T-Mobile MDA and home wi-fi not working - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I just really started playing with my T-Mobile MDA today. It still has the stock firmware from T-Mobile.
When I'm at home I like to turn the phone off and just use the wi-fi on the device. The phone sees my wireless network (802.11b) and I enter my encryption key. The phone connects to my local network and gets a valid IP address. However if I try to use Pocket Internet Explorer to navigate to a web page it never works. It always says "Locating..." and eventually says that it cannot open the page. GPRS works fine.
I have T-Mobile's internet3 APN for my GPRS so I don't use any kind of proxy for it so the trick of having a proxy for GPRS and none for wi-fi won't work for me becuase both have no proxy.
I have Linux as my firewall/gateway system so I told it to show me the packets it's getting from the phone when I try to go to a web page. It looks like the phone is correctly looking for the default gateway and my Linux system responds with what it is. However the phone keeps asking and eventually gives up. It then sends the DNS request to the broadcast address and that will not work so it's unable to resolve any names.
This looks like a pretty serious bug in the software of the phone. I've seen other threads where people mention the same problem but no resolution really. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm guessing my only resolution for this is to try new firmware. This is pretty annoying since this is basic functionality (the low level network stuff).

First is your phone a mda vario = htc wizard or mda = htc wallaby? you may be in the wrong forum but a simple suggestion if it is a mda vario is try it on wifi g mode fix is here (only for vario) http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=38898

My phone is the Vario. I actually have a custom ROM that has the enable for 802.11g but I went into the registry and turned that off thinking that was part of the problem because I have an old Netgear access point that is strictly 802.11b. I just tried unplugging the access point and plugging it back in. The phone connected to it for a minute and then suddenly the network went "unavailable." Now it won't connect anymore. This is driving me crazy! I am running the 2.21 custom ROM that's put together by another member here (sorry, I can't remember the name). I wish there was a way to get some diagnostic information from the MDA and maybe I could better see what's going on.

Did it connect with the original rom? and maybe its better to try qtek or imate rom like most of the vario users who have upgraded are using. (which will default to wife b mode)

The original T-Mobile ROM did not work very well either. It continually asked my DHCP server for an IP address and it replied but it just kept asking.
Can you make a ROM recommendation for what you're referring to? I've been through the FTP site here and there are a dizzying array of ROM choices.

Most vario users seem to upgrading to qtek ROM here you can download ftp://xda:[email protected]_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe
user name xda, password xda hope that works for you.

Given that's a generic ROM is there another package that will install all of the US T-Mobile settings?

There are cab's available to install GPRS, MMS settings etc but to be honest it is just as easy to do it manually (many websites give these settings) - I did it with my qtek, came with no settings - did it manually for O2 UK.

I've got the same problem with my home WiFi.
Panera - Good
Starbucks - Good
Home - Not good.
Like the others. I put in the WPA passphrase, connect to the home network, and wait, and wait, and wait....
Now, in some cases I've been able to hard code my ISP's DNS servers into the WiFi card on my MDA and soft reset and presto. Working. But after that if I disconnect the WiFi and go GPRS, doesn't work, because my ISP's DNS servers aren't accessible from the T-Mo (Voicestream) network.
Any help would be good.

In case you've not tried; Setting the Wireless power setting for 'best performance' finally enabled my home connection.
On my Vario - Settings - Connections - Wireless LAN - Power Mode


XDA2ii can't connect to WIFI at home

Before I start tese are my current system info:
XDA2ii (O2) - UK
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date:24/12/2004
Radio ver: 1.00.00
Protocol version: 1337.39
ExtROM version: 1.10.124 WWE
OS: Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition
Version 4.21.1088 (build 14235.2.0.0)
I am trying to connect to my home WIFI network but I can't seem to connect. It is indeed picking up the server (name appears) in list but just stops at connection to network. It can't seem to get any connection at all. My wireless router (Linksys WRT54G) can't seem to detect it as well.
I have tried connection to WIFI at an airport and it seems to work but not at home. I have set my Linksys to Mixed mode (B and G) but still can't get it to work.
Any advice?
Thank you!!!
XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
Got the exact same (everything) XDA IIi model (also O2/UK). I'm also having problems with WLAN/WIFI connectivity both at work and home. Both cases it's a 3COM OfficeConnect WAP (office one not setup by me). I thought I validated that the XDA seems to be OK by being able to connect to a neighbours WAP (some BT-Voyager thing) with no apparent problems. And so was thinking that the problem is with the 3COM WAP. However, your post raises doubts on my conclusion ...
The search goes on ...
Re: XDA IIi (or 2i) and 3COM WAP
My case is even worse, it can not detect any wifi signal at any of the hotspot in my city. Go to wireless Lan Manager, under WLAN button (red status) there is alwayls a sentence: "no connection in use". Clicking to it, the device seem to search but found nothing.
Try softreset, hardreset but the problem remains.
In addition, I try to turn off the phone (turn on flight mode) then it don't allow to turn on bluetooth and wifi too.
Maybe it is due to hardware error.
Really disappoint with O2 UK
WiFi connection problems with XDA2i
I have exactly the same O2 xda2i build as Johnnyboy, and precisely the same problem with WiFi as Blackwolf and Johnnyboy. I have a netgear WiFi access point at home, and have disabled the attach restriction and removed WEP. However, although the XDA can see the network name, it cannot connect to the network (just displays connecting...) nor does it show anything on the signal bar. Needless to say, it does not display SSID, Tx rate, Channel, IP address or any information from the network.
I have bought this device specifically for wifi access, and it is somewhat disappointing. Anyone have any idea how this can be fixed? (if at all :? )
XDA Wi-Fi Successful Connection!!!
I'm new to the forum and new to XDA2i....
I too had many frustrations connecting the wi-fi...but now I've cracked it, here's how.......
On first very first use (or following a hard re-set) device users are prompted to choose “What do you want WLAN to connect to?” The option bullets are ‘Internet’ or ‘Work’….’Work’ should be selected, this will connect them to the nearest WLAN (if this network is WEP encrypted it should be switched to ‘Open’ rather than ‘shared’ as is often the case).
Next prompt asks for any WEP Encryption ‘Pass Key’ to be input, when doing so omit any ‘-‘ between character pairs. Normal start-up should then be completed. Once device is up and running…..
From ‘Start’ pull-down on the ‘Today Screen’ select…. ‘settings’>’connections tab’>’connections icon’>’advanced tab’>’Select Networks’> pull-down ‘My Work Network’ > ‘OK’ out of selections to save and exit.
Go to ‘Wireless Manager’ in programs, select WLAN icon from main screen (which should turn green to show active), then select mini ‘WLAN’ icon from lower toolbar to see the status of the connection, quality of signal etc.
That did it for me......
Finally cracked it! As I never had any problems with my Netgear MR814 wireless router, I assumed the issue was with the XDA2i. Instead, a router firmware upgrade did the trick! Should have thought of that earlier.
Cheers, S.
When i first got my XDA 2i home from the shop the first thing it tried was the wireless lan, and the same thing happend to me also..... everything fine in the router but still unable to connect the xda.
anyway after few hours of going over every single setting time and time again , it finally worked !!
i left the Wlan enabled and after a period of a few minutes it connected to my network.
So i think the XDA 2i is quite tempremental with Wlan, as i know my settings were correct.
having said that, i have had no problems with Wlan t all since then, it will now even connect to other Wlan hotspots with no problems whatsoever.
The only problem i have now is recieving a decent O2 Cellphone signal i my area
Well I have a XDA IIi and it connects fine and allways has to Citi Hotspots, TMO hotspots and my own Linksys WRT54GS. Netgear is the biggest piece of crap ever sold. If you have one I suggest you soak it in gas and burn it.
I had a problem with my XDA IIi connecting to a home Wi-Fi network with a Linksys WRT54GC router: a signal showed in the Wireless LAN Manager, including an IP address, but the WI-Fi icon at the top of the Today screen had no connection bars. After days of this I went to the Linksys settings for an unrelated reason and disabled Wireless SSID Broadcast. Inexplicably this appeared to cure the WiFi problem with the XDA IIi, and I can now connect with ease.
Ok, I might as well add my question to this thread, as it's relevant.
I have an O2 UK XDA2i, and I've also experienced similar problems connecting the wifi and managing to get it to work properly.
I'm at Uni in Birmingham, and at some of my faculties there's wifi for students and staff to use - they give the broadcast SSID UCEOpenAccess, and you use your system logon (in my case STUDENTS\F05310011 and my password (secret ).
I have these details set in the LEAP tab of my wireless lan config (in the WLAN settings) - I have an entry named UCEOpenAccess, and I have my username and password (and domain) set correctly, and the auth type set to Open System (as opposed to EAP, doesn't seem to make any difference whatever I set it to)...
... I just can't connect to any wifi network! I can't even _SEE_ the wifi network, and I know it's there, I can pick up other wifi networks and detect them using Wifi Graph and Hitchiker. I just, bizarrely, can't see the one wifi network I'm trying to connect to.
It's incredibly frustrating. I have my network adapter set to connect to Work (as I've seen advised on these forums), and my IP is assigned via DHCP (they use a weird class b subnet for their network), and the proxy to connect to the Internet is also setup correctly in my Network (This network connects to the Internet checked, This network uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, and proxy is specified in the box), and as the proxy is a SOCKS 5 authenticating proxy, all the relevant details and username+password are in place in the Advanced settings.
Still doesn't work!
Is it due to my original (and decrepit, from the looks of things) firmware and software versions? I'm running original radio, is that a problem maybe? I've scouted about quickly for updates from O2 for my XDA, but I don't want to install a Japanese update as I don't reallllly want to have to read Japanese (and I can't, etc) - I don't want to make a brick out of this brand new phone, but the resources for total xda newbs is somewhat lacking. Can someone just poke me in the right direction with a stick?
Cheers all.

VPN using new T-mobile UK ROM - cant get it to work

I work in IT and often need to conect to customer sites to resolve issues.
Many of our custoemrs allow me to have VPN access in.
This works a dream from XP PRO.
However I thought I would try and access 2 customers via VPN over WIFI from my MDA PRO which I have just upgraded to the latest T-mobile UK ROM.
I created my 2 connections both use PPTP.
I then tried to connect one of them , holding the stylus over the connection I wanted and selecting connect.
Nothing seems to happen.
tried again the same.
Disabled WIFI and tried over the usb connection and activesysnc, nothing.
How do you know when you are connected.
I removed the password info and tried to connect again.
Exepecting to be prompted for password.
nothing appears on the screen.
no error messages, I would expect to see conenction failed, or a disconnect option once you connect.
Am I missing something.???
I dont think your missing a thing, ive tried it before and never got it working through any connection method. bag of pap as they say
VPN only seems to work over t-mobile 3g not wifi
I can conenct via 3g but not wifi
Seems to be a device limitation
I understand from T Mobile UK this is a problem that their UK partners cannot fix so they have passed it onto T Mobile in Germany who will raise it with their suppliers.
There is no promise of a fix or any idea of timescale
This works fine for me:
1.Set up VPN Connection in connection settings for th server you wish to use
2. - most important - in the advanced tab relating to above under Exceptions you need to enter the IP address of the computer you are trying to connect to
3. Go to Terminal services in Programs and enter the IP address of the cf the computer yo wish to connect to - and press Connect
Hopefully that may work for you
What am I missing? Where can you obtain the updated rom from? I cannot find it on the T-Mobile site.

WiFi Question

I currently don't have a data plan, however I wanted to take advantage of the 801.11b feature on my home network etc. Everytime I connect through WiFi, it tries to go through Cingular GPRS. Is there a way to get online through my network and not Cingular?
I too don't have a data package and also suffered constant unwanted GPRS connections. Since installing the new ROMs, which I assume don't come with the GPRS settings, WiFi works fine.
do I have to install the new ROM for WiFi to work? Where can I get this new ROM?
First, go to Settings, Connections, Advanced, Select networks, and change the first option to "My work network" and this will force it to go through Wifi.
When I had this problem, it still wouldn't work. For some reason, some routers need you to give them DNS info. Call your ISP and ask them what the IP address for their DNS server is. Put this in your router's DNS settings and it will work.
There is nothing wrong with the wifi in the Cingular ROM. A new ROM will not help you.
So this is close to the 'problem' I'm having. My MDA (t-mobile vario) latches on to a wifi network in the area, and I can't figure out how to change it to the network I want it to connect to (other than physically moving to a location that the other networks aren't available).
I always figured it would be listed in settings->wireless LAN. That seems to be display only (the entries are greyed out). Shouldn't there be a listing of detected networks? Shouldn't there be a way to enter a non-broadcasted SSID?
Well, pfft. I didn't search hard enough.
Settings->Connections->Network Cards
I understand what you are all saying but my experience with the I-mate Rom locked up my Router, the new Qtek rom worked first time. I didn't need to search for any settings.
Same here,
First connection no problem but if I want to connect a second time I need to Reset my AP.
Any suggestions.
Qtec 9100: WWE
AP: D-link DWL-900AP+
Sorry can't help, mine works OK. Try Qtek Rom

Proxy Setup Problem DOPOD D810

I am using DOPOD D810 and Operating System is WM6. I try to connect to Access Point at my company. The Company Administrator said I have to set proxy on my PPC. I set my PPC proxy and after I click OK and go to other page and try to Access outside website such as google, it was fail like can't access outside website. After that I go back to the proxy setting part, the proxy that I have set was gone. I did like this many and many time and it was respond me the same thing.
It did not happen after I flash my ROM to WM6. When I used WM5. It has the same problem. Previous I thought it might be a problem from OS so I up my OS to WM6.
If I connect to ADSL Access Point at home where is no need to set Proxy, my PPC can connect to every website.
Could anyone please help me to solve this problem. I am not sure it is a hardware problem or not. If so, I will claim my PPC since it is still on varanty.
Proxy Problems in WiFi
I am using an HTC P3600 and I have used 3 different versions of ROM (both WM5 and WM6) and I have exactly the same problem. Unfortunately, I also have to use a proxy at home on my WiFi to access the Internet. It appears to me the the auto-configuration removes the proxy when you try to communicate using WiFi. When I turn off my WiFi, the correct proxy is back in the configuration again, but not there when the WiFi is turned on. I have been looking for ways to turn off the auto configuration of the proxy but I have not found one yet. I believe it should be able to be done by editing the Registry. I have a friend with the HTC TyTN and his device does not have this problem.

WLAN, Networking, Domains, Internet - OH, MY!

Please excuse the "Wizard Of Oz" referrence - it's been a long day
I am the very proud owner of a T-Mobile Wing / HTC Herald running WM6.
I'm a fairly-experience Network Technician & Computer Tech with over 25 years of experience...and I'M STUMPED!!!!
I have a NetGear WG602 v4 802.11b/g WAP that works great for other WiFi systems...but for some reason my Wing refuses to get me anywhere beyond the WAP.
I can connect-up to the WAP just fine: signal strength is great, proper SSID and 64-bit key is entered. All settings appear to be working and functional, but I can not get beyond that point. Firing-up IE gets me nowhere.
I can ping the WAP from my main system, but I can't ping the IP of the Wing.
Now, I take it that I use the LEAP under Start > Settings > Connections > WiFi Status to gain access to my LAN...right? Sadly, the instructions that came with this awesome PPC Phone don't go into Networking & WLAN setup.
Does ANYONE have suggestions, info, links, etc. that will help me out?
Make sure you disconnect any active EDGE/GPRS connections.
I'm at work right now so I can't really post of anything else since I'm in the middle of something at the moment... but I'll try to post after I'm done with this.
I'm having similar problems. Scott, are you still running the stock tmobile rom?
When I was stock my wifi worked fine.
Now that I've flashed my rom with touchflo I can't connect.
Same as you say. I can see my network but for some reason when I put my password in it doesn't connect. I've tried everything.....
check this
Open communication manager
click settings
select wifi
select network adapters
my network card connects to: the internet
I had mine set to "work" and I had to beat my head on the wall for a while before I contacted tmobile for an answer.
Hope this helps.

