Help me bring this to life.. - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

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Could someone help me bring this to life??? What I'm unsure about is how do i make the buttons act like buttons, as in changing to a different overlay when selected, so it looks like the button is pushed in. Creating the new 'overlay' image is no problem for me, the problem is the functionality, how do i actually make it do it. Too bad this isn't javacsript, where u could just a simple onMouseOver...
Any help appreciated.

If you had a PPC... rlToday would work... but for smartphones.... I dont know... maybe phonealarmSP ?

I'm pretty sure i've seen this done without any extra uneeded plugins, i believe using <format="selected" bgimage=""> but im not sure how to use it, so anyone care to expand?

bump **********


PIN No Skin Problem

Hey, I've been around recently checking a few things out, and decided to sign up earlier. I've been reskinning my SPV3100, Orange's version of the Hermes/TyTn and wanted to know could someone help me out with this -
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I take it you can see the pink pixels around the numbers? Well the colour is a lot more intense on my phone, and I've got rid of all other skins that I thought may be causing this. Can anyone help me get rid of it, or find a skin to overwrite it?
I had this issue, in the end i think i installed "HTC_Smartdialer2.5" and removed all other skins
I tried that, but it only works for the phone part, which was fine. This happens when I go to enter my PIN No for my phone when it boots up.
Thanks anyway

G1 Speak!

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Yes, there is a slight typo in the barcode, and go here to create barcodes:
funny i have been doing this for a while..
This may be a stupid question. but i figured i'd ask anyways. what can i do with these bar codes? i mean i know this dream can read them in apps like shop savy. and i know there's a way to enter contact info with them (but dont know how) but whats this all about?
i've had this one as my avatar for quite a while now, along with other people.
I've seen these types of barcode on contact cards etc., but so far, i've not found any use for them (except hiding offensive messeges )
they seem pretty unnecessary to me tbh.

live search crashes on wing/herald

i finally found the perfect rom and now live search keeps crashing, i get a details page that says the following
Missing method exception cant find an entry point "waveinopen" in a PInvoke DLL 'coredll'
anyone kow what this means and how to fix it, i use it alot and would really like to keep it without sacrificing my rom that i love
i installed net framework 2 and still didnt work either, any help .........
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wow so no one knows a slouton to this huh too bad i guess

Making new home tab.... Need Help from the Masters

Ok i am coming up with a new set up icons that top my transparent home tab layout made by BIGnADAD.... i truly never know it takes soo much effort to create these. I am asking for someone help who could find the time to finish this project for me. I think its worth the while, but this is my own opinion.
If interested here is mockup of what some of the icons look like:
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Im simply trying to find the most detailed icons i can for this project. so if interested please contact me. i will supply all the icons for you;
home/missed calls/people/messages/email/calender/stocks/ereader/facebook/twitter/footprint/weather/manilla tv/internet/photos/documents/music/settings

Customize Any and Every sound on Android

Note 9
I'm wondering, since I have not come up with any results searching for a specific App which is automated. I have found instructions on how to accomplish the same result. I'm looking for a click and pick/choose option. yea, it sounds lazy. But, my girlfriend is NOT technically adept and ask me this question.
I have found nothing Other than Zedge which is not what im looking for. I'm looking to change every sound thats associated with an action. Swipe, Tap, etc..
Is there anything out such as this?
I should add also that she is unwilling to Root her phone....
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