Internet Favorite Shortcut on today screen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello everyone,
Because I have to pay 0,18 cent per sms, I found a cheaper way. I registered by, and made a PHP script that uses the multisms API. So I can sms for 0.07 cents. Now I would like a shortcut on my today screen to the webpage I made, so I can sms quickly.
Does anyone know how, if anyone knows how, I would share the script.

Yes use Traylaunch from PHM powertoys and make a link to the url in the windows\favorites directory 8)


Add a new custom menu item to the PocketPC New button popup

Dear All
Please let me know if there is any program that can help the user add a new custom menu items to the PocketPC New button popup?
If such a program do not exits, how we can do that by tweaking registry, please instruct step by step
thank you
basically: requires registry entries and programming a COM addin.
vijay555 said:
basically: requires registry entries and programming a COM addin.
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Dear Sỉr
Thank you for your fast reply
I wonder to know if there is any program created for end-users to let them build their custom new menu?
I ask so because i am a end-user and do not have programming knowledge
Thank you
I've never seen one.
Have you considered something like SmallMenuPlus?
I've never seen anyone use the New Menu like that - I could write it, but it's not very useful because it isn't on screen all the time. The start menu is always on screen.
vijay555 said:
I've never seen one.
Have you considered something like SmallMenuPlus?
I've never seen anyone use the New Menu like that - I could write it, but it's not very useful because it isn't on screen all the time. The start menu is always on screen.
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Dear Sir
Thank you for your email
Start Menu or SmallMenuPlus help us to open app first - not open directly a new items in this app.
As for me it is really faster to open a new items with New Menu button
So you want to create a new document, not open an application?
vijay555 said:
So you want to create a new document, not open an application?
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Dear Vijay
Yes, that is exactly what i am looking for.
Tuan - as I said, I've never seen a program that allows you to do this easily.
It would require you to write a new registry entry and COM object per new application you want to attach to the New menu. You would also need to know what command line you need to launch.
What program do you want to open a new document for? do you know the command line?
vijay555 said:
Tuan - as I said, I've never seen a program that allows you to do this easily.
It would require you to write a new registry entry and COM object per new application you want to attach to the New menu. You would also need to know what command line you need to launch.
What program do you want to open a new document for? do you know the command line?
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Hi Vijay
Thank you for your fast reply.
For example:
I installed some program like Info Sharp ( a replacement for default SMS tool) and some other like Ewallet, Cash Organizer Deluxe, Plan/Text Maker.
These above program was installed in storage (my device is O2i) and now i want to add new items to New button to
- open a new SMS (with Info Sharp, of course)
- open a new account or transaction (with Cash Org)
- open a new doc or speadhead with Maker
- open a new Card (with ewallet)
Yes, something like that.
Sorry for my stupid but actually i do not know command line for such actions. (how can i find these command line)
Best regards
Tuan - i don't know these applications.
Basically, you can't open new items with the New menu without knowing the command line to start a new document in each application.
This information will be in the manual for the software, or look on the forums for that software. It's possible it can't be done - I imagine that if it could be done, the software would do it automatically when you install it.
I'm sorry, but I don't think we can do anything else yet until you can find the options to start those applications in a new document. Then I can help you write the program you would need.
If you feel confident, the program Mort Runner can do many things automatically, but is quite complicated. It's not a neat solution, but might help, but still the best way is to get the command lines :?
Many thanks for your reply
I would check to find the command line of these apps

How do I make a shortcut to the bluetooth settings?

I use SPB today.
I cant find a shortcut to bluetooth settings and I would find one really useful.
Can anybody point me in the right direction
Copy this link to your device or storage.
Then create a shortcut to this link.
Easiest way I found was to install O2 Plus (and Mystery's patch to enable it for all devices, after installation of the actual program) and then I just made a shortcut to the Bluetooth settings, right on the Today screen.
thanks thats just what i was after!
Data Connection .lnk
I'm looking for a .lnk for Data Connection in the control panel. Does anyone know one for that?
I use a free app call "Any Cut", which let's you make shortcuts to lots of cool stuff like special settings. Check it out!
hey just use any {explorer} program for creating links your needed files, for example, Total Commader, Resco Explorer)
grab file on attachment & rename file type *.zip => *.exe)

Spb Mobile Shell 2 - Calendar Replacement Version 0.02

I made an easy way of replacing the Calendar app in Mobile Shell 2 with your own prefered application. Once you create a shortcut you can switch between the default Calendar and any application of your choosing.
I made it as simple as possible to add your prefered Calendar Manager, I use ThumbCal. As downloaded, the script is setup for ThumbCal, but to change it all you have to do is edit the first 2 lines with a text editor.
NOW SCREEN support is not currently possible, as this would require a major hack of the Shell Program itself, I am not skilled in that and it would most likely violate licensing anyway. I have searched the registry, and disected the "XML" files, and determined "Now Screen" support will not become available with the the current version of Shell. My appologies.
1) Version 0.02 only changes the application on the "Menu Launcher" screen, and breaks extended menu features such as "Add New Appointment" from the Mobile Shell Menu. Once ThumbCal Supports these extended features from external apps (rumored to take place in next release), I will release a dedicated version for these features.
2) Version 0.02 Does not change the default calendar from the Spb Mobile Shell "Now" screen, this is planned for a later version (under R&D).
For use with SPB Mobile Shell 2 only, for Windows Mobile support see this thread.
MortScript is requied, download it here.
I hope you find this useful!
To use:
1. Download and unpack the ZIP file.
2. Edit the first 2 lines in the MSCR file, notepad works fine for this.
set AltCalendarName, "ThumbCal"
set AltCalendarPath, "\Program Files\ThumbApps\ThumbCal\ThumbCal.exe"
3. Copy to your device, and make a shortcut.
4. Click the shortcut and answer the "Yes or No" question.
5. Repeat step 4 to swap between the two calendar managers!
Change Log:
v0.02: Changed dialog error.
thank you very much
Great idea. Can't wait for this to support the NOW Calendar
Any updates on the next version?
Only update at his time is that I have been very busy this week, and have not had time to research this much. So far it looks as though version 0.01 was not effected by the spb upgrade to v2.1, as it still works after upgrading to 2.1.
Nice job!
Hoping the solutions for Now Screen to come early.
Can I try to use other Calendar apps than ThumbCal?
First of all:
I Like the work NiteStalker has done (using more off his work).
Anyway, SPB has a little CAB files for integration with PIMs (and yes, also the now screen):
More info:
I didn't test all this program's, but they are from the creators off the software so I think it's worth posting it
I tested it succesfully with my Wizard WM 6.1 with Mobile Shell 2.1 & PocketInformant
As copied from the site:
Spb Mobile Shell 2.0 offers an API to third party developers to integrate into Spb Menu and Now Screen.
Integration module for Pocket Informant, Agenda Fusion and Agenda One is available as a separate download.
Please download it to your Pocket PC and install to get full support in Spb Menu and Now Screen (<- NOT SUPPORTING NOW SCREEN, sorry for the mistake).
Information about integration with Extreme agenda is here:
Not tested anything off this:
Download is here:
Even themes are aviable for Extreme Agenda:
So, there are 3 files:
1 - for Pocket Informant, Agenda Fusion and Agenda One (CAB file)
2 - Extreme agenda (ZIP with EXE files to run on PDA)
3 - Extreme agenda themes (don't know exactly look on site i mentioned above)
I've attached them in this post.
I've played with these, and was unsucessful in integrating the now, even with the ones they claim to support. Please keep us posted about your progress, thanks
NOW SCREEN support is not currently possible, as this would require a major hack of the Shell Program itself, I am not skilled in that and it would most likely violate licensing anyway. I have searched the registry, and disected the "XML" files, and determined "Now Screen" support will not become available with the the current version of Shell. My appologies.
After running the script and clicking on my appointments from SPB MS Its still goes to the outlook calender. WHich is weird because it says that ThumbCal is now my default calender. Ideas?
JukEboXAuDiO said:
After running the script and clicking on my appointments from SPB MS Its still goes to the outlook calender. WHich is weird because it says that ThumbCal is now my default calender. Ideas?
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Read the first post, and the post just before your post.
aww that sucks. Hmm
[EDIT] Nevermind, found it under the Menu>Organizer>Calendar. See I knew I was dense!
Hey NiteStalker,
I really appreciate your hard work on these Mobile Shell scripts. I have (what seems like) a dumb question.
Since there is no NOW screen support (yes I was able to read that ), what does this script do for Mobile Shell? How would you use it with Mobile Shell?
Sorry if I am a bit dense
Thanks again.
Under organizer>calendar is changed to thumbscal.
should we send a request to SPB ?
because - i'm sure they want informations how to start the app: and which paramter for starting the actual apointment, aso .....#
how can we help whith my knowledge ... ?
any news? Does it work with SPB MS now?
Perhaps interims solution
1. i had installed PocketInformat 2008 Trial-Version.
2. installed the integration module for PI
3. test it in Now Screen
4. copy all files from ../ThumbCal/*.* to ../WebIS/PocketInformant/*.*
5. rename PocketInformant.exe to PocketInformant.exe.alt
6. rename ThumbCal.exe to PocketInformant.exe
hope this helps until another solution is out.
That's an excellent tip and worked fine for me, although I had to rename ThumbCal.exe to PITab.exe to make it work.
I also found that after I'd got ThumbCal into the PocketInformant folder I could then un-install PocketInformant to save some space.
I've found that after installing PocketInformant and the spb cab you can change a couple of keys in the registry to get ThumbCal to run from the Now screen without having to rename the .exe
Set these two keys to the values shown:
\\HKCU\Software\WebIS\PocketInformant\InstallDir = \Program Files\ThumbCal
\\HKLM\Software\Spb Software House\Shared\SpbMenu\Now\Pocket Informant\FileP = ThumbCal.exe

New GSlidePOOM!

GSlide Pocket Outlook provider 0.0.1
Hi Yall
Just posted a new cool provider for GSlide (or any app that can read JSON...). Its called GSlidePOOM. This little app exports all your appointments and tasks to JSON. Hmm i wonder what i can do with that....
Its a simple exe which takes 2 mandatory arguments and 1 third which is optional.
1. Type of objects to be fetched ("tasks","appointments")
2. Location AND file name of the resulting JSON file ("/Whatever folder/whatever_name.js").
3. Optional app/script to be called straight after export.
Download at
PS. Look in the Actions/Resources/Applications folder of GSlide (should you download it). Theres a small Alpha app called GImage.exe which scales bitmaps using command line args. Handy Its early apha so it will get better
Keep checking the site for more GApps.
Well?!... Now go code something interesting!
Any way this can work with Contacts?
But of course
Already did it. I will implement the same api pattern as GSlide with read/write xml-rpc.
More important i think is to mirror out the email, sms etc messages. What the phones seriously need is a new email client!
This is the original intent with this provider.
I wish i could get some more comments on GSlide ( which is a really nice framework with so much potential... I wonder if the docs and examples are to unclear?
Any suggestions?
New 0.1.5 version
Hi again
Now also exports Contacts...
Download at
This is as you understand still just a lab, even though it works... I will keep updating it. Keep checking the site.

Folder icons in program menu, WM6.1

Hi all.
I have searched for this, but have been unable to find what I'm looking for. In the Programs screen, I want to add a shortcut to a folder, rather than to a program. Ideally, it'd open up another programs window in the same style tht I can then add links direct to the actual programs, but anything will do as long as I can try and organise my programs a little better!
Thanks to anyone that can help.
Try Panoramic Launchpad
Hi, I use Panoramic's Launchpad program. It's only about $5 from Handango and it will allow you to set icons which link to either a program, a setting, a file or a folder. Its very stable very usable and runs fast. it has an option to replace the WM6 'Programs' action launchpad, which should get you what you want. Try it for free at handango
Thanks Martin, it sounds like it'll do what I'm after, I'll look into it.

