T-mob MDA Pro - losing data and general weirdness! - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I've had this problem occur a few times now, and in both circumstances, it's resulted in the loss of data, either composed TXT messages or e-mails (very, VERY annoying) So hopefully someone knows what maybe causing this:
The first time it happened, i was composing an e-mail (hotmail), and 1/2 way through composing the email, the screen went brighter (as if it was charging!), i ignored that, thinking i was just imagining it, then when i came to send the e-mail, every time i pressed send (either via the softkey, or by using the screen) it just did nothing... So i decided to save the email in the drafts folder, and to reload 'messaging' and trying again.
When i went back to the today, screen, the fonts had turned white, and everytime i tried to load ANY app, it came up with popups, telling me that the program was unsigned :/ Also, it was acting as if the shift button was pressed, because if i tried to select ONE email/txt, to open it, it just selected a whole bunch instead, and refused to open them!
After a soft reset, i could use the device as normal, but ANNOYINGLY, the saved e-mail in the drafs folder, had magically disappeared.... REALLY, REALLY ANNOYING!
The same thing happened, when i was composing a TXT message as well... refuses to send, then goes weird.. reboot........ all gone!
I don't have any non-standard software installed, and i remember encountering this problem on my previous MDA Pro.......
I'd be VERY grateful if someone could post any theorys as to what the hell is doing this.... i thought it might be a low-memory issue, but i've checked, and it all seems fine.
Thanks in advance (sorry for the length of this post!)
My specs:
(Latest T-Mobile ROM)
ROM: 1.20.32 WWE
Eadio: 1.06.00
extROM: 1.20.120 WWE

Anyone else had a similar problem?
Im noticing that when the backlight goes to full brightness, thats the first sign of impending doom!
Really annoying me now!

Never had that. Try hardreset, not install anything, test it a lot and if it still happens, return your unit.


Exec Keeps crashing and deleting txts

Hi, i have this problem with my xda exec, every so often it will crash so i have to sort reset it and when it reboots most of my recent txt messages will be deleted. This problem is extremly annoying and if it continues i fear for the safety of my phone as i will throw it accross the room!
Any help appreciated
Possible reason can be some malacious software. Can you enlist them?
Also, what ROM are you using?
This happened to me too, but only on certain WM6 ROMs. It tended to be unread texts. Unfortunately, I can't remember which ROM was doing it, but I think it was DarkForce and one or two of the PDAVIET ones. However, I tend to fiddle with my phone so much, it would be difficult to say whether it was the ROM or something I'd done.
Are you using WM6?
If so, which one?
If not, what apps are you using, and also, have you tweaked any of the settings using MemMaid or something like that?
it happens to me too, and i'm still using jwrights most recent rom.
maybe you could supply more details of what softwares you have installed? sometimes the rom is not the culprit but the softwares that interfere with the way mail is being handled.... for example.. this has been a known issue before for users of wisbar advance desktop...
text message on my phone are handled by the regular internla program. it's wm6, jwright, latest version. and it's my text messages. if i get new ones, and my phone crashes.. the new ones are gone once it restarts.
just to let you know, im on original o2 rom and i get this problem.
whenever i recieve an mms message my phone spazes out completely (cant access most menus and the inbox is rapidly flicking up and down) resulting in me having to soft reset (push stylus in hole)
whenever i do this it deletes/forgets any recieved sms since the last time i opened the txt msg client. only way to stop losing msgs is by manually closing the sms client settings>system>memory>running programs>Text Messages - Stop
unfortunately you cant access this while your phones spazing out so try to make a habit of closing txt messages often
as stated original roms wm5, no custom software
i got this problem too.
i think maybe it cause by the 3 party software.
now i flashed to wm6, and becareful while choosing those software install in it. now works fine... eventhough it got incoming sms, and the phone freeze, after soft reset the sms still there...

all empty message shown in TF3D tab?

after i finished sending an SMS, the deliver receipt comes back but at the same time the phone hangs suddenly (i found it hangs frequently, when multiple applications running simultaneously)
so i did a soft reset, boot back, and see an empty message showing as the 1st one in the Message tab... (like attachment, no name, no content)
it just wont go away, even if i received new messages it stays.
if i select Menu->Reply, it behaves composing new message
if i select Menu->Delete, nothing happens.
the Menu-Forward option is gone.
any ideas?
the topic's a bit confusing...
i should say just one of the SMS is totally empty..
i doubt that it's caused by SMSDRFix..
anyone experienced similar problem before?
maddie said:
the topic's a bit confusing...
i should say just one of the SMS is totally empty..
i doubt that it's caused by SMSDRFix..
anyone experienced similar problem before?
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What is SMSDRFix??
Hi there. Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I am experiencing exactly the same issue, but would like to avoid a hard-reset if possible.
Thanks for any advice!
same problem here

Windows Mobile SMS Problem

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this so move the topic if necessary.
A few weeks back I bought an X1(Branded Dutch T-Mobile Version) and I've been having problems with the receiving of SMS'. My Today screen indicates there are new messages, eg. SMS \ MMS: 1 unread. But when I check my messages there's nothing there. I tried to see if it may be a false positive, by having a friend send me a text message, but the number did increase, and the message box was still empty. I tried reseting the rom, which obviously killed the messages, but new messages are still not getting through.
Anybody else experiencing the same problem? Anybody know what is going on? How can I recover the (invisible) messags?
Thanks a bunch
that's weird. uh, really weird. it's either YOU have a bad rom/phone software so better have it checked OR your not looking in your SMS/MMS inbox but your outlook inbox instead.
Aidamina said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this so move the topic if necessary.
A few weeks back I bought an X1(Branded Dutch T-Mobile Version) and I've been having problems with the receiving of SMS'. My Today screen indicates there are new messages, eg. SMS \ MMS: 1 unread. But when I check my messages there's nothing there. I tried to see if it may be a false positive, by having a friend send me a text message, but the number did increase, and the message box was still empty. I tried reseting the rom, which obviously killed the messages, but new messages are still not getting through.
Anybody else experiencing the same problem? Anybody know what is going on? How can I recover the (invisible) messags?
Thanks a bunch
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i had the same prob, someone sent me a text and the phone froze, when i turned it on had that message. the only way i found to get rid of it was to delete the message coversation with the person.
i had the same problem, only a hard reset solves the problem. after the hardreset everythink worked fine. some other people at the german xperia board got the same problem.
I tried to hard-reset to no avail. Deleting previous conversations doesn't help. Even SMS' from unknown contacts stay hidden. When I try to export my messages using PIM Backup 2.8 It shows that I have 2 'Text Messages' folders in the export root. One with the hidden(unread) messages. And one with the visible ones. When I exported the messages and reimported them, they stayed hidden. When I wrote a program to parse the PIM Backup exported file. I could see that the hidden messages get properly exported.
Any ideas?
Hearing that the German based roms have troubles too, could it be a reg setting that is wrong, something with localization? I really hate that I have a Dutch rom.
i had this problem i simply hard reset it and it was gone...if this didnt work then try reflashing the orignal rom
I just ran into the same issue.
Funny is that I did hard reset on not flashed orginall Dutch T-mobile X1 which was working good. Well now it is not :/
Tip for others looking for a quick workaround: use uiggmo light panell to read them. The only way I found so far.
I am flashing mine today. (Before I will hand it over due to case issue).

New SMS issue...

I've searched for this but come up with nothing.
This initially occoured with the SMS hotfix, but is now also happening with the ROM upgrade to 1.66.
When I open a message thread from someone and start writing a reply, as the last message in the thread loads it is like i have touched the screen and highlighted one of the individual messages as it turns black. I can still type although none of the text appears until i tap in the text box again, where all of the text i'd been continuing to write appears.
Same here am on stock rom and it only happened since hot fix ...and another thing this last 3 weeks Ive started having the sms stuck in outbox randomly in untill I reset the phone ...
Never had this problem before or for a month after hot fix ..Had the phone since November
i've noticed this as well. you can continue to type, but the text doesn't show up until you touch the text box.
it seems that it's doing some sort of enumeration/parsing of the sms messages in the conversation as you can see number of messages counting up in the bracket at the top of the screen before it then highlights the last message.
tedious i agree
I get this but also when I insert a symbol it puts it at the biginning of the message regardless of where I was!
So it's not just me then!
I have also noticed the cursor jumping to the beginnning of the message for no apparent reason.
yes its discused already here somwhere (im to lazy to search for it ). the sms application normmaly reads all messages and then sets the focus to the last msg. so far so good. to serve the users that complaining about the long time the have to wait until the can answer a message, htc made a fix so you can start typing directly. unfortunatly they miss to disable the routine that is setting the focus ;(. i found out that i can continue typing even when im not seeing what is going on on the screen. after i finished typing my line i touch the display to set the focus back to my text. meanwhile i switched to rom 2.02 and have no problems with lost focus anymore.
regards mad
So I guess the new ROM is the answer? Any ideas when a 2.xx ROM will be released by HTC?
Me too
I'm getting this problem since the "upgrade" to 1.66.
However, at least I can send text messages now!
Since 1.66 I've also got the pink tinge in the middle of photographs problem back but the fix published by HTC wont work with 1.66.
Anyone got this solved? When 1.66 were released, a 3rd sms hotfix also were released. Does this fix the highlighing problem, or is this just for people who don't want to upgrade to ROM 1.66, but want to send SMS messages?
I had brought this up before now.
This happens for both 1.66 and also people applying the hotfix, as the hotfix is included in the 1.66 rom.
If we could disable it selecting the last message once it has loaded them all, this wont be a problem anymore.
The problem before was it taking forever to load the text, so they fixed that by loading it in the background (i still dont see why ALL messages from that conversation has to be loaded, would be better if it had pages like it did on my diamond), but this fix has then included the fact it looses focus on your typign when the final message is loaded and selected. As stated you can still type and send, you just cant see it untill you press the text box again.
MalekoUK said:
I had brought this up before now.
This happens for both 1.66 and also people applying the hotfix, as the hotfix is included in the 1.66 rom.
If we could disable it selecting the last message once it has loaded them all, this wont be a problem anymore.
The problem before was it taking forever to load the text, so they fixed that by loading it in the background (i still dont see why ALL messages from that conversation has to be loaded, would be better if it had pages like it did on my diamond), but this fix has then included the fact it looses focus on your typign when the final message is loaded and selected. As stated you can still type and send, you just cant see it untill you press the text box again.
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Hmm... wonder if this is a registry thing.. But a "finished_loading_higlight_last" set to "1" would be to easy, right?
Gonna try this out: trying to locate the "highlight image" on the device. Maby a black .png image is to find on the device somewhere... and search for the filename in the registry... I'm kinda noob at registry etc. but this might be a way to find out if we can disable the highlight of the latest message...
I would guess the black highlight image is embedded in a manila file.
Same problem here with 1.43 and hotfix installed. I guess it's still better than waiting forever for the messages to load...
Mine is also doing this and I'm running Dutty's Leo HG v0.9 WWE.. Quite annoying!
Text input gets really sluggish too, and I find I often enter the wrong characters in a text as a result..?
Seems to happen when I've got 300 messages stored by a contact or No messages stored by a contact, and is a pretty much on/off thing as it can be fine sometimes??
yeah, same problem here on cooked 2.02 rom.
What can we do against that?
HTC fixed the bug that you can start typing immediately, but that seems not to be fixed if you are using Swype as your default keyboard. Still have to wait till all messages are loaded to start swype recognizing my inputs.
Does anyone else experience that problem?
I've experienced this problem too. However, I think the highlighting of the last message behaviour is intended because if you think about it, what you are doing when you touch the text message to enter the 'proper' text messaging app is to select that message - hence it selects it for you.
Now, if you just want to reply without it highlighting the last message mid way through, then select the right 'Menu' softkey and then select 'Reply' from the pop up menu. It'll go straight to the typing bax and shouldn't highlight the last message.

G1 Problem

Hello Guys,
First I just want to say I love the forum, read many threads on here last night and despite being a total noob to flashing, developing etc I thought I'd have ago and flashing my G1.
Well it went well, love the new software, but I have one problem - I can't download from the Market place - whatever application I choose to download just stays as 'downloading' but nothing actually comes down - my data connection works just fine, with normal internet browsing working normally.
I wonder if anyone could make a suggestion - please find my phone set up data
HTC G1/Dream
Firmware 2.1-update1
Baseband version 62.505.20.17H_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version 2.6.34-cyanogenmod
Mod Version CyanogenMod-5.0.8-DS
Build Number EPE54B
Thanks again!
Also noticed that despite inside the notifications menu, I have the LED turned on - when I receive a text the light doesn't flash?
Ok, thats one problem fixed - the issue with downloads looks like a Marketplace issue - so that's all good!
So, just one other thing - when voicemails or texts are received the light doesn't flash - even though I've got it set up correctly in the settings....
Anyone else with this problem or have any tips?
The notificaton LEDs only work when the screen is off. You really don't need them when it's on.
Sure, but even when my screen is off and I get a text the LED doesn't blink.
Try checking that the missed call LED is checked under call settings.
All of a sudden without doing anything at all, it's working now - very odd.
This new OS is pretty Juicy on the battery, but not sure if its the fact I've been getting to know it all day.
A bug found by the looks of things - none of my contacts will save?
I've added the same person 3 times and it says saving contacts but when I got back in to contacts it isn't there .......anyone offer some suggestion(s)?
I've tried to synch with google and nothing happens - why doesn't the contact save to the phone or SIM? I'm not overly interested in storing contacts on Google - the standard firmware for the phone stores them on the phone/sim - where in the settings does it dictate where a contact is stored to ?
Solved, the contact wasn't displayed as some of the boxes under contact settings weren't ticked - why on earth would I want to "hide" my contacts?? Oh well ......thanks

