Hi guys,
i tried to answer my question ( how to install an extended ROM on a Wizard?) by searching of this forum, with no luck.
I already got the QTEK extended ROM but i have no idea how to install it on my Wizard.
Thnx in advance!
MDA t-mobile
Radio : 01.13.10
ExtROM :
Hi folks,
i've got the following problem.
i own the MDA featured by the german t-mobile and i tried to
remove some of the yunk from the ROM.
the problem now, none of the passwords posted here works
with i rom-version.
anyone any useful ideas? beside droping this thing to the dump.
here some detail about the device:
MDA / 32MB
ROM-Version: 4.01.19 GER
ROM-Date: 04/05/03
Radio-Version: 3.23.11
Protocol-Version: 32S54
Which tool do you use to remove some of the software?
When will you be asked after a password?
hello all
i'm newbie with Qtek S100 (just bought last wednsday) and i would like to know where can i find the files (in english) to upgrade my ROM, ExtROM and Radio versions (also if you can tell me some procedures how to make it i would appreciate that)
at the moment i run ROM 1.03.00 WWE, Radio 1.01.00 and ExtROM 1.03.154 WWE
thank you all
i'm a newbie too, try to search in the ftp..
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/
here there are many files and some help!
thanks for the tip bubu
i was already watching the ftp site, but i can't understand which releases are in english or in other languages.
but thanks anyway
Hi, Newbie to the site,
I have an XDAIIi with Rom version 1.11.00 WWE
Radio version 1.00.00
Protocol version 1337.39
Ext Rom version 1.11.169 WWE
Can anyone advise me if this is the latest version or is there an upgrade available ? and if so where can I download it from.
Thanks in advance
Well For sure you will get more help in this section.
I have moved this topic from the Blueangle Section
Have a look at:
checkout here!
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Alpine/O2_Roms_Camera_Fixed_Bug
If you're not using O2 SIM, download the one with O2 stuff ripped. Special thanks to Pug
Sorry for the question that i guess that asked few times before...
But i jast canot find canot find the most update ROM for my TyTN
Whare can i find it ?
Shold i do the ROM update ?
is it recommended ?
My ROM detail is :
ROM Version :
ROM Date : 07/22/06
Radio version :
Protocol version 32.34.7010.01H
ExtROM version :
no new rom is out yet, check the faq for existing roms from other manufacturers although I'd advise you to stay with your tytn rom till a new official tytn one comes out.
Shipped rom upgrades:
Upgrading FAQs:
Iwill do that.
Thank you darky
Thank you pof
hello i am french and i have a qtek 1010:
version rom: 3.19.10 FRA
date rom: 06/30/03
version radio: 3.25.01
version protocol: 32S54
i realy need to upgrade it to the higtest wm rom that is possible (wm2003 and higter if it's possible)
a ANG ROM is not a problem
please help me quiqly!!!
does someone juste have a ROM to download???
it's ok
thank for your reply but it's ok i have flash a wm2003 on a sd card and i have make a reset in the wallaby
i am in 2003!!!!!!!
Congrats! In 7 years you'll be up to date!