brand new to the sp3i...please help me - HTC Typhoon

Hi everybody.
Just got a new sp3i (yep, much later than most but now it's within budget!)
I've been trying to sync it with my PC via bluetooth & ActiveSync.
I've searched the forums under Typhoon and haven't found anything so I'm wondering if anybody has any tips?
I've tried to sync by following the directions from club i-mate but no luck.
Also...Is there any way to make a recording...a ringtone?
and lastly (for now )....the update on clue-imate says that it's for the 900mhz version only....has anybody tried updating their 850mhz version?


enable bluetooth modem + activesync via bluetooth?

I have been searching this forum and couldn't really find a definite answer for this, so I apologize if this is a repeat question.
I have Cingular 8125 that has been unlocked and flashed with xelencin's T-mobile 2.17 ROM. I have been trying to use the device as bluetooh modem and also activesync via bluetooth, but unable to do so. I have tried for hours and this has been a very frustrating experience!
Could somebody help me with a step-by-step guide on how to get this thing to work? I am using Windows XP Pro with service pack 2, ActiveSync 4.1, and widcomm
Thanks in advance for your help!

Using this as bluetooth modem for my pc/laptop

First of all, I want to apologize if this is a repeat question. I have spent few hours searching on this forum and couldn't find and exact steps to get this done. I have a cingular 8125 which has been unlocked and reflashed to use the modified t-mobile ROM and also have t-mobile service. I have been trying to use it as a bluetooth modem, but just couldn't get it done at all. This is very very frustrating... please help!

Gaijins help!! X01HT Softbank email/mms settings

First of all, thanks to all you guys for the great work!! Especially to MrVanx and Alcibiade for the excellent and up to date upgrade/conversion guides!!
I'm a total newbie to the Windows mobile scene.
I'm in Japan and running LVSW WM6 on my X01HT. After the flash to WM6 LVSW rom I could make/reveive phone calls and get online via WIFI without any issue, but I could'nt (still can't) send and receive emails or mms via Softbank AP (HSDPA?). After some searching I found a Softbank AP patch here <> and applied it. Now I can not get online via WIFI either. I still can receive mms sesseges from other Softbank users (I guess) but I cant reply to them as the system displays an error messege stating that the server cant be found. I plan to reflash my phone with Dutty's WM6 rom right after I finish writing this cry for help. So I should be able to get at least WIFI working after that. But still puzzled with what I need to do to get online via Softbank?? and how do I setup my Softbank email account ([email protected]) and MMS?? I'm cut off from the world for the past two weeks and would really appreciate if someone can help. Thanks a lot!.
The internet access via Softbank AP and sending and receiving MMS are 2 different things.
It seems you have some "corruption" experienced after trying to implement the Softbank AP settings. I recommend to reflash the latest WM6 ROM you have and then apply the Softbank settings again - by the letter as described in this thread:
It works 100%, I have done it with various WM6 ROMs, and it always worked.
If you have it running, let me know, and I will send you the patch for MMS.
Thanks a lot 'Chainbolt'.
Finally I was able to find the time to re-flash my phone last night. Now I am running LVSW WM6 3.3+SPL V2.1 (super fast!). Soonafter I applied the SoftBank AP settings patch and this time it was a success!! Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction.
Now all I need is to be able to send and receive email from my Softbank email account. How do I go about this?? I guess this is where I need the patch you are kind enough to share with me?? Thanks in advance..
PS: If you are anywhere near Otemachi/Marunouchi I owe you a beer!

Can you help me upgrade my Hero?

Hi all,
I have a HTC Hero which I bought off ebay, so have no idea which network it originally came from, but I'm currently using it on 02
I haven't recieved an OTA upgrade and am still running 1.5, would love to be able to run 2.0
Is there any way I can do this manually? Added complication, I cannot get HTC sync to work on any of computers (Win7 and XP), it just doesn't recognise the phone is plugged in
Thanks for any help
Use BTDAG's guide linked in my sig for a step by step on flashing custom ROMs.
HTC Sync - doesn't matter whether it recognises it or not just make sure it has the drivers installed and you are using 2.0.33 or later.
Hey cool thank you, will have a read through that guide. Good news about HTC sync as well!

[Q] 3G CAB FIX - Anyone still got it available.....

Hi everyone, i have pdaimatejam 7.10.8858.136 on my HD2 and i love it, i've had it installed a while now and always used wifi connection, yesterday my internet was down for a few hours so i decided to use data connection on my phone, it didn't work, i have done my research and this is known issue and requires 3G fix cab to repair problem. I have cab sender installed on my PC the problem is i cannot find a working link on the net or xda to get the 3G fix cab from, does anyone still have this file and will you share it with me or do you have a working link for it. Thanks for your time.
why you not install latest 8862 which dont need fix?
dxdy said:
why you not install latest 8862 which dont need fix?
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Click to collapse
Hi many thanks for your reply, I am considering updating the rom if all else fails, but, had hoped if any one still has the cab it would save me from having to go through all the microsoft sign up and setting up hassle. I don't actually use data connection very often as i am mostly housebound so just use the wifi. In your opinion is the 8862 rom the best one around at the moment.

