RUU_Wizard_1050402_101_11210_O2_ENG.exe - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Can anyone tell me what this is ?

looks like an O2 rom upgrade for a wizard

its not a standard ruu update , it looks user built does anyone have any more info on its origin ?


upgrading to wm2003

can someone plz tell me how to upgrade my xda1 to wm2003?
i´d like to know if there´s a german version available...
thanks in advance
about a german version i have no clue
about how to update it
For german ROM, I think you can get 4.00.33 from Stefan kitchen
Good luck ...
i am also interested in upgrading my 64Mb XDA I to 2003 Version.
Nalye: How does the Upgrade worked? Do you have any problem in using or installing? Do you have any problems using the upgraded device with german O2? How about the Home-Zone Display and whole stability?
Thanks in advance!
a cellphone company depend on the radiostack they dont know if you connect from a nokia phone or a xda with what ever rom
as long as you set it up right
Thanks for answering. German o2 uses a special application with the XDA, called "Home Zone Status", whats implemented in the original ROM provided by O2. With this application you get a special sign at the top of the screen if your device is in an defined area called HomeZone. The data used by this application must be provided by the gsm-part of the device, but i think, that the T-Mobile-Rom does not support the transfer of this informations because german T-Mobile does not provide this feature.
Does anyone experienced any solution for this problem?
i dn´t know ´bout a special program for displaying the hz-status, but i´m about to call o2 for an application to fix it.
the rom i cooked works well, but as you know every data got lost (about 350 sms or so) :x
try to cook it at - coz stefan´s kitchen seems to be a lil´bit slow :wink:

XDA2 bought in Holland and now in Australia

I need an expert! I downloaded the RUU172126 WWE imate.exe file from iMate and tried to do an upgrade on my new 2nd hand XDA2 which runs on ROM 1.60.00 WWE. It will not load as of course the country code is not correct. Dummo didn't think about this when he purchased the unit. Do I do nothing or is there someway around this?
there is mate!
download ER2003edit.exe or xda2nbf.exe and change the operator..... since the language is both WWE for your upgrade and device...
only the operator would differ, that be O2 and I-mate...
so you have to change the upgrade's characteristics....
read ony DCS's posts on fix upgrades and downgrades
Thanks very much Z man. I have one more request. can you direct me to where I can download the exe files?
here you go mate!
T mobile to iMate conversion
I am experiencing the 'country code error' and will use the ER2003 edit tool. What i dont get is how to change the country/operator as I dont have a code. imate does not exist in the drop down menu. Do I simply type i-mate in and proceed? Help me Zman or somebody I am out of my depth!

Best ROM for MDA Compact?

I will be receiving my MDA Compact replacement soon! It will obviously be in German again. Which is the best english ROM for it?
1) T-Mobile WWE Version 1.03
2) Imate's 1st english update ma_cdlsku2_arb_10300_141_10100_ship
3) Imate's JAM_WWE_106_110_10500 ??
Thanks for your help.
For now I would say stay put. It appears that quite a few issues are discovered with 1.06, and a new one is coming very soon.
My problem is that I don't understand German :-(
What ROM does the T-Mobile MDA Compact in the UK use?
So, should I go for the acclaimed stable T-Mobile english ROM or go for the newer i-mate JAM ROM?
What do you guys think? Or better still, what are your experiences?
An answer to this question might help many others out there ;-)
Cannot Get the ROMS
I have tried following the link that everyone has for the ROM at:
ClubIMate . . .
But I get Page Cannot Be Displayed.
My previous experience with I-Mate, having bought a used JAM, was that I now had to buy a membership and get an ID and Password to get anything.
Does anyone have the file OFF SITE from the club, or does anyone have a password, yada yada?
Barring all that, has anyone built a better ROM than that? Is there a kitchen available for it?
And anyone looking for themes I am selling a collection of mine on eBay and offer to sell 6 for the price of 3 to anyone that references xda-developers . . . I hope you like.

New ROM ??

Does anybody knows when O2 will release a new Rom ?

Can anyone post the Rogers TYTN ROM?

Looking to use it
is anybody have that rom ... or at least dump that rom
Does anyone know what Radio the Rogers ROM came with other than 1.42? Can we put another publiccally available ROM on the phone (i.e. did it ever come with 1.38 or other Radio)?
Roger TyTn wm5 rom file kooked by ziadsa
hi guys, here is my best i got rogers wm5 rom cooked in this file.
its a wm5 rom file that will put back rogers os on it and Enhanced caller id with name dispaly working.
download it from here.
i flashed it and got it working finally. i made a lot of reading.
let me know if you need any help.
Did you able to put new ROM for Rogers Tytn?..
Anyone get this working on a Kaiser? I installed the one cab posted here but I haven't had any calls that aren't in my address book yet.
