XDA Exec? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi folks
will xdadev_all_unlock-v1.6_138.exe unlock a XDA Exec



Where I can get WM2003SE for my XDA II

Please tell me Where site I can get WM2003SE for my XDA II

XDA I Screen into XDA II(Qtek 2020)

hey guys,
here's the thing
A friend of mine has a broken screem on his XDA II(Qtek 2020), I have a XDA I but my sound isn't working so good, I can get his broken XDA II for free, but is it possible to put my XDA I screen into the XDA II??
if so, what is the safest way to do this?
if not, where can I buy a cheap, broken XDA II for the screen or where can I buy a new XDA II screen...
where can I get my XDA I to whit my sound problem (I live in the Netherlands-->limburg)
plz help...

Can I send and receive faxes to my XDA II?

Does anyone try fax software(freeware) on XDA II? Recommend please...

XDA EXEC for sale...

Shameless plug for the XDA i'm selling on ebay...
any questions just holler.

o2 xda

i have been offered an xda exec on o2.
how do i check to see if its good before i buy,ie:check that its not barred etc?
