Hi All,
On Nokia (and SE and maybe others) phones, the GPRS session is simply suspended during a phone call.
On my Wizard (Qtek9100 on Orange FR), the session is simply closed making all IM (PocketMsn, Agile, IM+) to logout.
Any tweak to change that ?
My rom is 2.16 and I had the same pb with previous one.
Yeah there is a hack mentioned around here somewhere as i have been using it since the original k-jam rom release. You just need to set your GPRS connection to Always On. I think the key is in the same place on most Wizard's however the actual key will be named slightly different depending on the name of your GPRS connection.
The Key is found at:
HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connection Name (eg Vodafone GPRS)
Then change the data of the AlwaysOn value from 0 to 1.
Now when you recieve a phone call etc, your GPRS will suspend instead of disconnect.
Great ... that's a very good tweak.
I 'm experimenting problems to setup a GPRS connection with my local cellualr provider, because it seems that here in MEXICO, you need to configure +52 55 *99# intead of +0..... (tmobile default configuration) I own a TMOBILE XDA PW10B1 ROM: 3.08.10 ENG, Radio Version: 6.02
Can anybody help me to do this configuration?
Sounds like your GPRS operator needs to go on a course
A GPRS handset doesn't actually dial a number. The *99# is used as a code to tell the phone to connect to GPRS it is not sent to the network.
There are actually 3 ways for a GPRS phone to connect to a GPRS network
ATD*99# (or ATD*99***1# on some handsets)
The last two don't work in practice as once you are connected you need a PPP link to do anything useful.
You do need to tell the phone what Access Point you wish to connect to (the bit after the +0~ on the display, which can be removed by tweaking the Dialing Locations section). This is done by the AT+CGDCONT command, but as all AT commands are 'hidden' by Pocket PC the Connection Manager sets this before it connects.
The customer care person in Mexico simply doesn't understand how GPRS works. Unfortunatly few customer care staff do elsewhere in the world either.
Thanks for your replay.
how can I tweak the Dialing Locations section?
I'm new in this kind of tech.
Start\Settings\Connections\Connections\Dialing Locations\Dialing Patterns
Replace everything (or just International Calls) with g.
Mind you it will make no diference to the GPRS operation of the device, only the display of the "dial string" in the message window.
I works!!!! very well. It fells a litte bit slow, but it works... Thanks.
Is that possible to somehow see what AT commands have been used by the connection manager/pocketpc?
I have GPRS working on pocketpc, but I couldn't get it working using AT commands magic and with pppd (under linux, not on the XDA, but the same SIM/network.).
I found some interesting crap on GPRS connection alive keeping in other places. What's the deal? Anybody have any ideas?
Having the T-Mobile unlimited ****ty GPRS, I really would like to keep it on. Of course that's conveniently not a feature part of the ROM. Rumor has it though that it is available on AT&T. Thoughts, suggestions, kitchen updates?
The T-Mobile WM2003 updates spoken about in this forum include the Always-On GPRS if you are willing to run beta software. I updated my US T-Mobile PPC with v4.00.10 with the new radio stack and it works great.
There is also a 4.00.16 ROM around, And I've read good things about it, but at this rate I'm not going to reinstall all of my apps until T-Mobile releases their final WM2003 update publically.
I forgot to mention the one difference between WM2003 and the old AT&T ROM in respect to GPRS. There is no control panel applet to turn off Always-On GPRS, you have to actually turn off the phone to disconnect GPRS. It's not really a problem since phone calls will automatically temporarily disable GPRS and then re-enable it once the voice call is over.
Otherwise, the WM2003 implementation of GPRS is one of the better features of the ROM upgrade. The only other feature that I like more are the new SMS features:
- New buttons when you receive an SMS msg (Reply, Call, Delete, Close)
- SMS msgs will display the sender's name if it is in your contacts list
- Character counter in Inbox when typing SMS msgs
- Message Sent indicator from Inbox (previously only in PhoneBook)
- Quickfill of TO, CC, and BCC fields from contacts list (just start typing a name)
If you are a heavy GPRS and/or SMS user, and feel you are saavy enough to do the upgrade (or live with the consequences if it fails), then I would do it. I'm glad that I did. You can even make a custom T-Mobile WM2003 ROM from Jeff's ROM Kitchen (link found elsewhere in this forum).
Good Luck,
To turn off GPRS in WM 2003, hold down the red (hang up) phone button for a couple seconds...
I have 4.0016 but GPRS turns off
Whenver the phone goes to standby GPRS turns off. And yes, I do have all the latest greatest installed from the kitchen. Couldn't find any sort of settings to change it.
Completely flashed the ROM, used 4.00.16 T-Mobile ROM from Jeff's kitchen.
Thanks for all the feedback, now if I can just get this working!
I'm not sure if the ROM image is enough to enable Always-On GPRS, you may need to upgrade to one of the newer radio stacks too. When I upgraded my PPC to WM2003, I did the official T-Mobile 4.00.10 beta, which had the 6.24.00 radio stack.
A new radio stack, either the AT&T or the new TMo 6.24, is necessary for always-on GPRS. I have tried both stacks on the US TMo system and prefer the new TMo 6.24. GPRS will disconnect when the radio loses its connection with the cellular system, or when the device is placed on the cradle. It will reconnect automatically when removed from the cradle, or when the Inbox application attempts a timed check for new messages.
The older radio stacks do not support always-on connections.
Hi all, I hope someone can help with this,
I have tried to all O2 using 100 (but this keeps getting disconnected automatically) so I have to call as 0845 number which uses my minutes + I was waiting 30 minutes to speak to someone and when i eventually did get through they hung up (I am well Pi***d off with o2). Anyhow
I want to connect to the net using GPRS, however no GPRS symbol is displayed and if i try, i get a message saying "No moden at above number" any help would be great.
Right, couple of things to suggest.
Firstly (and I know this sounds stupid)....O2 have recently installed new call centre handling "things" which SHOULD route your call more efficiently but as they have been put in by IBM (also, responsible for more recent "good inovations" in O2) the bits aren't working v well! - trust me as I speak from experience and "from the horses mouth" - I work for them!
So chill when you do get through....the staff on the phones are getting major grief from customers, dealers and fellow staff members (mainly store staff) because it's taking ages......It's not their fault!!
Anyway, back to your problem.....you haven'y said whether you got a new connection or an upgrade.....if it's the latter did you ahve GPRS on your previous phone and did it work?
If it's a new connection then GPRS hasn't been provisioned for some reason (although it can tkae 48 hrs max from connection to go through), same goes if it was an upgrade and you never used GPRS on the old phone.
Give me the answeres to these questions and I'll give you my best guess!
Check settings
I use this site for settings:
I would also suggest that you check that GPRS has actually been enabled by O2 for you. I had problems with MMS not being enabled although I HAD asked for it.
Thanks Mike for your responce, and I promise not to go ape at your colleagues.
I have a new account with O2, connected today, however seems strange that it could take upto 48hrs to get GPRS active, I was recently with ORANGE and as soon as I activated the phone (a SPV) the GPRS was active there and then. Ah well I will wait the 48hrs and hopefully it will come active sometime soon.
As an O2 employee, you may be able to assist on this query. As a paymonthly customer on O2 400, I am supposted to call 100 from my XDAII to call CS, but when I do this I get disconnected automatically as if the number is dead, any ideas?
Many thanks for your help.
An update on the aboe. I have managed to sort this problem out, I did a soft reset and when rebooted I noticed the phone settings were on Germany, changed it to UK and GPRS works fine.
for anyone searching with this problem
1. phone CS on 0845 and make sure GPRS is on! (APN provisioning for mobile web access (you can 'check' on the 100 number, but they can't turn it on for you)
2. 3.30pm is the 'switch over' time, so soft reboot after this time each day (
up to 24hrs) ...... phone again if still not on !
3. GERMANY is default if you go to MY XDA - connections. it will always be on Germany. but the wizzard should of set it to UK when you first set it
Do you have the correct settings for wap over gprs, email over gprs using O2 payg sim with free gprs pages and wap.
Is there any portal to get the settigs to the O2 phone directly?
Right - I've just spent half the day trying to configure my Unlocked XDA2 for the Orange network.
Making and taking calls - fine.
Sending and receiving texts - fine.
SMS, MMS, WAP, The Internet, Pass-thru activesync etc - you ARE joking aren't you!
I've follwed various Smartphone based help posts, but alas they are little use, as the Pocket PC is a very different beast, and even knowing the settings doesn't help, if you don't know where to put them etc (the XDA is totally different for setting up compared to a Smartphone).
So PLEASE - can someone, in plain english, simple step by step settings, help me get my XDA to fully work for all things, on the Orange Network please..?
Also, is there any easy way to get rid of the O2 Custimisation, and just have a standard Pocket PC theme?
o2 stuff if you mean on the today screen can be changed under settings and today screen there you can disable stuff you dont want there
if you mean in programs then you just delete programs you dont want in uninstall or in \windows\star menu\
about orange settings then i recommend you ask orange
since they sell the xda2 under the name SPV M1000
and since no operator have all that special ways of handling all that stuff
all you need is the info of what orange use
sms is a number in the settings which need to be set
most cellphone companys i know off auto adjust this though not sure about orange
MMS, WAP, The Internet(gprs)
you setup under settings\connections\connections and add the interfaces and enter the access points orange use
Pass-thru activesync
is something you activate on the pc in activesyncs options
I rang Orange, who put me through to Fax and Data, who in turn put me through to the ever so helpful Mandy in Level 3 Support, who rang me back on my home number, and spent the next twenty minutes helping me set it up.
It helped immensely however, that I had already fiddled on and created some of the stuff needed.
So far, I have yet to figure out how to get it to use my ActiveSync pass thru however, as it insists on making a GPRS connection, when in the cradle.
I have also not got it to Sync via Bluetooth yet.
And two curious things.
Despite my numbers being in a format +44 7736 111 111 (made that up), when I go to send an SMS, and use the contacts function to locate the number, it instead inserts it into the To Field, with the preceding + dropped off, and thus it wont send.
Lastly, despite being a new XDA2, its a US ROM version, and only radio version 1.05 - handy, in that it meant I could unlock it straight away, but curious, as a European market, that I receive a USA ROM - maybe its to do with the UK shortage.
But does anyone know how I set it up for a Pass-thru, and also how, or why, it drops the prefix + symbol from sending SMS, and thus causes it to fail unless I manually insert a +
about the +44 thing then make sure you have chosen the right country in settings that solve such issues most of the time
about pass though then now we are talking home and internet
it got some setting where you can choose if you are connected to home as in bluetooth usb or wifi or the internet if it think it's on the inetnet it will always use the grps
Hi guys,
As the new owner of O2 Exec, that I purchase in second hand shop, I come up with some questions and issues. Of course, I tried to find my answer on the forum but couldn't find it so I was thinking maybe some experienced users might have the answer.
Also some information about the configuration of my O2 Exec:
O2 Exec
Rom Version: 1.30.107 WWE
Rom Date: 04/11/06
Radio Version: 1.09.00
Protocol Version: 42.42.P8
ExtROM Version: 1.30.162 WWE
I have unlock the exec and I am using it with a T-Mobile sim card in the UK. I am also register with Web'n'walk (Unlimited GPRS data plan).
I am synchronizing the Exec with Exchange server and I am using the email push.
See below:
- When I plugged the exec by Usb for active sync, I got an error on my laptop saying that I can't synchronize. If I unplug the cable and plug it again, it tend to works (Sometimes it doesn't work and I have to kill active sync on my laptop and start it again). Any ideas?
- Is there a way to completely block the data transmission when I am abroad. In fact, before I was using a Blackberry and there was an interesting option which allow to block all data connection when you are Roaming. Good to avoid bad surprise with the expensive data roaming fee.
- When I am using TCMP to listen to music. It starts to play fine, and then suddenly i got an error saying that the file can't be found on the SD card. I didn't remove the card and I can see that the card is still there in the file explorer.
- Does the email Push can work with Wifi or only with GPRS? If yes, how can I configure this?
- How can I check on the today screen that my bluetooth is paired correctly. I use to have a Blueangel with WM2003 and I remember that there was an icon in the top bar with a headset to indicate that the bluetooth headset was paired. The only workaround so far is to press my bt headset and see if the voice dialing window come up. I think there might be a better way.
- Is there a point for me to upgrade my Radio version? I tried to do it but get an error that the country code wasn't correct or something like this. If it brings improvement can you please give me some information on how to do upgrade it on a O2 exec since it is an Orange upgrade?
- I am using Web'n'walk in the uk with only GPRS. I configure the gprs parameter with the information from the internet. The information given by the customer services where not working. Is there any way to use the UMTS (i.e. 3G) instead of GPRS. The customer services told me that I have to upgrade my plan to do so. Anybody have another solution?
To conclude, this handset is a really impressive machine. As I say before, I used to have a Blueangel and I can see that a lots of things have improved since then.
Sorry for my big list of questions and thank you very much for your help.
Web'nWalk with UMTS
I have a Web'nWalk tariff on t-Mobile.
If your sim is a recent one (mine is a year old), it can handle both GPRS and UMTS depending on availability. Older sims cannot - you have to request a new one. This was confirmed by T-Mobile support as well as my experience with the sim. It drops to GPRS where there's no 3G coverage, and I get good speed with 3G (UMTS) in most parts of London
You need to set Network Type to Auto (Phone -> Menu -> Options -> Band) if the current default is GSM.
Hope this helps.