2 quick questions - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have a TmobileUS MDA on the shipping OS.
IPL 1.08
SPL 1.08
GSM 01.09.10
1) Anyone know which cab from the Tmo-US ext rom has the hotspot app? Its possible I'm being dense but I don't see anything thats obviously it, and dont' really care to reinstall the entire Ext ROM after I upgrade to 2.17
2) I have issues on my wizard accessing lots of google sites over gprs/edge. GLM won't load... google search loads main page (any of them... pda/xhtml/standard html) just fine, and one word/short searches work great; however if the search is long (I've not yet identified the 'bad' length) or contains a space, the page times out. e.g.- "bluetooth" comes back fast with results, but "blue tooth" (and all variations there-of) time out. Accordingly, Smart411 google searches also suceed/fail under the same circumstances. Oddly, local search and images work fine.
So far I can find no other pages/sites/services on the web which have this affliction. I've seen reference to this on the web from a smattering of tmobile customers, but wanted to ask here if you guys have seen this issue. Rather hoping it will disappear with the ROM update but not holding my breath. As an aside, all google pages (mostly used xhtml) worked phenomenally on my BB7100t, so I'm hesitant to blame this on the tmobile wap, but at the same time, all this functionality works beautifully over wifi, so its hard to blame the phone. As a PC tech I'm want to be looking at a problem specific to the GPRS connection, but I don't really know where to start on this device. Got my MDA 2 weeks ago, been playing with software, about to hard reset, backup, and try the 2.17 image.
Thanks for any tips you may have to offer.


8525 - Pocket MSN and Connectivity Problem

Ok, in addendum to the previous post I had, I had a few problems with my 8525. First was the telnet not accessing, which is since fixed. (zaTelnet CF2 + .NET Framework upgrade). Second was the Bluetooth not responding correctly. After alot of research I found that sending as a beam will after failing to find an IR beam will present you with the option of bluetooth under "Unknown connection". So, those are fixed, which leaves me with:
My pocket msn will sign in, work for about a minute and then stop recieving messages for some reason. Then it'll work again (completely skipping any messages I should have gotten) and then stop completely. I have a feeling this might be due to connectivity to the high speed network. I only say that because I can hop on the internet explorer, browse pages for about a minute and then all the rest become unlocatable. Same way with telnet.
Device Information:
Rom Version 1.34.502.1
Rom Date 09/21/06
Radio Version
Protocol Version 32.53.7018.01H
Model Number Herm100 (Hermes 100?)
Platform PocketPC
I just got my phone a few days ago, 2gb MicroSD Card is on its way, and I'm looking to make this a really stable phone, any insight or suggestions that might be able to help are extremely appriciated (Been googling for quite a while on this and can't seem to come up with a definate solution)
Also, I won't be upgrading to the WM6, I don't want to risk bricking my phone as I am too new to changing roms etc (First PDA phone... ever)
*shameless bump*
Well, since noone responded and I have gone and done everything here, it would appear that switching from wap.cingular (Note: Not wap.cingular.com) to isp.cingular (note: not isp.cingular.com) fixed the connectivity problem. Figured I'd post it here incase anyone ran into any problems with their messenger connecting/disconnecting etc etc. Also to note, you would need the pda unlimited if you're going to use isp.cingular or you'll rack up charges fast.

Newbie on the move!

Good day to all!
First of all let me introduce myself. I'm David and I'm an executive in a transcription company in the Philippines. I recently bought a Dopod 838 Pro to aid me in organizing myself and to keep my productivity up. So far, it's doing a marvelous job! Totally worth the investment, I might add.
Now on to my issues (don't we all have them? ). I'm very keen on keeping myself updated with the latest software especially when it comes to bug fixes and patches. I've read through almost half the Hermes threads on the boards and I have several questions that the threads have not answered.
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
That's just about it. I would really appreciate your answers guys. Thank you in advance and allow me to say that your work on this thread is highly appreciated! Blessings to all!
If you depend on your PDA for work then I'd recommend to play it safe and wait with the upgrade to WM6 until HTC/Dopod releases the official version.
I use my PDA at least fifty percent for work. I tried WM6 but had a few issues, the most serious one with Bluetooth and loosing connection to my headset and then the phone refusing to reconnect unless I soft reset it! (Not very nice when this happens in the middle of a phone call with a customer.)
1. yes
3.check the latest LVSW, or one of it's derivatives, like elf, sleuth or V3pg
4.as long as you follow MrVanx's guide you'll be fine.
5.Sleuth's LVSW derivative, but that's just my opninion. Any of the above ROMs would work
davidlleno said:
Good day to all!
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
I have seen this question posted 2-3 times in the last couple weeks. You might wanna try saerching through the threads for more opinions.
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
Media issues are generally uncommon in "these" (custom) ROM upgrades. Its usually communication bugs that you have to deal with.
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
Black2.5 is stable, so is Sleuths Derivative. If you new to flashing choose a rom that has already been around and has had the bugs worked out.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5 months ago, yes. Now, not as much. Make SURE you read up on HardSPL before you flash, and use the mrvanxguide
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
Same as before. Theres lots of little cool customizations that you can do, but a ROM upgrade is not going to be more customizable than WM5.
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Hope that helps. Good Luck!
Great replies guys. Thanks.
I've already flashed my device with the ELF WM6 LVSW derivative. Works great. just has a few refresh problems. Today screen does not apply changes I've made without restarting the device, also contacts on the sim card remain visible even after checking the "show contacts only".

Wifi to GPRS/3G

I have searched this and other forums and have not seen either this problem or an answer to it. Per AT&T's suggestion, I just upgraded to the new AT&T rom version that adds PTT and seems to have big problems. My current issue is that when I first boot up and connect via GPRS/3G all works well. When I get to a wifi area and switch to wifi, again all works well. However when I leave the wifi area (or just turn off wifi) I can't get any data via GPRS/3G. The balloon comes up saying it is connecting. The little "G" and bidirectional arrows in the top left indicate it is connected. However in the browser, it just continues to grind away with "Locating" in the bottom right corner until it finally times out and puts up a screen that says that the "page cannot be displayed because the connection was lost". I open the connection manager and press and hold the "Data Connection" icon until that goes off and try again, same problem. The only way I can get GPRS/3G data connection to actually work again is to reboot. Any ideas what is going on or how this can be fixed? Forgot to add that this is an HTC 8525. Thanks.
From your description I wasn't able determine whether AT&T's suggestion was aimed at remedying the issue, or if it's something that came about with the update.
Assuming the latter, you may want to try a hard reset first and run it for a bit before loading any other apps. Failing that, reflash the ROM. I had a lot of trouble with my radio when my 8525 was new, but it mysteriously cleared up after a few radio flashes.
Thanks but still a problem
Thanks for your thoughts here. I hard reset and reflashed.
Yes the firmware is the latest one that AT&T has suggested that everyone who had the older Cingular phones upgrade to. It provides the AT&T logo, the "push to talk" feature, and some other junk. I have contacted AT&T about this and their response was to send me a new phone that they claimed had the old firmware, since they have been getting a lot of complaints about the new firmware. It didn't have the old firmware and also it's SIM card reader appears to be broken. I called HTC and they said that they too have had lots of complaints about the new firmware quirks but had nothing to offer to solve them. Anyway, the old firmware had no problem switching between wifi and CGRS so I don't think it is in the hardware. On the other hand I'm surprised that nobody else is encountering the problem from the upgrade.
I'm having the same prob. Purchase three of these phones and the other users have little technical expertise. First I set up a sync with my office PC. Then loaded the ROM update. I run MAC's @ home had difficulty connecting to my home wifi. Finally determined that the 8525 would not accept the 13 key ASCII wep password. Needed to use the HEX. So I connected. Went to work and had problems syncing with my PC. Active sync had to rediscover the device. Now I'm back home and can't connect again. My Device ID changed names upon "resyncing" and I updated the Airport Base Station with my new name. I've spent a lot of time on this issue.. Maybe I need to send em back for an iPhone!
Well I found a solution to it
This is a great forum - though somewhat hard to search through thoroughly. Anyway the solution for me was to go back to ROM 1.34. Found how to do that through flashing from the micro card at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311704&highlight=cingular+8525+rom+version and getting the production ROM version at http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Hermes_Upgrades. Back to normal - everything works fine. Just for a trial, I also downloaded ROM V2.1.1 and it works find also - but sure seems a bit large - ends up with 42.9M of storage free vs V1.34 that has 50.25. Think I'll try the the memory expansion process at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=298327&highlight=want+more+storage. That seems to at least provide a more than 9 megabyte smaller MBH file but I don't know what that translates to in memory usage yet.
Suspect there is a way to fix this problem but I haven't seen anything in the forums on it.

Trinity - multiple little problems

First of all, I'm new here and I'm sorry if
a) These questions have been answered here 3748 times or
b) I have put this in the wrong forum/in the wrong format. I decided to group my questions together, in order to avoid cluttering the forum.
If a moderator feels I have posted this inappropriately, I'm happy to correct it, (eg. split this post into three).
So, that much for the disclaimer, don't shoot the noob
First question:
So, I bought a (used) trinity, pretty cheaply, and for the most part have been happy with it. Even got the GPS working, with the official update from the HTC website.
So, now that I knew how the rom flashing process went, I tried flashing the Indigo rom I downloaded from the forum. The problem is, I get stuck in the rom upgrade process, when the flashing is actually supposed to start. The PDA asks me to accept running the EnterBootLoader program, I accept, and the phone restarts, then, the system pops up with "connection lost, error 246 if I remember correctly". The phone returns to normal after a soft reset, so no harm done, but no good either. Is there some solution to this problem I am unaware of. Oh, the same happens when I try to flash hardspl too, so either, the current official ROM has some deviousness about it, or it's my computer. that is to blame.
Second question:
Two times now, my trinity's phone has played some tricks on me. First time, it showed an exclamation mark on the phone networking icon, the second time, all seemed normal, except, I couldn't access the phone settings, and when someone called me, to them it seemed I was just not picking up, but on my phone, nothing seemed to be going on. Is this normal, just another windows being windows, or could this be an indication of a hardware problem, or a problem with the dialer?
Third question:
When I first received the phone, it always tried to use GPRS or 3G to connect when I opened IE, even when there was a perfectly good WLAN connection connected. Upon ROM upgrade, all connection settings were lost. Originally, in the connection view, there were 2 or 3 sets of connection settings, now, there is only one.
- Am I supposed to add sets of settings there?
- I don't know where I am to add the 3g and GPRS settings?
- How do I set WLAN proxies, on the one set of settings I can see on connections, I can set a proxy, but it doesn't seem to work: at school, I can only see the internal network, but can't access the Internet.
I would also need to have two sets of proxy settings, one for school, one for home, is this possible?
Then, some spex from the phone, so you don't have to ask:
ROM version: 1.23.403.2 (Offical, GPS enabled)
Radio version:
Protocol version: 32.71.7020.12H
ExtRom version: 1.23.405.103
Phone sold under name: HTC P3600
Finnish retail version.
Oh and on final note, this is an amazing forum, even if I started reading this a week before I got my phone, and have continued to do so ever since, the amount of information on any given subject related to PDAs and mobiles seems endless. I look forward in your insights in this matter.
Easy HTC Operator Configuration
Hi, if you have lost your Operator settings, there is an easy way
to set these settings :
You only need to download the operator configurator at http://www.planete-htc.com/index.php?mod=telechargements
It works well with Orange for me.
thanks to planete-htc
Hope this can help you.
botia said:
First of all, I'm new here and I'm sorry if
a) These questions have been answered here 3748 times or
b) I have put this in the wrong forum/in the wrong format. I decided to group my questions together, in order to avoid cluttering the forum.
If a moderator feels I have posted this inappropriately, I'm happy to correct it, (eg. split this post into three).
So, that much for the disclaimer, don't shoot the noob
First question:
So, I bought a (used) trinity, pretty cheaply, and for the most part have been happy with it. Even got the GPS working, with the official update from the HTC website.
So, now that I knew how the rom flashing process went, I tried flashing the Indigo rom I downloaded from the forum. The problem is, I get stuck in the rom upgrade process, when the flashing is actually supposed to start. The PDA asks me to accept running the EnterBootLoader program, I accept, and the phone restarts, then, the system pops up with "connection lost, error 246 if I remember correctly". The phone returns to normal after a soft reset, so no harm done, but no good either. Is there some solution to this problem I am unaware of. Oh, the same happens when I try to flash hardspl too, so either, the current official ROM has some deviousness about it, or it's my computer. that is to blame.
Second question:
Two times now, my trinity's phone has played some tricks on me. First time, it showed an exclamation mark on the phone networking icon, the second time, all seemed normal, except, I couldn't access the phone settings, and when someone called me, to them it seemed I was just not picking up, but on my phone, nothing seemed to be going on. Is this normal, just another windows being windows, or could this be an indication of a hardware problem, or a problem with the dialer?
Third question:
When I first received the phone, it always tried to use GPRS or 3G to connect when I opened IE, even when there was a perfectly good WLAN connection connected. Upon ROM upgrade, all connection settings were lost. Originally, in the connection view, there were 2 or 3 sets of connection settings, now, there is only one.
- Am I supposed to add sets of settings there?
- I don't know where I am to add the 3g and GPRS settings?
- How do I set WLAN proxies, on the one set of settings I can see on connections, I can set a proxy, but it doesn't seem to work: at school, I can only see the internal network, but can't access the Internet.
I would also need to have two sets of proxy settings, one for school, one for home, is this possible?
Then, some spex from the phone, so you don't have to ask:
ROM version: 1.23.403.2 (Offical, GPS enabled)
Radio version:
Protocol version: 32.71.7020.12H
ExtRom version: 1.23.405.103
Phone sold under name: HTC P3600
Finnish retail version.
Oh and on final note, this is an amazing forum, even if I started reading this a week before I got my phone, and have continued to do so ever since, the amount of information on any given subject related to PDAs and mobiles seems endless. I look forward in your insights in this matter.
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OK third question seems answered. You should find network operator settings on the HTC website.
Second Question - try flashing a ROM / Radio ROM again and see if you still have the problem. (For that you'll need an answer to question One
First Question: if this happens, you should leave the phone in bootloader mode (three coloured bars on the screen) make sure it say USB at the bottom of the Trinity screen - make sure you're not using Vista as an OS - use XP. provided the above conditions are met, exit and run the Rom Upgrade Utility again. This time the progress bar should show - start moving - and your ROM will flash. Search Google for trinity guids on how to for vista if that's you case.
Thanks for the answers, first of all,
I actually found out one bit of the problem by searching the forum, it seems my firewall might have been the cause of the ActiveSync problems I've been having. The Kerio Personal firewall seemed to cause the rapimgr.exe to go into a loop, this might have caused problems to the Rom utility as well.
The strange thing is, this problem only stopped when I _uninstalled_ the KPF, not when I turned it off.
I will load the operator settings you mentioned
The only thing left is the WLAN proxy settings, how do I set them, and is there a way to have two sets of them, say, one for each network SSID?

WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=390862). I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!

