1GB card detected as 135MB-Problem Solved - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I have a problem, the SD card works, the device asked me to format it, but after the format my S100 detects it as a 135 MB card. I don't have a card reader to try formating the card in it , but while in the phone i tried to format it from my PC - no change - after the formating it's still detected as 135MB. How can I fix this?
I've tried Resco Explorer, Softick CardExport II<both format on the device and from my PC in card export mode> and Pocket Mechanic<both in FAT16 and FAT32> - all the three of them detect it as 135 MB card. The card is working great with Universal, and in camera the card is working too, so it's OK and it's realy 1 GB....
the brand is 1GB PQI hi-speed 133
1GB PQI hi-speed 133x
R 1.13.00
G 1337.43
D 1.13.00 WWE

Subject: 1GB card detected as 135MB????? HELP ME PLEASE
Hi use this app inside the windows with a card reader,
CompuApps SwissKnife V3 3.22
link: http://software-files.download.com/...48&siteId=4&edId=3&pid=10485574&psid=10070864
good lock , [/quote]

10x, pal, as soon as i 've tried i'll write what's the result.

There's some kind of problem- Swissknife gives me an error when I try to run it under Windows XP SP2. During the install there were no errors. But the program crashes everytime I start it up... I've downloaded again from the developers site reinstlled it and - nothing - it gives me the same error again. everytime I run it I end up witjh the MS error reporting tool...

Problem Solved
IT WORKED. I've just needed to restart my PC. The card is shown now as 955MB card. Great tool. I've even succeded without the card reader-used Softik Card Export II and formated the card via the USB directly on my Qtek
Credits and thanks go to ronald11
10x buddy


sandisk sd card 2gb and qtek s100

I just bought a 2gb sandisk sd card
it is recognised by the magician but each time it switchs to stand by mode the "memory card" file disappears...So I have to take it out and to insert it again (two times) in order to see it again.
Is it normal ? or there's a problem with this card ?
Good to read, Storage to the people!
Take a look @ the card params too. Somehow a magician communicates better with a fat(16) card than fat32.
Have fun, M
thanks for your comment...
I can only format the sd card with the magician because i don't have a sd card reader for my PC. But with the program I use (FORMAT) I cannot choose FAT 16 or 32 - do you know a soft to do this ?
PHM Pocket Mechanic is very good for this, available on trial
I just received my Sandisk Ultra II 2GB card and it's working fine with my S100 (1.12) and I didn't have to format it when I received it.
However I have just come upon a problem. The card works fine in my S100 and I can copy files to it via ActiveSync. In order to speed things up I just tried putting it in the card reader in my laptop which reported it as unformatted...
Got the Sandisk Ultra 2 2GB for my M500 and it works fine in the phone , my card reader however does not like it either.
However i have sd-cf adapter that i use with my camera , i sloted the sd card in to that and in to the card reader and it works fine at very high speed.
Hope that helps.
Laptop doesn't have CF and I'm reluctant to allow it to format the card in case I suddenly have issues reading it in my S100. :/
hi, i ran a benchmark in my 512mb SD card (unknown brand - missing logo) with pocket mechanic and the results are: Read 5.1X and Write 0.6X. Is it bad?
ok my card reader on my laptop and my S100 must talk a different dialect of SD card because no matter what I do they can't work together.
If I format the card in my S100 and copy files via activesync the laptop reports the card as unformatted.
If I format the card in my laptop and copy files on my pocketpc can't see them.
Size doesn't fit to 2GB Card
Hi I just got my sandisk ultra II 2GB SD Card and at first it worked fine.
Magician recognized it as 2GB then i copied some files from my computer with my SD Card Reader. But after inserting the card into my magician i got some weird looking characters, files, and folders. So I inserted it again in my SD card reader and formatted the card. After that my pc and my magician doesn't recognise the card as 2GB anymore just 1GB .
Any help to solve this problem and to get my 2GB back ?
I too facing the same problem it is detecting as 1 GB instead of 2 GB also the after formatting sd card in card reader made i unformated for ppc and viceversa dam,anybody have a solution for this ?

How I fixed my 2GB miniSD problems

Today I received my 2GB Sandisk miniSD card from eCost (they sell it for real cheap so I thought I get one). I formatted it with XP (using its supplied SD placeholder) to FAT32. After I placed it on the PDA it reported the following crazy results:
2 GB storage
960 MB used
970 MBs free
In other words, my Wizard (running the latest AKU2 QTek ROM from ~March 22 2006) sees the full 2GB, but can only use 1 GB!!!
I then tried to format it with XP using FAT16, but the SAME problem occured.
Thankfully, I downloaded this utility: http://pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=3191 and I did a "repair" (or format) the miniSD via the PocketPC. THIS utility saved the day! It fromatted the miniSD card correctly! And now I can see and use ALL of the card.
Please note that the problem/bug might not be with XP or the PPC. It might be with the actual SD placeholder, or even the flash reader (hardware bugs). The point is, that somewhere along the way something gets screwed during the formatting. So, if you buy a miniSD 2GB and you get such or other problems, download the StorageTools utility linked above to format (or use "repair") the miniSD card directly in the PocketPC instead of using XP and a SD-placeholder/flash-reader.
BTW, I also posted a review of the QTek 9100 yesterday: http://tuxtops.com/node/749
wow! I'm reading your post and thinking I wrote it! I had the EXACT same problem. I tried another utility (that made my miniSD card unrecognizable to my kjam).....a quick format with my pc, and I was back to only about 1gb of usable space....then i stumbled across storage tools. I ran the repair, and it was fixed! ahhhhh 2gb of space....woohoo!
Same problem, diffrent solution...
I also had the same problem, but found another solution, after trying to reformat, both in ppc and pc and cardreader in printer, card was unreadable by all devices. Therefore, as a last resort, I put the card in my digital camera (nikon s2) wich recogniced the card as unformatted and kindly asked if I would like to format it... after that it worked perfectly
i got the same problem with my 2G sd card..
i formatted with my PC and now it show only 975mb in my card!!!!!!!!!
i had try to use the StorageTools to repair it via my XDA mini s.. but it still show 975MB.... any idea???
After you used StorageTools to repair the miniSD card, you need to do a soft reset for the PocketPC to recognize the rest of the card.
However, I must tell you, the only clear deal is to FORMAT the card WITH StorageTools and NOT to simply just do a repair.
Hey I have this same problem, but the link to the program is no longer any good. Does anyone know what the name of the application was.
Bought new card
OK- Now I do not know what to do. I just went out and bought a new 2GB scan Disk MiniSD card. When I went to install my data on it, I can only get 1GB on the card. I need 2 GB. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this. I thought the last card was bad, but I guess not. This happens on 8125 and in Windows. Both see the card as 2 GB but will error out when you try to add more than 1 GB.
Please help.
The name is that one: storagetools...
I had the same problem and using just the evaluation version of the program was good enough to format mi sd and everything it's ok!
what is a better format for MiniSD 1G (prob:read/writes slow)
I have a problem with my miniSD card reading and writing WAY too slow.
I think that may have happened when I formated the card as FAT32 partition instead of FAT. This thread seems like it is a helpfull answer, but which would read and write better? Does anyone know?
Thanx in advance.

Mini SD Card not showing correctly

I have a 2gb Sandisk Mini SD Card in my Qtek 9100 and up until today its been working fine. However my Qtek started to behave strange today and suddenly would connect to my pc via ActiveSynch nor could it read the sd card.
Well in fear of loosing all my stuff on the sd card I tried in other phones, on another pc, in my camera....jsut to save it but I couldnt.
I ended up doing a hard reset of the Qtek since I couldnt solve the ActiveSynch issue and now its up and running.
BUT.....my SD card is only on 1gb now. :-( So what can be done ? Format it....yup but I dont have any program to do it with....
Help help help....the next step is to send the sd card back to the company I bought it from but then I'll have to wait for a new one
Please help
Well I have just formattet the storage card with StorageTools and when I have the card in my qtek it shows 1gb
But if I put it in my camera and then connect it to my pc I see 2gb....
i had problems on my card and formated using wm5torage from the desktop...and it is working flawlessly, i suggest to do that...but usually that size problems happen in fake cards...do u filled the card some time or at least passed the 1gb limit?

memory card problem.. not installed

I use atom with sandisk 2gb memory card. i have formated my card with pocket mechanical Pro. software with it's default settings.
now in file explorer and storage place it says memory card is not installed.
i did soft and hard both reset. upgraded my rom again as well.
but helpless..
any solution guys?
Try using Resco Explorer or SKTools to format the Card in your Atom
problem solved.. i did install memory card in computer and formated it with FAT system... n it worked for me...
^does file explorer show its correct size?^
Hey guys I have also developed a problem with my memory card Sandisk 2 GB. I upgraded my Atom Exec today in the morning to the great WM6 AKU 7a of chartreux after install when I inserted the card my atom did not respond. I tried the card through card reader on my PC and it was working perfectly. Then I tried another 2 GB card of Kingstone (one of my friends) but my Atom Exec did not read it. I flashed the old original ROM from O2 but even then my Atom Exec is not reading the card please Help.

Cannot detected anymore the MiniSD card

Hey everyone,
For some reason, my HTC P3600 cannot detected anymore the MiniSD card.
It's weird, because the pda have used to run the MiniSD with TOMTOM and MP3 Files.
So, I checked my MiniSD on my laptop and everything is fine. I can read and write on it, and the 2 giga are well detected.
Has anyone have an idea about it ?
Thank in advance for your help.
HTC P3600
MiniSD Corsair 2G
Try to copy everything in your memory card in a folder on your PC; format memory card and copy everything you saved.
you must use a memory card reader.
Hey guys,
How do you format your mini Disk card?

