Propper VGA dialer, alterative to vjs fix - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

riteo, has any1 got a vga dialler skin in a cab file that isn't geeky or mad looking, using vjs bigphone, but I'm after a proper vga skin, screen shots appriciated

Exec Man,
as much as this could be made easier, when you run your phone in a non standard Geek mode, you have to go through a bit of pain to get it to run nicely. But you only do it once, and it's worth learning why you're doing these steps, because nothing here is fixed - you might find a better way to do any of this. Remember, I'm not a programmer, and the majority of us aren't professional geeks, so anything here could have been programmed by you or anyone else with enough time and frustration
Background fix - follow the instructions in the thread below:
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Button text fix - Thanks Azhad! (registry settings for manual fix):
(In a cab)


Question about VGA screen on exec

Just got my new xda exec this morning and was wondering if iit is possible to run apps in full vga mode, like PIE for example, when i try, all i get is the qvga size screen...
also, what is the difference between corparate and the other modes, is corparate the best one to use ?
Also, how do you hard reset these things....
so many questions... sorry
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Can't help you with corporate etc. I never installed any of it, I soft reset before I could be infected by the extended rom.
Here is a link where I found a simple explanation on the differences between Basic, Corporate, and Personal Modes:

Harry Potter - Ema Watson Theme Test

Ok, I took the iphone theme that has been finding its way around and decided to try and play around with it, just a little (so far).
The main portrait dialer is complete (for default and pressed buttons).
Please tell me what you think. It will be a couple of weeks before it is all complete, I am sure. I am trying to make it easy for others to change the images and have their own dialer. (That will take longer).
Comments are greatly appreciated.
CAB Installation file - only checked for Hermes should work for other phones with similar screen real estate.
Screen Shot:
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Gonna take it for a test drive, ill give some feedback later today(i hope)

Vito GoodWin

I've searched here and found only one other thread about this amazing piece of software. I believe this could out-do any other launcher on this site with a few new developments from our fellow members. From what i see, it is easily skinnable, however, i have no experience with that type of thing. This is why i come to you. I think we could make some amazing skins for this and i think all you need to do is edit the shell.bmp file in Vito's "skins" folder upon installation. I think it's got great potential!
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check it out, give some feedback
oh, and the other thread (contains one theme and more info, great start!)
its pretty much just like pointui, which should be skinnable soon, plus its free
i used it for a while nice but buggy and sometimes slow
i've given up looking for a better interface than the HTC Home Plugin.

Help me bring this to life..

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Could someone help me bring this to life??? What I'm unsure about is how do i make the buttons act like buttons, as in changing to a different overlay when selected, so it looks like the button is pushed in. Creating the new 'overlay' image is no problem for me, the problem is the functionality, how do i actually make it do it. Too bad this isn't javacsript, where u could just a simple onMouseOver...
Any help appreciated.
If you had a PPC... rlToday would work... but for smartphones.... I dont know... maybe phonealarmSP ?
I'm pretty sure i've seen this done without any extra uneeded plugins, i believe using <format="selected" bgimage=""> but im not sure how to use it, so anyone care to expand?
bump **********

[REQ] Weather App Font Size correction

Hi guys,
Been reading for days on the forums to mod the stock ROM on my Vz TP2 and and I'm very appreciative for all your efforts.
I've learned how to mod the font on my TF3D tabs....
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but I've run across the issue that everyone seems to hit after this change. The current temp is too large to be displayed.
I've tried everything I could find in my search and haven't found anything that works to change the font size, nor SHOWACO's fixed manila file (in fact, that one locked up my TF3D).
Can anyone point me in the right direction for a tutorial, so I can learn how to do this kind of mod myself? I'm no programmer like most of you, but, I'm not a light weight either and I'm very willing to learn.
My next step in learning is how to change the flip clock font to match, I'm using Berlin Sand FB if you are curious.
