A2DP? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

How do I know if my phone has A2DP support? I have the Cingular ROM that came with my phone. Will I be able to use an HP BT headphone to listen to music?

for best results, you'll want to upgrade to the Qtek AKU2 rom then install the A2DP patch. In fact, I believe Summiter already has a custom Rom installer that does all this and installs Cingular customizations as well.
There are also reports that the A2DP patch may work on the original rom that came with your 8125 too. I haven't personally verified this though.


New BT Patch Imate

Has anyone got comments on the new BT Pacth from IMate? (attached)I want to know if people have applied it successfully to non-imate magicians, MDA, Qtek etc. Does it offer any other profiles or major improvements?
Is this even a bt patch?
I pulled it out of the Extended roms posted today, and on the club imate sit it said they had fixed BT. So this must be it?? comments
Had cross checked with the one that come with Qtek 1.06 ROM
The contents are the same, 8 files in total. All the 8 files with the same file size. Had tried the Qtek 1.06 ROM, so far I would say the Bluetooth is more stable than 1.03. Am currently using O2 mini.

K-JAM_WWE_216901_2169101_020710_ship A2DP enable?

Has anyone yet worked out if it is possible to enable A2DP in the new I-Mate ROM?
It has been suggested that comparing differences in the registry between the "test" rom and the "ship" rom may shed some light on this. Can any qtek "test" rom users help with this?
Another suggestion is to post the extended_rom from the qtek "test" rom. It may be possible to install the AKU2 update cab from this to overwrite the current settings. Anyone got the extended_rom from the qtek "test" rom which they can post?
Is this a dumb question? Can anybody tell me whether the A2DP has been removed or disabled from the latest i-mate rom?
removed...if u want u can try Q Tek ROM
Thanks for the reply...isn't the qtek AKU2 rom buggy? I have read many reports of lock-ups from people using this rom.
I am not sure if it is possible to downgrade from the new i-mate rom as it has re-enabled the cid lock. AWizard and lockwiz don't work with this new rom. Anyone managed to downgrade from the new i-mate rom?
Shamus69 said:
Thanks for the reply...isn't the qtek AKU2 rom buggy? I have read many reports of lock-ups from people using this rom.
I am not sure if it is possible to downgrade from the new i-mate rom as it has re-enabled the cid lock. AWizard and lockwiz don't work with this new rom. Anyone managed to downgrade from the new i-mate rom?
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aWizard works with the iMate ROM if you just want to unlock CID. It is not able to change the 2nd splash screen. I just used aWizard to unlock CID on my Qtek 9100 to replace the latest iMate ROM with the Qtek test ROM with A2DP.
Just got this new Bluetooth stereo headset yesterday, which comes with a BT transmitter for attaching to my iPod, and it's working great with the 9100. I am one happy fellow! :lol:
rnuqui said:
Just got this new Bluetooth stereo headset yesterday, which comes with a BT transmitter for attaching to my iPod, and it's working great with the 9100. I am one happy fellow! :lol:
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Do you hear any strange sounds while listening BT-stereo from your Qtek? I've read a few posts where people complain about some sort of whine noise that can easy be heard during pauses between songs... They say it's a Wizard hardware problem - the reason why HTC disabled A2DP in the final AKU2 firmware.
i had no whining problems with the test rom using a2dp, however what did happen every so often was the pitch would change for a few seconds, i asumed it was due to the cache, from what i had heard the a2dp creates a virtual music memory to transfer at its own speed.
i'm using it with my iphono mini 450 headphones.
no pitch problems or whine?noise. ( do you realy mean whine or white?)
I do hear a very slight hiss, but that must be the headphones cos i also hear that when its not connected. Probably radionoise.
For me the rom is also running stable so i don't understand why they took it out of the rom
The only problem i have is when i wear my phone in my pocket the sound sometimes stutters when i turn my head or place an arm in between etc.
But thats probably due to the fact that the headphones are 10meter class

a2dp addon for Wizard

Just fyi, I am using the test rom on my Kjam for a2dp, but I just followed the instructions here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=48502 for my Jamin and it worked flawlessly. Others are reporting it works for the Wizard too!
thanks for the fyi, i may try this later on
Brilliant! Great sound quality! very easy install on Wizard
techspy said:
Just fyi, I am using the test rom on my Kjam for a2dp, but I just followed the instructions here http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=48502 for my Jamin and it worked flawlessly. Others are reporting it works for the Wizard too!
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How is the sound quality as compared to the test rom version? The testrom a2dp wasn't very good at all. I am really hoping this fixes it!
Now I will buy the Bluetooth Stereo Headset.
Works for my xda mini s and will try to my xda exec
FANTASTIC, thanks for pointing this out.
I have installed thgis on my AKU2 K-JAM and all is working nicely.
I can now use my Bluetake BT450rx headphones that i bought myself for Christmas that have been gathering dust on a shelf
so does this mean i can use the latest rom update now and then install this ontop of it?
I have been using the test rom for a long time because fo the a2dp
Well....I did follow the steps...but I do not have an A2DP headset......and I want to be sure this software really works on my T-mobile MDA, before I but an A2DP headset, is anyway I can know this software works with out having an A2DP headset?
I just have the MOTO H700 and HS820....but, I guess it won't work as A2DP headset...
What you guys recommend for A2DP headset for listen to music?
contaygious said:
so does this mean i can use the latest rom update now and then install this ontop of it?
I have been using the test rom for a long time because fo the a2dp
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I reckon its pretty good.
I am actually finding the A2DP Audio has better reception than the standard handsfree profile as with the new Wireless Audio option enabled with my Bluetake BT450rx headphones i can put the k-jam in any pocket or even walk over 5 metres away without it skipping a beat.
However the handsfree profile on the Bluetake headphones gets really crackly if put the k-jam my pocket and cannot walk more than 2 metres away.
Overall i'm really impressed although i have read that having push email and a2dp enabled at the same time can cause problems so im about to give that a go now
is RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe the right rom for this addon?
contaygious said:
is RUU_Prodigy_2170702_21707102_20710_QTEK_WWE_Ship.exe the right rom for this addon?
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This should work on any of the AKU2.0 ROMS with version 2.x so that should be fine.
is the version i just asked about the latest one?
I'm pretty sure that the newest qtek wwe (english) rom.
I have an i-mate and use the i-mate rom so not completely sure but from looking at the ftp site here it seems to be so.
This works with older roms too I am using the older Tmobile UK rom that works with blackberry connect software and it works perfectly
A2DP w/2.17 ROM from Summiter.
Went to Tornado Group downloaded Bluetooth files files installed them, tweaked the registry and I am running the newest ROM with A2DP. Thanks summiter for the ROM and the Tornado folks for the files.
PS Not the 2.8 but 2.17.
All I can say is...WAHOO!
I've been searching every forum I could find looking for A2DP for my MDA. Followed the instructions and it works great with my Plantronics 590A.
I'm using the latest T-Mobile US release ROM from the FTP site (with the goodies rolled in).
If you lose the Bluetooth stereo output (like if you turn off the headset and then back on), go to the Bluetooth device section, hold click on the headset, and finally choose "Set as Wireless Stereo".
Now...if I could only get the headset controls to next/prev track and pause / play...
sting0r said:
This works with older roms too I am using the older Tmobile UK rom that works with blackberry connect software and it works perfectly
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Are you sure? Can anybody else confirm this?
If you are a Cingular user, I just uploaded a 2.17 ROM that has A2DP added. Link is posted in the Wizard upgrading forum.
I try to make single-file cab installation, can somebody of the pros please take a look at it? I also don't know how to insert soft reset feature
Puckster said:
contaygious said:
Overall i'm really impressed although i have read that having push email and a2dp enabled at the same time can cause problems so im about to give that a go now
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@Puckster: Where did u read that? I am really curious whether it works together - if not, A2DP is kind of useless for me...
Any experiences so far?
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A2DP not working after ROM

I had A2DP working fine on the previous ROM from HTC for the Wizard... I even bought a pair of Motorola headphones (HT820) and they worked great! BUT then I stupidly updated the ROM to the new version - I've 'reinstalled' the Tornado A2DP 'fix' that I used originally, but it no longer provides me the 'Set as Stereo Headphone' option!
Does anyone know a fix or update to the A2DP hack thing that works after the 2.25 ROM?
already have a2dp hack!!!
Most new ROMs already have a2dp hack. Check to see, maybe u cancelled out with install. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Good afternoon,
Here I am looking for expert's advice. i just received this morning my new BT620s headset, paired it with my O2 Exec. My problem is that the only thing I can do is handsfree and not stereo headset. i'm quite surprised as I believed the Exec supported the AD2P profile. My Exec is updated to the latest ROM available on O2 website:
1.30.107 WWE, radio 1.09.00.
Can anyone help me ???
Is there any new roms that could add the profile ???
I'm quite desperate right now.
The current o2 rom doesn't have A2DP
Search the forums for 'zoki ad2p hack' cab file, install this and do a soft reset and you should have the 'wireless stereo' profile
OK I'll try to find that !
You know I'm really a newby on PDAPhone stuff. I know a lot about PCs and MACs but PDAPhone is just really new.
I'vce been looking around the forum and seen new ROMS with new features but I'm a bit lost. Do you know what ROM I could upgrade my Exec to? I don't need the latest but one that would include A2DP and work 100% correctly.

