Push Email without Exchange? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I want to use my 8125 with my IMAP account for push email. The way I see it should be pretty simple to make a program that looks for a SMS message (which I would set my email server to forward) that would then trigger pocket Outlook to check my IMAP account.
Does anyone know of a program that would do this or know how hard it would be to program it? I would be willing to pay (a small fee) for the right application.

Looks like I should have searched a bit harder before I posted - http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/index.php?action=expand,47016
Ill try it out and post my findings here.

I can't seem to get that to work on my device. Does anyone else have any ideas?

Hi, I have been using the app at www.vgsmail.com/ppc and it works great for me

fowen did you find something similar to this for the wm2003se system.
I also noticed that this only works with wm5.0 but my device is 2003se and all i have is a pop3 email client.

If you have a POP3, IMAP4 or hotmail plus account you can use Pocket X-Press for email push capability.
You can find informations here: www.pocketxpress.com
It is for WM2003 und WM5 devices with integrated GPRS/UMTS modem.


Push email - SMS to trigger send/receive?

I've been trying to get push email on my PDA. I was trying Exchange Server and AUTD. For those of you who don't know, the way this works is that when new email is received the server sends an SMS to your mobile which causes it to initiate a server activesync.
This is not an SMS which you see - it's a service SMS that the PDA acts upon.
The SMS that was being sent to my phone was:
I wonder if there is a similar SMS content which would cause the phone to initiate a send/receive on on ordinary email account.
Does anybody know anything about how these SMS messages work?
Have u found anything, Baldboy? I got the same idea, and posted it to the number of forums, but no reply - apparently, nobody is interested, however it seems to be the cheapest and simplest way to organize blackberry-free pushmail without any modifications to the server...
Have u found anything, Baldboy? I got the same idea, and posted it to the number of forums, but no reply - apparently, nobody is interested, however it seems to be the cheapest and simplest way to organize blackberry-free pushmail without any modifications to the server...
Read MSDN. Everything is perfectly working.
Just enter email address of SMS<->email gateway for your phone when asked, setup ActiveSync to sync email with exchange server, and set device to sync "when items arrive".
Of cause this would work only with exchange server. I have exchange 2003 SP1 and WM5 device.

Best Realtime PUSH MAIL for WM3/WM5 available NOW -It Works!

Found this incredible realtime PUSH email solution for WM2003 and WM2005 devices. Works like vgsmail (IMAP IDLE Client being developed) but MUCH more stable, reliable, and faster (it's been around a while and they have big company partners)! It consists of a small syncing program that supports true push and links with the built in Messaging app, you just need to keep it minimized but running on your Pocket PC in the background (doesn't seem to slow down the device). Upon installation, the software also creates an account in the Messaging application where your mail is kept.
You just download the sync application, they give you 500mb of server space and a cool web mail interface (looks like Outlook) that also stores and syncs calender, contacts, and tasks. You can just use it for mail and continue using ActiveSync with Outlook for everything else, that's what I do. They also gives you a free utility to sync the email on your account with Outlook on your desktop so you stay up to date!
It's called office2go and it's from space2go:
I tried it on our WM5 WiFi device and it was rock solid! I signed up for a free 30 trial of office2go and downloaded the PUSH Email client. I just forward my ISP's POP3 mail to this account and within a few seconds, it shows up on my PPC in the Messaging app. It runs reliably, no crashes or lock ups yet. Outgoing mail is sent immediately, no need to hit SEND/RECEIVE anymore! Also deletes from server immediately and keeps sent mail in sync. The sync application has great downloading and scheduling options as well.
They deliver TRUE PUSH mail today, and for what you get, the easy setup, and reliability, I think it could be worth it.
Give it a try!
What is your daily GPRS traffic?
Full Body & Attachments
Many thanks for the info. How does it handle fully body of the emails and what about attachements? Thanks
handles full body, header, or user defined size. Handles attachments - no problem. Doesn't choke on large emails. Very reliable, I would give it a try. Free for 30 days. Works great!
More info on it here:
Re: Full Body & Attachments
college said:
Many thanks for the info. How does it handle fully body of the emails and what about attachements? Thanks
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Does look very good - but how much traffic is it using
I created an account but when I want to download the sync app it's asking me to pay. I thought it was 30 days free trial. When I registered for an account I chose the one with the included license.
I'm confused. Do I have to pay for the sync app or not?
Don't forget that the same service is offered by 4smartphone, hosted exchange so genuine WM5 push email plus it apparently has a WM2003 push component too (haven't tried that one out though). Decent free trial and some advanced options in there too if you opt for one of the premium packages
Ok so I thought I would give it a whirl. Signed up for the trial. The web service is nice. However, I downloaded the Sync software onto my computer and installed it. Tried to sync my contacts and it kept giving me login errors. I confirmed that I was entering in the correct username and passoword but still no go.
Also, why does it not sync mail? Does the program they offer not work as a mail redirector?
AlexL said:
I downloaded the Sync software onto my computer and installed it
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Where did you download the Sync app from? When I tried it asked me to pay €39. Isn't the app part of the free trial?
After you are logged in to your account, click on options and then downloads. The program I tried is the Space2go SyncWare. But like I said, it was never able to connect to their server and it doesn't give the option to sync mail.
Guys, trust me it works and it works well. Mail is pushed and everything else syncs wirelessly on a schedule. See this link on treocentral:
The above link has further set up instructions, manuals for the client and a download link for the Client2go. SyncWare links Outlook to their servers and SyncML is to sync wirelessly to other servers besides office2go. I don't have to pay for anything for 30 days.
4smartphone.net is an exchange hosting service and will only support push or DirectPush as MS calls it when the MSFP ROM update is released for WM5. Until then, this is the only game in town and it works well. Their mail servers also support IMAP and POP3 client access for your desktop.
Their web site is not great but their software works VERY well.
Let us know your feedback. good luck!
Could you please post the link to the desktop software I need to download or post the file here.
AlexL said:
Could you please post the link to the desktop software I need to download or post the file here.
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Manual for push/sync client:
Push/Sync client for PPC:
Application to sync Outlook with contacts, calender, tasks with your office2go account (mail is downloaded via IMAP from a desktop client)
IMAP and POP email access server info (in German)
Here you go! Please let me know how it works for you guys?
by the way, critical step, once the client is installed, you have to perform one manual sync for it to set up the account and link with the built in Messaging app.
check out the instructions listed on the treocentral link above!
Ok, so I did have the right files. I tried teh desktop software, and I get login errors when It tries to sync. I tried the pocket pc software and I got an access denied error.
Followed what they said at treocentral...Not sure if this is going to work.
Please read the treocentral link above:
user: [email protected] (you need the whole thing)
That's the problem.
I tried that and still doesn't work. Also after reading the postings at treo central, it seems that it doesn't redirect your e-mail. You need to attach either an IMAP or POP3 e-mail to the office2go account.
I need a way to redirect my corporate exchange e-mail so this isn't a solution for me.
AlexL said:
I tried that and still doesn't work. Also after reading the postings at treo central, it seems that it doesn't redirect your e-mail. You need to attach either an IMAP or POP3 e-mail to the office2go account.
I need a way to redirect my corporate exchange e-mail so this isn't a solution for me.
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its not a redirector, its a server that pushes mail. You need Intellisync or something like that.
anyone have success besides me?
OK, I have it working on my K-Jam. I have a question though. I have four different pop3 acounts I want to push to my k-jam. Do I have to set all of them to forward to my one single space2go account or can I keep them seperate? I don't really want all the e-mails mixed up.
Also, when replaying to an e-mail I want to 'from' to be my original account not the space2go account. I can't see where I can set this.

Pre-purchase question (Vista and others)

I'm looking at possibly getting the MDA Vario II in a few months on a web'n'walk tariff, but before I jump in I've decided to do some real indepth research;
- Does the handset support "push" e-mail?
- I have a GMail account which I use as my primary account; can I use this as a "push" mail account at all?
- Is it/will it be compatible with Windows Vista and Office 2007?
- Does it have Adobe Acrobat reader? Or is it compatible with the handset?
- Is it compatible with a TomTom 910 unit?
I've since attained that it does support push e-mail, but I don't know what to do with my GMail account, any suggestions are welcomed.
The TomTom unit is dubious, but I'm game for a laugh.
GMail doesnt support push. You can fwd gmail to a free exchange account. Please search for details.
PDF viewer is pre-installed. "adobe Acrobat" is not, but based on the former the latter isn't necessary.
It is compatible w/vista, not sure about Office 2007.
I forward GMail to a free mail2web.com Live Push Email account, works great. But keep in mind that Push email generates network traffic, so get a good data plan, or use polling settings very carefully (disable when roaming).
Friend of mine is using his Tytn with TT 910 over Bluetooth, works.
Outlook 2007 with Tytn works fine, using it since a few months, never had a problem. Just keep in mind that Outlook Mobile on your Tytn cannot read the new .docx Word format, so save in old .doc format. Office can also save directly to PDF, which you can port to your Tytn.
Think about the Tytn´s keyboard and size involved, if you dont need it, get the Trinity instead.
Lucas0511 said:
I forward GMail to a free mail2web.com Live Push Email account, works great. But keep in mind that Push email generates network traffic, so get a good data plan, or use polling settings very carefully (disable when roaming).
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How much does it cost? I've had a quick look and I can't work it out. Also, does this mean that I won't be able to access my account at www.google.com/mail and it will be filtered?
The free mail2web live account is...Free! You will still be able to access your email from gmail.com.
You can set gmail up as a pop account. It doesn't "Push" but you can have the phone automatically check the account periodically.
It is compatible with Vista. Vista even has a nice little new program that replaces ActiveSync that works pretty well. It's still in beta, and thus has a few quirks, but works pretty well.
Yes it supports push email. I have mine coming through an exchange server.
It has a PDF reader built-in, but I prefer the mobile version of Foxit pdf reader.
No idea about the TomTom though.
Perhaps some more information that can help you
As others stated, it does support push email. mail2web is a good free exchange service. Another one is 4smartphone (not free).
To get push email to work with gmail (or any other email).
1. Sign up with mail2web or any other exchange host. i-mate provides this for free for their users after you sign up at their site.
2. Set up the sync settings on the device. Things to watch out here:
* You cannot set up an external exchange service on the device when it is plugged into the PC with ActiveSync running (the menu is disabled on the device). You must disconnect it from the USB and then add a new server resource.
3. Forward your email to your mail2web (or other exchange) account. In gmail there are two ways to do this. Either you forward all mail to mail2web, or you setup a filter so that only certain mail is forwarded. I prefer the filter method because I do not want to have mailing list emails forwarded to my device. To setup my filter, I just put my gmail address in the To: box, and then had the action set to forward it to my mail2web. This way, only messages directed to me will be forwarded, not those going to the mailing list address.
Mail appears in both places: in your gmail inbox and on the phone. If you delete from the phone, it only removes it from your exchange account and not from your gmail inbox.
4. For all other accounts, you can set them up separately in the device and have it poll the servers every 5 or 10 minutes. I use this for our corporate IMAP server.
5. Your push email shows up in your Outlook E-mail folder in messaging.
I have used it with Outlook 2007 without incident. There is a new ActiveSync beta out which helps.
I'm not sure about TomTom -- but any bluetooth receiver will work. I have used Navigon5 and I can confirm it works.
Hope this helps
Another question, which is of a big concern to me is; do T-Mobile UK release ROM updates for the handset? And if so where from?
When I worked for o2, we released them through www.my-xda.com and that was a dream to install and action.
One final question, is it possible that future Hermes ROMs may use Crossbow?
Thanks for the info fyrestrtr. It sounds like if you use a service like mail2web, you can view your mail on your phone using push and still use your Gmail account but that any messages you view over your phone won't get marked as read in your Gmail account until you view them there as well. Is this correct?
trapper said:
Another question, which is of a big concern to me is; do T-Mobile UK release ROM updates for the handset? And if so where from?
When I worked for o2, we released them through www.my-xda.com and that was a dream to install and action.
One final question, is it possible that future Hermes ROMs may use Crossbow?
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Very unlikely to ever see an official upgrade from HTC, HTC has their mind set on 2007 models, not the old Hermes. Even ROM updates will address just the most pressing issues, dont expect miracles these days
Yes Mail2Web works as you assume. Just carefull with Push polling traffic, can amount to up to 15 megs per month just for polling. If you ride on a low volume data plan, you might get burned....

Setup of Outlook

I am using mail2web for my push email service. Working well, everything's fine
Now I'd like to know if it's possible to setup outlook in order to answer my emails using a POP3 account (Some hack through the registry ?).
I would be recieiving my emails via push/activesynch and reply via POP3
The idea is that if I manage to setup the phone this way I ll be sending through my gmail account and will still ahve my Gmail sent folder up to date
Anybody has an idea ?
(That said Mail2web service is great... Maybe I should switch from Gmail there. Being able to synch our device with a remote server is really useful (Instead of your home PC...))
Thanks for your help or tips
Be aware that doing anything above simple push email on your phone (only!) requires premium paid services. To cut a long story short, tried mail2web twice but ran into these types of roadblocks twice and came away annoyed that they don't really explain this on their web site. The better choice if you are prepared to pay is 4smartphone. They also provide clear instructions (e.g. for Entourage/Mac, Outlook/PC) that mail2web don't...

Online Sync Server

Does anyone know the name of any server software that works the same as MS Exchange.
I don't need Push email, all I NEED is the contact, calendar sync. email is optional but preferable. Sort of like ZYB but with email.
I don't mind if it runs or windows or linux as long as it just works.
edit: sorry, just realized this was posted in the wrong forum.
try mail2web.com that is essentially FREE exchange server online, will do all, including mail aggrigation, ie it'll collect mail from other email accounts aswell.
I signed up for that but the support over there told me there was no way to upload/import my contacts to my address book on their server. My contacts wouldn't sync automatically either so I closed my account over there.
rashed2020 said:
I signed up for that but the support over there told me there was no way to upload/import my contacts to my address book on their server. My contacts wouldn't sync automatically either so I closed my account over there.
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You do have all your contact currently on your PDA isnt it? therefore by the first sync all your contact should be copied to server. sorry If I dont understand your problem.
no you're right bulldog, you understood my problem.
The contacts didn't sync though and when I spoke to support they made it seem like the contacts aren't supposed to sync.
What am I doing wrong??
Ok, found a way to upload the contacts but theres a 100 contacts limit and I've got more than 100.
So solution still pending...
i have a question about mail2web.com:
i have my account and i managed to enable an email filter from to provider acror to mail2web. also i let outlook2k7 to leave the messages on the pop3 server. so i could download all my mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
i added the exchange server to my activesync on my htc prophet and it synced over air very fine. i get new mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
but sadly it looks like this exchange server doesn't support html mails
i just get only normal text mail over the exchange server. did i something wrong, or does their exchange servers not support this WM6 feature?
to sort of solve my own problem.. Kerio Mailserver does everything exchange does.. just requires a small proggie installed with outlook
rashed2020 said:
to sort of solve my own problem.. Kerio Mailserver does everything exchange does.. just requires a small proggie installed with outlook
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and your PC to be on all the time!
rashed2020 said:
Ok, found a way to upload the contacts but theres a 100 contacts limit and I've got more than 100.
So solution still pending...
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I never had any problems syncing my 400+ contacts !!!
LordDeath said:
i have a question about mail2web.com:
i have my account and i managed to enable an email filter from to provider acror to mail2web. also i let outlook2k7 to leave the messages on the pop3 server. so i could download all my mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
i added the exchange server to my activesync on my htc prophet and it synced over air very fine. i get new mails onto my pc and onto my mail2web account.
but sadly it looks like this exchange server doesn't support html mails
i just get only normal text mail over the exchange server. did i something wrong, or does their exchange servers not support this WM6 feature?
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mail2web servers dont support PUSH HTML....just text... and kiero doesnt support HTML either...
That's not a problem since its always on as it is! Plus, thinking of getting a VPS so thatll make life easier.
Are you using the free or paid version? I was experimenting with the free one and I couldn't seem to upload more than 100.
Don't really need HTML, nor do I want it. So kerio not supporting HTML is a feature if you look at it from my side =P
Mail2Web configure PDA
I read an article today about Mail2Web and wanted to try it before I recommend it for any of our users. The article said there was a configuration file/program - have anyone of you seen this file - or know how I configure a PDA towards Mail2Web ?
I haven't personally tried it yet...
"Funambol is open source mobile application server software that provides push email, address book and calendar (PIM) data synchronization, application provisioning, and device management for wireless devices and PCs, leveraging standard protocols. For users, this means BlackBerry-like capabilities on commodity handsets."
I am using Kerio MailServer and it works great. No problems so far!!!
Funambol isnt really compliant with any of the syncing standards.. Kerio looks like the best option so far as it works with activesync
Vinny75 said:
I haven't personally tried it yet...
"Funambol is open source mobile application server software that provides push email, address book and calendar (PIM) data synchronization, application provisioning, and device management for wireless devices and PCs, leveraging standard protocols. For users, this means BlackBerry-like capabilities on commodity handsets."
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Thanks dude this one is cool but this one is also not free service. even mail2web has closed free service. I am planning to host Funambol to serve free sync service.
Anyone interested?
Also you can use microsoft myphone service to sync contacts.
But if you dont want to save contacts online the I guess PIM Backup s/w you can also schedule to take backup. And this even can take backup of mails, message.
Try Google sync
Try Google sync
nuevasync is the way to go
free service does calendar and contacts from google, premiums ($25/yr) does push email.
uses activesync/exchange

