Beter Camera app. Project - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I would like to start a project to make a better camera app.
In other posts there are people talking about the bad quality of the chip or the lens.
I think they are right about that, but I think the program itself could be better.
I think there is a lot of compression made in the program.
Now I'm not a programmer so that is my problem.
What I am interested about is to get a picture right from the chip. Without any compression and without any contrast, sharpness and brightness adjustment. Then we really know how bad the chip and lens are. After that we can try to adjust some things and look at compression.
Is there anybody crazy enough to create anything like this?
If it works we might be able to get real photos out of our Wizard
Feel free to react or correct me if I'm wrong

I really wouldn't put any effort into a handset-camera... they generally still suck (mostly). you can't get any quality when the source is bad... And the compression itself won't change too much here (I've ripped the cam out of my wizard, if you see that 8x8mm thing you *know* that can't be any good )

If you would rip the chip out of the new sony cydershop it wil also be a tiny 8X8mm chip.
It stil is a 1.3 Mpixel chip. I think the lens is our biggest problem.
making a nice contrastcurve could help a lot

yep, the lenseis one of the biggest problems... I should have mentioned, that the 8x8mm thing was the *complete* camera module, including lense of course the CCD in a "normal" digital camera isn't big either, but at least there's appropriate surroundings... but probably some work on the camera software could better the results...

You can get add on lenses not sure how good they are from the link below
if you try them let us know how they work


Poor camera quality pictures, looking for solutions

I am pretty much dissapointed with the pictures I have obtained with my Universal's built in camera.
Sometimes - most of the times - dont really beleive it is a 1.3 MPixels cam.
1. Do you think using another software to take pictures would improve performance/quality?
2. It is possible to use another software to manage the camera?
3. Maybe, it's just me not being able to use it properly. Any advice to get good quality pictures?
have you checked the pictures on your pc?
i thought this until i looked on the pc and they were actually pretty impressive, dont be fooled my the on screen preview after youve taken a pic
yes... checked them out on a PC.. but no good quality. The problem is that if you're taking good quality pictures.. the it must be me.. :?
Anyway I recon that good pictures can be obtained under good conditions (light, etc.), but indoors... no way, at least for me.
i've seen on my HTC wizard that in the registery the camera can be edited things like bitrate too, havent tried it yet.
Ive gone from a D500 to this. Both 1.3 megapixel cameras, but the images from the samsung are far larger and far better quality. The images I get from my XDA are terrible.
maybe -hope so - it's just the software.
Could the camera be used with another soft? maybe from another WM5 device.
HTC has used extremely cheap and low quality camera sensors :-( Theres not much you can expect from its i guess its wise to accept the fact and move on :S
There are tons of dead pixels, and fails to reproduce the colors accurately...its just a "i have a cam on my phone too" feature, and nothing of any practical use!
its enough to get the point across say car accident , for insurance or the poice, it would be enough to convince surlly.
Took some pictures yesterday for first time on Universal, on top of a hospital roof, sun shining.
So as normally happens in those situations you can not see what you are taking properly due to the screen contrast etc. in the sun. ( same on all camera phones I have had )
Just used the standard settings, didnt change anything, have just downloaded them onto the PC and I am quite impressed with the quality.
On par if not better than some of the camera phones I have had in the past.
Just checked settings and I was on 640 x 480 capture size and ambience auto.
So for me a thumbs up to the quality from a camera phone.
share one of those beautiful pics...
wanna check if it's just me..
Perhaps a silly question - but have you made sure your camera settings are at 2M (1200x1600) to take your photos. The exec defaults to a much smaller size.
hehe, yes.. thanks.
I'm just saying that quality doesnt fit in in a 1.3 Mpixels camera, my POV.
The camera is useless imho. sometimes its good to catch stupid pics of people who have parked terribly or funny signs on petrol station doors but all in all they would have been best just leaving it out.
The only solution is to get a decent camera.
I'm an amateur photographer (with the lovely Nikon D50), and no doubt the Universal's picture quality is not very good. However, I see it as a bonus add-on for the Universal rather than a proper feature. Say, I don't carry the Nikon D50 into my lessons at school all the time (until recently, when we had our very last lessons at school for the rest of my life!); with the Universal I was able to quickly take pictures of my classmates sleeping in our maths lessons or film our chemistry teacher burning jelly babies (they literally scream and burn when they react with some solution!).
Anyway, my conclusion is that the camera on the Universal is good for quick snaps, but not good for family portraits. :wink:
PS: HTC, come on, you call yourselves "High Tech Computer Corporation" and you can't even manage a tiny camera?
Whilst on the topic, yesterday I tried to take pictures of a beautiful wheat field in the sun, but the picture I got was just a very dark image, no matter where the sun was relative to the lens. Changing the settings to "Sunlight" or "Automatic" did not help either.
Very disappointed, and you don't often get this lovely weather in the UK!
To the OP, there's no easy way to say it: the camera is crap, like 99.99% of all mobile phone cameras. The CCD they use are cheap as dirt, and unless you're experiencing optimum conditions (such as bright, bright sunshine outdoors), there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:
It does not seem that bad to me,
settings = 2M(1600x1280) and daylight
I have not resized the pic , so sorry if it runs off screen :wink:
This is just before my ride to Turkey and back from UK
Nice outfit!
mdaexecfan said:
there's no way you'll ever take any decent pic with this phone regardless of the software.
Glad I could clear that up! :twisted:
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Exactly - it's a phone/PDA with a free camera, not a camera with a phone/PDA... Miracles you will not get!
The quality is acceptable to me but getting the best result is sometimes difficult. My major problem the handling, choosing the right settings for the occasion is a bit awkward.
@Bagmanstu: Cool

Project for better photos

I would like to start a project to make a better camera app.
In other posts there are people talking about the bad quality of the chip or the lens.
I think they are right about that, but I think the program itself could be better.
I think there is a lot of compression made in the program.
Now I'm not a programmer so that is my problem.
What I am interested about is to get a picture right from the chip. Without any compression and without any contrast, sharpness and brightness adjustment. Then we really know how bad the chip and lens are. After that we can try to adjust some things and look at compression.
Is there anybody crazy enough to create anything like this?
If it works we might be able to get real photos out of our Wizard
Feel free to react or correct me if I'm wrong
Hm, IMHO the lens are also not the best quality (not to forget the devices are made in Taiwan) and the price has to be under certain limits.
Also it's only a 1.3 Mpx camera. Second i don't think you can take out compression from bitmap at daylight ...
There are way of writting your own camera software.
Have a look on:

Better Camera?

Hi guys. I was thinking about the camera of the ipaq 614c - it sucks. But is it the camera hardware or just the software. My gues is the software. I have tried Cool camera and the barcode recognition software Barcorama. It seems they both capture images from the camera and none of the blurry and distorted "effects" are present. The only problem is that Cool Camera doesn't work properly with the ipaq and the image is always rotated 90 degrees and shrinked
so it's no use for now. My question is : Is there a newer (and probably better) version of the Arc Soft camera software. As you know, they don't sell it as a separate piece of software - they sell it to manufactures to implement it into roms. I saw there are new versions that support image stabilization, smile detection and so on. Is there any phone that has that superior software and would it work with the ipaq camera.
axlastro said:
Hi guys. I was thinking about the camera of the ipaq 614c - it sucks. But is it the camera hardware or just the software. My gues is the software. I have tried Cool camera and the barcode recognition software Barcorama. It seems they both capture images from the camera and none of the blurry and distorted "effects" are present. The only problem is that Cool Camera doesn't work properly with the ipaq and the image is always rotated 90 degrees and shrinked
so it's no use for now. My question is : Is there a newer (and probably better) version of the Arc Soft camera software. As you know, they don't sell it as a separate piece of software - they sell it to manufactures to implement it into roms. I saw there are new versions that support image stabilization, smile detection and so on. Is there any phone that has that superior software and would it work with the ipaq camera.
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Nope, it's the hardware that sucks. No matter what soft u throw at it, u won't get better images. It's the lens that's in no relation with the CMOS-chip
Are you sure
Yes, technically speaking, this is what causes most of the cameras to suck.
Lens aberation and so on. BUT.
I have some experience in photography and physics and the things i see here are not due to the lens (at least not only)
If you have noticed that some of the images get distorted in a strange way (something like a photoshop filter "twirl") - that's not the lens, as it happens only from time to time on some photos. I must say that blutty and coloured images on the edges are probably because of the lens, but the other things are due to poor software. I have taken images with still hands and they sometimes come out very well. But when you move even a little - the photo is blurry as hell.
So, if someone has an idea of an alternative camera App that might work, i'm willing to help with whatever I can - say can we make Cool camera work on the ipaq, or some other camera application extracted from another phone.
axlastro said:
Yes, technically speaking, this is what causes most of the cameras to suck.
Lens aberation and so on. BUT.
I have some experience in photography and physics and the things i see here are not due to the lens (at least not only)
If you have noticed that some of the images get distorted in a strange way (something like a photoshop filter "twirl") - that's not the lens, as it happens only from time to time on some photos. I must say that blutty and coloured images on the edges are probably because of the lens, but the other things are due to poor software. I have taken images with still hands and they sometimes come out very well. But when you move even a little - the photo is blurry as hell.
So, if someone has an idea of an alternative camera App that might work, i'm willing to help with whatever I can - say can we make Cool camera work on the ipaq, or some other camera application extracted from another phone.
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Yes, i'm sure ... As u say urself, even moving a little makes the pic blurry. In fact it's almost impossible to have a 'rocksteady' hand, cos of the relative high power u need to press the button. And again ; the lens is much to close on the chip and much to sharply bent to give good images. Just take a pic and look at it. U'll see that the sides are showing almost everything on the left or right from u. Looks like HP built a combined 28-35mm lens on 4mm²...
It's even better viewable when u take panoramapics ... then u get a kind of 'ondulated' result.
The only real solution would be : removing the lens and put something more apropriate in....
Well that's an argument I wouldn't disagree with. I have noticed that "fish eye" effect in panoramic shots and the built-it blur effect on the edges of the image.
That's it - the camera is on par with an old 1.3Mpx siemens M75 and a lot suckier than the fixed focus cameras in samsung i600 and motorola Q9. Can't they learn it's not about the megapixels. Oh wait, they know it, but your average custumer doesn't. Whatever. Hp - never again dor a lot more reasons than the camera, which i actually don't use that much, but still...
axlastro said:
Well that's an argument I wouldn't disagree with. I have noticed that "fish eye" effect in panoramic shots and the built-it blur effect on the edges of the image.
That's it - the camera is on par with an old 1.3Mpx siemens M75 and a lot suckier than the fixed focus cameras in samsung i600 and motorola Q9. Can't they learn it's not about the megapixels. Oh wait, they know it, but your average custumer doesn't. Whatever. Hp - never again dor a lot more reasons than the camera, which i actually don't use that much, but still...
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Right, you got it Even more surprising is the fact that HP has the techno for building decent pictureboxes (i have one ), but it seems impossible to use that technology to put a decent cam in a phone. Might be cos of the size ? The smaller you have it, the worse gets the pics... bottomline : phones are not pictureboxes, and will never be.
Speaking of the camera i have only 1 question ( dumb ) do you zoom ? Haven't found this option !
you can only zoom when you are not in max resolution (3M), change to lower and you can zoom, the zoom slider is on the left side and you can use keypad (6 & 4) to control too
Maybe i'm missing basic photo knowledge but, the bigger the resolution ,smaller the zoom ?
at least that's how the ipaq work, i have no idea about the reason but then you don't really expect it can zoom much since then lens can't really move much like a real camera anyway
keyx said:
at least that's how the ipaq work, i have no idea about the reason but then you don't really expect it can zoom much since then lens can't really move much like a real camera anyway
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It's an electonic zoom, nothing to do with the lens. If you want to 'zoom' the software uses an alogorithm to recalculate the picture and display the 'center' part of it as larger (zoomed). Gives nice distortions too
as I definitely won't use my camera, do you know a program that can use the led of the camera as a flash light and that works on 614C ?
I tried nuelight and torchbutton but none of them work on this device ...

Camera Installation (Droid Incredible) Or other hardware

Im abel to get my hands on an Iphone 4s Camera If I install it on my Incredible (Nils GingerSense 2.2) How hard would you expect it to be to install th driver, If needed?
Djay1809 said:
Im abel to get my hands on an Iphone 4s Camera If I install it on my Incredible (Nils GingerSense 2.2) How hard would you expect it to be to install th driver, If needed?
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You need to provide more information. Have you checked out the connections? do you have a physical connector? Do you have the pinouts or datasheet? I'd expect it to be a difficult task. Even among similar devices the pinouts and connector types change. After establishing the physical connection, you have to work out the communications.
How do I get the data sheet, I Loove the fact that I have a 8 MP Cam but The I phone has a 5 PM thats sarper than mines, Just imagin the 4s Cam. I know how to tak my phone apart if that helps, but Im not sure what other info I need.
5mp being sharper than 8mp does not seem to make sense. have you tried cleaning your camera and/or maybe refocusing it? there is a manual focus adjustment on the camera which is set by the factory. Maybe it is set wrong. Also, there can be buildup on the lens on the inside of the case which is causing blured images.
I doubt replacing a camera with a lower megapixel camera would fix anything. It would actually be more of a hassel than it is worth... locating pinouts, drafting a new connector, manufacturing a new connector, locating or writing new drivers.... these are all required for you to go from the 8mp camera to the 5mp camera. even still, you'd have a lower quality camera.
You really want to look at cleaning or refocusing via the manual camera adjustment on the camera dongle inside the device.
those tips are great tips, and should be followed before any kind of extreme camera swaps.
But with that said, I could see situations where the iphone 4s' camera could be better than an 8mp one. Although more pixels are used to create an image in an 8mp camera, the method of creating the image itself is entirely different. The iphone has a very unique type of setup, especially with the backlit sensor. The difference is especially noticeable in lower light situations. A typical 8mp setup will show more "blue haze" than an iphone 4s, and may be blurry only because the device may "record" more frames knowing there is less than ideal lighting, which allows more room for error for the human taking the photo because they might not hold the device perfectly still for this long. The sensor in the iphone 4s reduces the haze and allows the camera to take a faster photo in darker situations, avoiding potential camera shake. I personally would love to take the iphone 4s's sensor, and put it in the Galaxy Nexus Prime, but actually getting that to work would require a team of developers experienced in the hardware utilized in both devices.
That's what I was talking about. The IPhone 4s camera, but in any case I'm not a developer just good enough to hack and regonize really good hardware. But in this case I'm starting to question if this is more a hardware or software issue.
Just Incredible, GingerSense 2.2
It's possible that iPhone camera does better pictures, it can be just manufactured of better materials.
Anyway, such replacement is impossible for single man without advanced stuff and deep knowledge about drivers. It isn't a notebook where construction is somewhat standarized and you can just replace LCD screen with one from another model of another producer and it's big probability that it will work, as an example. Every phone manufacturer does create its own unique connectors and it just won't fit to another stuff.
Hello my friend. I have a problem, May you help me, please.
I have a Galaxy S2 i9100 Mobile. Some days ago, I tried to update my mobile's driver with Samsung App. After installing its driver, I found that I must use of Main memory for updating. Now the camera doesn't work, and whenever I click on camera icon, the camera application open but the screen is completely black, and after some seconds this message is displayed on the screen:
The application camera ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again"
I try all ROMS and RESETS but still it doesn't work.
Thanks for your guiding.
Did you try uninstaling the app and power cycling the phone?
Just Plain Incredible GingerSense 2.2
you really can change the camera to a phone??
the type of galaxy ace put a bigger mp??
you really can change the camera to a phone??<br />
the type of galaxy ace put a bigger mp??
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Yeh, but it requires very much job.
bottom line :
Replacing camera module, possible but not worth it. takes a lot of trial and error so why not just buy a new phone?
5mp sharper than 8mp, possible. a good picture does not rely on megapixels. that's what manufacturers want you to think. The optics are a much important thing.
The carmera is already working well itself, and it does not has any driver to upgrade
camera wja soa ooa

Camera swap

This may seem kinda stupid but would it be possible for me to replace the imx298 main camera and replace it with a pixel imx 398 or an s7 camera?
A) You could have to make sure it fits in the same space.
B) Makes sure it has the same connections.
C) You'll have to rewrite your phone's software to get info on and off the camera AND how to interpret that data once it is off and apply the appropriate tweaks.
Overall, you'd be better off just buying something with that module in there if it's that important to you.
Why are people being such asses? Lol if you're not going to give a productive answer then shut up.
I found a thread from 2013 which basically says no it's impossible without re-writing the kernel, BUT it was possible with the xperia neo where sony released the same phone with two different camera modules. Although it's unlikely with the v20.
If there were a way to make this crappy, over-sharpening, oil-painting looking camera, any better I certainly would like to know about it too.
ronattack said:
If there were a way to make this crappy, over-sharpening, oil-painting looking camera, any better I certainly would like to know about it too.
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I had a huge noise reduction issue when I first bought my T-Mobile V20. Full bright shots with trees would have so much noise reduction applied, the trees looked exactly like oil paintings.
I called T-Mobile and got it replaced, and the new phone still does the noise reduction, but it's way better (less than half the amount). You might want to try that if you can. The V20 seems to be a bit inconsistent...
ronattack said:
Why are people being such asses? Lol if you're not going to give a productive answer then shut up.
I found a thread from 2013 which basically says no it's impossible without re-writing the kernel, BUT it was possible with the xperia neo where sony released the same phone with two different camera modules. Although it's unlikely with the v20.
If there were a way to make this crappy, over-sharpening, oil-painting looking camera, any better I certainly would like to know about it too.
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You may want just to use Snap Camera HDR, or Google cam Mod or Hedge Camera or ProShot with NR set to minimal and 95%jpeg compression. Or you may even try stock camera libraries mod from XDA but root needed
