GUIDE: Mac OS X and Cingular GPRS with the HTC Wizard AKU2 - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have successfully connected with the Qtek 9100 AKU2 ROM (the latest stable ROM for HTC Wizard) to Cingular via Bluetooth and Mac OS X 10.4.6. Instructions:
1. Pair OSX and the phone. You might need to check the "any device" checkbox on OSX's pairing utility.
2. Verify to OSX that you do want to use that device as a modem (if you don't get that dialog, then you will need to create the Bluetooth connection yourself -- message me or leave a comment if you need instructions and I will reply to you).
3. RENAME the attached iPAQ-GSM.txt to plain iPAQ-GSM (remove the .txt extention using the Finder 'Get Info' dialog). Copy the file "iPaq-GSM" to your /Library/Modem Scripts/ folder. I modified the original script that was floating on the internet for a year now in order to work with Cingular (the original script wouldn't get a carrier signal with my phone -- it needed some small initialization changes).
4. Go to your System Preferences/Network/Bluetooth/. There enter the following:
Service Provider: Cingular
Account Name: [email protected] (case sensitive)
Password: CINGULAR1 (case sensitive)
Tel number: *99# (the *99***1# number that does work with other phones doesn't work with the HTC Wizard)
On PPP options uncheck "tcp header compression".
On the Modem tab uncheck both "enable error correction" and "wait for dial tone". From the modem drop-down menu select the iPaq-GSM modem script.
Then, click Apply and then open the "Internet Connect" application and select Bluetooth from there. Click "Connect" and you should now be connected on the net via Cingular GPRS/EDGE.
Alternatively, you can create a new networking bluetooth connection instead of using the generic bluetooth networking pref panel, but that involves a bit more work -- although I personally prefer it as I have over 8 phones and I need different networking connection names and settings for each, instead of using the default "Bluetooth" one. If you are on the same boat, IM me or leave a comment for more instructions.

dude you just made my day. It works perfectly. Thank God for people smarter then me.

Unfortunately, in my AKU2 QTek ROM, the PPP server dies right after I disconnect from the Mac. I have to reboot the PocketPC before I can reconnect my Mac to GPRS.
If anyone knows more, please download the script above and tell us if there is a way to fix this.

more mac users
hey guys,
just wondering if you've been able to sync your MDA(Wizard) to your mac. and if so, how? also, any luck updating ROMS without a PC?


Wireless Modem in new ROM updates

Ok after the breakthrough regarding the ROM updates for QTEK 1010 and it was first revealed here on we have some new options in the QTEK now one of them is the WM.
Did anyone manage to use the Wireless Modem via IRDA because its not working the first thing is that the computer is seeing the device on infrared but not as a modem and i dont have an *.inf file to indentify it. If anyone managed to use his QTEK or any XDA via infrared to connect his laptop to the internet using GPRS plz explain how.
to irda on win2k/xp
Install software at own risk, but this exposes a permanent COM port using IrDA. Also nukes Wireless Link in the process.
Setup a manual modem, select the COM port from above, presto!
Ummm its a good idea but i am not sure if this will work on Windows XP... what do you think?
it does
it does, but as with all things apply with care
Tried it
I tried this a long time ago, IRCOMM2k works on XP but the problem is that i couldn't figure out how to setup a IR generic Modem working on that port.
Yes please, this is a good article,
I installed the ircomm2k on my XP, but how to configure the connection from my laptop to connect to the internet via my XDA PDA as an external modem?
to setup xda as a modem
1. Install Ircomm. note which com port is assigned as permanent.
2. Add new modem: standard 33600
3. Select com port from item 1 as the com port of choice
4. Edit modem profile in devices settings, in Extra Initialisation Commands add AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn name"
5. VERY IMPORTANT: set flow control to OFF
6. Set port speed to 115200 ONLY
Set up a Mobile Web net connection as per your operator
Select your above modem
Align xda with irda port; select start on Wmodem app
Double click Mobile Web connection.
Surf. It's OK but not as fast as a GPRS card.
OR you can wait for O2 to eventually post some instructions...
Thank you very much for your feedback
I did all what you asked me to do, but its not working it gave me an error message:
Error 692: There was a hardware failure in the modem (or other connecting device).
I replaced AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn name" BY AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn01" same as Im using in my PDA. Am I right?
Something I didn't understand in your reply:
(Set up a Mobile Web net connection), you mean a normal dial-up connection?
One more thing, what do you mean by (select start on Wmodem app)?
Do I have to do anything in my PDA before I connect from my laptop? or do I have to do anything in my PDA configuration or connections settings?
Please help me, I want to use the Gprs on my laptop, no need to pay for 2 services, one for the PDA and other for my laptop
Best regards, Ali Alsaffar [email protected]
"select start on Wmodem app" - this means go into the Wireless Modem application on the xda, select IrDA (if thats now you are connecting) and then tap the Start button.
When you've done that, go the the DUN connection on laptop and connect as you normally do.
Unfortunatly I dont have "Wireless Modem application" on my XDA from where I can get it?
I thought the command was:
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","apn name","",0,0
I don't know about the command but what Im sure about it is that wModem application is mandatory, so from where I can get it?
Re: to irda on win2k/xp
guest said:
Install software at own risk, but this exposes a permanent COM port using IrDA. Also nukes Wireless Link in the process.
Setup a manual modem, select the COM port from above, presto!
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From: Helpdesk (source O2) Sent: 30 May 2003 13:54
Subject: RE: wireless modem
The wireless modem will be available in the next ROM update from the xda team. I understand that this will be released in the next couple weeks - they are in the final stages of testing.
We will highlight the new ROM on our homepage with a link to the downloadable files.
source O2
Re: to irda on win2k/xp
Anonymous said:
guest said:
Install software at own risk, but this exposes a permanent COM port using IrDA. Also nukes Wireless Link in the process.
Setup a manual modem, select the COM port from above, presto!
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Hmm... really good question. ME is an update to 98 as I recall, but a clunky upgrade.
Way to check: Setup a new modem. When it asks which COM port you wish to use, if you can select Virtual Infrared COM port then it should work fine.
Get the instructions at on Help and Support.
Anyone know what the T-Mobile USA network connections for using WModem are?
For UK O2 they are:
Primary DNS -
Alternate DNS -
User name - O2Web
Password - password
Has anyone used wmodem in the US with T-Mobile as a service provider?
Qtek as wireless modem
I also have oldish ME Laptop computer. I did exactly as described on O2 support site. It does not work. The modem on laptop immediately disconnects saying it's not responding properly.
I have tried several cooked versions of the 4..00.16 Eng T-Moble and the 4.00.11 ENG WM2003 roms and niether one installs the WModem app. Any ideas why?
I have a T-Mobile version of the PPC, radio stack 6.24
WM with old laptop computer
It worked for me. I could connect my oldish ME notebook computer to internet over gprs using WM in xda. I used the extra string from o2 and just changed the access point name.
It goes as this:
It works, but the WM just stops responding the moment you disconnect the connection from PC. The PC waits and waits for the confirmation and then hangs up saying no reponse. But as long as you are connected it works very well.

UK Vodaphone GPRS Settings

Hi, ive checked to see if this has been covered before and can't see that it has but apologies if it has. I have an unlocked XDA II which i intend to use on Vodaphone. Does anyone have the setup details (preferably in dummy speak) to enable vodaphone GPRS on it?
Many thanks in advance if you could share them with me.
Is easy all you have to do is just follow this step by step instruction
1. you have to setting the connection, by going to start, setting and connections
2. after you get to the connections please chose the connection setting
3. under the my ISP, chose “manage existing connection”
4. either you create a new connection or modified the existing one the setting is will be the same
5. on fist page setting you fine “enter a name of connection” underneath you can just create a name for your connection
6. on “select a modem” please scroll down and select the cellular Line (GPRS)
7. on the next is “access point name” just fill it with internet
8. the user name : [email protected]
9. password : user …….. then press finish
I hope this instruction is helpful for you, any problem let me know :wink:
Up and running
Hi, i'm up and running now, thanks for your help, do u know how to set up the MMS at all?

Having problems to use JasJar as wireless modem via USB :?

Hi all,
Yesterday I was trying to set up the JasJar to serve as USB modem for my laptop. I have found a complete step by step manual on post. I have tried to do all steps twice to be sure that everything is OK. But after 10 attempts to establish the connection I have gave up.
My phone is in Orange network in Poland. User name and password to access the internet from PDA via GPRS is ‘idea’ and ‘idea’. The access point name is ‘internet’. Those setting works fine on my PDA and should work as parameters for the Dial-up connection on the computer as well.
While I connect to the internet on my laptop via JasJar the connection process stalls on “Registering your computer on the network”. After that after few more seconds the GPRS connection on PDA is being disconnected. Does anybody know what’s wrong?
I have installed the latest version of the firmware available on iMate site (JASJAR_WWE_13076_164_10900_wwe_ship.exe)
Best regards
Marek Suski
had the same problem with it in the beginning.
If you followed the detailed description I can only assume this problem:
You missed to insert the APN in the Wireless Modem driver on the PDA (this piece of Software is on the PDA; I have the German version where it is called "Funkmodem").
Go to Extras | Options at the bottom left within the Wireless Modem and tick the option you see there.
Then again insert into the box "Access Point Name" the correct APN of your operator.
Then it should work.
I think you know that the modem on the PDA has first to be started and then the PDA connected with the PC, because otherwise ActiveSync would start.
Post here if it works now or if you need further help !
I actually have a different problem: I've set it up as per the guides. But when I want to start the connection it doesn't work. Here's what I do:
1. Disable USB connecctions in ActiveSync
2. start Wireless Modem on MDA Pro
3. Connect cable to MDA
4. Start the connection. It starts dialling, but after 10 seconds comes up with a 692 error code. Apparently, this means: "Error 692: There was a hardware failure in the modem (or other connecting device)."
Also, when I look in the Wireless Modem application, the little square indicating Connection activity always remains yellow. I presume that upon succesful connection it will turn green?
Any thoughts, anyone?

Using GPRS/EDGE as a Modem to access internet via Notebook

Using GPRS/EDGE as a Modem to access internet with Desktop/ Notebook Computer
When I need to connect my Notebook to the internet, I always prefer Wifi or Broadband line. If no such medium to connect internet, I will use PDA and USB cable. First of all, you need a modem driver for Windows 2000/XP and a simple dial-up utility. Both files are available here: USB Modem. It is a zip file and has 2 files, (1) USBMDM.INF, (2) USBModem_Dialer.exe. Just download them and unpack to you Desktop/Notebook. Second, you must set the partnership to your Desktop/Notebook first before proceed following set up.
Go to program and run “Modem Link” and set the connection type. In this case, choose USB and APN and tap on the Activate button (In my example, APN is The device has switched to the modem mode and is ready to connect.
Photo 1 -3
At the moment you connect the PDA to a desktop or notebook over USB cable, the computer will connect the PDA. Let the system work until you see the Photo 4, select third options as red arrow, click Next.
In the next dialogue Photo 5, you can see that the new device is called HTC USB Modem. Even though the system offers to do this for you, you'd better select the second option as red arrow to be able to select location of the driver manually.
In the next dialogue Photo 6, choose the folder where you have unpacked USBMDM.INF from there archive and click Next to continue. The system will be working and configuring for a while. If no problems occur, you have installed the modem successfully.
Go to your desktop/notebook, double click USBModem_Dialer.exe that is part of the zip file you had previously unpacked. (Photo 7) As you see the APN must same as PDA one. (In my example, APN is Click Dial.
Done. You can surf internet with you desktop/notebook.
Important : The key of this setting is that the APN for PDA and Notebook/Desktop must be same. The name of APN which you can ask the services provider.
Please note that all photo is not mine but I tested on my 818pro & Wizard and Notebook and work fine
Great info! I use my qtek9100 and T-mobileGPRS every day for this purpose. Only thing that is different is that I use the standard Dailup Networking of XP. You don't need to specify a APN but you have to fill in a number to Dial: *99#
I tried the above on my O2 XDA Atom and it didnt work, first in the PDA I was unable to select th APN (the dropdown list was empty). second thing is on my laptop when i tried to select the USBMDM.INF the laptop rejected it as unfit for the hardware.
Hi all.
I'm not able to enter the APN number in my Dopod 818 Pro too. Any ideas how?
this is what i did on my O2 mini:
i. Installed USB Modem dialer on my notebook.
ii. Before connecting the PDA: Disable allow USB and allow Network checkboxes on Microsoft ActiveSync Connection Setting.
iii. Go to Task Manager on the Notebook. Disable all WCExxx processes.
iv. Create Dialup Connection as you create for normal dial up phone connection: No username or password: Dial up no *99#
v. In your PDA, Open Wireless Modem: Click at Start.
vi. Connect your PDA to notebook using USB cable.
vii. Changed modem properties at dial up connection to HTC modem.
viii. Proceed with dial up.
so far it works for me...
pls help
the device already switched to modem mode and connect to decktop,
but the desktop cannot detect to 838pro.nothing detect new device.
and how to setting the partnership to your Desktop/Notebook first .
thankyou very much
fix apn
mcmug said:
Hi all.
I'm not able to enter the APN number in my Dopod 818 Pro too. Any ideas how?
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u will not be able to change apn anyways.u can only see it.
1st u should setup to access gprs internet on your ppc. this u do by going to
start>settings>connections>add a new modem connection, under select modem, cellular line gprs, next, now enter access point name as given by ur gprs service provider [mine is, gprs provider being airtel bengalooru] ,next, username and password as given by ur gprs provider [mine is leave both blank] , finish.
now go to modem link in start, programs, u can see ur apn as u entered.
if u still cannot see, go to start,settings, connections, connections, advanced, select networks, under programs that connect to internet, select the name of gprs u entered in above steps.
now u can goback and see in modem link.
now without activating modem link, browse internet in ppc only to c if all is right with ur gprs. if sucessful, then close pocket ie, activate modem link, connect to desktop or laptop via usb cable, use usb modem dialer or create other connection with no. as *99#[which is better, since in usb modem dialer, u cannot save apn, have to retype everytime]
any problemo in setting up gprs connection in ppc , contact ur gprs provider for settings. make sure gprs works in ppc b4 u setup to work in desktop.
alternate methods to use wizard as modem would be to use bluetooth DUN, or try pdanet 1.7
I don't find any variations in speed in any methods, all r as gud or as bad.
after hard reset,i can connect to devicve.
when dial to connet to internet ,snow "remote access error 797"
pls help
my PPC (XDA Stealth) is already in GPRS/Modem mode. when i connect it to my laptop using the sync cable, my laptop automatically installed its drivers. it didn't ask me to specify which driver to install. when i run HTC USB Modem, it says No USB Modem.
hi..I hav everything installed properly n it was workin earlier n now when I try to dial up the connection, it says hardware failure of modem...when tried pdanet it always says modem busy...pls help...
any way to do this with a G4 ibook?
EDIT: Nevermind... I found it... it is working great with my 6945 iPAQ via Bluetooth, for free! If someone wants to check this, look over Here
Sorry i posted to the wrong thread.
WM6 HTC Tytn usb modem settings
Hi, in WM6 there is no Wireless modem icon and settings.
Modem is HTC USB Sync, not USB modem.
What can I do?
Start internet sharing on the tytn and chose usb and then connect to your pc with usb cabel and thats it
sas90850 said:
... new device is called HTC USB Modem. Even though the system offers to do this for you, you'd better select the second option as red arrow to be able to select location of the driver manually.
In the next dialogue Photo 6, choose the folder where you have unpacked USBMDM.INF from there archive and click Next to continue. The system will be working and configuring for a while. If no problems occur, you have installed the modem successfully.
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My XDA Atom is detected as a 'Windows USB Modem' rather than 'HTC USB modem' and the driver in the zip is not compatible with my device. Can anyone place the link to the driver file for XDA atom into this topic?
Is there any posibility to connect using HSDPA?
Because the subject specifically mentioned GPRS/EDGE ...
I was searching for this solution some hours now...
Great fix!
Suberly simple and works perfectly!
wm6 sharing not as a modem, it sharing as a sharing device. i alos finding the driver.. but if you have install active sync b4, i can auto find a driver. but the driver how can i capture out? becuase if i connect to other notebook, it also ask me to install the driver
Still having trouble connecting
AndreyC said:
My XDA Atom is detected as a 'Windows USB Modem' rather than 'HTC USB modem' and the driver in the zip is not compatible with my device. Can anyone place the link to the driver file for XDA atom into this topic?
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I have an AT&T/Cingular 8525
I'm still having trouble. I connect the USB cable (after selecting connect onthe Internet Sharing). When I go through the process and select the .inf file, my PC (running WinXP) says that the "file contains no info for the device". What's going on with that?
I've searched all over the net and downloaded the USBMDM.INF file from 100 different places (thinking they were just corrupt files) but to no avail.
Someone help, please!

Using the Atom as a BT modem for a PC

Hi Guys,
I'm really stumped here, i have been on the www for days trying to findout how to get my Atom to work as a BT Modem for my PC. I keep going round in circles trying to locate the file USBMDM.INF but can not find this file anywhere. I have followed links to advise that i need to start "Modem Link" from program files but then i need the USBMDM.INF file to go to the next least i think i do???......... can anyone help me to set up my Atom as a modem for my Laptop PC??
Thanx for any assistance that you can give.
Without pictures the instruction look like follows:
XdaAtom – Wireless Modem via Bluetooth
a.) Pairing Devices
1. To turn on Bluetooth on your device. Tap Start --> Settings --> Connection --> Bluetooth
2. Check on "Turn on Bluetooth" and "Make this device discoverable to other devices"
3. Tap on "Devices" and tap on "New Partnership..." to search for bluetooth devices.
4. Select your computer name and tap on "Next" to pair the devices.
5. Key in Passkey (for example "0000") and tap "Next" to continue.
6. On your computer, key in the same Passkey and click "OK".
7. On your device, check on "Serial Port" and click "Finish"
8. A partnership will be created on your device. Tap "OK".
b.) Disable incoming beam files
1. on your device, tap on Start --> Settings --> Connections --> Beam. Untick "Receive all incoming beams" and tap "OK".
c.) Disable Microsoft Active sync on your computer.
1. On your PC, launch Microsoft Activesync. Click on File  Connection Setting
2. Uncheck “Allow USB Connections” and “Allow connections to one of the following” then Click “OK”
3. Microsoft Activesync is disabled.
d.) Configuring Modem
1. On your computer, click on Start --> Control Panel --> Phone and Modem Options
2. Click on "Modem" tab and select "Bluetooth DUN Modem" then click on "Properties".
3. Select “Advanced” tab and type in Extra initialization commands and Click “OK”.
** Depending on which service you want to create a connection to, you have to use the appropriate APN name and replace the “internet”. You may want to refer to your operator or its web site for the APN names.
e.) Create a Dial-up Connection
1. on your computer, Start  Control Panel  Network Connection
2. Click on “Create a new connection”.
3. Open the "New Connection Wizard" in XP and select “Connect to Internet” and click “Next”.
4. Choose “Set up my connection manually” and click “Next”.
5. Select “Connect using a dial-up modem” and click “Next”.
6. Tick on “Bluetooth DUN Modem” only and click “Next”.
7. Type in any name for your connection and click “Next”.
8. Type in Phone Number “*99#” and click “Next”
9. Type in Username and Password required (if any) and click “Next” then “Finish”.
10. Press “Dial” to connect to your modem connection.
11. If everything worked fine, you should able to get connected.
** You may want to refer to your computer’s Bluetooth software manufacturer for more information regarding to the dialing method.
f.) Disconnect Wireless Modem
1. To disconnect the connection, right-click on the dial-up connection and click on "Disconnect"
Thanx for the detailed set-up instructions Kropotov!
I follwed to the letter but at this time I'm still unable to get it all to work. When i enable the PC dial up connection it activeate the Atom cos the back light come on abd the BT symbol in the PC system tray changes colour. However it does not want to get past this stage and no signs of the GPRS sybol coming on the PPC...........I know my GPRS APN is "NET" with user name being the operator and the password being "WAP" but still nothing working. I just don't know why it should be so hard to establish a link via BT or USB cable. It was easier to do on my old Nokia 6030 about 5 years ago than it is on my Atom!
try to connect to GPRS using USB connection...
Can you go to internet from your Atom?
How do I know which COM port the ActiveSync is using......would it be COM1 by default? When i try to set up a DUN modem the only ports that i can see are all Bluetooth ports that i have created, I do nt get the choice for COM1.
I also found some instructions from O2 on how to set up an Xda II to act as a modem, in these instructions you set up a new standard modem on the PC, disable Activesync on the PC then deactivate "Receive all beams" on the PPC and then activate "Modem Link" on the PPC. Then when you plug in the PDA to the PC via USB cable the computer will detect new hard ware and try to install a drive, I have not been able to locate the required driver o the internet so can not get any further with this method. The driver is on the OEM CD supplied with the device and as I'm away from home i can not check if i have the driver on the CD that came with the Atom. The driver i called "HTC USB Modem".
angusc :wink:
I can't figure out how to download the file from this site, sorry to be such a pain.
Thanx again for your continued support and assistance but that link is not working for me at this time, i will try it again later to hopefully get to that file!!
give me your mail. I will send you
Thx for the file, i installed a new modem on my PC and then activated the "modem link" on my PPC and installed the driver when prompted, but alas still not working. I think it is to do with the assigned COM port for the modem on the PC, I can only seem to choosE COM 4, 9, 13, 14, 15 when installing the modem to PC. I would think that the Atom would be com port 1-3 as it is connected to one of my PC USB ports......
Will keep playing and let you know if I manage to get it to work......Thanx for all your help.
Request Modem Driver for O2 XDA Atom
Dear all, Please anyone send me the Bluetooth modem driver, I just lost my CD, also the USB modem driver for O2 XDA Atom thanks alot
O2 Atom
Request for BT modem driver
Hi, I'm looking for BT modem driver (.inf) to install in PC.
I'm using O2 Atom and my PC is Dell Latitude D420.
Thanks in advance for any help.
XDA Atom usb driver
I'd like to know if somebody can send for me the drivers for my XDA Atom, because I don't have the original CD.
xda atom driver
I just found the correct drive for XDA Atom in the internet:
I hope it help....
Is it possibe to use the usb/bluetooth modem to receive incoming connections?
Jebril can you pls send the same driver for my h/s ....Thanx.
Serial Port not appearing while teaming
I followed the following steps:
1. To turn on Bluetooth on your device. Tap Start --> Settings --> Connection --> Bluetooth
2. Check on "Turn on Bluetooth" and "Make this device discoverable to other devices"
3. Tap on "Devices" and tap on "New Partnership..." to search for bluetooth devices.
4. Select your computer name and tap on "Next" to pair the devices.
5. Key in Passkey (for example "0000") and tap "Next" to continue.
6. On your computer, key in the same Passkey and click "OK".
7. On your device, check on "Serial Port" and click "Finish"
My O2 Atom is not showing any serial port to select
any idea?
kropotov said:
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Good work mate, but still wait for the laptop to come

