Anyone know how to save WiFi AP profiles? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I have had a search on this site but have not found the answer.
I hard reset my phone quite regularly (dont ask why) and unless i do a full backup the WiFi profiles (ie the remembered networks i have connected tooand their WEP keys).
What i want to know is-is there a file that contains this information that i can just copy off the phone? coz my mates network has like a 52 charicter(not that many) key to access, Very annoying when i have to type it in TWICE everytime.
I hope someone can help
Thank you so much for your time in advance

maybe this is the sort of job for Buzz or another guenius

Don't need a genius for that. Just save the appropriate registry branch and then re-import into the registry after the hard reset. You will need a registry editor that supports export/import.

Thanks for your reply, i didn't think that would be so easy, i mean being able to extract the profile that way and import it again and it still remember the WEP key, thats a bit of unsecure!

I would like to know this as well. I have looked everywhere for this and have found no answers.

Have you looked at.....
There's an app called WiFi Profiles...... see this link.
You can configure, save, load and apply different WiFi profiles (i.e. settings) for whatever locations you want.
Have a look, see if does what you want.....


1.06 ROM, GPRS not always-ON

Has anyone come up with a fix so that the GPRS is back to being always on as it was in the original 1.03 ROM? I have read some posts on this on other sites, but I have not found anything here. I assume that I have everything set properly, but the GPRS has to be started every time now.
In general I do not feel that the 1.06 ROM upgrade did much of anything to enhance my device, and quite frankly I wish I was back to 1.03, however, I have heard that a new ROM upgrade will soon be released and I bet that one or I hope that one will provide some real value and fix things.
I've posted this in another thread, here's the quote:
Here's a solution I've done to my XDA II with T-Mobile GPRS problem. I don't know who came up with this solution, but thanks to my friend who suggested this at
1. After a hardreset and completing the initial screen alignment, interrupt the auto-installation process by softreset your XDA II (you have 3 seconds before the files in Extended_ROM will automatically install).
2. Make your Extended_ROM viewable, whether by using the Extended ROM Viewer from or Extended ROM Switcher (sorry I forgot the link).
3. Now, install each cab files, except In fact, I also disregarded, Caller ID, and some other TMD stuff.
As a result, the GPRS is now always-on as it should be.
Thank you for responding to this post. I had to wait quite awhile.
Your #3. states to install the cab files and disregard the TMD files. Did you delete these files or just not open them? What are these TMD Files for?
I assume that I cannot, at this point and without a hard reset, just delete the TMD Files that are viewable in my Extended Rom. Is this a correct assumption or could I accomplish the same goal by just deleting those files?
Thank You
gratefuled said:
Thank you for responding to this post. I had to wait quite awhile.
Your #3. states to install the cab files and disregard the TMD files. Did you delete these files or just not open them? What are these TMD Files for?
I assume that I cannot, at this point and without a hard reset, just delete the TMD Files that are viewable in my Extended Rom. Is this a correct assumption or could I accomplish the same goal by just deleting those files?
Thank You
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Yes you need to delete does file from Extended_ROM and hard reset it.
Or hard reset, quickly soft reset after you finish the screen calibration, run the extended_rom viewer and manually open/run each of the cab files except the mention cab. ( basically follow exactly what jopard said ).
I read also somewhere in this forum that someone did a differrence search on the registry between GPRS always on and GPRS off when idle. With this method you can change the setting without hard reset.
Hi, the mentioned cab installs the following registry key (among others):
I guess it must be the SuspendResume setting. Can you post your setting without applying the cab file?
softworkz said:
Hi, the mentioned cab installs the following registry key (among others):
I guess it must be the SuspendResume setting. Can you post your setting without applying the cab file?
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This is my setting running my own cook 1.60.06 skiping that file:
And yes my GPRS is always on.
Hm, I'll try that, but I had another problem:
When I was always GPRS-connected my GSM-connection was always lost
after 12-24h. The device showed that it is connected but I could not dial out and I could not be called.
Now since I am not "always on" anymore I do not have this problem anymore.
Did you experience something similar?
softworkz said:
Hm, I'll try that, but I had another problem:
When I was always GPRS-connected my GSM-connection was always lost
after 12-24h. The device showed that it is connected but I could not dial out and I could not be called.
Now since I am not "always on" anymore I do not have this problem anymore.
Did you experience something similar?
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Mine work fine I can call, received phone/sms while npop and aim is running in the background.
is there
Is there a way to do this without hardrestting? It just took me two hours to load all the program into XDA. Can I just hack the reg?
my rom
My rom does not even have this cab in the ext file. Can I hack it in the reg?
I have XDA II 1.50WWE ROM
softworkz said:
Hm, I'll try that, but I had another problem:
When I was always GPRS-connected my GSM-connection was always lost
after 12-24h. The device showed that it is connected but I could not dial out and I could not be called.
Now since I am not "always on" anymore I do not have this problem anymore.
Did you experience something similar?
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I think you will find that many carriers have a "timeout" after several hours of non use.
What does this look like in the registry:
This is my setting running my own cook 1.60.06 skiping that file:
I have PHM Registry Editor, and entering the entire string does not look like a meaningful option.
Is it a REG_DWORD with a base of HEX ?
I use resco registry editor you can just import in that registry.
I found another post regarding this issue:
I'm afraid I do not understand how this thread has evolved.
I understand the posts that speak to the hard reset and softreset within 3 seconds to keep the device ROM applications from loading. From there to install fix for viewing extended ROM files and then load everything except TMD, and perhaps some of the T-Mobile apps you do not want. Although the response says a specific TMD file and some other TMD-no specifics, all or some?
The balance of the thread seems to speak to radio settings.
Is it being said that you can change some settings on the radio stack and get the GPRS always on? If so how do you do this in reasonably simple terms?
Nonintrusive Keep-Alive
The intrusive solutions are enticing to me but they are for "developers". From a user's point of view, I am always worried about doing something and then not being able to restore it to the original state (or having to spend a lot of time to get back) should something go wrong. My bandage solution (unique to my use situation) is to open an ssh or a telnet window and run a shell script which loops to print the current timestamp and then sleeps for 5 seconds. A T-Mobile tier 2 tech guy told me that the disconnection was by design for the benefit of network service providers so that they can save on connection resources.
By the same token, I like the Keep-Alive application solution - I think it is worth my $2.45 (See thread I wonder if the to-come T-Mobile Windows PPC 2003 comes with some sort of control that is equivalent to the Keep-Alive application - in a matter of a month or two, supposedly.

Hidden engeneering mode view

regedit -goto
and change buitinengineermode dword to 1
goto dial pad and enter: *#*#364#*#*
I found that entry a few days ago. I tried it, but nothing happens.
What do you can see/do in engeneering mode?
Just tried it. It opened a tabbed dialog that shows all the info the phone is getting from the cellular network.
Tower number, GPRS settings and a lot of stuff I know nothing about. Nice diagnostic tool.
funnysurf, did you dial the number correctly? For me it opened the second I entered the last *. (on Jamin, ROM
It works... Latest Dopod ROM.
HTC Engineering Mode
I've been hunting for a way to see this info. I design cellular networks and this stuff is my second language. However, I don't see anything in any fields of GSM Test Mode. They start with "N/A" then immediately go blank. I've done the registry setting but no change. When I do the '*#'-thing, I get nada. Got any clues?
FYI- I found a program called NiceTrack that shows only some of this info, so I know it's in there somewhere, but I need to see more.
jott2me, post your ROM version. On the Dopod's 2.15 it works.
GSM Test Mode
The key word is “built in” If you have a little program GSM TestMode.exe in your windows directory, this registry tweak makes this program visible and executable. Plus don’t forget to soft reset your device in order for registry modification to take effect.
By the way, if you use this data a lot, you can make a shortcut to this utility as to any executable. No need to dial the *# a hundred times. Or just add it to your speed dial…
You guys sure respond fast! Wow! And thanks!
JWalker, here's my info:
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 12/10/05
Radio version: 01.09.10
Protocol version:
ExtROM version:
(I've only had this about a month so I'm leary of changing ROM versions.)
I'm running Spb's Today screen (it's nice) and I've got an icon that puts me right into GSMTestMode.exe when the reg tweak is set to 1. I've reset several times still no luck seeing info. I made a contact with the '*#' stuff but when I dial it, I get, "The number you have dialed..." message.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for your help.
GSM menu
How did you reset your device, programmatic soft reset or with your stylus? Soft reset with stylus will erase registry modifications without saving them. Sorry, don't mean to use "dummy" talk, just want to make sure all proper steps are followed to eliminate all possible reasons in order to find the solution. Another reason for this issue could be in rom, but wait for J. Walker to respond. I'm in the office right now and don't have emulators here to experiment with your rom version. In the mean time make sure you’ve made all necessary registry changes in right registry entries, and soft reset using program, something like Nice start or shut down XP or SPB Pocket Plus reset function.
I've been using TRE to edit the registry then resetting it using the stylus and the hole on the right side. Every reg change I've made shows up after a reset as changed. I don't know of another way to soft reset it. Even when I've changed it back to 0 to try using JUST the GSM Test Mode.exe, it won't work. That's proof that the registry does see the changes (I think).
(... and I'm the newbie here so "dummy" talk is A-Okey doke w/ me.)
Guess, it is a good idea to change to 2.x ROM. The only thing I know that it works fine with my original S200 with Dopod's ROM. It much morу stable and fast, so you will got the better feeling
on Vodafone ROM GER it does not work. I create an Link to \Windows\GSMTestMode.exe and do it that way
I tried creating the link to GSMTest but that still didn't work. I think I'm going to have to change ROMs. I'm very reluctant because I don't know where or how to get and install one. I've seen that this site is full of talk about ROM upgrades, but I haven't seen one that tells me how to do it.
The thing is that what I'm really really after is not just the GSMTest screen so it may or may not even involve a new ROM. What I really want is to learn where the info is hiding and how to display it and make some of it usable in graphical format (something like "NiceTrack" does but with all the info not just a couple fields). It's more of a programming thing. So if anyone knows where this info is stashed and how to read it, I'd go that direction. I thought that GSMTest would be a quick & easy step toward what I'm after.
any change someone could add the gsm test program. I did found the engineering key in the registry, but no program in the windows directory and entering the code on the phonedial pad didn't work as well.
i'm running tuma 1.3 wm5 rom on a qtec 9090
If you want a good guide to changing roms see this post
sethxp said:
regedit -goto
and change buitinengineermode dword to 1
goto dial pad and enter: *#*#364#*#*
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I'm sorry, but I have to ask this question. After a year or so of using these amazing little hacks I've always wondered one thing. . . How in the HELL do you folks figure out these things exist?!
I'm sorry, but I have to ask this question. After a year or so of using these amazing little hacks I've always wondered one thing. . . How in the HELL do you folks figure out these things exist?!
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My thoughts exactly... I discovered this site 2 years ago when I had the Xda2 and I'm still amazed at the information that I can dig up here. Guess some of us have the privelege of playing with our gadgets more than others...
i had to go into the props of the file and change it from hide. i also had to use resco and searched for the file name and changed it there. from there i copied the file and choose poaste shortcut to the windows\start menu\programs

Phone disconnects EDGE connection. Bypass?

Hey i was wondering if there was a bypass so the phone doesnt interupt the data connection. Is this possible? Thanks.
sorry if this is already answered. i tried searching but couldnt find what i was looking for.
nope, only 3G handsets can do that.
It can be done with a registry hack. Try searching xda-devlopers forum for "registry wizard". Its a program someone made with a bunch of registry hacks put into a nice simple program. Just dont use the default keyboard hack. It locks your wizard up and you have to hard reset.
which tweak do you check in regitry wizard to bypass this?
I dont know. I've never done it manually. Just get the registry editor. Its all automatic and you can download it from these forums if you try. i think the thread is called "easy tweaking your wizard" or something like that.
it will still disable your GPRS during a phone call, but this tweak will reconnect afterwards.

Problem with WiFi

If I press wlan button in Comm Manager than WiFi should be ON but it is not. I did use some different roms but still nothing. Somebody know what to do ?
settings-connections-wireless lan - there is only message:
Wireless LAN is OFF.Turn on Wireless LAN.
It does not work. Please help me.
Go back to wm5. If your lucky it might come back. The more I dig through here the more I see people with wifi problems after flashing. You might be out of luck
I noticed under WM6 the bubble that pops up when you click on the wifi tower ALWAYS says 'turn on wifi'
Good luck!
Same problem with my WI-FI, Not working please help!!!!
Hi All. I am facing the same problem with my WI-FI as Vomithaus is having. Whenever I try to to connect to WIFI from Commmanager, it tries to and then to show disconnected. When i go to settings> Wireless LAN, it asks me to "Configure Network Adaptors", and lists all the adaptors and going into them asks about the ip settings and stuff like that. By the Way I Bricked my phone once and then i flashed with T-Mobile Ship WM6.0 RUU for the WING. And I strongly suspect that the registry setting are not right or the Radio ROM is F***ed up. Can any knowledgeable person help me please? I would greatly appreciated any help.
Same problem with my WI-FI, Not working please help!!!!
This is the addeneum to the last post. The last remaining screenshot for the above post. The last screen shot of the "Wi-Fi Status" in the "Settings > Connection", gives me an option to "Turn on Wi-Fi" but toggeling it results in nothing. Thank You everybody for your time and consideration.
It might help us to figure out how this happened too. I bought the EXEC off of ebay and it was like this from the get go. The previous owner flashed it to wm6 about 1 month ago, but said it was working fine... all he did was hard reset to get rid of the personal information. I want to believe him, but there are a few people on here complaining of flashing the exec and losing wifi. (even the official rom from O2).
Flashing COULD have damaged the transmitter, but it seems more likely that a setting is wrong somewhere (especially since there is a slider bar for WIFI battery vs performance).
This is good news (somewhat), but the bad news is that if there is one, no one knows about it. I have messed around in the registry (there were some promising entries related to POWER), but nothing that even showed a response. I found the entry that connects to the slider bar, but PERFORMANCE = zero, so there is nowhere to go there but WORSE.
This really sucks, is all I can say. I blew $500 on something that is useless (well... not useless, but no WIFI? WHY COULD IT HAVE NOT BEEN BLUETOOTH!)
Another step I have taken is contacting PPC Tech's via email and asking them if they have any idea how to repair it, and how much $$$
I'll keep you informed.
Can you tell me if yours EVER worked, and if so, when it stopped?
I just looked closer at your screenshots.... Do you have a WIFI card? (it say's 'adapter').
No, I dont have a WIFI card but this is way how windows handles all is peripherals (services), as an add-on card. just like you laptop.
Guys, There is a registry fix for this problem.
Please take look here :
I am afraid Ron that this is not a case as suggested in Beowulf6's solution. If it is the solution I dont know how to exactly implement it. But I am posting here the exact registry key screenshot for you guys to take a look also. I can't see and TNETWLN1 or TNET12345 key here in my device. I still think it has to something with the registry. Can any one here with a T-Mobile WING verify and post their screen shot? or maybe send me a registry backup to compare with? It would be really grateful it some does that. Thanks everybody for a few seconds to read this.
In my herald i can't see TNETWLN1 or TNETWLN12345 too.
I did use Mobile Registry Editor for that , what you guys are useing?
(sorry for my English, if you dont understand me just tell me please)
Look at the screenshots, there a Reg Folder with the name WLAN, open it, and then open the key with all the numbers and letters. At the end of that line is a code. TNETWLAN1 is what it should be for the Herald.
f_v_man said:
I am afraid Ron that this is not a case as suggested in Beowulf6's solution. If it is the solution I dont know how to exactly implement it. But I am posting here the exact registry key screenshot for you guys to take a look also. I can't see and TNETWLN1 or TNET12345 key here in my device. I still think it has to something with the registry. Can any one here with a T-Mobile WING verify and post their screen shot? or maybe send me a registry backup to compare with? It would be really grateful it some does that. Thanks everybody for a few seconds to read this.
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It is like Bio88 says.
You are already on the right track... click on WLAN and you will find the key.
Change the value of the key into TNETWLAN1
bio88 said:
Look at the screenshots, there a Reg Folder with the name WLAN, open it, and then open the key with all the numbers and letters. At the end of that line is a code. TNETWLAN1 is what it should be for the Herald.
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Hi Please look at my screen shot again clearly. I did post what is inside the WLAN folder. There are only two keys :
1) (Default) \Windows\ctlpnl.exe
2) CmdLine cplmain17
I still can't figure where is the key with numbers and letters. Sorry If I am a bit dumb or wrong. Thanks.
it is possible if you use the default Commanager that you dont have this registry key.
I dont know if it helps if you create it on your own.
but for me where i installed a different commanager, the Key was there and i edited it for the wlan button.
My Tmo Wing has "TIACXWLN1" in that registry key.
Do those changes apply to the herald and the Wing interchangeably?

quickie, cook in timezone

this has to be pretty easy, but i'm going nuts trying to find out how to do it!
how do you change the default timezone that comes up with the setup screen?
i'm pretty good at digging through this forum and google and havent found any info about actually cooking it in as a default...
after the setup, i think the reg key is HKLM\time, but that is not present in all rgus and hv files in 3 different roms that i've dug through. it doesnt appear to be as easy as replacing the WinCENLS folder, although i'm not sure exactly what all the hex in there is, it seems more like a list. i can't find it in the xip either, and searching for "time" in all rgus, etc... doesn't help. i'm guessing it's a hex edit somewhere...
i know there's people that know care to share the info?
the easies way is to first set the timezone from the settings..and then export it to ur Pc ( use any regeditor to export..)
Would this help it a mis mash of Prov & reg time settings.
I was searched for this for a long time, until i found it by accident, and I've been using it since.
The file attached is what i use to set GMT to 0 (London, Lisbon time).
You can set your GMT and get the binary data using the RapiConfig.exe
See how to do it here (there are several examples, and the tool for the job)
You must set the value you want to retrieve from the registry in RapiConfigIn.xml
Then connect the device to your pc and run RunConfig.bat
You have the info you need in RapiConfigOut.xml
FInixNOver said:
I was searched for this for a long time, until i found it by accident, and I've been using it since.
The file attached is what i use to set GMT to 0 (London, Lisbon time).
You can set your GMT and get the binary data using the RapiConfig.exe
See how to do it here (there are several examples, and the tool for the job)
You must set the value you want to retrieve from the registry in RapiConfigIn.xml
Then connect the device to your pc and run RunConfig.bat
You have the info you need in RapiConfigOut.xml
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thats awesome! i never thought of the provxml files... thanks for the tip, it really helps me out...
