SX56Update official ROM - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Can anyone point me to the latest official SX56 update from Siemens?
It seems that Siemens has abandoned any and all support of the SX56 as it is not wvwn referenced on their websits any longer.
I want to restore my SX56 to the latest official ROM and cannot find it. Please let me know where to find it.
Thanks in advance.

i've got the same unit and i've searched the web for a long time and haven't found any official rom update for the sx56. just check out for rom versions available. :lol: cheers.


Need help finding 2003 update for TMobile Siemens Pocket PC

I cannot find the T-Mobile Pocket PC 2003 Windows update ANYWHERE! T-Mobile had it for a while, but discontinued it, so no one can get the new upgrades anymore. Does anyone know how I can get the 2003 software upgrade? I've been to Siemens and cannot find the model, SX56, on any of their downloads. I've been to Windows & they say that you can't get it from them, that you have to get it from your service provider. AUGH!!! I just want ot update my phone. Can anyone help me?
The Siemens site is posted in this thread:
But it loks like they have removed the link to download it.
You can get a WM2003 Version at
Neither of those links worked for me. I'm trying to upgrade from ROM version 3.14.40 ENG, radio version 6.18. I don't speak the language on those web sites, but the one that had some English didn't have an upgrade from this ROM version. Can anyone else help me?
official Siemens WM2003 upgrade,00.html

Which ROM upgrade should I apply? Please help!

I just received my SX56 two days ago. I have T-Mobile USA service. I'm trying to figure out the Windows Mobile 2003 upgrades and all that. I found the ROM cook site. So, from what I understand, I can cook the ROM from the site, download it and run it to upgrade my SX56, right? I will not need to do anything else. Everything's included in the ROM downloaded from the site? Also, what version should I update to? A.30.09 or 4.01.16 or something else? Please help!
Also, is there a way to have Bluetooth enabled in SX56 or is it a hardware restriction?
Thank you.
for now i would stick with what you got
and no a rom change could not make it do bluetooth
not even make it work with sdIo Bluetooth cards
I have used PPC2003 before and I have bought few applications that only work with Windows Mobile 2003. That's the reason why I want to upgrade SX56 to 2003. Could someone please guide me to the correct version number for T-Mobile? Thank you.
The 4.01.16 is quite good and stable. (does not have the audio bug).
Ps: There's also the SD Erasure!!! buggy WM2003

XDA IIi UK to Imate pda2 uk ROM?

Hi, Does anyone know where I can download the latest ROM for my XDA IIi uk to the latest Imate PDA2 ROM? I have heard that this is better than the 02 ROM? Is there any reason I shouldn't do this?
I want to know,too.Does anybody have any idea about it?Please share with us!!!
mm wouldn't mind trying it myself IF it worked with tt traffic
Thread move to Alpine from UPgrade, mod, unlock.
Try the I-mate ftp site.
For this follow the wiki link for the BlueAngel, go to the avlible roms page, at the bottom is a link for the ftp site of I-mate.
Many Thanks for the imate FTP tip, got the rom ok. I will update everyone once I have attempted the ROM swap
Update to the newer O2 ROM but use Pugs update version as this includes the newer Radio ROM version too
Download it here : - ftp://xdaupload:[email protected] XDA_IIi_Upgrade_v1.11.162 Radio_1.3.rar
The thread this rom was posted in is here : -
Read right through it though theres 4 pages,
This upgrade will error the first time you try, but it works on the second time.
Re: Which ROM for XDA IIi?
Many thanks for all your advice. I am going to stick with the modified 02 upgrade, it seems the general feeling is this option.
Unless anybody knows different?
XDA- is a top doller forum
PDA2 in Ext Rom 153 to 152 ITA
Hi guys,
I am new from Forum I try to understand how to install Ext rom for I-mat
PIDIAA2 from actual extrom .153 arabic to .152 ITA.
some1 can help me, :shock:
Can someone post the ftp address of Imate ? Thanks
I could use some help as well here
I was given an I mate PH10B PPC Phone.
Darn thing has a beta OS on it. I see the link for Imates FTP site but I have no clue what files to download. I have nothing critical on this PPC so data is a non issue.
Im a total newbe all I know so far is the OS is a ROM and I can put the device in serial/usb mode. Thats all I know so far.
Help please.


Hi guys
Just a quick question and I hope you guys can answer me.
I have got the MDA Vario with T-Mobile and have upgraded the ROM to WWE (this is the Qtek Rom) and it works just great.
My question is, however, can I downgrade this ROM to the original T-Mobile ROM it came with?
I am wondering since I want to send the phone back to T-Mobile but am worried if they see I have upgraded it they will not take it back.
Please help.
Thanks kindly
You'll need to use lokiwiz to unlock the device and then reinstall the opriginal ROM. As you have an AKU2 ROM you'll need to downgrade the ROm first to an old custom QTEk ROM and then run lokiwiz to unlock then re-install the ROM. There s along post on this forum or the upgrade forum on how to do this. There are alos posts re putting the device back into it's original state if you need to ship it back to a vendor - can't find them just now but would suggest you trawl the forums... painful though it may be
Hey thanks loads. I have looked around to try and find how to restore everything but can't find it yet. I'll carry on looking but if you can suddenly remember where they are I'd appreciate it
Also, do I have to downgrade the QTek ROM first, or can I just install the T-Mobile ROM straight away?
Thanks again
Does it matter that the link above looks like it is for US? I have UK T-Mobile
DaveyG th solution is explained at
If you want a TMo UK ROM got ot the TMo UK Site
Thanks JoninLA, the phone is unlocked using Loki already as that is how I upgraded the ROM, but I will make sure I have unlocked it and then install the original ROM from the T-Mobile site.
Thanks so much again, now I should be able to send it back, providing it all works...

T-mobile MDA Rom v3.16.48 ENG Radio v3.19.00 Update

Hi folks, I am new to all of this, so If I have some absurd questions, forgive me. But I need help.
I have t-mobile MDA I and I would like to update it's ROM to WM2003, but i did not found any update from my (base) version (Rom v3.16.48 ENG Radio v3.19.00) to wm2003 :? . Where can I find this update, or which update can I use to update my OS on the device?
I would be grateful If you could help me, so pleas I need some answer.
Sure it is Version 3.16.48?
If it is really this Version, could you be so kind and make a backup fo the ROM?
Instructions could be found here:
Afterwards please contact me again, to clarify how we can handle it, that i can get the ROM/Backup....
You can get a new ROM from here:
or cook you own here:
You should be able to install every available ROM.
So these are no updates, cause such thing is not available, but are fresh ROMs like a new installation of a PC. ;-)
So keep in mind, that all data on the device will be lost.
it is Version 3.16.48
Yes it is Version 3.16.48 and i will backup it soon as I can and I will contact you. Thx for help.

