Using this as bluetooth modem for my pc/laptop - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

First of all, I want to apologize if this is a repeat question. I have spent few hours searching on this forum and couldn't find and exact steps to get this done. I have a cingular 8125 which has been unlocked and reflashed to use the modified t-mobile ROM and also have t-mobile service. I have been trying to use it as a bluetooth modem, but just couldn't get it done at all. This is very very frustrating... please help!


T-mobile Vario (SIM unlocked) upgrade to i-mate ROM (orig)

Hi all.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I did a search and could not find any info on this.
I have a t-mobile vario (sim unlocked - using Lokiwiz02). Shop told it couldn't be done, but quite a few of you clever people had already done it, so I did too. All went well, it's now sim free!
However, I prefer the i-mate ROMs and have already got the original i-mate ROM installer ready to go.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, is it a straight forward procedure (regular way of upgrading a ROM), or is there anything specific I would have to do and what, if any, are the risks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Too many late nights!!
So sorry guys!! Wrong Forum!! :lol: :lol:
Have moved this to the Wizard forum

enable bluetooth modem + activesync via bluetooth?

I have been searching this forum and couldn't really find a definite answer for this, so I apologize if this is a repeat question.
I have Cingular 8125 that has been unlocked and flashed with xelencin's T-mobile 2.17 ROM. I have been trying to use the device as bluetooh modem and also activesync via bluetooth, but unable to do so. I have tried for hours and this has been a very frustrating experience!
Could somebody help me with a step-by-step guide on how to get this thing to work? I am using Windows XP Pro with service pack 2, ActiveSync 4.1, and widcomm
Thanks in advance for your help!

Cingular CAB Files, Please

Hello everyone, I have lkooked through this forum for the past few days trying to find the Cingular CAB Files, so I can download them. If anyone can point me ot the right place and or link, I would greatly appreciate it. I have the ROM and tried some of the tools posted all over this board, but was unable to get to them. I have an iMate K-Jam with Rom 2.x, so I am unable to use the CID unlocking tools in order to use the Cingular ROM and I can not downgrade to the previous Imate K-Jam ROM either, so I have tried everything I knew how to do. Again, I would appreciate it, if someone could please post or point me in the right direction for the Cingular 8125 CAB Files. Thanks
Try this:
THank you, yes, I have looked a thtose pages you posted in the link several times, however, there are still no CAB files for Cingular, yes they are baked into the ROM update, but I can not update since CID unlock does not work on AKU2 ROMS and I can not downgrade either. So what I really need are the Cingular 8125 Extended ROM Cab files.
Why can't you downgrade?
Here's the original.
I am using an unlocked cingular 8125...if i use that updated cingular rom, i cant use an unlocked phone anymore?
whats with that? if its correct?
Some people say that when you upgrade to AKU2 the phone is locked again and you cannot unlock it. Some people also say that you can unlock it prior to AKU2 and it will remain unlocked when you upgrade.
Thank you very much rumpnet, I appreciate your help.

setting up HTC8125, WM6.1 and MEdiaNet

I got my hands on one of these glorious 8125's and well, am trying to set it up so that it will connect to data over AT&T Medianet.
I already flashed it up to the current newest TNT WM6 rom, but cant seem to find a decent guide or set of directions to setting this thing up...
Any help? Please XD
Depending on the ROM you flashed, you might have the Network Wizard. Otherwise, there is a cab called "Cingular WAP MediaNet MMS Settingsv2" that should help you. See attachment.
hey thanks, i needed this!
thank you, i needed this also after flashing TNT's newest ROM!

Noob wants help upgrading k-jam to wm6! pleassse

Hi guys, I've just got a k-jam and want to flash it to wm6 / wm6.1. i have read the guide to upgrading and it seems rather easy, just requires patience and strong nerves , however i'm still unsure where i can get the wm6 ROMs from? url? Also a friend downloaded a ROM and had to re-do it after a week because it had some timer on it? how do i avoid ROMs like this? Im in australia and my carrier is optus, do i need an optus ROM? if i use another carrier branded ROM will it work with optus? Thanks heaps in advance and sorry for my noobiness!!
Hey, welcome to the forums, dther1!
But man, please, use the search function...
WM6 ROMs here
and a complete list here
We have a whole Wiki for our devices, always check it before posting
Good luck man!
Thanks for your help, The second link was exactly what i was after, thanks heaps! I've now successfully flashed my wizard to wm6.1! Thanks Again!

