I dont have anything stored on memory anyway. I keep everything on my storage card. So losing everything is not a problem. I even have the pim file stored on my memory card that holds all my contacts info.
So by doing this, it will revert back to original ROM?
Wheres the reset button on the phone? How can u press it with the stylus?

yes it will clear your storage on the phone and then install the rom you have on there from scratch.
the reset button is the small hole under the IR on the left side of your device. be sure to sync before you do a hard reset to have your contact/calender/mails all backed up. If you have any reg tweaks made you will have to change those again after the hard reset because they will also be back to default.

Hey, sorry to bug you still but when i press the 2 buttons on the side (comm and voice), a recoding window pops up then when i press the reset button, it does reset, but it comes back up, nothing got erased.....

yeah it´s a bit tricky. try turning the phone off first. then when it´s off press and hold the two buttons and press reset. make sure you hold the comm and voic dial button until you get a grey screen which askes you to press send to format. Send is the green phone button.

OK, its formatting right now. I will let you know how it goes.
I had to turn it off, turn it back on. As soon as i turned it on, before it even loads up, I had to press both buttons and hold down the reset button. You're right, was a bit tricky.
Well, I hope this works! =)
I will let you know how it goes in about 5min.

That didnt help any. It formatted and reloaded everything but not to factory defaults. It still shows as ROM 2.17 etc.

that´s the last rom you have on there. it only resets to the factory setttings of the rom which is currently on your phone.

yeah. I need to find the factory ROM somewhere.
Unfortunately I cant access ftp servers from my pc here @ work.

which version do you want? you can try a new one if your phone is unlocked. i just recently put on the new Mr.Clean 2.3 rom and like it pretty much actually. I can access the ftp here from work. if you want i can email you the file you want.

You wouldnt believe it, but i downgraded back to 1.xx and still had the problem, im currently upgrading back to 2.17.
I opene dup the port to allow me ftp access from here.
Whats the link to get to the rom you use?

then i really don´t think that it´s a software problem. maybe you should contact your customer support. the rom i have you can get here
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/MrClean_RUU_WIZARD_224a_AKU23_WWE.zip
sorry i couldn´t help. hope you find a way to fix it. i couldn´t live to have a keyboard i can´t use.

How can i get it?
Just upgraded to 2.3, having the same problem
how do i change the pad?


Missing BT icon

Hi, guys.
All of a sudden, BT icon (the one that's located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen) just dissapeard :x I didn't install any new software, didn't perform a reset, or something like that, it just dissapeard for no obvious reason. Any ideas how I could get it back on the screen?
it once did that to me a softreset got it back though
That was the first thing I tried but the situation is still the same
what if you go into settings->connections and choose bluetooth and change it from what ever it's set to and press ok
and maybe change it back again
If you have the last version of BTTools you can push in the new BT icon and, inmediately, make soft reset.
Of this form I have the old BT icon again.
Thanks a lot, mate. I did exactly what you told me, and the icon came back...
Ooops, here comes the problem again After gettin my BT icon back, I removed BTtools, and the icon dissapeard again. I tried the same trick again but with no results. So my question is open for your answers once again
I have the same problem, it was a day or two after I installed and removed GB-Soft Tweak, it went missing ... reinstalled the Tweak, after a few soft-reset, it's gone again until now. Do you have this Tweak installed?
Have you already tried to change \HKLM\Services\BTIcon\Keep or any of the other settings under this key?
Hope that helps
Hmm, a very strange thing happend. I synced it another computer (the one that I sync to maybe once or twice a week) and after that the icon just came back. So far, it's still there. Hopefully, it will stay that way :wink:
Anyway, tnx for all your replies...
Btw, I don't have GB-Soft tweak installed, and I was just about to start playing with the registry when the icon just appeared again.
the value for that registry key (keep) was set to 1. so, I set it to 0, soft reset, still no sign of BT icon.
then i set it back to 1, soft reset ... BT icon came back on!
however, in the next reset ... it's gone. something is messing with it in the background.
I also need my BT icon back.. I-Mate ROM 1.72 Any help, please?
I had the same problem. Days ago I installed skin for the keyboard and mysteriously icon BT returned.
I think there may be a link between the missing BT icon and the number of Today plugins installed or events being processed at startup. I think it is an Operating System issue.
For example.
If I soft reset my unit I can get the BT icon to vanish.
If I then deselect any today plug in and soft reset again the BT icon re appears. However if I do not deselect a today plug in and soft reset the BT icon does not reappear.
So perhaps it is related to a timing of events on load when starting?
This could be a good clue. The timing on startup sounds like a good theory to the problem.
If you look in the registry under [HKLM/Services/BTIcon] there are some interesting keys named: Index, Keep, Order and Context.
Anyone know how these are used???
(The keys "Order" and "Index" seems most interesting)
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
Oggi said:
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
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Similar to what I have said but that thread says to uncheck every today plug in. I have found you don't need to do that. For me just unckecking a single plug is in enough.
I'm pretty sure it is a loading issue.

VoiceDial button will not disable on M500

Has anyone managed to disable the voicedial button on their M500. Every now and then I hear this woman in my pocket saying "do you want to dial........" I keep getting the mick taken as I'm shouting at my phone "goodbye goodbye quit goodbye" before it closes.
I tried going into Start > Settings > Personal > Buttons and changing Button 4 to <none> and have also tried setting to Tasks or MortSaver without success.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I feel for ya bro! I have the exact same problem, hope someone will come save us, cause my throat is getting hoarse of shouting at my phone to friggin' quit!
Can't reload old button, I try regedit, but nothin...
u can have the program completely uninstalled.. but it will cost u a hard reset!!!
there was a hack to not install the orange software on the device- u just soft reset b4 the orange software installs, after u have tapped the screen 4 times!!
and then from the extended rom u can just choose whether 2 install the voicedial..
What i did on my M500, hacked the registry and changed the path to the voicedail.exe. Try searching for "voicedail.exe" in the reg. with some reg. tools. You'll find one string in an OEM subdir with the path to voicedail.exe. Empty this value. Save and exit.
Prob softreset
Press the button and hey, it doesn't do **** . I know this isn't the cleanest way but it sure does beat an hard reset! I've set button 4 to the program Deltralock so I can lock the device with one press of an hardware button without WMP/Betaplayer crapping out. Cheers!
MMaster23 said:
What i did on my M500, hacked the registry and changed the path to the voicedail.exe. Try searching for "voicedail.exe" in the reg. with some reg. tools. You'll find one string in an OEM subdir with the path to voicedail.exe. Empty this value. Save and exit.
Prob softreset
Press the button and hey, it doesn't do **** . I know this isn't the cleanest way but it sure does beat an hard reset! I've set button 4 to the program Deltralock so I can lock the device with one press of an hardware button without WMP/Betaplayer crapping out. Cheers!
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So easy, thx

Remapping the volume slider?

Has anyone figured out how to remap the volume slider on the Wizard?
I hardly ever want to change volume, just turn on/off vibrate mode which is a single keypress anyway, but i would really like it to be an up/down control like my old Dell Axim.
I know it functions like this in IE full screen mode, but I really want it for everything (especially MS Reader).
I think a lot of people would like this. It allows a better grip on the phone whilst moving within the app you're using (eg: MS Reader).
Any guru's got an idea about this one?
Absolutely neccessary thing to fix (volume slider)!
And as using double-language hard-keyboard layout I am in desperate need to remap the change-layout sequence.
What about remapping in this OS, is it possible to do something?
Someone did this on the Magician (found it in that group on here at the time), I remember finding it very useful!
If someone could do a Wizard version that would be great!
Solution Found
Here is how you do it (and it was on the Magician forums, thx for the tip :wink: ):
Install the program found at the URL below, or from the attachment as you wish.
When you get the setup screen, choose "Do not handle" for all except the volume slider, which is set to up/down.
Ok it, and there you go, slider is now up/down and works in MS Reader, Today screen, and general folder browsing.
It says on the site not to put it on any device not listed as compatible, which doesn't include the Wizard, but "He who dares, wins..."
I am well chuffed with it. Now I am all ready for my commute on Monday.
Unless this is a new version. DO NOT USE AEB+ WITH A WIZARD
I tried AEbuttons plus awhile ago and It deleted a couple of my buttons. I dont think it is meant for a device with as many buttons as the wizard. I had to go in and manually create the buttons again. I told it to handle all buttons though. Maybe telling it to only handle the volume slider doesn't cause this problem. I won't try it again until they actually say the wizard is compatible.
I just checked all buttons having read your post.
The only casualty is the connection manager button, which now only switches from audio vol. on to vibrate ringers when held down, and I have an icon on the today screen to go there anyway.
I can live with that
BUT BEWARE: No comms manager button = no hard reset = what do you do when you need to hard reset?
guttrhead said:
Unless this is a new version. DO NOT USE AEB+ WITH A WIZARD
I tried AEbuttons plus awhile ago and It deleted a couple of my buttons. I dont think it is meant for a device with as many buttons as the wizard. I had to go in and manually create the buttons again. I told it to handle all buttons though. Maybe telling it to only handle the volume slider doesn't cause this problem. I won't try it again until they actually say the wizard is compatible.
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How did you restore the buttons?
Never mind:
joebongo said:
The only casualty is the connection manager button
BUT BEWARE: No comms manager button = no hard reset = what do you do when you need to hard reset?
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I just checked if it is possible to restore the connection manager button after installing AE Button Plus, and it seems to work
Just add these registry keys after you have installed the software and you have all your buttons back and an up down slider:
"ResetCmd"="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Comm Manager.lnk\""
"Icon"="\\windows\\CommManager.exe, 0"
"Name"="Button 5"
@="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Comm Manager.lnk\""
"ResetCmd"="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Record.lnk\" -b"
"Icon"="\\windows\\HotVoice.exe, 0"
"Name"="Button 4(Hold)"
@="\"\\Windows\\AppButtons\\Record.lnk\" -b"
You can put this in a .reg file and open it on your Wizard to import into the registry
I don't think Windows minds the button to be remapped for a hard reset, the hard reset will probably still work if the button is remapped by software.
Did you figure out which reg entries are actually changed when the slider is remapped by AEB? If we can figure this out, we could create a file to do this without the need to recreate.
I am also getting slowdowns/crashed on syncing via USB, and am beginning to wonder if this is another AEB effect.
joebongo said:
Did you figure out which reg entries are actually changed when the slider is remapped by AEB? If we can figure this out, we could create a file to do this without the need to recreate.
I am also getting slowdowns/crashed on syncing via USB, and am beginning to wonder if this is another AEB effect.
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I can't find any slider registry entries, but I have no idea where to look
I have noticed that once I close the AEB program my slider doesn't do anything anymore, so it might be possible that it is not just a registry entry

Cleartype in landscape mode reg hack problem

I did the usual reg hack hklm/system/gdi/cleartypesettings/0 switched off phone to reset & it works for a few times but then it reverts back to normal on its own accord. Checked the reg setting & it shows 1 again. Any ideas, because its driving me mad having to change it again & again.
I use Orange SPV M3100 & PHM Regedit
zen123 said:
I did the usual reg hack hklm/system/gdi/cleartypesettings/0 switched off phone to reset & it works for a few times but then it reverts back to normal on its own accord. Checked the reg setting & it shows 1 again. Any ideas, because its driving me mad having to change it again & again.
I use Orange SPV M3100 & PHM Regedit
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same with me - when i change OffOnRotation setting to 0, reset device, then it works. but after another reset it reverts again.
Try Twkcl.exe
Maybe the solution, it works for my Tytn:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
So again procedure as descriped above en never use the resetbutton for stylus anymore until somebody discoverd a solution for it!
Has someone did the trick allready?
I'm going to try such trick, thanks..
I think that's an HTC issue, because it happens also on Qtek 9090...
On Motorola MPx I changed reg value one time and it always worked across lots of soft resets.
Rougenator said:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
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i never use 'resetbutton', but always resetting device with on/off button. even with that, cleartype in landscape mode seems to be lost after couple of resets (or maybe, offs/ons).
Can anyone confirm whether or not Twkcl.exe works?
Cheers, Joe
joehood said:
Can anyone confirm whether or not Twkcl.exe works?
Cheers, Joe
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Twkcl.exe works for me.
Rougenator said:
Maybe the solution, it works for my Tytn:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
So again procedure as descriped above en never use the resetbutton for stylus anymore until somebody discoverd a solution for it!
Has someone did the trick allready?
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I tried it but after two or three soft resets cleartype in landscape rollbacks to off...
nicolochi said:
I tried it but after two or three soft resets cleartype in landscape rollbacks to off...
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At least you did get it to work. I have no luck with this method at all.
As I mentioned before, Twkcl.exe works well for me. Maybe you wanna try that and forget about tweaking the registry.
I think I know ur problem, try closing the reg editor from memory running programs screen before you reset. That worked for me, but am going to try twkcl now to get it to stay.
that's odd... I followed the instructions for TwkCL but it makes no difference, the reg setting goes back to normal after the 2nd reset.
I physically copied TwkCL.exe to the extended_rom, then edited the config file, that's all I need to do right?
Nothing happened so I edited the registry as normal and it just went back as usual.
Hope someone can help,
joehood said:
that's odd... I followed the instructions for TwkCL but it makes no difference, the reg setting goes back to normal after the 2nd reset.
I physically copied TwkCL.exe to the extended_rom, then edited the config file, that's all I need to do right?
Nothing happened so I edited the registry as normal and it just went back as usual.
Hope someone can help,
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No need such complication....simply copy Twkcl.exe into the \Windows\Startup folder will do.
I believe the instruction is for effecting automated configuration during hard-reset so that Twkcl.exe will be copied to your STARTUP folder after each hard-reset.

Problem with hacks working on US MDA...help

New here. I have been learning a lot from everyone here, Thanks!
I seem to have a problem though.... Every Hack so far that I try to implement won't work. Here are 2 examples:
Change Reg Keys for Left Soft button. I want it to point to my Agenda Fussion Calender instead of the Windows calender. So I change the Key to point to the AF exe location, being very careful to leave "" and to type path in precisely. I save the change and soft reset the device to see if it works...NOPE....When I go back into the registry to see what happened, the registry key is changed back to point to the microsoft calender. I have even closed the reg editor and reopend to check the change before the soft reset. Before the re-set my change is still there, but not after....
I have tried both PHMRegedit and TascalRegedit.
I have a US version of the MDA with ROM version# WWE
Next problem I wanted to stop the system tray from showing up. So I removed the shortcut for Init_Tray from the startup menu....Well the tray still shows up. Now looking in the startup menu the shortcut is no longer there, but it still launches the tray!
What Am I doing wrong here? I see people making these same hacks and they work for them.
A little background on me. I have been entrenched in computers since 1983. Doing my share of programming (though nothing since I was kid...). I have been using pocket pcs for the last 2 years. With Toshiba 740's and e800's. So I am capable of doing this stuff. But for some reason I can't get these things to work...
Any help? Sorry for being so long winded
on your registry problem.. after changing the value manually, let the phone sleep or just sit there for a few minutes before soft resetting.. There is a delay write to the registry...
Thanks ShogunMark
I need to be more patient. I did this just before I read your reply...The hack for the soft button is now working the way I want. Now to get rid of the bottom system tray.
Thanks again!!
im not sure if you can exactly get rid of the system try completely in WM5.. however i could be wrong... i think at most you can only get rid of the icons in it.. but it does prove very useful for placing shortcuts..

