my experience with the T-Mobile vs I-mate roms - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I have two Wizards here - one is mine and one belongs to a friend of mine (bought it for her here in Holland).
Anyway, she speaks English only and therefore I flashed the ROM with an I-Mate K-Jam rom (the latest WWE_1010903_106_10110_ship from club imate).
Both devices come from T-Mobile Netherlands. They are exact copies apart from the ROM.
Oh, I also disabled the Anti-Virus of the K-Jam and removed Skype.
So... which one works better???
Well, I ran SPB benchmark on both of them and the one with the K-Jam rom gives better results - however they are marginallly better.
In terms of stability and browsing speed - it seems like the K-JAM browses the internet better and quicker and it also didn't crashe while browsing - while the T-Mobile device did crash twice while browsing the net over wifi - this is quite noticable.
So... my bottom line seems to show that the I-Mate K-Jam rom seems a bit better and a tad faster.
I'll continue to play with the phones and let you know if I have any more results...

hi all,
im a newbie so if i offend anyone, i apologise for my innocence. I have purchased the xda mini s. From reading all the forums would you say the k-jam rom is the best out of all the other roms? Do you think its a wise choice to flash the phone to the k-jam for better results?

personally I wouldn't. the xda mini s rom has very few if any bugs reported and I have read some posts from people who have flashed to kjam and been disappointed.
(the story for the tmobile rom is not so good though as they seem to have disabled stuff)

Set your Mini S up in BASIC mode and remove the O2 shortcuts from Windows\Startup and you'll have a nice stable device.

Hi in my vario startup there is something called
what are these? ok to remove?!

RAM total is same with this ROMs? 44MB?
I think are ROMs that have about 50MB RAM total, but I think are old...



Hi guys iam a bit new to all this pocket pc stuff but iam trying to find se for my m1000,it seems harder to find things for this than the p900s they were easy to find things for but pocket pc is alot harder,hope you guys can help my get my m1000 to be how it should be,email me or pm me with things you think i should have on it and where i get them.thanks in advance to you all
2003SE Upgrade for Orange M1000 (UK)
Hi fellow M1000er,
Just found out yesterday that the 2003se rom was available (Hadn't been on the web for a while) and decided to risk installing the beastie even though there has been a relatively large number of issues with it.
If you have read the 'Official 2003 SE Released' thread you will probably know that there are two or three main versions.
I got mine working with 'Mystery Man's 2.06 OS Rom version and Maimaich's 1.18 Radio version. djrm supplied the Orange Extended rom.
dcs supplied LOTS of helpful info too.
Many many thanks to all four of you!
I haven't fully tested it yet (got it working this morning at 4:30) but I checked the main complaints from other users (SD card works fine, Activesync over Bluetooth works fine, Send/Receive messages fine, Phone doesn't automatically go into speakerphone when answering, and a few more)
Really pleased with the result.
I have zipped up the whole bundle (FOR ORANGE UK ONLY) which I used to upgrade my M1000 and have attached it. (the 24 megger)
(***** NOTE This original file was corrupt - See my next post for proper version *****)
Just unzip this file to a dir - cradle the M1000, then run HimaUpgradeUt.exe and wait (for around an hour - at least you get progress bars!)
The only thing I'm not sure of is the Intellidialer - I have never come across this before, and the general opinion seems that it is good, but I must say it looks a bit naff compared to the default dialer. - I guess I'll persevere for a while, but if I don't like I'll prob cook another Extended Rom with the original dialer instead.
Also - you will have to enter the details for Orange GPRS ( and for MMS you have to copy the attached i-mate_PPC_Orange_UK_Contract.CAB file to your PDA and run it. (If I had time I would have included it in the Extended Rom).
Once this has been run - you have to go into MMS settings, click on servers and edit Orange MMSC by simply adding / to the server address so that it looks like:
(Can't remember who posted this fix - but thanx whoever you are!)
Let me know if you have any problems.
(p.s. if you use Microsoft Reader much - you will have to download the installer from
The only bugs I have noticed so far is the Headset Profile on the Today screen, and the Bluetooth Icon on the taskbar have a habit of going invisible (but are still clickable).
The zip attached seems to be corrupt
Sorry about that - Didn't realise the file hadn't fully uploaded when I attached it. (Chopped off at 14Meg - that's what happens when you have been up all night tinkering with technology, feeling a little spaced from lack of sleep!)
THIS is the file to use. Unzip this - run the HimaUpgradeUt.exe file.
If you are interested in MMS - install the CAB attached in the last post AFTER upgrading, then make the tweak to the settings I mentioned above.
Best of Luck & Enjoy!
Knight Mayor
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Out of interest, how have you found the mystery man ROM? I used it for about a week and it seemed really buggy, so I installed the dcs version 2.02t and I have found it flawless for nearly a month now. The handsfree option works brilliantly with my Bluetrek G2 and the phone overall just seems more stable than any other ROM I have tried. What are everyone else's opnions on this, I have read the posts on 2.02 vs 2.06 but it would be interesting to hear views from Orange UK M1000 users specifically!
M1000 rom
Is it possible to reset your original rom in the case of needing to return the phone to Orange?
Yeah, just reflash the phone with their crappy 1.66 ROM from the Orange website and all will be restored. You might possibly have a country code error unless the headers have been changed properly on the SE ROM files. That can be easily fixed though, search the forum and there are loads of posts on it, the best one is dcs's guide.
2.06 or not 2.06, that is the question.....
Hi Fin,
Thanks for your post - My SE install is only a day old so I haven't fully experienced it yet. Did seem to stick a little at times, but I thought that maybe had something to do with the fact I have slapped Wisbar Advance 2 on top and skinned it up to the max. Will try running it bare for a while - see how I get on.
I did notice, however, that when I tried to make a call this morning that it said the phone was off and did I want to switch it on. (And it wasn't in flight mode - weird).
Can you let me know which issues you had with 2.06, and which ones were resolved in 2.02? (Also, any problems with 2.02? - I don't imagine any of these roms are without their own little nig's)
This is my first flash and was just chuffed to get SE working on it, but I appreciate the advice of people with more experience in these things.
I have DCS's 2.02t - if you can def recommend then I will def switch over.
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
Personally I found fewer problems with 2.02 but i have heard people who think 2.06 is better. The only problem i have had with 2.02 is that the bluetooth profile disappears but you don't need it on 2.02 as when a headset is connected it connects automatically if it is set to a handsfree device.
I also get the impression that a lot of the problems people have had with either ROM is to do with their extended ROM, people seem to be putting all kinds of incompatible stuff in there. I am using a slightly modified version of the ROM found in the following post
BTW it was me who solved the MMS issue for Orange UK, you know what they say, if you don't blow your own trumpet then no one else will
Aha - so it was you, eh Fin?
Well - thanks V much for that!
If you don't mind me asking - what was the slight modification you made to the Extended ROM (That's the one I'm using too, but made no changes).
Anything major? Some apps specific to you or just a splash screen change? :wink:
I'll prob see how this 2.06 goes for a week, and if anything bugs me too much - I'll try the 2.02.
(Don't think I'm gonna touch the 2.20 Chinese ROM which is doing the rounds at the mo - my oriental is a little rusty! :lol: )
Keep up the good work!
512Meg SD
SPV M1000 (UK Orange)
ROM: 2.06.00WWE (At the moment!)
Radio: 1.18.00
ExtROM: 2.06.100a
All I added was IIWPO and a couple of other little applications like Soft Reset and the Ext ROM unlocker tools, nothing special!
Thanks for this I will try it out and let you know how it goes
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
NeCrOpHiLiCaT said:
will i need to reinstall all my apps again? or if i made a back up using xbackup could i then restore it once its been upgraded to 2003se and then have all my applications back?
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xbackup will not work properly if you flash your phone, so yes, you will have to reinstall all your apps again, but why not put some of them in the extended rom so it's not such a hassle next time you hard reset!
I have been using this build for about a week now, and all seems to work quite well, there are some problems mainly with the Today page having items disappear......I personally do not find that very annoying and everything else seems to work well, seems very stable ......I really like the intellidialer and feel thats a big improvement.
Thanks once again for releasing this
I haven't yet tried the update, but would like to know if somebody has tried Sprite backup and Tomtom Navigator 3 on W2003SE. I would like to update my M1000 with this version of W2003SE. Any feedback on this will be much appreciated.
Hi all you fellow Orange users, we need to get together on MSN Messsenger and have a good old chat..
My personal experiences are as follows :-
Tried 2.02 first, this was great and worked a treat with the orange ext_rom, had this for a while until i got my BT headset, then the problems started...
This ROM doesn't have headset profile and thus the mic on the BT headset would not work so i went back to 1.66 for a while.
Tried 2.20.07CHS Translated, this was better, everything worked but the fonts were a bit dodgy and some of the translation wasn't complete, so back to 1.66
Finally settled on 2.06 with a customised ext_rom with my own additions personal to me ! (all available here), this has a great BT headset mode wear my BT headset works fine, the BT activesync (a must once you've had it) works fine, you can even access the internet over it) thus doing away with my wifi card.... and with my customisations, everything is as near perfect as we'll get.
The only problem i have is that the BT headset today plugin tends to play hide and seek occationally.
Hope these options are of use to people, i love this M1000, even better now that we have WM2003SE.
Oh and hello to all the Orange users out there.
Hi guys,
First off, let me say thanks for this. I was getting a headache reading all the threads on the subject.
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with GPRS after the update? I have checked all the settings against the website suggested in the original post and even another phone. Everything looks identical to what it should be but it just will not connect.
Anyone got any ideas?
O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
Re: O2 XDA II to Orange SPV M1000
Viper_148 said:
Sorry, I'm quite new to flashing ROM's etc.
I have an O2 XDA II, i am now with Orange and would like to give my XDA II a nice Orange feel to it. Is it possible to flash my XDA II with an Orange ROM. has anyone done this? I just wondered if they were successful or is doing this going to render my device useless??
Thanks in advance
Andy Kaye
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There are quite a few people I have spoken to who have done what you want to do, and in principle it will be absolutely fine- XDA2 and M1000 are exactly the same device. The only issue will be a country code error- if you don't know what that is, it's an operator code that will not allow an upgrade of new software from a different network. To get round this you need to use a piece of software (xda2nbftool)which will set the country code on the upgrade to O2 (your current operator setting I assume) so that you can install the Orange version of the ROM which is floating about this forum. If you need any help with this, let me know and I will help you as much as I can. The only Orange customisation stuff is in the Extended ROM, and there are just a few CAB files that add all the Orange crap like settings,Orange Update/Backup etc.

Upgrading from Magician to Prophet

Hi there,
I've been using a Magician for the past 18 months (O2 Xda II mini) and have just ordered myself an iMate JAMin. It's a freebie on my current business phone plan.
Can someone tell me if the Prophet has suffered from the same problems with GPRS that the Magician has - i.e. trouble connecting to GPRS a second time, which seemed somehow related to the CallerID software?
And what English ROM is considered the best/most stable at present? Or put another way, which ROM version(s) should I avoid? :roll:
I upgraded and so far have not had a repeat of the GPRS issue you mention.
As for best ROM, someone else can answer that. Be careful though, some people have reduced thier pride and joy to a mere paper-weight after trying to flash to a new ROM. :shock:

What does the Wizard AKU2 ROM improve?

I've just purchased a T-Mobile UK MDA Vario branded handset along with the bundled CoPilot 6 Live GPS kit.
So far I've been frustrated with its sluggish behaviour all round, and a multitude of problems.
I've currently got the OMPA over clocking app running which improves the Co-Pilot launch time a lot.
However, I keep reading that an AKU2 ROM update is needed. However I cannot find *anywhere* (not just this site) an explination of exactly what improvements this ROM makes to the usability of the HTC Wizard.
I'm not interested in new features such as push email right now. I just want to be able to use the phone without it pausing for a minute and getting confused with too many button presses.
As my MDA Vario is only a few days old I'm told it can be returned if I just can't use it. Because of this I don't want to install any hacked/other network AKU2 ROM at present.
Can any body tell me or point me to some details about changes in this AKU2 ROM update please?
First off, search the forums for info on AKU2 ROM's, each of the ROM's ends up witha discussion of the good the bad and the ugly.
That said, the TMO UK Ship ROM is a pile of nasty stuff, slow, buggy and prone to crashing into one of two states (either the regular reboot or the device is on the lights are flashing but it won't wake up, receive calls or receive email). I'm stuck with it at the moment as I need to run the blackberry software.
The AKU2 ROM's are more stable, don't crash the device when using an SD card, the radio ROM's are faster and connect/reconnet to networks faster and fundamentally better (think Windows XP then XP SP2).
All of the AKU2 ROM's have subtle differences but for my money, if you dont want/need all of the cellular provider branding etc then I'd go with the latest QTEK SHip ROM (check the ftp site). It's easy enough to configure the GPRS, MMS etc for TMo after you've installed the ROM.
Generally, if you're new and it's a new device, read the forum postings, read the Wiki - it's all there though you may have to do some digging around. If all else fails post a query but be wary of posting questions that are on the forums as you'll be begging for a ton of abuse at using people's time to save you effort looking...
Don't give up on the device, once you move to AKU2 and away from that dodgy TMo 1.6 ROM you'll be much happier.
I spent ages reading post after post and not really getting a clear bullet list of what's what. Basically I wanted to know if the sluggish response from the phone would ever be improved. gives a fairly good (to me) break down of the features in the AKU2 ROM update.

HTC Hermes-My bad luck or what?

Hi guys its been 3months now since I bought this device called Orange SPV 3100[HTC Hermes]. Since then my struggle to keep it working all the time started. I love installing apps/games & moreover the educative apps the most. I never tried to tweak much with my device as I never had time to do this. I am using SKTools retail to keep my device healthy. But I don't know after such a short period of time I am feeling so irritated with this device, I am using WM5 official ROM of Orange. Its been 4 times in the entire period that I hard reset my device to set it right but again after 1 week I don't know what happens with it,that it always starts giving me one or other problems like- short battery life, hang[most of the time I have to soft reset my device,normally 20 times a day] I do some important work of mine & the next time it stops working as if there is something very heavy going on inside the RAM. Now after 4th hard reset I tried to set everything right but of no avail, I tried using task switcher of different brands in order to have some sort of task management, but again this stupid device not allowing any of these task managers to work. What should I do avoid such hangups, crashes, less battery life? What is the answer? does it lies somewhere in changing the device or changing the OS to WM6 as been claimed by many. I need Your reply seniors I really bought this device to be a part of Forum.Xda-developers family, but now I am so sad with my experience that sometimes I regret my decision of buying a PPC device when I have lot of important works to do[I am an attorney] Seniors, technicians I Urge You to look in to this matter as an urgency otherwise it will be a last week of this device with me.
"This device is suppose to help me & not the vice versa"
Saksham Katyal
Plz help me getting an answer friends. I am going out of town by Friday morning so I to decide about it as soon as possible that what can be the most appropriate answer to the adversities I am facing..
sakshamkatyal said:
Plz help me getting an answer friends. I am going out of town by Friday morning so I to decide about it as soon as possible that what can be the most appropriate answer to the adversities I am facing..
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I think I can feel your pain. I had a Dopod 838 pro (aka Hermes).
But you've already mentioned the source of your problem: you're still using WM5 on your Hermes (???). Even now, there are still people who have not flashed the latest official WM6 ROMS?
Why don't you download the official ROM from the HTC or dopod website and take the time to flash it to your device...
I flashed mine, and the number of times I had to soft-reset the device in a week I can count on three fingers. (of course, I will soft-reset everytime I do a backup, but never mind that). It turned out to be the BEST phone/PDA I have ever had in over 10 years.
The ONLY reason I switched to TyTN II Kaiser is coz I found I needed more RAM for applications (due to my work. I'm an FX trader and part-time real estate speculator). Otherwise, for normal usage (PIMs, contact management, Internet, messaging, phonecalls), I think I would have stuck with the Dopod for a very long time..
The only tweakers I used were SKTools and Memmaid (I'm still using them). You say you never tried to tweak coz you don't have the time? I'm afraid you better find the time, friend. One Saturday evening is all you need to go thru the settings.
For me, I think it's worth the trouble, considering what the Hermes is capable of helping me to do.
As a starting point, you can go back to your vendor who should be knowledgeable enough to assist with the tweaks. Or you can try browsing thru my bookmarks here:
Unfortunately his provider (Orange) has yet to publish a WM6 Rom for his device...
Does that matter? Take a trip to the Hermes Mobile 6 forum...
So friends, the answer lies in WM6? Can I use the WM6 posted here in the upgrading section in my Orange SPV 3100? No seniors here, I don't expect this from Forum.xda developers seniors. Plz seniors this could be last time I am posting here in this forum if no help will come through. Help me seniors..
Crash Override said:
Unfortunately his provider (Orange) has yet to publish a WM6 Rom for his device...
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Hmm... is the device locked to Orange? Locked phones can't use the official "generic" ROM from the Dopod/HTC website?
Hope y'all will excuse my ignorance in this. My old Dopod 838 pro wasn't locked to Maxis (my provider). I downloaded my SEA-version WM6 upgrade from the HTC website. (surely there is an Indian version?)
Guys I just installed Black Magic WM6 few days back with radio version 1.40. I am very happy now with my cellphone. Really there is a lot of change in WM5 & WM6, which I couldn't fathom. Thanx everybody for Your support. I would suggest anybody facing such problems to plz upgrade their machine. Highly recommended with help guide. Guys can You plz help me in finding the right version of radio. I mean I am using 1.40 is there any new version for my HTC TyTn device. it would be great...
Here you go - all the extracted Radio ROMs available for Hermes available for download. Read their respective threads if you want to know about their issues/performance.
I couldn't imagine using WM5 ever again. It would be like reverting back to dial up.

SPV M700 and 3 Network

Hello All,
I have just come across this site...looks very informative.
I am looking at getting a used M700 which I would like to upgrade the firmware to the WM6. I obviously want the most stable firmware where I don't have to keep resetting the phone everyday.
I am interested in using the following:
Voice calls
GPS with TomTom 6
Internet via 3 network where WiFi is not available
I assume once I update the firmware the phone would be unlocked so I can use the 3 SIM so which firmware is the most stable.
Thanks all for your help.
someone must be using this phone with 3??
There are a lot of ROMs for the Trinity. Each ROM cooker invests a lot of time creating something that he / she may get nothing in return for. By saying that one is a lot better than the others is in many ways disrespectful to the other ROM cookers.
I suggest that you take a day off work and read, read, read, read this site - each ROM thread - to see what comments individuals leave regarding each ROM.
I have tried many excellent ROMs listed on this site - and each has its plus and minus points. Different versions of different ROMs can be extremely different, too - so check out version details.
If you want WWE (WorlWideEnglish) You won't go far wrong with any of: (Sorry if I've forgotten you - make sure your ROM is on the Available ROM Versions page)
adewidt (ADW), AX3L, Black and Blue, bepe, FInixNOver, MARY, PDAVIET, Schap's or udK.
Personally, I've stuck with ADW 1.1 for a while - even come back to it - and will try out 1.2 shortly.
I would strongly suggest using a WM6 or WM6.1 ROM as opposed to a WM5 ROM. Good luck - and why not try the different ROMs out...
nealed said:
I have tried many excellent ROMs listed on this site - and each has its plus and minus points. Different versions of different ROMs can be extremely different, too - so check out version details.
If you want WWE (WorlWideEnglish) You won't go far wrong with any of: (Sorry if I've forgotten you - make sure your ROM is on the Available ROM Versions page)
adewidt (ADW), AX3L, Black and Blue, bepe, FInixNOver, MARY, PDAVIET, Schap's or udK.
Personally, I've stuck with ADW 1.1 for a while - even come back to it - and will try out 1.2 shortly.
I would strongly suggest using a WM6 or WM6.1 ROM as opposed to a WM5 ROM. Good luck - and why not try the different ROMs out...
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I put one on last year just after getting my m700, Lsvw I think it was. Not touched it scince. needs a reset once ina awhile, but like Broadband Providers and Mobile Carriers..... you pays your money and takes your choice (of course no money needed for the ROM's :0 )
Thanks for the replies.
Obviously it is great that someone can invest time and effort and provide a product for no financial reward.
Will probably try out a few ROMs first before choosing one, once I get the M700 that is.
Thanks again.
I bought an Orange SPV M700 recently and have now unlocked it using , upgraded the radio to using and installed this ROM
The ROM comes with Opera Mini 4 built in and it all works a treat on the 3 network in the UK including Tomtom 6 with traffic updates.
jackass said:
I bought an Orange SPV M700 recently and have now unlocked it using , upgraded the radio to using and installed this ROM
The ROM comes with Opera Mini 4 built in and it all works a treat on the 3 network in the UK including Tomtom 6 with traffic updates.
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Many thanks for the reply jackass.
How is the internet speed via 3.5g?
The speed seems good. I can't give you any figures though. Seem to get HSDPA in most populated areas. I was in Cornwall last week and got good speeds.
Hey Jackass, I have got the M700 flashed to the ROM you are using and I am well impressed.
Just wanted to know if you can help with the planet 3 settings which I am having some issues with. I can only really see my3 and everything else is blocked.
Are there some settings I can change to get planet 3 working?
Also do you have a slight delay in the phone ringing, I see a delay of about 1-1.5 huge problem but just wanted to know if you have the same issue and if you have found a solution?
Many thanks for your help

