Default filter in contacts? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

As I don't want to scroll thru all my 300 contacts when searching for one, does anybody know how to set a specific "filter by category" as default?
It's quite annoying that if a filter is once set, the setting will be gone when opening "contacts" again.
Some way to keep it?

Can anybody give me a hint?

Use a mort script or hack it.


Disable Vibrate Alert after you send SMS

I saw the Registry Edit for this but when I go to the path, HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings, there is no Settings folder? Can anyone help?
Just create it
In pretty much all the registry editors, choose new/create - Key
and name it "Settings"
i wanna do the same thing.. any idea how?
Its also vibrates when the connection take place during calling... Does anyone know how to disable this..

Pocket Informant Ringtones on Contacts

I am using Pocket Informant on my Cingular 8125 and the list box that is supposed to contain a list of available ringtones to assign to a specific Contact is empty on half the contacts. Some contacts have the ringtones list and on some it is blank. I can not figure out a difference between the contacts that would cause this. Anyone else have this problem and figure out a solution?
If you select a contact, and select edit, @ the top of the screen, is an option 'Add Field To Editor'. Select this, then select Ring Tone. Now, at the bottom of the screen is the available field! Unfortunately, you have to do this for every contact you wish to have other than the default ring tone...
Hope this helps!
I did that. The problem is that the ringtone list is empty on about half the contacts - and I can not figure out why.
Hey guys, I am using the Pocket Informant as well, and I have a problem I wanted to see if either one of you figured it out. I cant get the calendar to link to my left softkey on my 8125? I see some posts about it around, but I still have not figured it out. Also, I dont really like the contacts in Pocket Informant, but that links to the Right Softkey, I would like it to use the normal contacts, as opposed to pocket informants. So basically do either of you guys know how to change the links to the softkeys.
Simply change it from Calendar.exe to Calendar.lnk and that should fix it.

Change where contacts point on HTC Menu?

Hi there,
On the HTC main menu bar, the one you slide horizontally, there is a shortcut to the HTC contacts program.
I don´t like this program since I can´t have a grouping of contacts per company which the built-in contacts program have.
So I was wondering how I can change the shortcut on the HTC menu to the built in contacts program instead?
I checked on other forums and the reply was that it probably can´t be done, maybe it can be done with a registry hack. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help ...
You can't change the Manila default program to show another program in the contacts tab.
One solution would be to set one of your soft keys or a hardware button to point to the contact program of your choice.
Also some contact programs like Resco CM can be set as your default program, but that just means it will open when you press All Contacts in the contacts tab.

Registry backup

In order to make use of sashimi I want to back up all the necesary registry...
so I want this thred to be dedicated to registry identification and setting issues...
I'll begin with a list of registry settings that I need to identify... who knows where they are please jump in...
removing weather cities
removing timezone cities and set my location to a specific city
setting regional setting to a specific country
regional settings - my home country
internet default connection
sms: delivery notification ON
camera setings - superfine in pics
manila tabs config - just the order in witch they are and the tabs i don't wanna show...
font set to smallest
vibration (haptic) disable
phone ringtone set to xxxx - this i have found but it doesn't work
sms/mms set to xxxxx no vibrate
email set to xxxx no vibrate
missed call no alert
ring type set to ring no vibrate
quiet ring set to ON
pocket ring mode set to ON
no charge over USB
set clear type
email account (exchange - google sync) - this i think can be done through makisu/sashimi
cookie home tab settings: CookieHomeTabEditor
callendar look forward 31 days
shortcut grid 4x4
1 tab of shortcuts
shortcuts in the home tab...
facebook account credentials (sense wise not the facebook app... so it links the contacts)
and now we wait....
no one?
i have some answers though... I'll try to put them here...
removing weather cities
the list of installed cities is
There are several entries that begin weather.xxxx
the list of installed cities is
removing timezone cities and set my location to a specific city
not sure about timezone cities
setting regional setting to a specific country
start reading here
regional settings - my home country
see above
internet default connection
lost of sub keys, planner\settings\prefconn seems to be preffered connection list, but i also read online that it may or may not work.
Providers has a list of all your connections in it.
sms: delivery notification ON
DeliveryReport set to Dword 1
camera setings - superfine in pics
tips and tweaks thread
56. Incease Picture Quality of Camera Photos
The following tweak will allow the camera to save images at a less compressed jpeg rate, meaning that the image will be sharper and more detailed.
HKLM\software\htc\camera\image\jpegquaity\superfin e
Replace the 5Msize = 643628 value with 746028
manila tabs config - just the order in which they are and the tabs i don't wanna show...
see this article, its not a registry setting that controls order.
font set to smallest
couldnt find it
vibration (haptic) disable
not a single setting. Keyboards and other progs all have their own setting
set 'vibrate' to dword 0
phone keypad is possibly
SupportVibrateInPressKeyPad dword 0
sms\mms set to xxxxx no vibrate
message alert sound is
string value named Wave
Also in that key, if you set 'options' to 9, that is no vibrate, 11 is vibrate.
email set to xxxx no vibrate
see the sms section above,
there are loads of these keys, each one is a notification sound and options.
missed call no alert
see above
ring type set to ring no vibrate
see above
quiet ring set to ON
pocket ring mode set to ON
couldnt find
no charge over USB
have a look here
set clear type
create the key HKLM\system\gdi\CLEARTYPE
there are no values in this, just create the key to turn on cleartype.
Note that some programs like resco require their own settings.
all the cookies stuff is stored in
and all the keys start Co0kie.blahblah
hope these help.
thanks man
some of them i managed to find them... most not....
quiet ring set to ON
pocket ring mode set to ON
what about an xml to insert facebook sense credentials?... i found something on the forum in the registry... but it didn't work... it showed as logged in in data services but nu connection actually...
heh, see now you are way ahead of me. I dont back anything up except contacts, and i have a very small registry tweaks cab.
If it isn't in the registry i know nothing about it
samsamuel said:
camera setings - superfine in pics
tips and tweaks thread
56. Incease Picture Quality of Camera Photos
The following tweak will allow the camera to save images at a less compressed jpeg rate, meaning that the image will be sharper and more detailed.
HKLM\software\htc\camera\image\jpegquaity\superfin e
Replace the 5Msize = 643628 value with 746028
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
but his won't set super fine as camera setting.... i mean... default the camera shoots in fine mode... i was looking for something to set superfine as default.... this tweak only changes the superfine quality...
Manilla Tabs Order
Hey the location is for tabs is
just get everything the way you like than export it and every folder within that will do the trick!
If you have found out anything with xml with facebook email twitter and whatnot let me know i have had trouble with HTCAccountManager reg in this too.
is there a registry to set the default connection to use when connecting to internet?....
when i hard reset the phone it automaticly sets up my connections... like Internet, MMS and WAP... but it sets up the wap as default for connecting the internet.... what is the registry to change this to internet?... so i can use it with sashimi...
aa... btw... facebook cand be backed up with the registry fro htcaccount...
ccezar2004 said:
is there a registry to set the default connection to use when connecting to internet?....
when i hard reset the phone it automaticly sets up my connections... like Internet, MMS and WAP... but it sets up the wap as default for connecting the internet.... what is the registry to change this to internet?... so i can use it with sashimi...
aa... btw... facebook cand be backed up with the registry fro htcaccount...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, ill look around, by the way is there an advantage to changing the default connection? What do you set it at?
as i said i have 3 connection...
orange internet... to navigate the web
orange world... to navigate wap sites
orange mms.... multimedia messaging....
after connection setup the default connection for navigating the web is set to orange world... and i need a reg to modify this to orange internet...
Oh i understand now.. i think i have the soluton!
Correctly Configure your settings
extract GetBinaryFromReg
Connect Phone to computer(Activesync)
run .bat file in GetBinaryFromReg(follow the prompt)
rename RapiConfigOut.xml to _setup.xml
Extract Cabwiz_tools
replace the _setup.xml with the one you just renamed(from GetBinaryFromReg Folder)
Run .bat in cabwiz folder
This should of created a file named
rename it to
this will configure your settings when installed!
If your interested in using provisional XML to also backup ur email & wifi password settings to a cab i wrote a post here about it
thanks man... i'll try it... for the email settings i used makisu... will see about wifi...
nice you can take the email settings from the maiksu xml file and then use cabwiz to turn it into a cab if you like also.
does the signature for the email account (exchange) sits in the registry? i'd like to back that up too....

[Q] Contact-specific ringtone

Looked at every thread in Q&A and didn't see anything addressing this. While I can set a default ringtone, I can't set a specific ringtone for each contact. In the Contact Details screen, there's an Options/Ringtone that you can click, but changing it doesn't do anything. Anyone figure this out or is it just a bug?
bchen03 said:
Looked at every thread in Q&A and didn't see anything addressing this. While I can set a default ringtone, I can't set a specific ringtone for each contact. In the Contact Details screen, there's an Options/Ringtone that you can click, but changing it doesn't do anything. Anyone figure this out or is it just a bug?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can on mine, I just select the contact, and LOOK AT BOTTOM OF CONTACT INFO, I can assign a SPECIFIC ringtone to that contact ONLY...
if this option is not there by default, EDIT the contact and the option might appear at bottom of contact info...
I have my wifes number set to tone locs "Wild Thing..."
It looks like the problem was that I was syncing contacts from TMobile. For whatever reason you can't modify the ringtone, not sure if this is only a problem with Tmobile syncing or all syncing. You also can't modify ringtones on the TMobile website. So I exported contacts to my SD card, then imported back in. Now it works.

