SwellDisk 300% Enlarge Memory Card WM5 1.8.6 - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hello everyone..
I know this has been talked about befor but i want to have all info about this in one place.
Mods: move around as you wish.... Sticky?
I was looking throu pocketgear and found this : http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=19899
There is no Demo to download so i thought.... take the risk.
i bought the software and 1 week after i got my reg code too unlock.
I have a 2GB SDcard, put it in my pocketpc ( Orange SPV m5000 , HTC Universal )
i used SewlklDisk and now have 5.8GB of free space.
With Card Export ( software to transforme your pocketpc into a usb drive ) i conected to my pc and..... 5.8 GB USB device detected.
hvent filld it up yet, but RescoExplorer and internal storage viewer indicate also 5.8GB of usable Space.
Here is another one...: http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=22364
There are some Slowdowns, but only when saving to the SDcard, and only minimal.
If anyone else has this sofware ( or not ) tell me about your expiriences and thoughts..

Try fill it up to over the original capacity. Thats when problems appear apparently....

btw. something similar was here with win95 - doulbe space,& u were able 2 use aprox 60-70% of capacity that showed. not worth of money

In fact, there were a bunch of these programs for Windows 95 way back when. Turns out they were all minimally useful at best and, as I recall, a couple of outfits that churned out "memory doublers" were successfully sued because they did absolutely nothing.

After all these answers, I supose that the experience says that it´s not a good idea to use this program to enlarge the memory? Or is there anyone who have a good experience whith this program??

"Enlarge" seems to be not 100% correct word here.
You may "enlarge" the displayed storage capacity, but real capacity would be not as high, so you'd end up deceiving yourself...
The idea of compressing data written on disk comes up quite often, and then larger disks destroy it. Then again the same occurs on the next level.
I personally prefer the "honest" capacity. There may be applications using the "sparsely filled" files, where the compression would be beneficial; but all round, the gain is normally 1.2-1.5:1 on average files, and might not be worth it, considering increasing read/write times... MP3's or MPEGs, even worse, are already compressed and are virtually incompressible as such -- so if you think more songs will fit on that "5.8GB" card, ... think again
So, I'd just buy a double capacity device. But, tastes differ and your mileage, as Americans say... may vary.

EastExpert said:
"Enlarge" seems to be not 100% correct word here.
You may "enlarge" the displayed storage capacity, but real capacity would be not as high, so you'd end up deceiving yourself...
The idea of compressing data written on disk comes up quite often, and then larger disks destroy it. Then again the same occurs on the next level.
I personally prefer the "honest" capacity. There may be applications using the "sparsely filled" files, where the compression would be beneficial; but all round, the gain is normally 1.2-1.5:1 on average files, and might not be worth it, considering increasing read/write times... MP3's or MPEGs, even worse, are already compressed and are virtually incompressible as such -- so if you think more songs will fit on that "5.8GB" card, ... think again
So, I'd just buy a double capacity device. But, tastes differ and your mileage, as Americans say... may vary.
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Installing this disables the Visibility of Extended Rom i mean if any one has unlocked Extemded rom & installed some applications in the EXT Rom.
Any solution please ,i even wrote to the CEO of the Swell disk org no responce. Cheers, T

hmmm, sounds too good 2 b true.
can those who have this software test by filling up their cards close 2 their max. level & leave only a few MB's? & then try accessing d files & software stored on d card. this way, we'll know if d app really works.


can u use sd card for program memory?

hi, I'd like to know if you can use the sd card and say partition it so that you can make your xda exec device use the storage on it as programe memory so it speeds the device up. this really is a fab device, but it really lacks the memory capacity that I had on a blue angel.
I have a 1gb sd card and don't mind loosing any storage space to accomplish this. if there isn't a way, can someone try and find a reg tweek for this....
anyway, I leave it with you...
joey jojo
I think this is something which should be taken as a clue by developers who make programs such as Memaid, Pocket Mechanic, etc and include this as a a feature. Maybe the concept will be something similar to the Virtual Memory on a regular windows pc.
You are absolutely right, I too really miss the shortage of program memory. I can never open a really complicated web page with lots of images in Netfront before I get the dreadful warning that I have run out of program memory.
I hope some developer picks this up and incorporates this as a feature. I am sure this will increase his sales many many times.
you can put your internet explorer's cache on the sd-card...
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache]
change cache from '\windows\profiles\guest\temporari internet files' to '\SD_MMCard' to achieve this...
however you'll notice that it only slows your device incredibly down if your SD-Card is not set up right
see also http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=50301
There is just no way a third party program can add this. On the windows mobile team blog, there's a post from a few months back talking about doing virtual mem on the SD card, and basically, it's just not in the OS and won't be until at least WM6, and third-party programs can't do it.
JasperJanssen said:
There is just no way a third party program can add this. On the windows mobile team blog, there's a post from a few months back talking about doing virtual mem on the SD card, and basically, it's just not in the OS and won't be until at least WM6, and third-party programs can't do it.
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Those are very disappointing news...
Speaking of memory management and the OS itself..I really wonder during the development of WM5, did they try to come up with a better OS, or just building up upon WM2003.
Reason why I say this is my Universal crashed yesterday, and a look into the "Memory" panel in the Settings showed the OLD memory management screen along with the sliders and all... :lol:
Looks like the developers got lazy and just placed a panel on top of the old one :lol:
Ehh.. You guys want to be buying new SD cards every third month?
Flash memory like the SD cards have only a limited number of write operations before they fail.
Using them for storage is good, because you don't write to the cards that much.
Using them as memory would totally screw up the card in a rather short time.
And, I think using SD card for program memory would result in a slower application, because of the read/write speed of the SD compared to the RAM..
--- EDIT ---
3 months is just a figure of speach..
I have no idea of how much time it would take before failure occurs..
It would probably result in slower and slower performance, because some sectors would be worn out faster than others..
What you say about the writes before failure is right, but when you are faced with a £300 PDA that has the same amount of RAM as my little finger, you have to do something.
SD cards are cheap enough these days, and money grows on trees. I'd rather be able to leave programs open and not worry about how much it will slow the machine down to have more that three big apps running than I would be about coughing up for a new SD card every 3 months.
I have seen a 4GB card on Ebay for less than £80, Tescos sell 1GB for £30 these days.
The great thing about Tescos is their guarantee. You buy the card, write it to death, take it back for a full refund, no questions asked.

[Question] Memory allocation adjustment

Hi friends,
After almost half a year using this O2 Exec, I found it's really good and met all my needs. However, there is still problem with the insufficient program memory even though I used the "closed" functions by pocket plus and clean the device from time to time by memaid. I also use the clearnotification.
Is it possible to adjust the memory allocation the same as the Magician or Himalaya? I know they are all different. If we can combine the extended rom of my Exec to the program memory, it may help a lot.
Doesnt work like that anymore. Try a search for persistant storage or the like. Now with WM5 you have storage memory (built-in flash) and RAM. This has been brought up many times.
Know how this works. But, one day I playing with my O2 Exec, landed in the Memory applet. I suddenly had an image on the PPC, which had a slider to allocate memory . The image was merged with the background. But, my PPC had freezed.
Wish I had the presence of mind to click a photograph , before I did a soft reset.
Food for thought, maybe there is something in there, not known to us.
I think maybe the freeze was because you crashed your machine showing that slider.
I have seen someone post on here about seeing it, and the fact that MS recycled the memory screen from WM2003SE and hid that part.
You're never going to be able to change Flash into RAM, they are (three) distinct chips and used separately by the OS.
The only way you could do it is to write a virtual memory driver the same way that WinXP and other desktop OSs use paging files on the hard drive to simulate RAM. Slow, lots of overheads, no advantage whatsoever on the Universal.
So the solution to your problem may be the same as mine:
I wrote off to a company that does electronics work and asked them if they can fit another couple of RAM chips to my device. This page says that there is room for two more (another 64MB?) RAM chips on the mainboard if you can BGA solder. Still waiting on a reply.
A 128MB Uni would kick the backside out of all other handhelds. Oh, and USB host, but that is a whole world of work that nobody has tried yet. Damn you HTC!
Of course you realise that the more RAM you have the worse the battery life will be.
I'm also thinking to put more chip into the free space but not sure that we need to do anything with the OS to run on 128MB hardware.
Can we just put more chip on it? I want to try
xenon_art said:
I'm also thinking to put more chip into the free space but not sure that we need to do anything with the OS to run on 128MB hardware.
Can we just put more chip on it? I want to try
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If I remember, Asukal or Mwang(mwang - sorry if I misspelled Ur nick) already tried to add more ram chips, but wothout any effect - no raam increase - unfortunately for us
phsnake said:
xenon_art said:
I'm also thinking to put more chip into the free space but not sure that we need to do anything with the OS to run on 128MB hardware.
Can we just put more chip on it? I want to try
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If I remember, Asukal or Mwang(mwang - sorry if I misspelled Ur nick) already tried to add more ram chips, but wothout any effect - no raam increase - unfortunately for us
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so disappointed.
thanks for your info.

****** Programming opportunity ??? *******

I've spent a good while looking and i cannot find a file recovery/raw disk access program that's available for mobile devices, could be a nice opportunity for someone!!!
I'd do it myself if i'd got the time lol
No offence but form the title it looks almost like your offering a paying job. Maybe something a little less flashy next time?
Any way have you checked out an app called pocket mechanic?
It comes pretty close to what you want.
The problem with file recovery is the fact that these devices use RAM or FLASH memory and not hard disks. If it's RAM (WM2002 / 2003) there is no way to recover the file once it has been deleted.
With flash, from what I understand it still might be possible but a lot trickier than with HD.
No not quite offering a paid job to someone lol
Hmm as for the recovery option obviously i need to learn a lot more about the management of storage on these devices, i'd assumed they followed the usual method of FAT/NTFS rules regarding storage and deletion ?
So once a file is deleted the system automatically defragements the allocated space to reclaim it?
Could use a lot more input on this, as i assumed it was just going to be a case of dumping the content on the device onto a card or via usb to comp using a basic read from location xxxxx write to location yyyyy
Any others care to comment ?
oh and device in question is an 02 XDA Mini-S !
Re: ooops
wp4054 said:
So once a file is deleted the system automatically defragements the allocated space to reclaim it?
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No, because flash "wears out". M$ have written WM5 to spread out the reading/writing randomly (kind of) across the whole of the memory to minimize "wear" and maximize the life of the flash. Defragmenting would negate this by concentrating read/writes to specific areas and because flash is solid state defraging is not needed anyway.
Right now i'm starting to understand, so i guess my question should be when something is deleted can it be recovered?
How long before the data is 'nuked' ?
The device in question has not been used since the deletion occured but i would still like to try and dump the contents of the internal 'drive' to see what if anything remains, is this feasible?
Thanks for all your assistance guys i'm on a learning curve here!
First, you have to tell us exactly what device it is and what OS it is currently running.
Like I said before, if it is a WM2003 device your data was probably in RAM and is lost forever.
Apologies i did state in my previous post that it an 02 XDA Mini-s or magician as it's known on here running windows mobile 5
Ideally all i want to do is read all the raw data from the machine either onto PC or onto a card so that it can then be analysed using a full screen hex editor/ data recoverer, i suspect the messages/data are still there but just with truncated headers/file markers
Actually, I should be the one to apologize, I missed that line.
Unfortunately, as I stated in previous posts, since your device has the WM 2003 OS and its main memory is RAM if the file was in the main memory, once it was deleted it is gone for good.
I think itsme has some tool for dumping memory (check the WiKi for itsutils or look for his posts) but I doubt they will help you.
Thanks will try using those as a start, i suspect that all may not be lost but i won't know till i can dump the affected memory/storage. The unit has not been powered down or used since and i'm hoping that the information i seek is still lurking there somewhere lol
Made me get me C++ hat back on anyway if nothing else !
Daresay i will be needing a lot more help on this one yet, i suspect the SMS raw data is still about somwehere and i'm gonna try find it lol
Moral of the story?
Don't lend your PDA to a friend that hasn't got a clue what they're doing!! (even if they are desperate!!)
wp4054 - investigate Buzz's grabit program on here. This may not be grabbing the memory you need, but it'll give you a good headstart on how to use the memory read/write functions.
You probably want to be reading other partitions, but the idea should still hold.
Frankly, it's likely to be a lot of work for a very small chance of success.
If the memory works like standard FAT, and they were files, it wouldn't be so bad. But the SMS data is stored in a database that is likely to be shuffled around quite a lot for efficiency, and so unlikely to be highly recoverable.
But let us know how you get on.
wp4054 said:
Apologies i did state in my previous post that it an 02 XDA Mini-s or magician as it's known on here running windows mobile 5
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That's not a Magician, it's a Wizard.
O2 XDA Mini = Magician - runs WM2003SE
O2 XDA Mini S = Wizard - runs WM5
Cheers Vijay i guess i won't know till i try!
I was just thinking that the memory behaved like a disk in that storage was not reallocated immediatley, will let all know what if anything my findings are, i wouldn't normally be bothererd if it was just the odd message but it was everything that was deleted, read messages which i wanted /needed to keep not just the ones in the deleted folder!
Thanks for the help it's appreciated
Glenn (who just realised he's not put a name to any of his previous posts! , oops)
That's not a Magician, it's a Wizard.
O2 XDA Mini = Magician - runs WM2003SE
O2 XDA Mini S = Wizard - runs WM5
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So does that mean i have a better chance of data recovery on this device??

New reg-hack: MemHack. Pre-Alpha.

I fiddled around with my wm6'd hx4700 (thanks kuzuhara!) and a registry editor and found a way to make it regard SD as ram and xip from it.
This renders my device to achieve usage smooth enough i allow myself to reffer to the device as a mini-umpc^_^
For SD only atm, miniSD may or may not work depending on your devices driver. No MMC for the time being.
I sooooo hope this isn't old news
Here's to me not ****ing any of your devices up, it worked wonders for me.
Delete the Program Files folder and reset again once you see the SD's been renamed to Program Files2.
On the next boot it'll mount as Program Files and everything will load from it.
Excuse me, my brains are stuck in google translator mode
It seems i was rather in the wrong and am taking a whole new direction.
One which involves reading more carefully before i charge head into the guts of windows embedded.
Will take me a while until next post, and it might become hx4700 exclusive, but i promise you some cool stuff to come yet.
Anybody wanting to make their SD into Program Files to save space,
just start resco reg editor and change hklm\System\StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory\Folder: Program Files.
(Originally is SD Card).
You can also try messing with it, making it into diffenent sys folders, just be careful
Mine is currently application cache (Volatile) and [email protected] Files.
(Running sweet with what i got to with the enablement of complete graphics accelaration, except for a minor hang up when returning from sleep).
I'm hoping for a next release in a day, but not necessarily of this project but of an off-chute.
BTW, is it just me or is WM real *nix like?^^
anyone tried this ?
ranasrule said:
anyone tried this ?
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Downloaded, but waiting to see what others think.
Want to know what it does to the SD card and device as the readme does say to move the devices contents of its program files folder to the sd card?????
downloaded it too. but i notice its his forst post.
Lol... it's my first post, sorry..
All it does is make the device call the card drive "Program Files" and set a swap file that's used as most device memory (don't worry, it's faster than most none-nand flash). i had to leave a small buffer in device memory though.
The memory file is unallocated, so just don't forget to leave 528MB free at all times.
Re-read the original post
It is and will be updated with periodic updates should they come.
I've been using it for 72 hours now.
It takes the odd reset to free up memory, but nothing worst than what we had before.
well if all thing got wrong.. anyway to revert it back?.. well ofcourse hard reset is one of it. uhmm.. lets put hardreset aside first..
well.. cant wait to test this.. i made a whole backup of my registry so if thing went wrong.. ill just restore the registry backup..
Good point doube_ofour.
Just export the StorageManager registry key before applying the changes, and if worst comes to worst restore your backed up original.
So, anybody else installed and can connect to tell the tale?
DuperMan said:
So, anybody else installed and can connect to tell the tale?
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I made a cab with the regs and installed it But I'm still experimenting .. Nothing bad happened so far how do i know the device is faster ?!! how did you measured your device's speed ?
So let me get this straight -- it will use the microSD in my TyTN as RAM -- the icky sticky stuff I run out of because internet explorer, pocket player, and spb mobile shell grab it all for themselves?
Is there any way to specify how much of the SD card is used as RAM -- since I don't really need 1 GB of RAM on my device.
I saw your post about 558 MB free but didn't quite understand it. You also said you need the odd softreset to free memory? but why would you need to free up a few MB when you have access to hundreds?
But thanks for sharing with the community -- if this really does work out well for us, that's pretty freaking amazing.
Does this hack simply make our "Storage Card" transform into "Program Files"?.. Thats it?.. cant see any speed improvement.. besides my memory usage increased by that means my device will perform slow..
My "Program Memory and Storage Memory" Stays the same as 47mb total on both memory..
Exactly Ragart!
Only it's set to use miniSD, i think you'd have to mess with it a little to make it work on miniSD... if response is good i'll make a mini version.
Remember - It's only been tested on wm6 hx4700!
double_ofour said:
Does this hack simply make our "Storage Card" transform into "Program Files"?.. Thats it?.. cant see any speed improvement.. besides my memory usage increased by that means my device will perform slow..
My "Program Memory and Storage Memory" Stays the same as 47mb total on both memory..
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in my case my program memory decreased by something around 10mb ! and I can't see any improvement in speed too ...
miniSD, hmm? Well that's the slightly-larger brother of my 1GB MicroSD. So I guess I'll just watch the thread and see others' reactions before I try anything (though I do have fullbackups)
Thanks for the quick response. So how much RAM does your hx4700 'have' now? and did you set it to 558 extra for a reason? Just curious questions from a person who doesn't understand the intricacies of reg editing
Use it for a while, constant usage should be smoother. Did you free the space up by deleting the old Program Files as well?
Use it to surf for a while, multiple windows style, and you'll notice the difference.
Also, don't be mean to my hack Don't load it to spite, wait for each app to load and keep on starting apps without (majorly) worrying about a system crash.
The age old method of feel
It doesn't boost anything per say, but your device shouldn't be as compaction ridden as it was, so less mem degradation over time=more time between resets under heavy work loads. and i mean heavy. also, multi-tasking is MUCH more usable.
I set it to have a 512Mb paging area on the SD, plus 512kb in main for caching and another 16Mb for caching on SD, so that's a total of 528.5Mb overall mem, 16.5Mb cache and half a gig paging (good for them internet chaches etc..
i check on the registry that u have made in ur reg hack. seems like all the folders etc is the same even for a miniSD card ... so do u think it will work on miniSD too?

[req] System Utilities

Is there any program for Diamond (or WM6.1) like drive defragger, startup manager, registry defragger or registry cleaner?
I recommend SKTools...also MemMaid can be an alternative...
With regards to de-fragging, I might very well be wrong, but as far as i'm aware, de-fragging makes no difference to devices with flash storage - because the 'drive' is solid state, there is no (or at least always the same) 'seek' time like there is with Hard Drives and Optical Storage (CDs). So the phone can access any part of the flash storage at the same speed as any other, unlike HDs, where if data is spread across the drive, it needs to physically search for it.
If anything, I think de-fragging shortens the life of the flash storage, as it has a limited number of read/writes in its lifetime, and de-fragging 'wears it out' more quickly.
As I said though, I could be wrong - have a good thorough Google to be sure.
_JuSteR_ said:
Is there any program for Diamond (or WM6.1) like drive defragger, startup manager, registry defragger or registry cleaner?
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I like pocket mechanic
I recommend SKTools...
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For me the best system tool.
GurneyHalleck said:
With regards to de-fragging, I might very well be wrong, but as far as i'm aware, de-fragging makes no difference to devices with flash storage - because the 'drive' is solid state, there is no (or at least always the same) 'seek' time like there is with Hard Drives and Optical Storage (CDs). So the phone can access any part of the flash storage at the same speed as any other, unlike HDs, where if data is spread across the drive, it needs to physically search for it.
If anything, I think de-fragging shortens the life of the flash storage, as it has a limited number of read/writes in its lifetime, and de-fragging 'wears it out' more quickly.
As I said though, I could be wrong - have a good thorough Google to be sure.
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i hear that a lot too,
but is there ANY person that, due to massive flash usage, got to the point it didn't work anymore?
USB sticks and SD cards count also

