w2003se on jasjar ? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hello there
wouldnt it be wise if we downgraded jasjar into wm2003se , and enjoy the speed of a <20mb rom (is such a rom available) ?????

I was thinking about the same issue couple of days ago, I really beleive that it would have been much faster and more stable.
WM5 is still new, and till now they are trying to improve its performance, and I hope they will do it soon.
If there is a WM2003 Rom for my Imate Jasjar I will be the first one to downgrade till I find a reliable WM5 ROM.

I was thinking about the same issue couple of days ago, I really beleive that it would have been much faster and more stable.
WM5 is still new, and till now they are trying to improve its performance, and I hope they will do it soon.
If there is a WM2003 Rom for my Imate Jasjar I will be the first one to downgrade till I find a reliable WM5 ROM.

r u serious
r u serious :?: :!:
obviously there are problems with WM5, as it is a relatively new OS; but
despite all its downfalls it is still a more advanced OS than WM2003 - e.g.: the fact that information is retained in memory even after the battary has 'died'.
besides, particularly due to the changes in the memory infrastracture, is the Universal capable of handling the old OS?
- it was supposedly designed around the new OS.

the lack of a backup software is a killing mistake in my opinion, (off battery) is not the only way data can be lost. slowness is not excusable...
i demand a win2003se rom for jasjar coz selling it on ebay with a 100$ is the sole ulternative


my experience with the T-Mobile vs I-mate roms

I have two Wizards here - one is mine and one belongs to a friend of mine (bought it for her here in Holland).
Anyway, she speaks English only and therefore I flashed the ROM with an I-Mate K-Jam rom (the latest WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship from club imate).
Both devices come from T-Mobile Netherlands. They are exact copies apart from the ROM.
Oh, I also disabled the Anti-Virus of the K-Jam and removed Skype.
So... which one works better???
Well, I ran SPB benchmark on both of them and the one with the K-Jam rom gives better results - however they are marginallly better.
In terms of stability and browsing speed - it seems like the K-JAM browses the internet better and quicker and it also didn't crashe while browsing - while the T-Mobile device did crash twice while browsing the net over wifi - this is quite noticable.
So... my bottom line seems to show that the I-Mate K-Jam rom seems a bit better and a tad faster.
I'll continue to play with the phones and let you know if I have any more results...
hi all,
im a newbie so if i offend anyone, i apologise for my innocence. I have purchased the xda mini s. From reading all the forums would you say the k-jam rom is the best out of all the other roms? Do you think its a wise choice to flash the phone to the k-jam for better results?
personally I wouldn't. the xda mini s rom has very few if any bugs reported and I have read some posts from people who have flashed to kjam and been disappointed.
(the story for the tmobile rom is not so good though as they seem to have disabled stuff)
Set your Mini S up in BASIC mode and remove the O2 shortcuts from Windows\Startup and you'll have a nice stable device.
Hi in my vario startup there is something called
what are these? ok to remove?!
RAM total is same with this ROMs? 44MB?
I think are ROMs that have about 50MB RAM total, but I think are old...

Hmmm.......(Xda software update released by O2)

I updated from http://www.my-xda.com/xda2i_soft2.html but didn't get the new radio version, and got the .169 rom version that is supposedly so bad.
Sooooo ummmm......What do you think is going on?
Is anyone else chaseing this, because due to major family problems I just don't have time at the moment! I can't afford to re-flash my Xda again, it can't be out of action!
**Edit - I did this yesterday. They could have fixed it since.
Not you going wrong, O2 have withdrawn the 1.11.170 ROM because of the connection and stability issues mentioned elsewhere on this site.
If you want stability and don't use Blackberry, use the ROM I made that can be found on this site. Have a look in the few recent threads here and you will find them.
Sorry to hear about your problems, hope they're sorted soon for the better.
Take care of yourself,
I had got confused. I'll try it after christmas, once things have settled down. I'll just have to put up with no bluetooth for now
Will my warrenty/insurance be valid if I use an unoffical ROM?
Officially yes but there's always way around that.
O2 do state that only ROMs released by themselves are supported but those of us who have customised their 2i's know that most of the problems with the 2i are down to O2's software in the extended ROM causing the problems.
More often than not, most companies like that will not worry about what ROM is on the phone so long as it was released officially by a company for an Alpine device and it's not a cooked WM5 when it's never been released if you know what I mean.
Anyway, good luck and Merry Christmas.
I must say that after the last rom upgrade (69) was released and I had problems with it, o2 data support actually recomended that I install the rom from this site!! So that should tell us all something, should it not!?!?!?
Rom Updates...
Pug is spot on - .169 caused my BT headset to play up no end, but rather than re-flash to the vanilla .162 rom, I used Pug's with the 1.04 radio. This is the best of the available 02 roms, imho. BT fine, and the radio upgrade improves signal strength and clarity - nice one, Pug! BTW I also downgraded Caller ID, which solved my GPRS connection issues, and fitted a bigger battery. I am now happy to use my Alpine as my only phone, which was the plan in the first place...
Merry Xmas all
Rom Updates...
Pug is spot on - .169 caused my BT headset to play up no end, but rather than re-flash to the vanilla .162 rom, I used Pug's with the 1.04 radio. This is the best of the available 02 roms, imho. BT fine, and the radio upgrade improves signal strength and clarity - nice one, Pug! BTW I also downgraded Caller ID, which solved my GPRS connection issues, and fitted a bigger battery. I am now happy to use my Alpine as my only phone, which was the plan in the first place...
Merry Xmas all
smcaul said:
I must say that after the last rom upgrade (69) was released and I had problems with it, o2 data support actually recomended that I install the rom from this site!! So that should tell us all something, should it not!?!?!?
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Click to collapse
Then they say to people that to do so would invalidate their warranties. I just shout at them and tell them exactly what I want them to do for me, that sorted my last problem, didn't give them chance to read the script that said "hard reset". Wish they'd all sing from the same hymn sheet. Still, you pay peanuts you get monkies don't you.......
I actully got o2data support to send me a copy of 162 rom on a disk as they did not have it on their website, so I can always reflash back to that if I need to send the xda in for repair during it's warrenty. Thinking about it, is it worth me putting this (162) rom on the ftp site so anyone can reflash with it?
Please do, I am about to get a 2i and I plan to experiment as soon as I get it but I would like the .162 ROM to fall back on as it seems to be the most stable official release,
Sorry it has taken a couple of days (but it is xmas :lol: :lol: ) but I have put the 1.11.162 official o2 rom on the ftp site (ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Alpine/) I have uplaoded a .rar and the .exe versions hope they may be of some use to you.
tomw86 said:
I updated from http://www.my-xda.com/xda2i_soft2.html but didn't get the new radio version, and got the .169 rom version that is supposedly so bad.
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Click to collapse
I updated from this file aswell, and my Radio downgraded(?) to 1.00!
Not only this, but I applied the TomTom 5.21 upgrade at the same time, and TomTom stopped working - well, it started to lose the gps connection when i had the speaker cable for my GPS cradle plugged in and TomTom emitted a sound!
I reinstalled TomTom back to 5.1, and still got the problem, so I hard reset the XDA - same problem still!
I have now installed the .162 ExtRom with 1.04 Radio, and this seems to have solved the problem as far as TomTom is concerned, even with the latest 5.21 update. The real test will be tomorrow when I take her indoors to work in the morning, as so far (due to the snow!) I have only tested TomTom sat stationary outside the house!
Getting back to the point, though, I think I will be giving the .169 ExtRom a miss from now on!
UPDATE : I've finally gotten out and about in the car, and Installing the .162 ExtRom has solved my TTN5 problem

Upgrading from Magician to Prophet

Hi there,
I've been using a Magician for the past 18 months (O2 Xda II mini) and have just ordered myself an iMate JAMin. It's a freebie on my current business phone plan.
Can someone tell me if the Prophet has suffered from the same problems with GPRS that the Magician has - i.e. trouble connecting to GPRS a second time, which seemed somehow related to the CallerID software?
And what English ROM is considered the best/most stable at present? Or put another way, which ROM version(s) should I avoid? :roll:
I upgraded and so far have not had a repeat of the GPRS issue you mention.
As for best ROM, someone else can answer that. Be careful though, some people have reduced thier pride and joy to a mere paper-weight after trying to flash to a new ROM. :shock:

What does the Wizard AKU2 ROM improve?

I've just purchased a T-Mobile UK MDA Vario branded handset along with the bundled CoPilot 6 Live GPS kit.
So far I've been frustrated with its sluggish behaviour all round, and a multitude of problems.
I've currently got the OMPA over clocking app running which improves the Co-Pilot launch time a lot.
However, I keep reading that an AKU2 ROM update is needed. However I cannot find *anywhere* (not just this site) an explination of exactly what improvements this ROM makes to the usability of the HTC Wizard.
I'm not interested in new features such as push email right now. I just want to be able to use the phone without it pausing for a minute and getting confused with too many button presses.
As my MDA Vario is only a few days old I'm told it can be returned if I just can't use it. Because of this I don't want to install any hacked/other network AKU2 ROM at present.
Can any body tell me or point me to some details about changes in this AKU2 ROM update please?
First off, search the forums for info on AKU2 ROM's, each of the ROM's ends up witha discussion of the good the bad and the ugly.
That said, the TMO UK Ship ROM is a pile of nasty stuff, slow, buggy and prone to crashing into one of two states (either the regular reboot or the device is on the lights are flashing but it won't wake up, receive calls or receive email). I'm stuck with it at the moment as I need to run the blackberry software.
The AKU2 ROM's are more stable, don't crash the device when using an SD card, the radio ROM's are faster and connect/reconnet to networks faster and fundamentally better (think Windows XP then XP SP2).
All of the AKU2 ROM's have subtle differences but for my money, if you dont want/need all of the cellular provider branding etc then I'd go with the latest QTEK SHip ROM (check the ftp site). It's easy enough to configure the GPRS, MMS etc for TMo after you've installed the ROM.
Generally, if you're new and it's a new device, read the forum postings, read the Wiki - it's all there though you may have to do some digging around. If all else fails post a query but be wary of posting questions that are on the forums as you'll be begging for a ton of abuse at using people's time to save you effort looking...
Don't give up on the device, once you move to AKU2 and away from that dodgy TMo 1.6 ROM you'll be much happier.
I spent ages reading post after post and not really getting a clear bullet list of what's what. Basically I wanted to know if the sluggish response from the phone would ever be improved.
http://xda.o2.co.uk/xdaMiniSoftware.aspx gives a fairly good (to me) break down of the features in the AKU2 ROM update.

PPC 2003 or WM6.1?

If I am just using my Typhoon for contacts, calendar, and tasks on the go, should I stick with PPC 2003 or upgrade the phone to WM6.1? I wouldn't be on internet because I don't have a data plan, but I love the threaded texting of WM6.1. In summary, would WM6.1 or PPC 2003 be faster on my Typhoon?
2003 of WM6.1
I would like to hear coments too! I was given a Typhoon (Audiovox SMT5600) and was planning on doing the same thing as Geeksquad. My Typhoon is sim unlocked and ready to go, just need a direction. I'll be using Outlook 2000 at work and 2007 at home, anyone see major issues here as well.
Thanks in advance.
what is sim unlocked? do i need to do it if i use at&t?
You only need to sim unlock if your going to use the phone on a different network.
Since I'm using T-moblie, I would have sim unlocked the phone given to me, but I was lucky and it was already unlocked.
Now all we need to do is Appilcation unlock them to re-flash. Depending on what others are going to tell us
ppc 2003 is fast enuf, but would 5,6, or 6.1 be faster?
Hey guys, as of my experience, WM6.1 is much much faster than WM2003SE.
Added to that, the look and functionality are amazingly better. It seems like having purchased a brand new phone!
Can only recommend...
I am a proud owner of a HTC Feeler (Sp3i) and I would say that for your purposes, if you are not afraid of bricking your phone, it is definitely worth upgrading to WM 6.1. There will be some loss of speed, but it is not anything that is unbearable. I must agree with with Prerna that WM6.1 brings new life to your phone and it does look amazing. For your purposes, the added functionality comes in terms of different layouts and a few more options in terms of network options than the original ROM. There are also a lot of new programs being written for the WM6.1 platform that can not be used in WM2003SE platforms. In my opinion, it is worth upgrading, and looking at Karhoe's guide to updating to 6.0 and using the same principles to upgrade to 6.1 makes it really easy.
I tried everyway way to upgrade my Spv c500 2003se but couldn't succeed except with JAFWM i used mtty , NBFtool but couldn't get it n i always get this [294] Invalid Vendor ID problem when try RuuOCHv2.5_v4.2.5.2_ship.exe (Update utility) n when i try Windows.Mobile.5.ROM.Pack.For.HTC.Typhoon.C500.SMT5600 then it stuck on 11% or sometimes on 14% n get utility error has encounter it has to be closed etc so tell me what way should i try ?
I've been running Aluet's WM6.1 for Typhoon/Feeler/Amadeus v 1.3 on my old SMT5600 from Cingular for about 6 months now.
I gave it to my oldest son when he started 5th grade. It's been working flawlessly and I would not have given it to him if I felt there were issues. This is actually why I had not loaded version 1.5 of the same rom as there were stability problems at the time.
The phone had 2003 on it and after loading WM6.1 and playing with it for a while I was quite impressed. There are occasional slow downs if a lot of things are left opened but freeing up mem takes care of it.
I still have another SMT5600, as I got a great deal on a couple refurbs, so I will be doing this all over when my youngest son gets a phone next year.
I've been searching the world for a threaded messaging program. Anybody wanna point me in the right direction. I would flash it to WM6.1, but it's acting like it doesn't wanna work.

